ISSN 0386 – 077X RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE CHECK-LIST OF SPECIES OF FREE-LIVING INVERTEBRATES OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EASTERN SEAS RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE EXPLORATIONS OF THE FAUNA OF THE SEAS 75 (83) CHECK-LIST OF SPECIES OF FREE-LIVING INVERTEBRATES OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EASTERN SEAS EDITED BY B. I. SIRENKO ST. PETERSBURG 2013 RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE EXPLORATIONS OF THE FAUNA OF THE SEAS 75 (83) CHECK-LIST OF SPECIES OF FREE-LIVING INVERTEBRATES OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EASTERN SEAS AUTHORS: A. Abelmann, A. V. Adrianov, A. I. Azovsky, A. O. Borisanova, G. N. Buzhinskaja, E. M. Chaban, V. G. Chavtur, A. V. Chernyshov, E. S. Chertoprud, T. N. Dautova, N. V. Denisenko , V. L. Dzhurinskyi, O. V. Ezhova, O. A. Golovan, S. D. Grebelnyi, V. V. Gulbin, M. V. Heptner , D. L. Ivanov , Yu. I. Kantor, A. P. Kasatkina, O. N. Katugin , F. V. Kobekov, G. A. Kolbasov, M. S. Kos , A. R. Kosyan, S. B. Kruglikova, T. G. Lukina, K. A. Lutaenko, A. S. Maiorova, I. N. Marin , E. L. Markhaseva, A. V. Martynov , A. G. Matul, Yu. A. Mazei, A. V. Merkuliev, T. N. Molodtsova , M. P. Nikitina , V. V. Petrjashov , A. A. Petrov, A. F. Pushkin, V. N. Romanov, E. I. Schornikov , T. N. Semenova, M. B. Shedko , G. A. Shevtsov, A. V. Shoshin, B. I. Sirenko , A. V. Smirnov, I. S. Smirnov, R. V. Smirnov, V. A. Spiridonov, S. D. Stepanjants, A. V. Sysoev, T. S. Tarasova, Tarmo Timm, E. N. Temereva, D. V. Tumanov , L. A. Tzareva, S. Yu. Utevsky, S. V. Vassilenko , N. V. Vyshkvartseva, D. N. Zasko, O. N. Zezina, N. E. Zhuravleva E d i t o r i n c h i e f – Director of the Zoological Institute of the RAS O. N. Pugachev Editorial Board: B. I. Sirenko (editor), O. S. Voskoboinikova,A. V. Balushkin, S. G. Denisenko, E. L. Markhaseva, S. D. Stepanjants, A. A. Sykhotin Referes: S. J. Tsalolikhin, B. A.Korotyaev К 639.4 Check-list of species of free-living invertebrates of the Russian Far Eastern seas. In: Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 75(83). St. Petersburg, 2013. 256 c. The list contains approximately 8500 species of free-living invertebrates, inhabiting 5 defined regions of the Far Eastern seas of Russia: northern and north-western parts of the Sea of Japan (1), waters off the southeastern Sakhalin and Southern Kurile Islands (2), Sea of Okhotsk (3), waters off the middle and northern Kurile Islands, south-eastern Kamchatka Peninsula and Commander Islands (4) and the western part of the Bering Sea (5) and also Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. The list was compiled from material deposited in collections of museums and institutes, from literature data and also from unpublished data of the authors. For every species data on the discoveries in each region mentioned are given. 1164 species are mentioned for the fauna of Russia for the first time. Sixty four experienced taxonomists from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and Estonia participated in compiling the lists. The book may be of interest to zoologists, zoogeographers, marine biologists, and ecologists and also to teachers and students of biological faculties of universities. © Zoological Institute RAS, 2013 СС СКА АКА СК СС ВАН М НА К НС А Н М 75 (83) СВ Н А С С КВ В В С В Н Н В С Н М АКЦ . .С САНК 2013 СС НК Н СС СКА АКА М СК СС ВАН НА К НС А Н М 75 (83) И И И ЩИХ Ч Х Ч Х ИИ АВ : A. В. A иа , A. . A с , A. А е а , А. . иса а, . Н. и с ая, С. В. Васи е , Н. В. В а е а, М. . е е , O. A. а , С. . е е , В. В. и , T. Н. а а, Н. В. е исе , В. . и с и , O. В. а, Н. . а е а, . Н. а , . Н. е и а , . . а , . . Ка , А. . Каса и а, O. Н. Ка и , А. . К е , . A. К ас , M. С. К с, A. . К с я , С. . К и а, T. . и а, K. A. ае , . A. Ма е , A. С. Ма а, . Н. Ма и , A. В. Ма , E. . Ма асе а, A. . Ма , A. В. Ме е , T. Н. М а, M. . Ни и и а, A. A. е , В. В. е я е , A. . и , В. Н. а , T. Н. Се е а, . . Си е , A. В. С и , . С. С и , . В. С и , В. A. С и и , С. . С е а я , А. В. С с е , . С. а ас а, а и , . Н. е е е а, . В. а , С. . е с и , . А. Ца е а, E. M. а а , В. . а , A. В. е е , E. С. е , . A. е , M. B. е , E. . и , A. В. и а . И. Си е о ( е а – и е и ес е . О. Н. П ачев и с и а АН, е а и ая е ия: . е ), О.С. Вос о о и ова, А. В. ал и , С. . е исе о, Е. . Ма асева, С. . С е а ья , А.А. С о и е е е : С. . Цалоли и , .А. Ко о яев К 639.4 се ии: сс е С ис а с и 8500 е с - с Са а и а и се е К и с и - , е и а я (5) а а е К а я и ся е ия е и а а а а и я а с ис ас а и 64 К и а е е с а я и я е а а е е ис е а е а ия а е .В щ х . 75 (83). С ч х ., 2013. 256 c. ч х .В и е с и и ес , асе я и 5 е е ссии: се е и се е - а а ас и с я (1), К и с и (2), с е е (3), с е и и - с Ка а и и К а с и (4) и а а ас и и -Ка а с е а. С ис с с а е а е иа а , ее и и с и , и е а а ,а а е -с с а и е е . я а и а и е е с е е ия а а . 1164 и а и а ся е е я а ссии. В с с а е ии а с ис и ссии, аи , е а ии и с ии. е ес я , е а , и и и ,а а е и и ес и а е и е си е . © и ес и и с и АН, 2013 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION (B. I. Sirenko) ..................................................................................... 8 The authors of this list....................................................................................... 13 CHECK-LIST OF SPECIES OF FREE-LIVING INVERTEBRATES OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EASTERN SEAS ................................................................................. 15 Phylum Sarcomastigophora ............................................................................................ 16 Class Granuloreticulosa (T. G. Lukina, T. S. Tarasova) ............................................... 16 Class Acantharia (A. V. Chernyshev) ............................................................................ 24 Phylum Rhizaria (S. B. Kruglikova, D. N. Zasko, A. G. Matul, A. Abelmann) ................ 24 Phylum Cercozoa (S. B. Kruglikova) ............................................................................... 