QueenCold (Posts tagged garble)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

After his molt, Garble was given the choice to move into a cave of his own, close to his family; in the same mountain, in fact. But Smolder couldn’t bear being separated from her big brother. That was totally the only reason Garble chose to keep living with his family. He was a big boy who wasn’t attached to his parents and little sister… and he certainly wouldn’t cry if he had to sleep alone!
Garble learned how to fly from his parents and would carry Smolder to high places, much to Caldera’s horror. While she was no longer the overprotective parent she was when Garble was a hatchling, seeing this young flyer so high above the ground with her other baby made her feel dizzy.

As the two siblings grew older and Smolder finally went through her molt, Garble—now being a proper teenager—began to butt heads with his family more often and decided he needed his own space. Smolder thought it was her fault that Garble moved away, but he was quick to assure her it was simply his time to leave the nest, and that she’d understand when her time came.

mlp:fim garble smolder

When Garble got his first girlfriend, Treble, he was over the moon. This puppy love couldn’t last, however. One day, while he was planning to surprise his girlfriend with a big gem he’d won, he caught her cheating. Treble and her new lover clearly didn’t expect to be caught by anyone at all, since they were holding claws in public!

Garble’s young heart was broken. He’d go on to date other dragonesses, but when things got too serious he’d always get cold feet and break things off. What didn’t help was that Treble was incredibly jealous, and the two would reconcile every once in a while. Treble convinced Garble that she had simply been young and stupid. Even if that was the case, Garble was never able to fully trust her again. Any time they ended up dating again things just didn’t work out. Even though Treble remained faithful these times, Garble was just too suspicious. Treble wasn’t doing herself any favors by being toxic.

When Frazzle entered the picture, Treble no longer stood a chance.

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