“Harmonizing Life: Embrace the Ripple Effect of Vibrations, Thoughts, and Nature’s Symphony”

Rastar Thirteen El Bey
Life’s Good
Published in
14 min readApr 3, 2024


Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, you are much more than what you eat? Imagine for a moment that every little thing you come into contact with-every bite of food, every tune you hum, every image that catches your eye, and even the fleeting thoughts that cross your mind-plays a role in shaping the person you are today and the world you live in. It’s like each of us is a garden, and everything around us is either sunlight, water, or the soil that helps us grow and flourish.

Now, this isn’t just a nice thought to brighten up your day. There’s real science and wisdom behind it. Just like a plant stretching towards the sun, reaching out for that life-giving light, we too are influenced by everything we “consume.” Our bodies, believe it or not, are like sponges, soaking up not just nutrients from food, but vibes, energies, and even ideas from our environment. That’s right, the music you love dancing to, the movies that make you laugh, the conversations that light up your day, and yes, the food you enjoy-all of it feeds into the very essence of your being.

But it’s not just about what goes into our bodies. It’s also about what we send out into the world. Our words, our actions, even our thoughts, ripple through the world around us, influencing everything they touch, just like pebbles tossed into a pond. So, in a way, we’re both the garden and the gardener, nurturing ourselves and the world around us with every choice we make.

In the journey we’re about to embark on through this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating ways our bodies connect with the water that makes up most of their mass, the mysterious power of vibrations that can alter the very structure of water (and therefore us), and the undeniable link between humans and the natural world, particularly plants and trees. We’ll explore how our thoughts have the power to shape our reality, challenge our perceptions of what’s real, and even reconsider our understanding of time itself.

So, buckle up! We’re about to take a fascinating ride through the world of vibrations, perceptions, and the beautiful interconnectivity of all things. Ready to see how you can cultivate the best possible “garden” for yourself? Let’s dive in!

Our Body’s Connection with Water

Water is not just something we drink to quench our thirst; it’s the essence of life and a major part of what makes us human. Did you know that our bodies are made up of about 85% water? Yes, you read that right! We’re more water than anything else, which makes us walking, talking oceans in our own right. This isn’t just a fun fact; it’s a vital piece of the puzzle in understanding how we interact with the world around us.

Think about this for a moment: if we’re mostly water, then whatever affects water can affect us too, right? Scientists have discovered something truly remarkable in this regard. Water, it turns out, is incredibly sensitive to vibrations, such as those from music, spoken words, and even thoughts. When water is exposed to positive, harmonious vibrations, it can form beautiful, intricate patterns, much like the stunning designs seen in snowflakes. On the flip side, negative, chaotic vibrations can make water’s structure look disordered and fragmented.

So, what does this mean for us, the walking oceans? It means that every song you listen to, every word spoken to you or by you, and even every thought that crosses your mind can influence the water within you. When you listen to uplifting music or hear kind words, the water in your body can respond in kind, potentially leading to a state of harmony and well-being within. Conversely, negative inputs might disturb this inner harmony.

But it’s not just about the water inside us; it’s also about how we, as predominantly water-based beings, connect with the rest of the world. Water is a connector, a communicator, and a carrier of energy and information. This interconnectedness suggests that we’re not isolated entities but part of a vast, intricate web of life, where every ripple we make can spread far and wide.

Now, let’s take a moment to reflect on this. If something as simple as a kind word or a beautiful piece of music can change the structure of water, imagine what it can do for you, for your health, and for your overall well-being. This realization opens up a whole new world of possibilities for how we can nurture ourselves and the people around us, simply by being mindful of the vibrations we create and surround ourselves with.

The Power of Vibrations

Have you ever dropped a stone into a calm pond and watched the ripples spread out in all directions? It’s a simple action, yet it has a mesmerizing effect. This is the power of vibrations in action, and it’s not just limited to water in a pond. The whole universe, including us, is constantly vibrating, and these vibrations have the incredible ability to change the world around us.

Vibrations come in many forms — from the music that moves you to the words that touch your heart. When we speak, sing, or play an instrument, we’re sending out vibrations into the world. These aren’t just sounds; they’re energies that can interact with everything they touch. And since we’ve already discovered that we’re mostly water, imagine how these vibrations affect us on a cellular level.

Music, for example, is a universal language precisely because of its vibrational power. A beautiful melody can lift your spirits, calm your mind, and even heal your body. This isn’t just a feeling; it’s a physical response. The right kind of music can literally harmonize the water within us, leading to a sense of balance and well-being.

But the power of vibrations goes beyond just music. Words carry their own vibrations too. Positive words can uplift and inspire, creating a ripple effect of positivity. On the other hand, harsh or negative words can disrupt and disorient, both in the water around us and within our bodies. This is why the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” isn’t entirely accurate. Words can and do have a profound impact, vibrating through our bodies and influencing our state of mind and health.

And it’s not just about the water inside us; plants, which are also largely made up of water, respond to vibrations in remarkable ways. Studies have shown that plants can thrive with the right kind of music or suffer when exposed to harsh, jarring noises. This suggests a deep connection between all living things and the vibrations that surround us.

