Ablutomania to Zimocca, an A to Z story

Ablutomania to Zimocca…sour Nancy’s day.  Deaconing, he was not; and Nancy was beginning to have second thoughts about their relationship.  ‘Ecbatic‘, thought Nancy; Tom said what he meant without realizing he was saying it!  Fardel relationships were not to her liking.

Galbanum“, responded Tom.  Herwarding closer, Tom smiled and extended his hand; which held a small box.  Inaniloquent Tom silently brought the conversation to a high point.  Jocoserious, as their talks were, the Tiffany blue box spoke a gazillion words in Nancy’s mind.  Keraunographs thousands of miles away reacted to the beating of Nancy’s heart.  Lachrymosing Nancy watched as Tom knelt and slowly opened the box.

Malacophonously, Tom said, “Will you, Nancy, marry me?”

Narcohypnial brain waves caused Nancy to stammer, “Ye…Ye…Ye…YES!” to which Tom placed the ring on her finger.

Obsigning with a kiss, the two walked into the house holding hands.  Phanerosising to their friends who were watching the football game took a few moments. Quassationing, Nancy extended her hand, and the light reflecting off the ring was magnificent.  Refulgent like the ring, Nancy’s and Toms’ smiles were more communicative than words.

Saltanting from their seats, Nacy’s girlfriends fought over being the first to touch the ring.  “Tigerism is not your thing,” said Jake, as Tom’s buddies got up to shake his hand.

Uxorious Tom remembers that eventful day, and has always felt happiness in having made the decision to ask Nancy to marry him.  Vallidom of love is immeasurable. Worsificationest, he may be, Nancy loves Tom and his poetry.  Xenagogue love, best describes how people feel in their presence.  Yips aside, Nancy hugs all of Tom.

Zimocca time is now an acceptable, fun reason for the two lovers to be late.

(Ablutomania to Zimocca is a work of fiction by Steven S. Walsky, August 2015.)

Esther Newton’s great writing blog is at https://esthernewtonblog.wordpress.com/


List of Unusual Words

Ablutomania: mania for washing oneself.

Baboonery: foolishness; stupidity; nonsense.

Cachinnate: to laugh loudly and inappropriately.

Deaconing: act of putting best looking goods on top of pile.

Ecbatic: grammatical construction indicating result without intention.

Fardel: anything cumbersome or irksome.

Galbanum: nonsense; a kind of gum resin.

Herward: toward her.

Inaniloquent: prone to foolish or empty babbling.

Jocoserious: half in jest; half serious.

Keraunograph: instrument for recording distant thunderstorms.

Lachrymose: shedding tears.

Malacophonous: soft-voiced.

Narcohypnia: numbness experienced upon awakening.

Obsign: to seal or confirm.

Phanerosis: act or process of becoming visible.

Quassation: act of shaking or being shaken.

Refulgent: casting a flood of light; radiant; beaming.

Saltant: leaping; dancing.

Tigerism: swagger.

Uxorious: excessively fond of one’s wife.

Vallidom: worth, value.

Worsification: the composition of bad poetry.

Xenagogue: guide; someone who conducts strangers.

Yips: nervous state in golf causing player to miss an easy putt.

Zimocca: bath-sponge.


2 thoughts on “Ablutomania to Zimocca, an A to Z story

    • Thank you Vashti. If they are ‘made-up-‘ I can not take credit 🙂
      My main source is the International House of Logorrhea, a free online dictionary of weird words and unusual words; found at The Phrontistery. Webster? Two of their resources are Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

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