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Veins – An introduction
Veins of the lower limb
Factors responsible for venous return.
Superficial veins, perforators and deep
veins .
Venous drainage from foot to thigh.
Development of lower limb veins.
Clinical highlights.
 Return the deoxygenated blood from
the capillary beds to the heart.
 The pulmonary veins are atypical in
that they carry well oxygenated blood
from lungs to the heart .
 Because of the lower blood pressure in
the venous system , the walls of the
veins are thinner than those of their
companion arteries.
 Normally, veins do not
pulsate or squirt blood when
 There are three sizes :
Large veins.
Veins Of Lower Limb
 The veins of lower limb are divided into
three groups :
i. Superficial veins
ii. Deep veins
iii. Perforating veins.
Factors Responsible for Venous Return
from lower limb
 General factors :
Negative intra thoracic pressure( Recumbent
position ).
The pulsations of accompanying arteries help
in propelling the blood in the veins.
The valves in superficial and deep sets of
veins allows the blood to flow in upward
direction only.
The deep veins of the leg lie in the tight fascial
compartment along with the arteries. ( upright
 Local factors:
1. Venous : Veins of lower limb are more
Greater number of valves
2. Muscular : When the limb is active, Muscular
contraction compresses the deep veins and
drives the blood in them upwards.
3. Fascial : Tight sleeve of deep fascia makes the
muscular compression of the veins much more
Musculovenous Pump
 Soleus is regarded as the peripheral
Superficial Veins
 Lie in superficial fascia.
 Drain into deep veins at their termination.
 Connected to deep veins through perforating
veins that pass through deep fascia.
Superficial Veins are:
 Great or long saphenous vein.
 Small saphenous vein
 Dorsal Venous arch.
Great Saphenous Vein
 Longest
Vein of the
body .
Structures Accompanying the Great Saphenous
 In the thigh : Medial Femoral
cutaneous nerve.
 At the Knee : Saphenous branch of
descending genicular artery.
 In the leg and foot : Saphenous nerve.
 Just below the knee:
Posterior arch vein ( Vein of Leonardo da Vinci):
Consists of series of venous arcades
connecting the three medial ankle
Collects blood from posteromedial
aspect of calf
Posterior arch vein
Other tributaries are :
Anterior leg veins – extend across the shin.
Few veins from calf – communicate with
small saphenous vein.
 In the thigh :
Anterolateral vein :
Commences from venous plexus
on lower part of front of thigh
Crosses the apex of femoral
Joins great saphenous vein in
upper part of thigh.
Posteromedial Vein : Accessory saphenous vein
Drains the posterior and medial aspects
of thigh.
 Just before piercing the cribriform
fascia: Superficial Epigastric
Superficial Circumflex
iliac vein
Superficial external
pudendal veins.
 Superficial epigastric and superficial
circumflex iliac veins: Drain the lower part of
abdominal wall below the umbilicus.
 Superficial external pudendal veins:
Passes superficial to spermatic cord.
Thoracoepigastric vein :
 Anterolateral wall of trunk.
 Connects superficial epigastric vein with the
lateral thoracic vein.
 Establishes a connection between femoral and
axillary veins.
 Deep to the Saphenous opening :
Deep external pudendal vein :
Deep to
spermatic cord
Drains blood
from anterior
part of perineum
Saphenous vein
Valves in the Great Saphenous vein
 10 -20 valves .
 Saphenofemoral
valve is functionally
Surface marking of the
Great Saphenous Vein
Small Saphenous vein
Lateral end of
dorsal venous
Middle of
back of leg
Middle of popliteal
space, terminates
into the popliteal
 Valves : 7 - 13.
 Termination :
In the upper 1/3rd of
thigh : Great
saphenous vein.
Bifurcates to drain
into :
•Great saphenous
•Popliteal vein
Fails to reach the
Great Saphenous
Deep Veins of the
Dorsal Venous Arch
 Lies on the distal parts of
metatarsal bones.
 Receives dorsal digital and
dorsal metatarsal veins.
 Communicates with proximally
located dorsal venous
 Medial end of the arch along
with the medial marginal vein
continues as great saphenous
 Lateral end of arch along with
the lateral marginal network
To Summarize
 Perforate through the deep fascia.
 Connect the superficial and deep veins.
 Contain unidirectional valves.
 5 perforating veins.
Perforating veins or Perforators
Valves : From
superficial to
deep .
