Yes, We Have Tigers in Ohio

Tiger beetles, that is. (Yes, I used “click bait” to get you excited, and I’m not sorry.)

I know you’re all waiting with bated breath for news of my Big Bug Year, but I’m having some difficulties downloading the data I need from iNaturalist. That will come soon enough, but for today I want to introduce you to one special kind of beetle that’s starting to attract a wider fanbase of human admirers lately.

Six-spotted tiger beetle staring me down (Cicindela sexguttata)

Tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) are a subfamily of the ground beetle family of insects (Carabidae). They’re fast-running beetles with massive, scary jaws. They can run so fast that their vision gets distorted, and they have to stop periodically to reorient themselves as they chase down their prey. This behavior results in their movements being compared to those of shorebirds who run/stop/run/stop. Imagine being an ant and seeing those jaws coming toward you.

The last thing the ant saw was those massive jaws….

Part of the reason there’s more attention on them lately is that my friend Judy Semroc is working on a new book about the tiger beetles of Ohio. I invited Judy to be the speaker at our annual meeting of the Toledo Naturalists’ Association this past week, and our members were enthralled by her talk. She’s one of three co-authors compiling data from around our state for the book, to be published by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. You’ll remember that Ohio recently finished a three-year survey of our dragonflies, right? (If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you definitely read about it multiple times, as I participated quite enthusiastically.)

LeConte’s tiger beetle (Cicindela scutellaris ssp. lecontei), a subspecies found in the Great Lakes region

The Ohio dragonfly survey was lead by a fantastic team of coordinators in each region of the state, and it’s starting to sound like many of those dragon hunters are going to be on the tiger hunting team next summer too. Bug geeks unite! It’s so nice to have something to look forward to these days; this has really lifted my spirits quite a bit.

Anyway, let’s talk tiger beetles now. Like dragonflies, these insects are quite charismatic, and easily observed with very little training once you know where to look. Ohio has 21 recorded species of tiger beetles, with 18 species recorded on iNaturalist. (I’m not sure about the missing three species, but I’m guessing they’re just too rare to be on iNat yet. I know I’ll get the answer to that question and many more when the new book is published.) By the way, there’s a project set up on iNat where you can contribute your own photographs of tiger beetles to help Judy and her fellow researchers make the new book as complete as possible.

I braved scorching hot sand dunes to find this ghost tiger beetle last summer. (Ellipsoptera lepida)

As you can see from the photos, they’re quite distinctive insects, with their big eyes, long legs, and often metallic backs. The shell-like coverings on their backs are called elytra, and they protect the membranous wings. Tiger beetles hunt primarily on the ground, but when they fly, those elytra lift up so the flight wings can extend. Many of their elytra are brown or black with cream-colored markings that have their own sort of beauty, but the ones that seem to be crowd-pleasers are those that are bright metallic green or blue or purple. This six-spotted tiger beetle is the most common one in Ohio as well as nationwide.

Those long legs help them run fast, as well as to lift them off the hot sand to regulate their body temperature.

Tiger beetles live in a variety of habitats including power line cuts, clay banks, and sunny forest patches. Here in the globally-rare Oak Openings region of northwest Ohio, we’re lucky to have an abundance of sandy places, one of the best places to find these pretty beetles. I’ve found them on the beaches of Lake Erie and on sandy paths in many of our metroparks. But even with all the sand in this area, I’ve only photographed six species of tiger beetles so far. That might be because my attention has been laser focused on dragonflies though. Next summer, while I’ll continue my dragonfly chasing and monitoring activities, I’ll also be making a point of trying to find some more species so I can help fill in our statewide distribution map.

I hope you’ll follow me next summer on my quest to find more of these fascinating beetles and learn more about their lives.

Bronzed tiger beetle (C. repanda), with some lovely cream markings.


  1. The most useless parking lots near the Cleveland Lakefront are supposed to contain invertebrate life and some sand formation. The snow is supposed to be strange due to the lake wind. There were most;y successful attempts to get rid of dune formation.


  2. You bet I will be following next summer. Your photography is exquisite. I love that ghost tiger beetle. I have never seen one. There are no dunes anywhere near where I live (South Central IN). I used to see a tiger beetle in my garden occasionally. I took many photos back then. I will make it a winter project to see if I can find those pictures. They were taken way back when we used film. ha… I am telling my age. I will look forward to seeing this new beetle book. There are many of the same insects here in Indiana that are in Ohio.


    • Lisa, sorry for the late response, but I’d love to see your tiger beetle pics if you can find them. And you’re right, Indiana and Ohio share many of the same insect species. In fact, my favorite field guide to Ohio butterflies is the “Butterflies of Indiana” by Jeffrey Belth. That book has helped me immensely in learning how to identify them!


  3. I’m not much of an insect lover but that ghost tiger beetle is pretty interesting, and the bronze one looks like it was decorated by some indigenous tribe. Great photos, though, Kim.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Ardys. Gosh, I don’t know how I missed replying to a couple comments here last month, sorry about that. I’m glad you found something interesting in this post despite not being a fan of insects. 🙂 Interesting observation you made about the markings on the bronzed tiger beetle…in fact, the marking on the shoulder has been referred to as a “canoe,” so that would be in line with your idea of indigenous tribe decorations!

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  4. Gorgeous photos!!! I just finished Sharmon Apt Russell’s book on tiger beetles — have you read it? Love this post! Thank you for pairing words and images together so beautifully, Kim! — Cindy 🙂


    • Thanks Cindy! I’ve just started reading that book, as a matter of fact. Reading about tiger beetles is going to help me get through the winter, as I look forward to a summer of dragonflies and tiger beetles next year!

      Liked by 1 person

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