Rejuvenated AU
Rejuvenated AU
"Pink... Diamond?"
A Steven Universe AU set after the events of Spinel in the movie.
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Following the tag #rejuau ! ♡

I wiggles in a little bit of free time to draw y’all some Pinks as a thanks for sticking around,,, I hope you like them!!!

I might consider making the last one a print? If I ever have the time… Maybe the Rose as a charm

Update and Comic Status

Hi everyone, sorry for the silence on my part here. I’ll make things quick and easy for those reading!

I have a job, it’s very physical and leaves me exhausted, and I am working 40 to 50 hours a week. For now the comic is on hiatus until I’m able to get a healthy work/life balance.

Talk soon, hope everyone is doing well!!

(For those supporting my Patreon, please feel free to cancel as I won’t be able to provide any updates there currently! ;;; )


On hold until I can find work, opening PWYW commissions

Hi guys, I’m really sorry but I need to put the blog and comic on hold indefinitely until I can start making an income again- I might not even be able to make rent for the next two months if I don’t.

TL;DR: My job isn’t rehiring me in the foreseeable future and finding work is currently really hard. Until I even have some sort of stable income I won’t be able to produce comic pages. Patreon supporters will still receive content, likely sketches of future designs and possibly page layouts/sketches.

Long story-ish: Originally after things were supposed to reopen my job was supposed to be taking me back on part time hours and moving back to full time. Now, however, given how much the city and community was affected they will not be bringing me back to work until… honestly she didn’t say. I am on support until August (hopefully) but after rent, pet supplies, medication, food for 3, and bills I am having to pay more each month than I am getting. As such, my savings are now down very low and I’m genuinely worried. My rent is going up next month and I can’t move. It sucks lol

I have been applying to jobs every day, but the city is reopening very slowly and hiring is incredibly difficult right now, especially given the other people likely seeking work. I want to work, I want to have a job, and I am trying to get one. I can’t focus on anything but floating right now and that includes side projects and personal work like this comic.

I’m not asking for help or blind support, I am simply being honest about my situation.

If you do, however, wish to help support me at this time, then there are a couple of ways.

  • Reblog and share my work and this post. This will help more people find me.
  • Support me on my Patreon or KoFi ! You will get rewards for Patreon depending on tier.
  • COMMISSION ME. I am currently opening Pay What You Want commissions, which basically means you choose an amount and send me a character and I’ll draw something. Usually, more money will be bigger/more detailed work. I do sfw and nsfw art, comics, even small bits of animation.

If you have questions or want to commission me you can message me here or on Twitter and I’ll get back to ASAP.

Thanks guys, I love y’all.

On hold until I can find work, opening PWYW commissions

Hi guys, I’m really sorry but I need to put the blog and comic on hold indefinitely until I can start making an income again- I might not even be able to make rent for the next two months if I don’t.

TL;DR: My job isn’t rehiring me in the foreseeable future and finding work is currently really hard. Until I even have some sort of stable income I won’t be able to produce comic pages. Patreon supporters will still receive content, likely sketches of future designs and possibly page layouts/sketches.

Long story-ish: Originally after things were supposed to reopen my job was supposed to be taking me back on part time hours and moving back to full time. Now, however, given how much the city and community was affected they will not be bringing me back to work until… honestly she didn’t say. I am on support until August (hopefully) but after rent, pet supplies, medication, food for 3, and bills I am having to pay more each month than I am getting. As such, my savings are now down very low and I’m genuinely worried. My rent is going up next month and I can’t move. It sucks lol

I have been applying to jobs every day, but the city is reopening very slowly and hiring is incredibly difficult right now, especially given the other people likely seeking work. I want to work, I want to have a job, and I am trying to get one. I can’t focus on anything but floating right now and that includes side projects and personal work like this comic.

I’m not asking for help or blind support, I am simply being honest about my situation.

If you do, however, wish to help support me at this time, then there are a couple of ways.

  • Reblog and share my work and this post. This will help more people find me.
  • Support me on my Patreon or KoFi ! You will get rewards for Patreon depending on tier.
  • COMMISSION ME. I am currently opening Pay What You Want commissions, which basically means you choose an amount and send me a character and I’ll draw something. Usually, more money will be bigger/more detailed work. I do sfw and nsfw art, comics, even small bits of animation.

If you have questions or want to commission me you can message me here or on Twitter and I’ll get back to ASAP.

Thanks guys, I love y’all.

Patreon is up!!

Hello everyone!! I’ve launched my Patreon with goodies for rcwrtain tiers. You don’t have to feel obligated to support me, but the more people who do the faster I can produce and release pages and extra content!

Tiers range from $1 to $20 a month. If you feel like doing only one time donations I completely understand! I will reblog this with a KoFi link soon as well.

Please consider sharing and rebloging this!

I will be reblogging this a few times as it’s very important.

Thank you!!


Please do not repost my work!

(Rebloging, however, is very much so appreciated!)

A single frame page, wow! I thought this deserved its own solo look so I went with it. With everything going on with work and the world going into (long overdue) chaos, I will be opening a patreon today (June 13th). I understand not everyone can support me but if even ¼ of my followers can give $1 a month I can make this comic my job, allowing me to post more pages and more au related art!

As usual, if you like my work please consider rebloging it!

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Hey guys,

I got a call from my work and they still have no hours for me. I’ve been applying to other jobs but who knows when places will be hiring again as our reopening is very slow (which I approve of!).

I might need to start a patreon- I didn’t know if I should since I worry about asking for help. If even 1/3 of my follower base joined the $1 tier I wouldn’t have to work and could focus on this comic full time.

I know right now is a hard time and I don’t want to take away from what’s really important (BLM protests), but I need to reach out.

I’m not sure. I will think on it more as I work on the next pages, and if I set one up I will let you all know.

Keep fighting, and stay safe!

I may be across the ocean right now, but I lived in Minneapolis for 4 years. I love that community and I stand with the Black Lives Matter movement 100%.


I’m not going to be reblogging things here, because this is a fandom blog and I want to keep it calm and make a space for those of you who need a break from the constant outpouring of stressful news updates. But I also don’t want to pretend I’m a neutral party. I’m not. Police brutality is a serious problem in America, and people’s grief and anger is completely justified. 

If you want to help or read up on what’s happening, I’ve reblogged a few things on my main account ( @thechekhov ) and on my twitter (the_chekhov), including resources for followers who are abroad and want to help by donating or reading up.

I’m not doing drawing donations because I don’t want to ask for others’ money - I’m just helping out using my own resources. 

Cheers, and if you’re out there, please stay safe. If you’re white, remember - this is not about you. DON’T escalate - follow the instructions of the black protest leaders and protect one another. 


(sorry for the quality, I don’t have access to my tablet rn)

If you feel the need to unfollow me for posting about the protests and BLM, then please do. If you think I shouldn’t post anything about it because I’m a “steven universe” blog please unfollow, because I have a platform and I should be using it to speak and support what matters- and Black Lives Matter.

Please consider donating to the Minnesota Freedom Fund and Black Visions Collective.

Support those who need it in these times, use your voice!!