A Sonnetary Commentary

Chase Clevenger
Poetry in Form
Published in
1 min readMay 31, 2020


Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

The trappings of stricture and structure make
The brain surmise and strategize to take
Intelligence to heights anew — because
When things are hard to do, they draw applause.
Although it takes a lot of extra time
With rhythm, meter, and all of the rhyme,
The exercise won’t leave you wasting words.
The “poets” who ignore this peddle turds.
True Poets are dead, the ones who could weave
Their words, because the challenge to conceive
New ways to say…



Poet. Writer. Editor. User of ink, paper, and fountain pens. Bassist, guitarist, fly fisherman, former high jumper. River wader. Fly fishing guide.