Understanding the power of vibrations opens up new pathways for healing and well-being. It suggests that by surrounding ourselves with positive, harmonious vibrations, whether through music, kind words, or a nurturing environment, we can positively influence our health, our emotions, and even our relationships. It’s like tuning an instrument to the right frequency; when we’re in harmony with the vibrations around us, life just seems to flow more smoothly.

Humans, Plants, and Trees: The Connection

Have you ever felt a sense of peace and rejuvenation while walking through a forest or a lush garden? There’s a reason for that. Just as we share a profound connection with water, we also share a unique bond with plants and trees. This connection goes beyond mere biology; it touches the very essence of our being and our place in the natural world.

Humans, plants, and trees are all part of the same ecosystem, reliant on each other for survival and growth. Trees produce the oxygen we breathe, while we, in turn, release carbon dioxide that plants need to thrive. But this exchange is more than just a biological process; it’s a dance of life, a constant give and take that sustains the planet.

This interconnectedness also extends to the vibrational level. Just as humans respond to vibrations, so do plants and trees. Studies have shown that plants can grow faster and healthier when exposed to pleasant music or positive vibrations. This isn’t just about the sound waves; it’s about the energy and intention behind them. When we care for plants with love and respect, they respond in kind, growing more vigorously and even producing more fruit and flowers.

Moreover, the relationship between humans and the natural world is deeply rooted in our psyche. Nature has a way of healing us, of bringing us back to our centre. The calmness we feel in a green, vibrant environment isn’t just psychological; it’s a physical response to the harmonious vibrations of the natural world. In a way, we’re tuning into the same frequency as the plants and trees around us, finding a sense of balance and well-being in their presence.

This connection also highlights the importance of caring for our environment. When we nurture nature, we’re not just preserving the planet; we’re nurturing ourselves. By planting trees, caring for gardens, and protecting natural habitats, we’re contributing to a cycle of health and vitality that benefits all living things.

The lesson here is clear: our connection with plants and trees is not just beneficial but essential. It’s a reminder that we’re not separate from nature; we’re part of it. By understanding and nurturing this connection, we can create a healthier, more vibrant world for ourselves and future generations.

The Role of Thoughts in Shaping Reality

Imagine your mind as a garden, where every thought is a seed that has the potential to grow into a beautiful flower or a pesky weed. This analogy isn’t just poetic; it’s a reflection of how powerful our thoughts truly are in shaping the reality we live in. Our thoughts, much like vibrations, can influence the physical and non-physical world around us, playing a crucial role in crafting our experiences and perceptions.

The concept that “thoughts become things” is more than just an inspirational quote; it’s a principle echoed in various fields of study, from psychology to quantum physics. When we focus our thoughts on something positive, we’re not just feeling good in the moment; we’re actually contributing to the creation of a positive reality. Conversely, dwelling on negative thoughts can lead to a cycle of negativity, attracting experiences that reinforce those thoughts.

This process works because our thoughts influence our actions and reactions. When you wake up thinking it’s going to be a great day, you’re more likely to notice the good things that happen, which in turn can lead to more positive experiences. On the other hand, if you start the day expecting the worst, you might unconsciously overlook the good and focus on the bad, thus shaping a less favorable reality.

Moreover, the energy of our thoughts can affect the environment around us. Just as positive words and music can change the structure of water, positive thoughts can enhance the vibrational quality of our surroundings. This isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about creating a frequency that resonates with well-being, harmony, and growth.

It’s also important to realize that our thoughts have a cumulative effect. Just like watering a garden, nurturing your mind with positive thoughts over time can lead to a more flourishing and vibrant life. This doesn’t mean ignoring challenges or negative emotions but rather choosing to focus on solutions and growth.

Understanding the role of thoughts in shaping reality empowers us to take control of our mental garden. By consciously planting seeds of positivity, hope, and gratitude, we can cultivate a reality that reflects the beauty and abundance of our inner world.

Perception and Reality: More Than Meets the Eye

Our perception of the world is not just a passive reception of information; it’s an active creation, a painting we continuously craft with the brush of our senses and the palette of our minds. What we see, hear, and feel is not merely a direct reflection of the external world but a complex interpretation created by our brains. This realization opens up a fascinating discussion about the nature of reality and the role our perceptions play in shaping it.

Consider for a moment the process of seeing. Our eyes capture light, but it’s our brains that interpret this light and construct the images we “see.” This process is akin to how a movie projector works, turning light into vivid pictures on a screen. But here’s the twist: what if the movie we’re watching is not just a playback of the external world but a creative production shaped by our beliefs, experiences, and expectations?

This is where the concept of reality as a hologram comes into play, an idea popularized by scientists like Bruce Lipton. The holographic principle suggests that what we experience as reality is actually a projection, crafted by the intricate interplay between our perceptions and the universe. In this model, the boundaries between the observer and the observed blur, suggesting that we’re not merely in the universe but that we are the universe, participating in its creation at every moment.

