Appease and Vex


Appease verb - To lessen the anger or agitation of.
Usage example: candy often appeases an upset toddler

Vex is an antonym for appease.

Nearby Words: appeasement, appeasing, appeasable


Vex verb - To disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts.
Usage example: my coworkers' loud, endless conversations vexed me

Appease is an antonym for vex in distress topic.

Nearby Word: vexation

Common collocations

conscience appease conscience vex conscience
Cite this Source
Vex and Appease. (2016). Retrieved 2024, May 06, from
Appease & Vex. N.p., 2016. Web. 06 May. 2024. <>.
Vex or Appease. 2016. Accessed May 06, 2024.
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