29 Phylum Ciliophora (A. I. Azovsky, Yu. A. Mazei) ........................................................... 29 Phylum Porifera (F. V. Kobekov) .................................................................................... 32 Phylum Cnidaria .............................................................................................................. 38 Subphylum Medusozoa .............................................................................................. 38 Class Hydrozoa (S. D. Stepanjants) .............................................................................. 38 Class Siphonophora (S. D. Stepanjants) ....................................................................... 43 Class Scyphozoa (S. D. Stepanjants) ............................................................................ 44 Class Staurozoa (S. D. Stepanjants) .............................................................................. 44 Class Anthozoa ............................................................................................................. 45 Subclass Diaseptigera (Haacke, 1879) (=Alcyonaria sensu Milne Edwards, 1857) ........ 45 Order Alcyonacea (T. N. Dautova) ......................................................................... 45 Order Pennatulacea (T. N. Dautova) ....................................................................... 45 Order Ceriantharia (T. N. Molodtsova) ................................................................... 46 Subclass Zygoseptigera Haacke, 1879 (=Zoantharia sensu Milne Edwards, 1857) ..........46 Order Scleractinia (S. D. Grebelnyi) ....................................................................... 46 Order Corallimorpharia (S. D. Grebelnyi) .............................................................. 46 Order Ptychodacteae (S. D. Grebelnyi) ................................................................... 46 Order Actiniaria (S. D. Grebelnyi) .......................................................................... 46 Order Zoanthacea (T. N. Molodtsova)..................................................................... 47 Order Antipatharia (T. N. Molodtsova) ................................................................... 48 Phylum Ctenophora (S. D. Stepanjants).......................................................................... 48 Phylum Plathelminthes (A. A. Petrov) ............................................................................ 48 Phylum Nemertea (A. V. Chernyshev) ............................................................................. 49 Phylum Gastrotricha (A. V. Chernyshev, A. S. Maiorova).............................................. 53 Phylum Nematoda (A. V. Shoshin) ................................................................................. 53 Phylum Cephalorhyncha (A. V. Adrianov) ..................................................................... 57 Phylum Rotifera (A. V. Chernyshev)................................................................................ 57 Phylum Annelida.............................................................................................................. 58 Class Polychaeta (G. N. Buzhinskaya) .......................................................................... 58 Class Pogonophora (R. V. Smirnov) .............................................................................. 76 Class Clitellata .............................................................................................................. 77 Order Tubificida (Tarmo Timm) ............................................................................. 77 Order Enchytraeida (Tarmo Timm) ......................................................................... 77 Order Hirudinida (S. Yu. Utevsky and M. B. Shedko) ............................................ 78 Phylum Echiura (N. E. Zhuravleva) ................................................................................ 78 Phylum Sipuncula (N. E. Zhuravleva) ............................................................................. 78 Phylum Tardigrada (D. V. Tumanov).............................................................................. 79 Phylum Arthropoda ......................................................................................................... 79 Subphylum Chelicerata .............................................................................................. 79 Class Pycnogonida (A. F. Pushkin)............................................................................... 79 5 Class Arachnida (M. P. Nikitina) .................................................................................. 81 Subphylum Crustacea ................................................................................................. 82 Class Maxillopoda ......................................................................................................... 82 Order Calanoida (N. V. Vyshkvartzeva, M. V. Heptner , E. L. Markhaseva, M. S. Kos) ................................................................................................................ 82 Order Cyclopoida (E. S. Chertoprud)...................................................................... 87 Order Harpacticoida (E. S. Chertoprud).................................................................. 88 Class Thecostraca .......................................................................................................... 91 Subclass Cirripedia (G. A. Kolbasov) ......................................................................... 91 Class Ostracoda ............................................................................................................. 92 Subclass Podocopa (E. I. Schornikov) ....................................................................... 92 Subclass Myodocopa (V. G. Chavtur) ...................................................................... 112 Class Malacostraca ...................................................................................................... 