 Show a predilection for
intermuscular septa occuring
on :
i. Either side of Sartorius.
ii. Either side of peroneal
group .
iii. Along the anterior border of
 Two types :
Position of Perforators
 Perforators of Cockett :
Three ankle perforators.
Between medial malloelus
and mid calf.
Connect posterior arch
vein to the venae
comitantes around the
posterior tibial artery.
Upper : At the junction of
middle and lower third of
Lower : Below and behind
the medial malleolus.
Middle : Midway between
 Knee perforator or
Boyd’s Perforator or
Tibial tubercle
Connects great saphenous
vein with the venae
comitantes of the posterior
tibial artery.
Below the knee .
Close to medial border of
 Hunterian Perforator or Perforator of
Dodd :
 In the intermediate third of thigh.
Connects great saphenous vein to femoral
vein in subsartorial canal.
Passes through the fascial roof of the canal.
• Lateral Ankle Perforator: one
At the junction of middle and lower third of the
Communicates Short saphenous vein with the
Deep veins
 Placed subjacent to the deep fascia and run along
the arteries.
 Deep veins of the lower limb are:
Femoral vein
Popliteal vein
Anterior and posterior tibial veins
Medial and lateral plantar veins
Plantar venous arch
Metatarsal veins
Digital veins
Femoral vein  Accompanies
femoral artery.
 Begins : At adductor
 Continuation of
popliteal vein.
 Terminates :
Posterior to inguinal
ligament as external
iliac vein.
 Tributaries : Long Saphenous
Profunda femoris
4 – 5 valves .
2 are constant :
1. Distal to entry of profunda femoris vein.
2. Near the inguinal ligament.
Surface Marking Of
Femoral Vein
Profunda femoris vein /Deep Vein of thigh
 Lies anterior to profunda
femoris artery.
 Connects distally with:
Popliteal vein .
 Proximally with : inferior
gluteal veins.
 Drains medial and lateral
circumflex femoral veins.
 Presents valve before its
 Enters femoral vein :
 8cm inferior to inguinal
 5cm inferior to termination
of great saphenous vein.
Popliteal vein
 Begins : Distal border of
 Continuation of posterior tibial
 As it traverses the adductor
hiatus,it becomes femoral
Anterior and Posterior tibial veins
Medial and Lateral Plantar veins
Four plantar
Deep plantar
venous arch
Medial and
lateral plantar
veins run
along with the
with Great and
Form Posterior
tibial veins
behind the
 Both superficial and deep sets of veins in the foot.
 Deep Veins : Interanastamosing paired veins
accompanying all the arteries internal to deep fascia.
 Superficial veins : subcutaneous, unaccompanied by
Venous drainage in foot is primarily to the major
superficial veins.
 Superficial Venous Drainage : Small
Saphenous vein.
 Deep Venous Drainage :
Anterior Tibial Veins
Peroneal veins
Posterior Tibial Veins
Small Saphenous Vein
 Superficial Veins :
Long and short
saphenous veins.
 Deep Vein: Popliteal
Gluteal Region
 Tributaries of internal iliac veins drain blood from
the gluteal region.
 Superior and inferior gluteal veins accompany the
corresponding arteries through the greater sciatic
foramen – Superior and inferior to piriformis.
 Communicates with tributaries of femoral vein.
External genitalia and pudendum: Internal
pudendal veins accompany the artery, joins to
form a single vein which drains into the internal
iliac vein.
Perforating veins : drain blood from posterior
compartment into the deep veins.
Inferiorly : popliteal vein.
Superiorly : inferior gluteal vein.
 Medial and lateral
superior genicular
 Medial and lateral
inferior genicular
Genicular vein
Femoral Vein
 Superficial veins: Long saphenous vein
receives many tributaries :
1.Posteromedial tributaries.
2. Anterolateral tributaries.
3. Peri inguinal tributaries.
Superficial epigastric and circumflex iliac
veins : Drains the inferior abdominal wall.
Superficial external pudendal vein : drains
part of scrotum/labia , one joined by the
superficial dorsal vein of penis/ clitoris.
Deep external pudendal vein : joins with long
saphenous vein at saphenous opening.
 Deep Veins :
Femoral vein
Profunda femoris vein
 Primitive capillary plexus of flattened limb bud –
Peripheral border vein.
 Cranial margin of limb bud : Vein is smaller and
 Caudal margin : Permanent vessels.
