What’s Flowering in Paluma? Gordonia

Gordonia axillaris 

If you take a stroll through the village of Paluma between April to May you are likely to see several beautiful specimens of the Gordonia plant in full bloom. Gordonia axillaris is an exotic shrub or small tree which is a close relative to the camellia. Although Gordonia’s are slow-growing they are well suited to the cool mountain climate at Paluma. You will recognise the Gordonia from its spectacular large white blooms with bright yellow stamens. The flowers tend to fall from the tree with their egg-yolk yellow stamens facing upwards. At first glance this has the appearance of fried eggs lying around the base of the plant. For this reason, the Gordonia is often referred to by its common name, the “fried egg plant”.  Gordonia’s are a great attractant for both native bees and exotic bees. Keep an eye out for the “fried egg plant” in several gardens as you walk along Mt Spec Road.

Text and photo: Michele Bird