Ganglions are collections of neurons located outside of the central nervous system. The parasympathetic ganglia are 4 ganglia found in the head providing parasympathetic innervation to different tissues.

Figure 1. The parasympathetic ganglia of the head.


Even though sympathetic and sensory fibers pass through the parasympathetic ganglia, they do not synapse there, but rather only "pass-through" the parasympathetic ganglia. For this reason, these ganglia are known as parasympathetic ganglia.

  • All of the parasympathetic innervation originates in the brainstem and is carried by cranial nerves before synapsing in the ganglia
  • All of the sympathetic innervation originates in the lateral horn of the spinal cord, reaching the superior cervical ganglion (a sympathetic ganglion), internal carotid, middle meningeal, and facial artery plexuses (sympathetic plexuses found around arteries).
  • The sensory fibers are all branches of the three divisions of the

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