115 Subclass Phyllocarida (V. V. Petryashov) ................................................................. 115 Subclass Hoplocarida (V. V. Petryashov) ................................................................. 115 Subclass Eumalacostraca .......................................................................................... 116 Order Euphausiacea (V. V. Petryashov) ................................................................ 116 Order Decapoda ..................................................................................................... 116 Suborder Dendrobranchiata (V. A. Spiridonov) ....................................................... 116 Suborder Pleocyemata .............................................................................................. 116 Infraorder Caridea ..................................................................................................... 116 Infraorder Gebiidea (V. V. Petryashov) ................................................................. 118 Infraorder Axiidea (V. V. Petryashov) ................................................................... 118 Infraorder Anomura (V. V. Petryashov) ................................................................ 119 Infraorder Brachyura (I. N. Marin)........................................................................ 120 Superorder Peracarida ............................................................................................... 121 Order Lophogastrida (V. V. Petryashov) ............................................................... 121 Order Mysida (V. V. Petryashov) .......................................................................... 121 Order Amphipoda .................................................................................................. 122 Suborder Hyperiidea (T. N. Semenova) .................................................................... 122 Suborder Gammaridea (V. L. Dzhurinskyi) .............................................................. 123 Order Cumacea (V. V. Petryashov, S. V. Vassilenko, L. A. Tzareva) .................... 139 Order Tanaidacea (L. A. Tzareva) ......................................................................... 140 Order Isopoda (O. A. Golovan) ............................................................................. 141 Phylum Mollusca ............................................................................................................ 148 Class Polyplacophora (B. I. Sirenko) .......................................................................... 148 Class Aplacophora (D. L. Ivanov) ............................................................................... 149 Class Gastropoda ......................................................................................................... 150 Clade Patellogastropoda (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin) ....................... 150 Clade Vetigastropoda (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin) ........................... 150 Clade Cocculiniformia (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin)......................... 152 Clade Caenogastropoda (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin) ....................... 152 Clade Littorinimorpha (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin, A. V. Merkuliev)152 Clade Ptenoglossa (B.I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin)................................. 156 Clade Neogastropoda (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin, A. R. Kosyan, A. V. Sysoev, A. V. Merkuliev) ..................................................................................... 156 Clade Heterobranchia (B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin, E. M. Chaban) ... 165 Unranked group Opisthobranchia.......................................................................... 166 Clade Cephalaspidea (E. M. Chaban, A. V. Martynov) ............................................ 166 Clade Thecosomata (A. V. Martynov, E. M. Chaban) .............................................. 166 Clade Gymnosomata (A. V. Martynov, E. M. Chaban) ............................................ 167 6 Clade Aplysiomorpha (Anaspidea) (A. V. Martynov, E. M. Chaban) ...................... 167 “Group” Acochlidiacea (E. M. Chaban) .................................................................. 167 Clade Sacoglossa (E. M. Chaban, A. V. Martynov).................................................. 167 Clade Nudipleura (A. V. Martynov) .......................................................................... 167 Class Bivalvia (K. A. Lutaenko) .................................................................................. 169 Class Scaphopoda (D. L. Ivanov) ................................................................................ 175 Class Monoplacophora (D. L. Ivanov) ........................................................................ 175 Class Cephalopoda (O. N. Katugin, G. A. Shevtsov)................................................... 175 Phylum Brachiopoda (O. N. Zezina) ............................................................................. 177 Phylum Phoronida (E. N. Temereva)............................................................................. 178 Phylum Bryozoa (N. V. Denisenko) ............................................................................. 178 Phylum Chaetognatha (A. P. Kasatkina) ...................................................................... 188 Phylum Entoprocta (A. O. Borisanova) ........................................................................ 191 Phylum Echinodermata ................................................................................................. 191 Class Crinoidea (A. V. Smirnov) ................................................................................. 191 Class Asteroidea (A. V. Smirnov) ................................................................................ 