A new year is here, which often brings with it some kind of New Years resolution. It’s a good thing to think about what we’re eating or not eating, about our health and our financial picture and our relationships, but at the beginning of a new year, the question most people end up focusing on, just because of our culture, is, “What should I do about me? How do I make me a better version of me? How do I get slimmer or stronger or smarter or get out of debt?” All those things are good. But for us, for the next few weeks, we’re going to focus our attention on a broader, and really, a better question. This question is a little bit threatening, which is why we’re gonna talk about it for four weeks.

A Dangerous Question (1/7/18)

Letting God Choose (1/14/18)

Devotion Motion (1/21/18)

Adjective Adjustment (1/28/18)

Priority One (2/4/18)