Kaiju Bromides

Max Toy Bromide Project
These Kaiju Bromide cards are truly amazing little works of art!

I recently received The Max Toy ‘Bromide Project’ cards from Mark Nagata (Alex Wald’s wonderful San Francisco themed painting pictured above) and they are incredible!
Bromide Sets
I have collected quite a few of these artistic cards (appx. 200), pictured above is the Max Toy Set and the Godzilla Classic Box Set. The Japanese seem to always have a real flair for packaging, no exceptions here…as is common with Bromides, each card is sealed in it’s own little envelope and packaged together with colorful artwork and then secured by a neatly tied string!

I have scanned about 30 of my personal favorite Bromide Cards and started a new high-res flickr set. I chose not to scan any of the Max Toy Bromides… as they are for sale now over at the Max Toy store, try and pick up a set if you can…you won’t be disappointed!
Bromide Project
The term BromideĀ  has been around a very long time…since the 19th century! Bromide actually refers to a type of photographic paper that is coated in an emulsion of silver bromide. Here are some flickr examples.

As sometimes happens in Japan…things do get lost in translation…the Japanese use the word ‘Bromide’ to cover a wide range of commercial portraits and cards, regardless of what process was used for developing. Japanese ‘Bromides’ typically feature celebrities, popular Geisha, singers, and luckily in our case… kaiju!
Varan Bromide

Click Varan above to visit The new KaijuArt.com Bromide Gallery!

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