191 Class Ophiuroidea (I. S. Smirnov and A. V. Smirnov)................................................. 195 Class Echinoidea (A. V. Smirnov) ............................................................................... 196 Class Holothuroidea (A. V. Smirnov) .......................................................................... 197 Phylum Hemichordata (O. V. Ezhova) .......................................................................... 199 Phylum Chordata (V. N. Romanov ) ............................................................................ 199 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 203 INDEX............................................................................................................................ 238 7 INTRODUCTION B. I. Sirenko Over the past 20 years average age of taxonomists has increased sharply in connection with the insufficiently considered policy of the leaders of the state concerning the scientific field. Prestige and financial security of science fell, and, as a consequence, the afflux of young specialists to research institutions decreased. Every year, as experienced taxonomists pass away, the valuable scientific information accumulated by them is lost because of the absence of young successors. One of the goals of compiling this book is to preserve as far as possible the valuable data accumulated by the older generation because every taxonomist knows species composition of the taxon studied. However, only few taxonomists publish such lists. The major of the many reasons is that our studies have not yet been completed; every expert has tremendous unexamined material and uncompleted revisions of taxa; besides, the taxonomic systems often change. It is noteworthy that such state of things will persist for the majority of taxa of invertebrates in the nearest few decades. Sometimes, however, it is useful to review at least intermediate stages of research. The prepared list of invertebrates of the Far Eastern seas of Russia reflects the current state of knowledge of species composition of the taxa. Such lists will naturally become outdated very soon, but they will be the basis and stimulus for studying the taxa and their periodic updating. Lists of many taxa will display level of knowledge of the taxa in the regions studied. Composition and numbers of species of fauna and flora for certain regions of the World Ocean are important information for all specialists studying the biosphere. Inventory of the fauna will allow bringing the studies, zoological, zoogeographic, ecological and environmental, in the Far Eastern seas of Russia to a higher level. Ushakov (1953) was the first to count the number of species of invertebrates inhabiting the Far Eastern seas of Russia. Ten years later Zenkevich (1963) supplemented Ushakov’s lists (Tab. 1). According to the estimate of Zenkevich more than 3000 species of invertebrates were known in the Far Eastern seas at that time. Zenkevich (1963) assumed that a total of up to 7000 species could be expected in those seas in the future. Thirty years since then Sirenko (1994) presented data according to which approximately 6000 species were known in the Far Eastern seas of Russia. The present data (approximately 8500 species) exceed the boldest forecasts of the middle of the past century. For the first time for the Far Eastern seas of Russia 1164 species were given. Table 1. Composition of free-living invertebrates in the Far Eastern seas of Russia according of different sources Source Zenkevich, 1963 Sirenko, 1994 Present data Total number of species cc 3000 5846 8411 Number of species for each sea Sea of Japan Okhotsk Sea Bering Sea cc 2000 cc 2100 cc 1500 2885 2641 1984 4077 2798 2414 Considering the insufficient knowledge of small species belonging to meiobenthos (Nematoda, Plathelminthes, Tardigrada, Harpacticoida, Arachnida and Ostracoda) it can be expected that not less than 10000 species can be found in the Far Eastern seas. The number of known species increases every year. In 1994 approximately 500 species of planktonic organisms and 900 species of meiobenthos were known, and now these figures have increased two-fold and constitute 1022 and 2077, respectively. At the same time, 5312 species of macrobenthos have become known, instead of 4500, reported in 1994, which testifies that our knowledge of these invertebrate taxa is approaching the actual number of species inhabiting the Far Eastern seas. The species list prepared contains the most complete composition of organisms, planktonic, meiobenthic, and macrobenthic, known to date. The list has been compiled in approximately the same form as the one published 12 years ago Sirenko (ed), 2001. «List of species of free-living invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic seas and 8 adjacent deep waters». It includes taxa traditionally referred to invertebrates, including Hemichordata and Tunicata. For compiling the list the entire water area of the Russian part of the Far Eastern seas was divided into 5 parts: northern and north-western parts of the Sea of Japan (1), south-eastern Sakhalin and Southern Kurile Islands (2), Sea of Okhotsk (3), Middle and Northern Kurile Islands, south-eastern Kamchatka Peninsula and Commander Islands (4), and Bering Sea (5) (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. The regions of the Far Eastern seas of Russia accepted in the present work. The deep water fauna of the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench is referred to the neighboring Kurile Islands (regions 2 and 4). The reason for defining the five separate regions is the urge towards indicating as accurately as possible location of the species, because many species inhabiting off the Commander Islands are absent in the Bering Sea and species inhabiting off the Kurile Islands frequently do not occur in the Sea of Okhotsk. The boundary between the regions 2 and 4 is determined by the boundary of distribution of low- and high boreal species between the southern and middle Kurile Islands. As an exception, the list, apart