 Appears in the leg : 8th week.
 Tibial continuation of primitive border vein
disappears, fibular persists.
 Great saphenous vein : Posterior cardinal veins.
 Gives off : Femoral vein and posterior tibial veins.
 At the level of knee : Annexes with fibular border
 Anterior tibial , Small saphenous and inferior
gluteal veins – Fibular border vein.
Saphenous vein Grafts
 Great saphenous vein commonly used for
coronary arterial bypasses because: 1.
Readily accessible.
2. Usable lengths can be
3. Walls contain higher
percentage of muscular and elastic fibers
than do other superficial veins.
 Used to bypass obstructions in blood
 Vein is reversed, valves do not obstruct the
blood flow.
Saphenous Cut Down
 Exposure of the great saphenous vein through a skin is
usually performed at the ankle.
 Disadvantage : Phlebitis.
 Great saphenous vein can be entered at the groin.
 Advantage : 1. Phlebitis is rare.
2. Permits the use of large diameter
 Anatomy of ankle vein cutdown:
Procedure: Saphenous nerve branches blocked with
local anaesthesia.
 Transverse incision is made through the skin and
subcutaneous tissue.
 Vein is easily identified and saphenous nerve should
 Groin vein cut down:
Branches of ilioinguinal nerve and
intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh are
blocked with local anaesthetic.
A transverse incision is made through skin
and subcutaneous tissue on a point 11/2
inches below and lateral to pubic tubercle.
Saphenous Varix
 Localized dilatation of terminal part of the great
saphenous vein.
 May lead to edema.
 May be confused with other groin swellings such as
psoas abscess.
 Can also be consfused with femoral hernia.
 Diagnosis : Presence of varicose veins elsewhere
in the leg .
Location of Femoral Vein
 Femoral vein is not usually palpable.
 In thin people , femoral vein may be mistaken for
great saphenous vein.
 Fermoral vein has no tributaries at this level except
great saphenous vein.
 In varicose vein operations, precautions should be
taken not to tie off the femoral vein instead of great
saphenous vein.
Femoral Vein Catheterization
 Rapid access to large vein.
 Constant relation to the femoral artery just below the
inguinal ligament .
 Easily cannulated.
 Once the patient is stabilized the cannula should be
removed – Pulmonary embolism.
 Anatomy of the procedure:
 Genitofemoral nerve is blocked by a local anaesthesia.
 Femoral pulse palpated between ASIS and symphysis
pubis .
 Femoral vein is medial .
 Two fingers breadth below the inguinal ligament,
needle is inserted into femoral vein.
A 28 year old woman was seen by her family
practitioner for a routine pregnancy check up at 36
weeks gestational age. Neither the patient nor the
family physician had any concerns about the
pregnancy. However , the patient did complain of
unilateral swelling of left leg, which had gradually
increased over the previous two days.
Furthermore, the evening before her visit she
developed some sharp chest pain ,which was
exacerbated by deep breaths.
 Also known as
 Acute thrombosis of
deep veins.
 Affects the venous
sinuses in soleal
Causes Of Deep Vein
Thrombosis :
Trauma : Trauma to vessel wall
Hormones : Increased
Road traffic accidents
Operations – Cholecystectomy
Malignancy : Sluggish blood
Blood disorders : Polycythemia
Orthopaedic surgery, obesity
,Old age
 Clinical features :
 2nd to 5th day in post
operative period.
 Oedema, dilated veins of leg.
 Dull aching pain in calf
Signs :
Homan’s test
Moses test
Doppler study
Contrast venography
 Treatment :
 Bed rest and elevation of limbs.
 Low dose heparin
 Intermittent pneumatic
 Inferior vena caval filters
 In chronic venous
cases :
Surgery is done
 Palma
 May – Husni
Case Discussion
 Duplex ultrasound scan of left leg
venous system.
 Probe was placed over left
femoral vein and no flow was
 Right femoral venous system
however showed excellent flow.
 A diagnosis of left sided deep vein
thrombosis was made :
1. Gently massaging the calf
muscle, augmentation to venous
flow was noted.
2. Alteration of flow – respiratory
 Result :
In this patient :
There was compression of left external iliac
Chest pain was due to pulmonary emboli.
Patient was administered anticoagulant and
had an uneventful delivery 
Varicosity is the penalty for
verticality against gravity.
 Dilated ,tortuous superficial veins
of the limb are called varicose
 Primary varicose veins.
