ArtOrder Final Hook Submission

I feel like i could keep working on this forever but due dates  definitively tell an artist when to stop. The due date is here and if it’s overworked or underdeveloped i’m still pretty pleased with the finished piece. Working with an accomplished art director is definitely better then playing AD myself. Here’s to hoping i get the chance to do it more often.

I think the file is too large to allow full size viewing so i added it in it’s own page to the right.

If you’d like to see more of the many fine images submitted for this challenge go to:

Wood Clown

This is a wood clown. He is not a psycho reject from a circus or rodeo. He is a member of a once proud race called clowns descended from an evil species which thrived centuries ago and has since gone into decline. They are easily recognized by their pale skin, distinctively unique facial markings, prominent red noses and comically oversized feet.They are now almost entirely extinct, living hidden away from modern society. Their legend continues (or is mocked)  today through the antics of various make-up smeared performers. But beware for they are out there, seething with barely contained rage, awaiting the day when they will have their revenge!


This piece was inspired by a bionicle my son built for me and an old ArtOrder competition i was too busy to enter at the time. The image stuck in my brain and i thought it would be fun to complete it in my free time. I imagine that this robot is some sort of futuristic steam-punk fire-fighter or rescue worker abandoned in a dead world and left to rust. It’s what we’d all do unless we stay busy (like WALL-E).

ArtOrder Hook Challenge

Jon Schindehette, Senior Art Director for D&D, is having another contest on his ArtOrder blog that takes the participants through the process of completing an art assignment for WOTC. The winner will be paid for the rights to their image and have it published in Dragon magazine. Needless to say this is an amazing opportunity.

So we’ve passed the thumbnail stage and, after a little art direction, we’ve moved on to final drawings. Here is what i put together last night after several composition changes and some reference photos. I’m lucky to have lots of home remodel junk lying around to fashion shields out of and tools to stand in for weapons. I also have been blessed with a short, stocky dwarven physique and a son who trusts me to stand over him holding a hammer and looking vicious while he snaps pictures. I’ll attach one of those just so you can see me looking ridiculous/dwarvish.

Yes! I look sufficiently Dwarfish! If all i ever have to paint are people of dwarvish proportions i will rule the art world with my personal modeling abilities always at the ready.

Photo courtesy of Arrin Torno.


I messed around with this guy for a couple of hours today. I know, lucky me. Pretty gruesome.

He’s the husk of a primative autopsy and uses his acute sense of smell to seek out victims to refill his empty shell. Looks like he got one! HAHAHA!

(seriously, i’m not crazy but my imagination is)

My Work Space

I was recently asked to post some pictures of my newly organized, recently renovated art studio.  While i didn’t think anyone else would care about where i worked, i realized that i myself also love to see the spaces other artists create in so maybe you might too. So here are a couple of shots of  my work space.

The first shows my art table with it’s north facing window for consistent lighting (and wooded view for staring at)  along with storage for most of my traditional materials.

The second shows the other side of the room where i do my digital work. Computer, tablet, scanner as well as a large selection of music to suit the mood of whatever i’m working on.

The rest of the room contains thousands of books (for reference and pleasure), a comfortable couch (for booking), a cast-off dining room table (for whatever doesn’t fit anywhere else) and a weight bench (so i don’t become a total physical wreck).


So it’s been a crazy few weeks at work/home and while i have been drawing i haven’t had the time to do much color work on the computer. The good news is i have a nice backlog of sketches and finished pencils to work on and i have a newly organised studio to work on them in. I should also have a little more free time to get at it.

In that spirit here is a piece i did today, my take on a classic D&D creature, the illithid. They use psionic powers to destroy their opponents brain functions and then consume said brains or use the creature as temporary slave labor (until they are too hungry to let delicious brains go to waste). This one is wearing a lovely spring frock it designed itself from supple drow leather.