from free-living invertebrates includes a few parasitic species belonging to Mollusca phylum. Apart from the species already described the list includes all taxa known to the compiler for that region, but not yet described, or so far identified to a genus or a higher taxon. The goal of including them into the lists is to provide as complete data about species diversity in the studied region as possible. This will allow conducting more accurate comparative analyses of faunas of different regions and it will also show level of knowledge of different groups and will help the future taxonomists to choose taxa promising for study. The essential increase in the number of species inhabiting the Far Eastern seas as compared to the previous data is accounted for, on the one hand, by inclusion of taxa that had not been included in this kind of lists before and, on the other hand, by more thorough examination of the old and new material, which allowed considerably extending the lists of the taxa that had been included earlier. A good example is the list of Ostracoda, Podocopa that Shornikov has made several times larger owing to the study of the rich material collected by him. 9 For compiling the lists the taxonomists used the catalogue data stored in the collections of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University and at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the data accumulated by each researcher as a result of examination of material and also literature data including data bases in the Internet. Level of knowledge of such groups as Ciliophora completely depends on availability of biological stations where living material can be studied. The maximum species diversity has been recorded in the Sea of Japan where 4077 invertebrate species have been found (Table 2). Table 2. Up-to-date species composition of different groups of free-living invertebrates in the Far Eastern seas of Russia and adjacent Kurile Kamchatka Trench Total numbers of species Granuloreticulosa 399 Rhizaria+Cercosoa 227 Ciliophora 105 Porifera 262 Hydrozoa 257 Siphonophora 17 Scyphozoa 15 Staurozoa 8 Anthozoa 109 Ctenophora 11 Plathelminthes 48 Nemertea 172 Gastrotricha 2 Nematoda 163 Cephalorhyncha 11 Rotifera 35 Polychaeta 676 Pogonophora 20 Clitellata 104 Echiura 20 Sipuncula 17 Tardigrada 2 Pycnogonida 90 Arachnida 37 Calanoida 299 Cyclopoida 14 Harpacticoida 160 Thecostraca 30 Podocopa 1161 Myodocopa 155 Leptostraca 2 Euphausiacea 8 Decapoda 223 Lophogastrida 3 Mysida 58 Group 10 First find (discover) 31 0 5 0 12 1 2 0 17 4 0 36 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 903 20 0 0 0 0 5 Number of species for each sea S.E.Sakh. S. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Japan Sea Kuril. Sea Command Ids 217 214 87 124 152 67 130 124 105 0 0 0 111 100 82 140 123 81 176 120 5 1 11 11 7 0 11 6 5 4 3 2 26 24 46 63 4 0 7 1 25 17 0 7 82 63 22 57 2 0 0 0 138 14 1 24 9 2 1 2 33 4 0 0 414 331 267 307 3 5 4 13 23 12 16 28 17 4 8 3 9 6 12 10 2 0 0 0 24 34 39 33 9 0 2 27 73 102 266 10 8 4 2 95 39 16 31 15 16 14 21 505 337 155 311 36 55 21 78 2 2 1 2 5 8 5 8 143 118 8 93 0 3 3 3 25 40 21 37 Bering Sea 146 104 0 70 125 12 9 1 22 5 14 12 0 3 1 0 273 11 16 5 8 0 9 11 101 3 58 15 135 18 1 5 81 3 28 Group Hyperiidea Gammaridea Cumacea Isopoda Polyplacophora Aplacophora Gastropoda Bivalvia Scaphopoda Monoplacophora Cephalopoda Brachiopoda Phoronida Bryozoa Chaetognatha Entoprocta Holothuroidea Echinoidea Asteroidea Crinoidea Ophiuroidea Enteropneusta Ascidiacea Larvacea TOTAL Plankton Meiobenthos Macrobenthos Total numbers of species 53 611 79 334 59 15 904 287 12 1 70 16 8 382 142 5 77 21 168 7 78 2 127 33 8411 1022 2077 5312 First find (discover) 0 0 0 1 11 9 64 0 8 0 11 0 2 11 0 4 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 1164 Number of species for each sea S.E.Sakh. S. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Japan Sea Kuril. Sea Command Ids 11 22 23 50 389 261 330 188 68 38 41 70 101 108 88 212 25 39 12 34 5 4 4 3 405 439 3000 418 173 153 126 134 3 3 5 6 0 0 0 0 25 54 36 36 6 2 8 14 6 6 1 2 110 150 226 156 95 13 5 37 5 0 0 0 25 34 25 38 10 9 12 10 70 78 90 90 2 3 1 3 30 46 38 46 1 0 0 0 58 13 39 72 0 0 33 0 4069 3214 2798 3597 Bering Sea 31 263 31 18 11 4 240 97 4 1 33 12 0 209 37 0 21 8 47 0 23 1 23 0 2432 In full accordance with the Walles rule, the number of species gradually decline south to north, from 2,798 in the Sea of Okhotsk to 2,414 species in the Bering Sea (Table 2) to 1,435 in the Chukchi Sea (Sirenko 2009) (Fig. 2). It is important to 4077 note that several groups of invertebrates, such as Bryozoa, Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Calanoida and 2798 Hydrozoa do not conform to this rule. 2414 Invertebrates of the Russian Far Eastern seas consist of three large groups: macrobenthos, meiobenthos, and plankton, comprising 63%, 25% 1435 and 12% of species respectively. The least studied group is the meiobenthos. Most richly represented are Сrustacea, comprising in total nearly 39% (3,190 species). Next in abundance are Mollusca - 17% (1,348 species), Annelida - 9.5% (800 species), Sea of Okhotsk Bering Chukchi Cnidaria - 4.8%, (406 species), and so on. The Japan Sea Sea Sea protozoans (Granuloreticulosa, Rhizaria, Cercozoa, Fig. 2. Histogramm of distribution of species Ciliophora) comprise 8.7% (731 species) (Fig.3). composition in different Far Eastern Seas. 11 This list was mainly prepared by the Granulomore experienced taxonomists working reticulosa, with samples from the Russian Far Eastern Rhizaria, Others Porifera seas. The majority of authors work in Cercozoa, 12% 3% Russian institutes and universities: the Ciliophora Zoological Institute of the Russian 9% Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Cnidaria Bryozoa Marine Biology of the Far Eastern 5% 5% Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Annelida Mollusca Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and 10% Oceanography Centre, Moscow State 17% University, Zoological Museum of the Crustacea Moscow State University, as