This perspective has profound implications for understanding our place in the world. If our perceptions can influence our reality to such an extent, it highlights the power of our consciousness and the importance of cultivating a positive, open-minded outlook. By changing our perceptions, we can change our reality, opening up new possibilities for growth, healing, and transformation.

Furthermore, this interplay between perception and reality suggests that our experience of the world is deeply personal and subjective. What one person perceives as a challenging obstacle, another may see as an exciting opportunity. This subjectivity is not a limitation but a powerful tool, allowing us to shape our realities in ways that align with our deepest desires and aspirations.

In embracing the malleable nature of reality, we’re invited to become conscious creators, using our perceptions to craft a world that reflects our highest values and dreams. It’s a reminder that reality is not fixed but fluid, shaped by the lens through which we choose to view it.

Living in the Past, Present, and Future

Our journey through the landscapes of perception and reality brings us to a curious crossroads: the realm of dreams. Dreams are more than just nightly narratives; they’re gateways to understanding the fluid nature of time and our existence within it. In dreams, the boundaries between past, present, and future often blur, offering a unique perspective on how we navigate the streams of time in our waking lives.

When we dream, we enter a world that feels utterly real. We interact with people, visit places, and experience emotions as vividly as in our waking life. This raises a fascinating question: Are these dream experiences any less real because they occur in our minds? Dreams challenge our conventional understanding of reality, suggesting that what we perceive as real is not limited to the physical world. In dreams, we can revisit past memories, explore present concerns, and even catch glimpses of potential futures.

This fluidity of time in dreams reflects a deeper truth about our existence. Just as dreams are not confined to a linear progression of time, our consciousness, too, is capable of transcending the linear boundaries of past, present, and future. We constantly navigate through these temporal dimensions in our minds, revisiting memories, engaging with the present, and envisioning futures. This dynamic interplay shapes our reality, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world.

The concept of dreaming also touches on the idea of parallel realities or dimensions. Some theories suggest that when we dream, we’re not just concocting fictional tales but might be experiencing realities as tangible and valid as our waking world, perhaps in different dimensions or timelines. This notion challenges us to reconsider the very nature of existence and the multiple layers of reality we might inhabit.

Understanding the multifaceted nature of time and reality through the lens of dreams encourages us to embrace a more fluid and expansive view of life. It suggests that we are not just passive observers, moving along a predetermined timeline, but active participants, capable of navigating through time in a more non-linear, dynamic way. This realization empowers us to live more fully in the present while honouring our past and consciously shaping our future.


As we reach the end of our journey through the fascinating interplay of water, vibrations, nature, thoughts, perception, dreams, and time, it’s clear that the world around us-and within us-is far more intricate and interconnected than we might have initially believed. We’ve discovered that we’re not just passive inhabitants of the Earth but active participants in a dynamic, ever-evolving tapestry of existence. Recap of Our Exploration:

  1. Our Body’s Connection with Water: We delved into how our bodies, predominantly made of water, respond to the vibrations and energies around us, illustrating the profound impact of music, words, and thoughts on our well-being.
  2. The Power of Vibrations: We explored the universal language of vibrations, understanding how they influence not just water but the entirety of our surroundings, including the growth and health of plants.
  3. Humans, Plants, and Trees: We uncovered the symbiotic relationship between humans and the natural world, highlighting how nurturing our environment can, in turn, nurture us.
  4. The Role of Thoughts in Shaping Reality: We examined the potent influence of our thoughts on our reality, emphasizing the importance of fostering a positive mindset to cultivate a desirable life experience.
  5. Perception and Reality: We ventured into the complex relationship between perception and reality, contemplating the idea that our reality might be more of a subjective creation than an objective truth.
  6. Living in the Past, Present, and Future: We considered the fluid nature of time, especially as experienced in dreams, suggesting that our consciousness might navigate past, present, and future in a non-linear fashion.

This expedition through the realms of water, vibrations, and consciousness reveals that every aspect of our existence-what we consume, what we think, and how we perceive-plays a crucial role in shaping our reality. It’s a powerful reminder of our capacity to influence our lives and the world around us positively.

As we part ways, I encourage you to reflect on these insights and consider how you can apply them to your own life. Are there areas where you can be more mindful of the vibrations you’re emitting and absorbing? How can you nurture your mental garden with more positive thoughts? What steps can you take to deepen your connection with the natural world?

If this article has sparked curiosity, wonder, or even a shift in perspective, I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. Subscribe for more explorations into the mysteries of our existence, and if you’ve enjoyed this journey, don’t forget to give it a clap. Together, let’s continue to uncover the beauty and complexity of the world, both seen and unseen.

Thank you for embarking on this adventure with me. Your engagement and curiosity make this exploration all the more enriching. Should you wish to revisit any section or delve deeper into these topics, feel free to reach out. Until our next journey, keep nurturing your garden, exploring the depths of your reality, and shaping the world with your unique vibration.



Originally published at http://rastar13.com on April 3, 2024.

