6012 YORK BLVD, LA, 90042~ 213.424.8330

Ligustrum Japonicum "Japanese Privet"

Ligustrum Japonicum "Japanese Privet"

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Size: 16" grow pot (15 gallon) Approx. 5 ft -With Stake


    This plant is a favorite for anyone that is looking to add an attractive, evergreen privacy screen so that they can block unwanted views in style. These are also an excellent shrub for topiaries to create formal and fanciful gardens. Don’t let a lack of space keep you from adding a splash of green to your property - you can also use them as a small tree that can fit in any size yard!

Light: Grow Japanese privet where it will receive full sun. Provide light shade if growing it in a hot inland location. Avoid growing large, overhanging shrubbery or trees near Japanese privet because dim lighting conditions will cause leggy growth.

Water: Water Japanese privet shrubs weekly to a 1-inch depth during their first year in the garden. Decrease water to every 10 to 14 days once the shrub is established. Withhold watering during rainy weather. Increase water during extended periods of hot, dry weather.

Humidity: Japanese privet is weedy in disturbed areas around buildings and has escaped and naturalized in moist areas.

Temperature: Above 10 degrees F

Fertilizer: Feed Japanese privet shrubs with general purpose 15-15-15 ratio fertilizer in early spring before new growth emerges. Apply the fertilizer around the roots of the shrub and work it into the top 2 inches of soil. Water to a 4-inch depth after feeding.

Soil: Moist, but well-drained

Toxicity: Toxic to dogs, cats, & horses