 Secondary varicose veins.
Clinical symptoms:
1. Dilated veins in the leg.
2. Dragging pain in the leg.
3. Night cramps.
 Inspection
1. Morrissey’s test.
2. Trendelenburg test
3. Multiple torniquet
4. Modified Perthe’s
 Doppler ultrasound
 Duplex ultrasound imaging
 Venography
 Conservative line of
 Injection line of
treatment /Compression
 Surgery
Trendelenburg’s Operation  Saphenofemoral
 Juxtafemoral
Flush Ligation.
Subfascial endoscopic Perforator Surgery (SEPS)
 For below the knee perforators.
 Small port incisions are made in the skin of the
calf region.
Complications Of Varicose Veins
 Eczema and Dematitis
 Lipodermatosclerosis
 Haemorrhage
 Thrombophlebitis
 Venous ulcer
Venous Ulcers  Gravitational
Gray’s Anatomy , The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice –
Susan Standring ,40th Edition.
Cunningham’s manual of Practical Anatomy ,Vol.1,15th Edition
-G.J . Romanes.
Clinically Oriented Anatomy ,5th Edition – Keith.L.Moore.
Gray’s Anatomy for Students – Richard.L.Drake
Essentials Of Human Anatomy ,4th Edition – A.K.Datta
Clinical Anatomy For Students –Neeta .V .Kulkarni
Clinical Anatomy For Medical Students ,6th Edition – Richard .
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy,12th Edition – Anne.M.R.Ague,
Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment,11th Edition –
Lawrence. W.Way,Gerard .M.Doherty
Lee Mc Gregor’s Synopsis Of Surgical Anatomy ,12th Edition .
Arey Embryology
A Short practice of surgery, Edition - Bailey and Love
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Venous drainage of lower limb

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents Veins – An introduction Veins of the lower limb Factors responsible for venous return. Superficial veins, perforators and deep veins . Venous drainage from foot to thigh. Summary Development of lower limb veins. Clinical highlights. References
  • 3.
  • 4. VEINS  Return the deoxygenated blood from the capillary beds to the heart.  The pulmonary veins are atypical in that they carry well oxygenated blood from lungs to the heart .  Because of the lower blood pressure in the venous system , the walls of the veins are thinner than those of their companion arteries.
  • 5.  Normally, veins do not pulsate or squirt blood when severed.  There are three sizes : Venules Medium veins, Large veins.
  • 6. Veins Of Lower Limb  The veins of lower limb are divided into three groups : i. Superficial veins ii. Deep veins iii. Perforating veins.
  • 7. Factors Responsible for Venous Return from lower limb  General factors : Negative intra thoracic pressure( Recumbent position ). The pulsations of accompanying arteries help in propelling the blood in the veins. The valves in superficial and deep sets of veins allows the blood to flow in upward direction only. The deep veins of the leg lie in the tight fascial compartment along with the arteries. ( upright
  • 8.  Local factors: 1. Venous : Veins of lower limb are more muscular. Greater number of valves 2. Muscular : When the limb is active, Muscular contraction compresses the deep veins and drives the blood in them upwards. 3. Fascial : Tight sleeve of deep fascia makes the muscular compression of the veins much more
  • 9. Musculovenous Pump  Soleus is regarded as the peripheral heart.
  • 10.
  • 11. Superficial Veins  Lie in superficial fascia.  Drain into deep veins at their termination.  Connected to deep veins through perforating veins that pass through deep fascia. Superficial Veins are:  Great or long saphenous vein.  Small saphenous vein  Dorsal Venous arch.
  • 12. Great Saphenous Vein  Longest Vein of the body .
  • 13. Structures Accompanying the Great Saphenous Vein  In the thigh : Medial Femoral cutaneous nerve.  At the Knee : Saphenous branch of descending genicular artery.  In the leg and foot : Saphenous nerve.
  • 14. Tributaries  Just below the knee: Posterior arch vein ( Vein of Leonardo da Vinci): Consists of series of venous arcades connecting the three medial ankle perforators Collects blood from posteromedial aspect of calf Posterior arch vein
  • 15. Other tributaries are : Anterior leg veins – extend across the shin. Few veins from calf – communicate with small saphenous vein.
  • 16.  In the thigh : Anterolateral vein : Commences from venous plexus on lower part of front of thigh Crosses the apex of femoral triangle Joins great saphenous vein in upper part of thigh.