well as at the 39% research institutions of Ukraine, Germany, and Estonia. For only a few small taxa Fig. 3. Diagram of distribution of species composition (Siphonostomatoida, Mormonilloida, in different large groups of Far Eastern seas Poecillostomatoida, and Monstrilloida) did we fail to find specialists to compile lists of these taxa. The published lists could be regarded as an intermediate step in the study of species composition. I hope this book will motivate taxonomists to correct, refine and supplement the lists, and, as a result, we will obtain more accurate data on the faunal composition of the Russian Far Eastern seas. Acknowledgments I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the contributors of these lists for their good work and patience. My thanks also go to Galina Kuznetsova and Tatyana Konina for their help in compiling the lists and preparing them for publication, to Tamara Asanovich for her good technical editing, Tatyana Platonova for translation and Mihael Blikshteyn (Portland, Oregon) for the polishing English. Publication of the list was not supported financially by any grants. It was prepared because of the enthusiasm of taxonomists alone. References Sirenko B. I. 1994. Biological diversity of invertebrates in Far Eastern seas of Russia // Bridges of the science between North America and Russian Far East. 45-th Arctic Science Conference. Abstract, Book 1. Vladivostok. Dalnauka. P. 28. Sirenko B. I. 2009. Chapter II. The present state of investigations of the Chukchi Sea fauna // Ecosystems and biological resources of the Chukchi Sea and adjacent areas. Explorations of the fauna of the seas, 64 (72). P. 28-31. (In Russian) Ushakov P. V. 1953. Fauna of the Okhotsk Sea and conditions of its existence. Published by Academy of sciences of the USSR. – Moscow. 459 p. (In Russian) Zenkevich L. A. 1963. Biology of the seas of the USSR. Published by the USSR Academy of Sciences. – Moscow. 738 p. (In Russian) 12 THE AUTHORS OF THIS LIST AUTHORS Abelmann A. Adrianov A. V. Azovsky A. I. Borisanova A. O. Buzhinskaya G. N. Chaban E. M. Chavtur V. G. Chernyshev A. V. Chertoprud E. S. Dautova T. N. Denisenko N. V. Dzhurinskyi V. L. Ezhova O. V. Golovan O. A. Grebelnyi S. D. Gulbin V. V. Heptner M. V. Ivanov D. L. Kantor Yu. I. Kasatkina A. P. Katugin O. N. Kobekov F. V. Kolbasov G. A. Kos M. S. Kosyan A. R. Kruglikova S. B. Lukina T. G. Lutaenko K. A. Maiorova A. S. Marin I. N. Markhaseva E. L. Martynov A. V. INSTITUTION AWI IMB FEB RAS MSU MSU ZIN RAS ZIN RAS IMB FEB RAS IMB FEB RAS MSU IMB FEB RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS MSU IMB FEB RAS ZIN RAS IMB FEB RAS ZM MSU ZM MSU SIEE RAS PIO FEB RAS TINRO ZIN RAS MSU ZIN RAS SIEE RAS IO RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS IMB FEB RAS SIEE RAS ZIN RAS MSU AUTHORS Matul A. G. Mazei Yu. A. Merkuliev A. V. Molodtsova T. N. Nikitina M. P. Petrov A. A. Petryashov V. V. Pushkin A. F. Romanov V. N. Schornikov E. I. Semenova T. N. Shedko M. B. Shevtsov G. A. Shoshin A. V. Sirenko B. I. Smirnov A. V. Smirnov I. S. Smirnov R. V. Spiridonov V. A. Stepanjants S. D. Sysoev A. Tarasova T. S. Tarmo Timm Temereva E. N. Tumanov D. V. Tzareva L. A. Utevsky S. Yu. Vassilenko S. V. Vyshkvartseva N. V. Zasko D. N. Zezina O. N. Zhuravleva N. E. INSTITUTION IO RAS PSPU ZIN RAS IO RAS MSU ZIN RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS IMB FEB RAS IO RAS IBSS FEB RAS TINRO ZIN RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS ZIN RAS WWF ZIN RAS ZM MSU IMB FEB EMU/EULS MSU ZIN RAS IMB FEB RAS KNU ZIN RAS ZIN RAS IO RAS IO RAS ZIN RAS 13 ADDRESSES OF INSTITUTIONS AWI – Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, D-27568 Bremerhaven, Germany. EMU/EULS – Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu, Kreutzwaldi 1, 51014, Estonia. IBSS FEB RAS – Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Vladivostok 690022, Stoletiya Street, 159. Russian Federation. IMB FEB RAS – Institute of Marine Biology, Far-East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Vladivostok, Palchevskogo st. , 17, 690041, Russian Federation. IO RAS – P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, 117851, Russian Federation. KNU – Kharkov National University, Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology Kharkov, Pl. Svobody 4, 61022, Ukraine. MSU – Moscow State University Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1/12, 119991, Russian Federation. PIO FEB RAS – Pacific Institute of Ocean, Far-Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Vladivostok, 690041, Russian Federation. PSPU – Penza State Pedagogical University Penza, Lermontova st., 37, 440026, Russian Federation. SIEE RAS – Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, 33 Leninskij prosp. , 119071, Russian Federation. TINRO-Center – Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center). Vladivostok, alley Shevchenko, 4, 690091, Russian Federation. ZIN RAS – Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 1, 199034, Russian Federation. ZM MSU – Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6, 103009, Russian Federation. Abbreviations and explanation of sings  – species indicated in the area for the first time. ? – uncertain identification of taxon. +? – uncertain identification of taxon in the area. For the explanation of the other sings see footnotes to pages. CHECK-LIST OF SPECIES OF FREE-LIVING INVERTEBRATES OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EASTERN SEAS 1 + + Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. + N.M. Kuril Command Ids PHYLUM SARCOMASTIGOPHORA CLASS GRANULORETICULOSA1 Compiled by T. G. Lukina, T. S. Tarasova Order Foraminifera Suborder Allogromina Family Allogromiidae Allogromia sp. Suborder Textulariina Superfamily ASTRORHIZACEA Family Astrorhizidae Astrorhiza crassatina Brady, 1881 A. granulose (Brady, 1879) Pelosina variabilis Brady, 1879 Vanhoeffenella gaussi Rhumbler, 1905 Family Bathysiphonidae Bathysiphon filiformis G.O.Sars, 1874 Bathysiphon sp. Family Rhabdamminidae Marsipella chapmani