ABOMINABLE PUTRIDITY – Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation

After nearly a decade of not releasing content, Russia’s Abominable Putridity have unexpectedly released a brand new full-length given in such contrary that not only have shocked and pleased many fans within the brutal death and slam metal community, but this third full-length offering is perhaps the most chaotic, heaviest, most polished and clean sounding albums I think I’ve ever heard coming from this band. As someone who’s been following them since 2012’s The Anomalies of Artificial Origin, Abominable Putridity’s musical style, components, diversity and influence in the brutal death metal scene is not only very well deserved but for a band like them who are so respected in the scene have met my expectations very highly.

Musically, Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation introduces some very interesting twists and turns as the album not only is the first without Matti Way who was in the last Abominable Putridity record, but this time around they got a brand new vocalist in the front named Angel Ochoa which you may best known him for his other projects such as California’s Disgorge and Cephalotripsy well as his short time with Amputated Genitals but overtime as I was listening to this album, this record has leaps and bounds a wide variety of fascinating melodies, tempos, and sections of every instrumental piece is solid, ambitious, realistic and extremely dynamic as I was listening to the mid to late 2000’s era of Devourment, Pathology and even some Disfiguring The Goddess to a extent. But what makes Abominable Putridity so special to me is not only their sound is accessible, filtered and unadulterated but rather keeping their songwriting, deliverance and implementing different hybrids of traditional brutal death metal signatures well as keeping the groovy, slam filled instrumentals have given this album a one-two punch in the face where I feel my adrenaline kicked in and witnessed such growth this band surely came long ways to create a record that’s vicious, assaulted and catchy at times.

Songs such as Superior Extradimensional Decimation, Macrocosmic Cessation and Non Infinite Sequence not only made these songs feel consistent and modernized, but for a two piece band like Abominable Putridity it really wowed me front to back because it makes them feel like they are really putting some real effort into writing, and making the songs feel consistent at best. Tempo variations from the guitars, bass and drums are extremely fluent and organically appropriate to bring relentless, aggressive and providing wonderful signatures to the forefront. The artwork itself caught my attention since the band is well known for having lyricism revolved around mutations, science fiction, biology, horror, conspiracies and other subjective matter including Human Race as Angel’s comprehensive and intelligent songwriting feels you’re in a extraction point where the extraterrestrials are overrunning with such fear, terror and suspense as I’m basically watching the entire Alien movie franchise of how sickening this album is front to back.

There’s still some slam elements thrown into the mixtures which reminds me a lot of Cephalotripsy, Analepsy, Extermination Dismemberment and Kraanium where the tempo of the songs stays intact while the slams plays a punishing role throughout the beginning and end of this record. Parasitic Metamorphosis Manifestation is a massive improvement over past Abominable Putridity records as they’re still retaining the heaviness, and nasty progression fillers it delivers some of the finest material the band has put out to date that’ll please any brutal death metal fans.



Overall Score: 10/10
Review by Jake Butler



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