  • 17. Posteromedial Vein : Accessory saphenous vein Drains the posterior and medial aspects of thigh.  Just before piercing the cribriform fascia: Superficial Epigastric vein Superficial Circumflex iliac vein Superficial external pudendal veins.
  • 18.  Superficial epigastric and superficial circumflex iliac veins: Drain the lower part of abdominal wall below the umbilicus.  Superficial external pudendal veins: Passes superficial to spermatic cord. Thoracoepigastric vein :  Anterolateral wall of trunk.  Connects superficial epigastric vein with the lateral thoracic vein.  Establishes a connection between femoral and axillary veins.
  • 19.  Deep to the Saphenous opening : Deep external pudendal vein : Deep to spermatic cord Drains blood from anterior part of perineum Great Saphenous vein
  • 20. Valves in the Great Saphenous vein  10 -20 valves .  Saphenofemoral valve is functionally important.
  • 21. Surface marking of the Great Saphenous Vein
  • 22. Small Saphenous vein Small Saphenous vein Lateral malleolus Lateral end of dorsal venous arch Middle of back of leg Middle of popliteal space, terminates into the popliteal vein
  • 23.  Valves : 7 - 13.  Termination : In the upper 1/3rd of thigh : Great saphenous vein. Bifurcates to drain into : •Great saphenous vein •Popliteal vein Fails to reach the knee: Great Saphenous vein Deep Veins of the leg.
  • 25.  Lies on the distal parts of metatarsal bones.  Receives dorsal digital and dorsal metatarsal veins.  Communicates with proximally located dorsal venous network.  Medial end of the arch along with the medial marginal vein continues as great saphenous vein.  Lateral end of arch along with the lateral marginal network
  • 27.
  • 28. Perforators  Perforate through the deep fascia.  Connect the superficial and deep veins.  Contain unidirectional valves.  5 perforating veins.
  • 29. Perforating veins or Perforators Valves : From superficial to deep .
  • 30.  Show a predilection for intermuscular septa occuring on : i. Either side of Sartorius. ii. Either side of peroneal group . iii. Along the anterior border of soleus.  Two types : Direct Indirect
  • 31. Position of Perforators  Perforators of Cockett : Three ankle perforators. Between medial malloelus and mid calf. Connect posterior arch vein to the venae comitantes around the posterior tibial artery. Upper : At the junction of middle and lower third of tibia. Lower : Below and behind the medial malleolus. Middle : Midway between
  • 32.  Knee perforator or Boyd’s Perforator or Tibial tubercle perforator: Connects great saphenous vein with the venae comitantes of the posterior tibial artery. Below the knee . Close to medial border of
  • 33.  Hunterian Perforator or Perforator of Dodd :  In the intermediate third of thigh. Connects great saphenous vein to femoral vein in subsartorial canal. Passes through the fascial roof of the canal. • Lateral Ankle Perforator: one At the junction of middle and lower third of the leg. Communicates Short saphenous vein with the
  • 34.
  • 35. Deep veins  Placed subjacent to the deep fascia and run along the arteries.  Deep veins of the lower limb are: Femoral vein Popliteal vein Anterior and posterior tibial veins Medial and lateral plantar veins Plantar venous arch Metatarsal veins Digital veins
  • 36. Femoral vein  Accompanies femoral artery.  Begins : At adductor opening  Continuation of popliteal vein.  Terminates : Posterior to inguinal ligament as external iliac vein.
  • 37.  Tributaries : Long Saphenous vein Profunda femoris vein Valves: 4 – 5 valves . 2 are constant : 1. Distal to entry of profunda femoris vein. 2. Near the inguinal ligament.
  • 39. Profunda femoris vein /Deep Vein of thigh  Lies anterior to profunda femoris artery.  Connects distally with: Popliteal vein .  Proximally with : inferior gluteal veins.  Drains medial and lateral circumflex femoral veins.  Presents valve before its termination.  Enters femoral vein :  8cm inferior to inguinal ligament.  5cm inferior to termination of great saphenous vein.
  • 40. Popliteal vein  Begins : Distal border of popliteus.  Continuation of posterior tibial vein.  As it traverses the adductor hiatus,it becomes femoral vein.
  • 41. Anterior and Posterior tibial veins
  • 42. Medial and Lateral Plantar veins Four plantar metatarsal veins Deep plantar venous arch formed Medial and lateral plantar veins run along with the arteries. Communicate with Great and small saphenous vein Form Posterior tibial veins behind the medial malleolus
  • 43.