Heron-Allen et Earland, 1912 M. cylindrica Brady, 1882 M. elongate Norman, 1878 Rhizammina indivisa Brady, 1884 Rhabdammina abyssorum M. Sars, 1869 Rh. abyssorum pacifica Stschedrina, 1955 Rh. cornuta Brady, 1879 Rh. discreta Brady, 1881 Rh. heteractina Stschedrina, 1953 Rh. linearis Brady, 1879 Rh. parabyssorum Stschedrina,1953 Psammatodendron arborescens Norman, 1881 Family Hippocrepinellidae Hippocrepinella flexibilis Heron-Allen et Earland, 1932 H. indivisa Parker,1870 Family Psammosphaeridae Psammosphaera fusca Schulze, 1875 Family Saccamminidae Lagenammina difflugiformis (Brady, 1879) Technitella legumen Norman, 1878 T. melo Norman, 1878 T. spaera Stschedrina, 1955 Pilulina argentae Hoglund, 1947 Family Hemisphaeramminidae Tholosina bulla (Brady, 1881) Th. vesicularis (Brady, 1879) Crithionina goesi (Hoglund, 1947) Cr. pisum hispida Flint, 1899 Iridia diaphana Heron-Allen et Earland, 1914 Superfamily HIPPOCREPINACEA Family Hippocrepinidae Hippocrepina indivisa Brady, 1870 Jaculella acuta Brady, 1879 J. obtusa Brady, 1882 Japan Taxa    +  + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The composition of the list includes the author's unpublished data from the regions: Bering Sea (Anadyr Bay, Bay of Providence 1968, 1976, 1989 and 2004), along the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula (1975), as well as from Possiet Bay and southern Sakhalin (Japan Sea). Several species were not included in the list, because of absence information about the authors and the years, when this species were described. 16 Jaculella sp. Hyperammina bradyi Stschedrina, 1946 H. clavata Heron-Allen et Earland, 1914 H. cylindrical Parr, 1950 H. elongate Brady, 1878 H. friabilis Brady, 1884 H. novae-zealandiae Heron-Allen et Earland, 1922 H. subnodosa Brady, 1884 Saccorhiza abyssalica Stschedrina, 1955 S. ramose (Brady, 1878) Saccorhiza sp. Superfamily AMMODISCACEA Family Ammodiscidae Ammodiscus catinus Hoglund, 1947 Amm. gullmarensis Hoglund, 1947 Amm. minutissimus Cushman et McCulloch, 1939 Amm. planorbis Hoglund, 1947 Amm. planus Hoglund, 1947 Amm. tenuis (Brady, 1884) Ammolagena clavata (Jones et Parker, 1860) Glomospira gordialis (Jones et Parker, 1860) Gl. glomerata Hoglund, 1947 Repmanina charoides Jones et Parker, 1860 Superfamily RZEHAKINACEA Family Rzehakinidae Milliammina fusca (Brady, 1870) Superfamily HORMOSINACEA Family Hormosinidae Nodulina dentaliniformis Brady, 1881 Reophax arctica Brady, 1881 R. asymmetricus Stschedrina, 1955 R. bacillaris Brady, 1884 R. bradyi Bronnimann et Whittaker, 1980 R. curtus Cushman, 1920 R. distans Brady, 1881 R. excentricus Cushman, 1910 R. findens (Parker,1870 ) R. fusiformis Brady, 1882 R. guttifer Brady, 1881 R. insectus Goes, 1806 R. nana Rhumbler, 1911 R. ochracea (Williamson, 1858) R. scorpiurus Montfort, 1808 R. scottii Chaster, 1892 Cuneata arctica (Brady, 1881) Ammofrondicularia arctica (Brady, 1881) Archimerismus subnodosa Brady, 1884 Hormosina normani Brady, 1881 Pseudonodosinella nodulosa (Brady, 1879) Protoschista findens (Parker, 1870) Superfamily LITUOLACEA Family Haplophragmoididae Cribrostomoides bradyi Cushman, 1910 Cr. subglobosum (G.O.Sars, 1872) Haplophragmoides bradyi (Robertson, 1891) H. canariensis (D’Orbigny, 1839) H. fragile Hoglund, 1947 H. glomeratum (Brady, 1878) H. jeffreysi (Williamson, 1858) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids  + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 17 18 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. H. kircki (Wickenden, 1932) H. scitulus Brady, 1881 H. sphaeriloculus Cushman, 1910 H. subtrullissatus Parr, 1950 H. tenuis (Cushman, 1927) H. trullissatus (Brady, 1879) Labrospira crassimargo (Norman, 1892) Family Lituolidae Ammobaculites agglutinans (D’Orbigny, 1846) Am. exiguus Cushman and Bronnimann, 1948 Ammotium inflatus (Stschedrina, 1946) Am. cassis (Parker, 1870) Eratidus foliaceum (Brady, 1870) Superfamily HAPLOPHRAMIACEA Family Ammosphaeroidinidae Adercotryma glomerata (Brady, 1880) Recurvoides contortus Earland, 1934 R. laevigatum Hoglund, 1947 R. turbinatus (Brady, 1881) Superfamily CYCLOLINACEA Family Cyclamminidae Alveolophragmium orbiculatum Shchedrina, 1936 Al. ocotensis Stschedrina, 1955 Cyclammina cancellata Brady, 1875 C. contorta Pearcey, 1914 Superfamily SPIROPLECTAMMINACEA Family Spiroplectamminidae Spiroplectammina biformis (Parker et Jones, 1865) Vulvulina capreolus D’Orbigny, 1826 Superfamily TROCHAMMININACEA Family Trochamminidae Ammoglobigerina globigeriniformis (Parker et Jones, 1865) Tiphotrocha kellettae (Thalman, 1932) Trochammina hadai Uchio, 1962 Tr. inflate (Montagu, 1808) Tr. cf. japonica Ishiwada, 1950 Tr. nana (Brady, 1881) Tr. nitida (Brady, 1881) Tr. pacifica Cushman, 1925 Tr. squammata (Parker et Jones, 1865) Tr. turbinate (Brady, 1881) Tr. vesicularis (Goes,1894) Tr. winogradovi Didkovsky, 1959 Rotaliammina ochracea (Williamson, 1858) Atlantiella atlantica (F. Parker, 1952) Trochamminulla lobata (Cushman, 1944) Tr. fissuraperta Stschedrina, 1955 Trochamminopsis pusilla Hoglund, 1947 Paratrochammina lepida Bronnimann et Whittaker, 1984 Jadammina macrescens (Brady, 1870) Deuterammina rotaliformis (Wright,1911) Superfamily ATAXOPHRAGMIACEA Family Globotextulariidae Globotextularia anceps (Brady, 1884) Verneuilinulla advena (Cushman, 1922) V. propinqua (Brady, 1884) Superfamily TEXTULARIACEA Family Eggerellidae Eggerella scabra (Williamson, 1858) Japan Taxa + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   +  + + + + +  + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + +   + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Karreriella bradyi (Cushman, 1911) K. baccata (Schwager, 1866) Family Textulariidae Bigenerina arctica (Brady,1881) Textularia conica ( D’Orbigny, 1839) T. earlandi Phleger, 1952 T. tenuissima (Earland, 1933) T. torquata Parker, 1952 T. vola Lalicker et McCulloch, 1940 Suborder Spirillinina Family Spirillinidae Spirillina vivipara Ehrenberg, 1843 Family Patellinidae Patellina corrugata Williamson, 1858 Suborder Miliolina Superfamily CORNUSPIACEA Family