Lope de Vega - Soneto 126.

To faint, to dare, to be enraged,
coarse, tender, generous, elusive,
hopeful, lethal, dead, alive,
faithful, treatcherous, cowardly and brave;

to not find but in your lover peace and relief,
to look happy, sad, haughty, woeful,
angered, courageus, fugitive,
satisfied, offended, mistrustful;

to turn your face on clear deception,
to drink poison as if it were sweet liquor,
to forget gain, to love the pain;

to believe that heaven can lie in hell,
to give life and soul to an illusion,
this is love; those who have tasted it, know.

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    What’s not to love about Lope de Vega, I adore his poems!!!!
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