  • 44.  Both superficial and deep sets of veins in the foot.  Deep Veins : Interanastamosing paired veins accompanying all the arteries internal to deep fascia.  Superficial veins : subcutaneous, unaccompanied by arteries. Venous drainage in foot is primarily to the major superficial veins.
  • 45.
  • 46.  Superficial Venous Drainage : Small Saphenous vein.  Deep Venous Drainage : Anterior Tibial Veins Peroneal veins Posterior Tibial Veins Small Saphenous Vein
  • 47.
  • 48.  Superficial Veins : Long and short saphenous veins.  Deep Vein: Popliteal vein
  • 49.
  • 50. Gluteal Region  Tributaries of internal iliac veins drain blood from the gluteal region.  Superior and inferior gluteal veins accompany the corresponding arteries through the greater sciatic foramen – Superior and inferior to piriformis.  Communicates with tributaries of femoral vein.
  • 51. External genitalia and pudendum: Internal pudendal veins accompany the artery, joins to form a single vein which drains into the internal iliac vein. Perforating veins : drain blood from posterior compartment into the deep veins. Inferiorly : popliteal vein. Superiorly : inferior gluteal vein.
  • 52.
  • 53.  Medial and lateral superior genicular veins.  Medial and lateral inferior genicular veins. Descending Genicular vein Femoral Vein
  • 54.
  • 55.  Superficial veins: Long saphenous vein receives many tributaries : 1.Posteromedial tributaries. 2. Anterolateral tributaries. 3. Peri inguinal tributaries. Superficial epigastric and circumflex iliac veins : Drains the inferior abdominal wall. Superficial external pudendal vein : drains part of scrotum/labia , one joined by the superficial dorsal vein of penis/ clitoris. Deep external pudendal vein : joins with long saphenous vein at saphenous opening.
  • 56.  Deep Veins : Femoral vein Profunda femoris vein
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  • 61.
  • 62.  Primitive capillary plexus of flattened limb bud – Peripheral border vein.  Cranial margin of limb bud : Vein is smaller and disappears.  Caudal margin : Permanent vessels.  Appears in the leg : 8th week.
  • 63.  Tibial continuation of primitive border vein disappears, fibular persists.  Great saphenous vein : Posterior cardinal veins.  Gives off : Femoral vein and posterior tibial veins.  At the level of knee : Annexes with fibular border vein.  Anterior tibial , Small saphenous and inferior gluteal veins – Fibular border vein.
  • 64.
  • 65. Saphenous vein Grafts  Great saphenous vein commonly used for coronary arterial bypasses because: 1. Readily accessible. 2. Usable lengths can be harvested. 3. Walls contain higher percentage of muscular and elastic fibers than do other superficial veins.  Used to bypass obstructions in blood vessels.  Vein is reversed, valves do not obstruct the blood flow.
  • 66. Saphenous Cut Down  Exposure of the great saphenous vein through a skin is usually performed at the ankle.  Disadvantage : Phlebitis.  Great saphenous vein can be entered at the groin.  Advantage : 1. Phlebitis is rare. 2. Permits the use of large diameter catheters.  Anatomy of ankle vein cutdown: Procedure: Saphenous nerve branches blocked with local anaesthesia.  Transverse incision is made through the skin and subcutaneous tissue.  Vein is easily identified and saphenous nerve should
  • 67.  Groin vein cut down: Branches of ilioinguinal nerve and intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh are blocked with local anaesthetic. A transverse incision is made through skin and subcutaneous tissue on a point 11/2 inches below and lateral to pubic tubercle.
  • 68. Saphenous Varix  Localized dilatation of terminal part of the great saphenous vein.  May lead to edema.  May be confused with other groin swellings such as psoas abscess.  Can also be consfused with femoral hernia.  Diagnosis : Presence of varicose veins elsewhere in the leg .
  • 69. Location of Femoral Vein  Femoral vein is not usually palpable.  In thin people , femoral vein may be mistaken for great saphenous vein.  Fermoral vein has no tributaries at this level except great saphenous vein.  In varicose vein operations, precautions should be taken not to tie off the femoral vein instead of great saphenous vein.
