Pretty in Pink in Nature!

Today we want to give a Shout Out to Saanvi for her Big Brilliant Idea of the Pink River Dolphin. Woohoo! Listen to our thanks!

What is the color pink? Where in the world would you find these many different shades of pink?

Carnation Pink        Wild Watermelon       Shocking Pink      Razzle Dazzle Rose

Wild Strawberry      Tickle Me Pink           Cotton Candy       Piggy Pink Jazzberry Jam

If you guessed in a big box of Crayola Crayons, you’re right!

Pink is a tint of color made from mixing red with white in different amounts to create light to dark pinks. Red + White = Pink.

Pretty in Pink

Shades of Pink can be seen in the flora (plants) and fauna (animals) and landscapes of the earth, like;

  • familiar pinks of flowers like Carnations, Roses and the breath-taking Cherry Tree blossoms
  • flavorful sweet pinks in foods like grapefruit and watermelon
  • precious, dazzling red-pinks in gemstones like Rubies and crystals of violet-pink Kunzite

Did You Know?

Lake Hillier, close to the Pacific Ocean in Western Australia, is permanently Bubble Gum Pink,

Due to a carotenoid-producing algae in the sediments that seep into the water. (carotenoids are the elements that make carrots orange).

Cameron Waterfall in Alberta’s Waterton Lakes National Park, cascades red-pink mud sediments from upriver after the rainy seasons of Spring and Summer.

Harbour Island, in the Bahamas of the North Atlantic Ocean, has pink sand beaches due to tiny living insects that live, die, and harden into the rock like coral reefs of shallow coastal waters.

Animals Can Be Pink, Too!

Animals that are pink are often colored for camouflage. The Orchid Praying Mantis and the Elephant Hawk Moth are splashed with pale or bright pink coloration to hide in the flowers or plants they feed on. 

The male Pink-Breasted Robin displays his color to attract another female robin who is colored brown to distract attention from predators. 

The Pygmy Seahorse, less than one inch, is the shape and color of the red and pink coral reefs of his habitat. 

Flamingos and the Roseate Spoonbill wading birds of Florida run the gamut of pink hues, from hot pink to ‘orange’ salmon. Their color is from the carotenoids of the crabs and shrimp they love to eat!

And Now Presenting: The Pink Amazon River Dolphin!

There are over forty different warm-blooded mammal (give birth to and nurse their young) species of dolphins. In general, they are highly intelligent, have fins on sides and back and are grey-blue to brown and are carnivores.

The Pink Dolphin, at one time considered a myth (not real) is actually very real and found in the freshwater river basins of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers in the Amazon rainforest of South America.

Did You Know?

These dolphins stay alert by sleeping with one eye open

Their Amazon River runs through the countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia, Peru, Venezuela

Unlike other dolphins, the Pink Amazon River Dolphin does not have a dorsal fin on its back and unlike other dolphins – they do have a long, thin, ‘pointy’ beak with 32 conical sharp teeth.

They are also called the Boto, Bofeo, or Boutu.

They are 6-9 feet long and weigh up to 400 pounds

Their pink color shades range from ‘rosey pink’ to ‘shocking hot pink’, due to their diet of crabs, crustaceans, and shellfish they snatch from the bottom of the muddy river basins. They also like to dine on small fish and turtles. 

As intelligent, social beings, they can gather in herds, swim around a school of fish and drive them into a circle to feed on them. 

They have an advanced echolocation (hearing) system to guide them to prey through the murky dark waters where visibility is zero.

Amazon Pink Dolphins have no predators except people, who hunt them for food and leather products.

Also, the dolphins are competitors for the fish that humans catch for marketing.

These docile, pink and lovely animals are on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red listed as Vulnerable (VU) to Endangered (EN), (EN) due the ‘2 H’s of wildlife disappearing: Hunters and Habitat loss. Every Life Matters. (ELM)

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  1. Hi Sandie!
    I had totally forgotten about Lake Hillier! Thanks for reminding me about it. I loved the info about Amazon Pink River Dolphins! I think you could also make a post about Chameleons or Narwhals. That would be cool to!


  2. Thanks for sharing. I have visited Puerto Narino in Colombia before and the tourist guide gave me the impression that jaguars, caimans and some snakes actually do feed on river dolphins. Not sure if that’s fact but they did tell me it happens on occasion. Again, thanks for the info, some of these details I was unaware of.


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