Irremediable and Remediable


Irremediable adjective - Not capable of being cured or reformed.
Usage example: the firm belief that no juvenile delinquent is irremediable

Remediable is an antonym for irremediable.

Nearby Word: irremediably


Remediable adjective - Capable of being corrected.
Usage example: the problems with the local transportation system were severe but still remediable

Irremediable is an antonym for remediable.

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Remediable and Irremediable. (2016). Retrieved 2024, April 27, from
Irremediable & Remediable. N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2024. <>.
Remediable or Irremediable. 2016. Accessed April 27, 2024.
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