The Hidden Health Impacts of Snoozing the Alarm Clock

2 min readOct 21, 2023

Snoozing the alarm clock is a common morning ritual for many people, as they seek a few more moments of sleep before starting their day. While this practice may seem harmless or even beneficial for obtaining a little extra rest, it can actually have a range of impacts on health and well-being. This explanation will cover various aspects, including its effects on sleep cycles, the cardiovascular system, and cognitive performance, among others.

Disrupts Sleep Cycles

One of the most significant impacts of snoozing the alarm is the disruption it causes to natural sleep cycles. When you hit the snooze button, you may drift back to sleep but are unlikely to complete a full sleep cycle, which usually lasts about 90 minutes. This fragmented sleep can result in sleep inertia, the grogginess and disorientation felt upon waking, which may persist for several hours.

Read more: How snoozing affects sleep cycles

Affects Cardiovascular Health

Repeatedly waking up and falling back asleep in the morning may also place stress on the cardiovascular system. The abrupt awakening triggered by an alarm clock causes a spike in blood pressure and heart rate. Repeatedly hitting snooze can make these spikes occur multiple times, which may have long-term negative effects on cardiovascular health.

Read more: Snooze button and cardiovascular health

Impairs Cognitive Performance

The interrupted sleep resulting from hitting the snooze button can have repercussions for cognitive performance. Because the brain hasn’t fully transitioned from a sleep state to wakefulness, you may experience reduced alertness, slower reaction times, and impaired memory and judgment throughout the day.

Read more: How snoozing affects cognitive performance

Alters Hormonal Balance

The act of snoozing can also interfere with the body’s hormonal balance. The cortisol awakening response, which is a natural increase in cortisol levels that occurs shortly after waking, can be disrupted by hitting the snooze button. This could lead to imbalances in cortisol throughout the day, affecting mood and stress levels.

Read more: Snooze button and hormonal balance

Affects Mental Health

Frequent snoozing could lead to feelings of guilt, frustration, or stress, as it often results in a rushed morning routine. This hurried start to the day may set a negative tone that lasts for several hours or even the entire day, potentially impacting overall mental well-being.

Read more: How snoozing affects mental health

Snoozing the alarm clock may offer the allure of a few more minutes of sleep, but it can have a variety of negative effects on both physical and mental health. From disrupting natural sleep cycles to potentially affecting cardiovascular health and cognitive function, the practice has far-reaching implications. While hitting the snooze button occasionally may not have significant consequences, making it a habitual practice could lead to longer-term health concerns.

