gastric pit

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Related to gastric pit: Stomach mucosa

gas·tric pit

one of the numerous small pits in the mucous membrane of the stomach, the bases of which are perforated by gastric glands.
Synonym(s): foveola gastrica [TA]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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gastric pit

Any of many foveolae in the gastric mucosa into which the gastric glands open. See: illustration
See also: pit
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners
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The upper and lower gastric pit epithelium was purple and red, respectively.
As we know from Table I that the reactions to PAS were positive in the mucosal epithelial and gastric pit in the fundic glandular area, and more strongly positive in the gastric pit.
SM, submucous layer; LM, longitudinal muscle; CM, circular muscle; LMM, lamina muscularis muscosae; GP, gastric pits.
The fundic glands are simple, branched tubular glands that extend from the bottom of the gastric pits to the muscularis mucosae (Figure 1), and are formed by four functional types of cells: mucous neck cells, chief cells, enteroendocrine cells, parietal cells (also called oxyntic cells), and undifferentiated cells.
The magnified views of Hp-related gastritis significantly differed from normal mucosa presenting collecting venules and true capillaries forming a network with gastric pits in the center [102].
The stomach of the pangolin and rat are characterized with numerous gastric pits with the zymogenic cells located towards the base of the gland, the parietal cells along the length and the mucus-secreting cell at the luminal surface (Fig 1a & b).