
Doublet of Odin. From Old English Wōden, from Proto-Germanic *Wōdanaz.

Above all, the son’s name of WodenSoft’s founder is Odin.


Odin, the All-Father of Nordic Gods

The Old Norse theonym Óðinn (popularly anglicised as Odin) and its cognates, including Old English Wōden, Old Saxon Wōden, and Old High German Wuotan, derive from the reconstructed Proto-Germanic theonym *wōđanaz.

In modern Continental Scandinavian, the name is spelled Odin, or in modern Swedish often Oden; this latter form is also found in toponyms such as Odense. In Icelandic, he is Óðinn and in Faroese Óðin.

Over 170 names are recorded for Odin. These names are variously descriptive of attributes of the god, refer to myths involving him.

This multitude of names makes Odin the god with the most names known among the Germanic peoples.


The modern English weekday name Wednesday derives from Old English wōdnesdæġ. Cognate terms are found in other Germanic languages, such as Middle Low German wōdensdach (Dutch woensdag), and Old Norse Óðinsdagr (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Onsdag). All of these terms derive from Proto-Germanic *Wōdanas dagaz, itself a Germanic interpretation of Latin dies mercurii (“Day of Mercury”). In Old High German, the name derived from Odin’s was replaced by a translation of Church Latin media hebdomas (‘middle of the week’), hence modern German Mittwoch, compare Icelandic: miðvikudagur.




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