
Now Masteries are here to give your champions better stats and makes them stronger. You unlock a Point to use each time you level up your Summoner level, so a max of 30 points to use in your Mastery Pages. (The one out of the game). There are three sections, Offensive, Defensive and Utility. Different Masteries work better with different champions. Now the best set up for most Mastery Pages are to have 21 points in one section and 9 points in another. This gives you the best use of Mastery points, most of the time. Here are some of my Mastery Pages to give you a better idea of how to set them up.

Ability Power

This first Mastery Page is made for champions that use ability power. The Page focuses on bonus ability power, cooldown reduction and defense.


ADC (Attack Damage Carry) Page is made for sustaining (being able to stay in the lane for longer), dealing more attack damage, bonus attack speed and defense.


Support focuses more in Utility, giving you bonus movement speed, Mana Regeneration, bonus gold and experience and defense.

These Pages are very standard and there are a lot of different ways you can use these little buffs to your advantage. If you do not use your Masteries well, you will have a disadvantage when fighting your opponent.






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