
January 19, 2023 by scavengedluxury

Local shitheel Tory MP in the news again. Lee, it’s not the gotcha you think it is that your staffer has to live like a student forever and a third of her salary is burnt up on living within commuting distance of a job working for one of the biggest arseholes in parliament:

  1. pinkrabbitsbythenational reblogged this from scavengedluxury
  2. oldcrazyenglishman reblogged this from scavengedluxury and added:
    The real challenge that this young woman is suffering from is more related to the insane costs of rent and...
  3. tumbalaria reblogged this from kissloofahs-reloaded
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  5. angrycrabeyes said: She went to a £20grand a term school and daddy is an OBE don’t feel too bad for her.
  6. beingindisguise reblogged this from wehavecomeforyourprivateschools
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  8. barianfool reblogged this from scavengedluxury
  9. transchaoswizard reblogged this from unbossed
  10. maxwelton said: What are the odds of her not being sexually harassed by the tosser on top of the shit pay and lack of boundaries?
  11. scavengedluxury posted this