Is it a Barrel?  A multi-criteria webserver for retrieving likely outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria.
Is it a Barrel?  A multi-criteria webserver for retrieving likely outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria.
Is it a Barrel?  A multi-criteria webserver for retrieving likely outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria.
Is it a Barrel?  A multi-criteria webserver for retrieving likely outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria.
Is it a Barrel?  A multi-criteria webserver for retrieving likely outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria.
Filter putative TMBB proteins:

SignalP 5.0 Prediction:
The Signal P5 Prediction must be between 0.5 and 1.0 and the max >= min.
The Signal P5 Prediction must be between 0.5 and 1.0 and the max >= min.

Please select one or more of the type options.

Please select zero or more of the protein type options.

Sequence Length (residues):
The Sequence Length must be between 120 and 1040 residues and the max >= min.
The Sequence Length must be between 120 and 1040 residues and the max >= min.

Organism Search Assistant:

First Search Term:

Add Additional Search Terms:

Your organism search string is malformed. Please correct and submit again.

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