  • 70. Femoral Vein Catheterization  Rapid access to large vein.  Constant relation to the femoral artery just below the inguinal ligament .  Easily cannulated.  Once the patient is stabilized the cannula should be removed – Pulmonary embolism.  Anatomy of the procedure:  Genitofemoral nerve is blocked by a local anaesthesia.  Femoral pulse palpated between ASIS and symphysis pubis .  Femoral vein is medial .  Two fingers breadth below the inguinal ligament, needle is inserted into femoral vein.
  • 71. A 28 year old woman was seen by her family practitioner for a routine pregnancy check up at 36 weeks gestational age. Neither the patient nor the family physician had any concerns about the pregnancy. However , the patient did complain of unilateral swelling of left leg, which had gradually increased over the previous two days. Furthermore, the evening before her visit she developed some sharp chest pain ,which was exacerbated by deep breaths.
  • 72.
  • 73.  Also known as phlebothrombosis.  Acute thrombosis of deep veins.  Affects the venous sinuses in soleal muscles.
  • 74. Causes Of Deep Vein Thrombosis : Trauma : Trauma to vessel wall Hormones : Increased Coagulability Road traffic accidents Operations – Cholecystectomy Malignancy : Sluggish blood flow Blood disorders : Polycythemia Orthopaedic surgery, obesity ,Old age
  • 75.  Clinical features :  2nd to 5th day in post operative period.  Oedema, dilated veins of leg.  Dull aching pain in calf muscles. Signs : Homan’s test Moses test Investigations: Doppler study Contrast venography
  • 76.  Treatment :  Bed rest and elevation of limbs.  Low dose heparin  Intermittent pneumatic compression.  Inferior vena caval filters  In chronic venous cases : Surgery is done  Palma  May – Husni operation
  • 77. Case Discussion  Duplex ultrasound scan of left leg venous system.  Probe was placed over left femoral vein and no flow was demonstrated.  Right femoral venous system however showed excellent flow.  A diagnosis of left sided deep vein thrombosis was made : 1. Gently massaging the calf muscle, augmentation to venous flow was noted. 2. Alteration of flow – respiratory excursion
  • 78.  Result : In this patient : There was compression of left external iliac vein. Chest pain was due to pulmonary emboli. Patient was administered anticoagulant and had an uneventful delivery 
  • 79. Varicosity is the penalty for verticality against gravity.
  • 80.  Dilated ,tortuous superficial veins of the limb are called varicose veins.  Primary varicose veins.  Secondary varicose veins. Clinical symptoms: 1. Dilated veins in the leg. 2. Dragging pain in the leg. 3. Night cramps.
  • 82. Palpation: 1. Morrissey’s test. 2. Trendelenburg test 3. Multiple torniquet test 4. Modified Perthe’s test
  • 83. Investigations  Doppler ultrasound  Duplex ultrasound imaging  Venography
  • 84. Treatment  Conservative line of treatment  Injection line of treatment /Compression Sclerotherapy  Surgery
  • 85. Trendelenburg’s Operation  Saphenofemoral incompetency.  Juxtafemoral Flush Ligation.
  • 86. Subfascial endoscopic Perforator Surgery (SEPS)  For below the knee perforators.  Small port incisions are made in the skin of the calf region.
  • 87. Complications Of Varicose Veins  Eczema and Dematitis  Lipodermatosclerosis  Haemorrhage  Thrombophlebitis  Venous ulcer
  • 88. Venous Ulcers  Gravitational ulcer
  • 89. References Gray’s Anatomy , The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice – Susan Standring ,40th Edition. Cunningham’s manual of Practical Anatomy ,Vol.1,15th Edition -G.J . Romanes. Clinically Oriented Anatomy ,5th Edition – Keith.L.Moore. Gray’s Anatomy for Students – Richard.L.Drake Essentials Of Human Anatomy ,4th Edition – A.K.Datta Clinical Anatomy For Students –Neeta .V .Kulkarni Clinical Anatomy For Medical Students ,6th Edition – Richard . S.Snell Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy,12th Edition – Anne.M.R.Ague, Arthur.F.Dalley Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment,11th Edition – Lawrence. W.Way,Gerard .M.Doherty Lee Mc Gregor’s Synopsis Of Surgical Anatomy ,12th Edition . Arey Embryology A Short practice of surgery, Edition - Bailey and Love

Notas do Editor

  1. pics
  2. Meaning of saphenous
  3. Stress on vein is reversed.
  4. Speak bout venous gangrene
  5. Explain torniquet’s test