Cornuspiridae Cornuspira involvens (Reuss, 1850) Cornuspiroides foliacea (Philippi, 1844) Family Hemigordiopsidae Gordiospira arctica Cushman, 1933 Superfamily MILIOLACEA Family Spiroloculinidae Planispirinoides bucculentus (Brady, 1884) Family Hauerinidae Siphonaperta macbeathi Vella, 1957 Quinqueloculina agglutinata (Cushman, 1917) Q. akneriana D’Orbigny, 1846 Q. arctica Cushman, 1933 Q. circularis (Bornernan, 1855) Q. contorta D’Orbigny, 1846 Q. costata D’Orbigny, 1826 Q. curta Cushman, 1917 Q. disparilis (D’Orbigny, 1826) Q. hasimotoi Asano, 1938 Q. insueta Preobrazhenskaja, 1996 Q. interposita Levtchuk, 1979 Q. lamarckiana D’Orbigny,1839 Q. lata Terquem, 1876 Q. longa Gudina, 1969 Q. parvula (Schlumberger, 1894) Q. rotunda (D’Orbigny, 1826) Q. seminulum (Linne,1758) Q. stalkeri (Loeblich et Tappan, 1953) Q. vulgaris D’Orbigny, 1826 Q. cf. yabei Asano, 1936 Q. yezoensis Asano, 1936 Cruciloculina ericsoni Loeblich et Tappan, 1957 Cr. triangularis D’Orbigny, 1839 Miliolinella chukchiensis Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 M. hauerinoides (Rhumbler,1936) M. oblonga (Montagu, 1803) Pyrgo anomale (Schlumberger, 1894) P. bradyi (Schlumberger, 1894) P. depressa (D’Orbigny,1826) P. elongate (D’Orbigny, 1826) P. fischeri (Schlumberger, 1894) P. murrhina (Schwager, 1856) P. vespertilio (Schlumberger, 1891) Japan Taxa + + + + + + +  + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + +  + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + 19 20 + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Pyrgoella sphaera (D’Orbigny, 1839) Pyrgoella sp.nov. Triloculina laevigata D’Orbigny, 1826 T. terquemiana (Brady, 1884) T. trichedra Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 T. trigonula (Lamarck, 1804) Suborder Lagenina Superfamily NODOSARIACEA Family Nodosariidae Dentalina ittai Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 Family Vaginulinidae Astacolus hyalacrulus Loeblich and Tappan, 1953 Family Lagenidae Lagena acuticosta Reuss, 1862 L. aequilabialis Buchner, 1942 L. apiopleura Loeblich and Tappan, 1953 L. aspera Reuss, 1861 L. castanea Flint, 1899 L. catenulate (Williamson, 1858) L. caudate D’Orbigny, 1826 L. clavata (D’Orbigny, 1846) L. formosa Schwager, 1886 L. furcillifera Buchner, 1942 L. furcillifera var. circumeineta Buchner, 1942 L. gracillis Williamson, 1848 L. gracillima (Seguenza, 1862) L. laevis (Montagu, 1803) L. lagenoides (Williamson, 1858) L. lateralis var. simphex Buchner, 1913 L. neglecta Buchner, 1918 L. perlucida (Montagu, 1803) L. semilineata Wright, 1886 L. squamosa strumosa Reuss,1858 L. striata (D’Orbigny, 1839) L. striata haidingeri (Czjzek, 1848) L. sulcata (Walker et Jones, 1798) L. sulcata laevicostata Cushman, Gray, 1946 L. williamsoni (Alcock, 1865) Family Polymorphinidae Globulina gibba D’Orbigny, 1826 Globulina sp. Guttulina irregularis (D’Orbigny, 1846) G. lacteal (Walker et Jacob, 1784) G. problema D’Orbigny, 1826 G. yabei Cushman et Ozawa, 1929 Polymorphina charlottensis Cushman, 1925 P. myrae Parr, 1950 Pseudopolymorphina ovalis Cushman et Ozawa, 1930 Ps. hanzawai Cushman et Ozawa, 1928 Globobulimina elongate Cushman, 1911 Family Ellipsolagenidae Oolina borealis Loeblich et Tappan, 1954 O. caudigera (Wiesner, 1931) O. costata (Williamson, 1858) O. furssenkoi Troitskaja et Misterova, 1979 O. globosa (Walker, 1784) O. hexagona (Williamson, 1848) O. scalariformis (Williamson, 1858) O. scalariforme-sulcata (Wiesner, 1931) Japan Taxa   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +  + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + +  + + + + + + + Bering + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + Okhotsk + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. O. striata D’Orbigny, 1839 O. striatopunctata (Parker et Jones, 1865) Favulina lineata (Williamson, 1848) F. melo (D’Orbigny, 1839) F. squamosa (Montagu, 1803) F. squamosa-sulcata (Heron-Allen et Earland, 1922) Fissurina cucullata Silvestri, 1902 F. curcubitasema Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 F. fasciata (Egger, 1912) F. fimbiata (Brady, 1881) F. laevigata Reuss, 1849 F. lucida (Williamson, 1848) F. orbignyana Seguenza, 1862 F. marginata (Montagu, 1803) F. semimarginata (Reuss, 1870) F. stschedrinae Lukina, 1972 F. ventricosa (Wiesner, 1931) Parafissurina fusuliformis Loeblich and Tappan, 1953 P. himatiostoma Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 P. tectulostoma Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 Family Glandulinidae Esosyrinx curta (Cushman et Ozawa, 1930) Glandulina laevigata (D’Orbigny, 1826) Laryngosigma hyalascidia Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 L. williamsoni (Terquem, 1878) Suborder Robertinina Superfamily CERATOBULIMINACEA Family Ceratobuliminidae Ceratobulimina arctica Green, 1960 Family Epistominidae Hoeglundina elegans (D’Orbigny, 1826) Family Robertinidae Robertina arctica D’Orbigny, 1846 Robertinoides charlottensis (Cushman, 1925) Suborder Globigerinina Superfamily GLOBOROTALIACEA Family Globorotaliidae Globorotalia sp. Family Candeinidae Candeina nitida D’Orbigny, 1839 Superfamily GLOBIGERINACEA Family Globigerinidae Globigerina bulloides D’Orbigny,1826 G. dutertrei D’Orbigny, 1839 G. pachyderma (Ehrenberg, 1872) Globigerinoides conglobatus (Brady, 1879) G. ruber (D’Orbigny, 1839) Globoquadrina conglomerata (Schwager, 1860) Suborder Rotaliina Superfamily BOLIVINACEA Family Bolivinidae Bolivina decussata Brady, 1884 B. gramen (D’Orbigny, 1939) B. pacifica Cushman et McCulloch, 1942 B. pseudoplicata Heron-Allen et Earland, 1930 B. pseudopunctata Hoglund, 1947 B. seminude Cushman, 1911 B. cf. striatula Cushman, 1922 B. subaenariensis Cushman, 1922 Japan Taxa + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +    + + +  +  +  +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  21 22 + + + +  + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Superfamily CASSIDULINACEA Family Cassidulinidae Cassidulina californica Cushman, 1926 C. carinata Silvestri, 1896 C. delicate Cushman, 1927 C. laevigata D’Orbigny,1826 C. reniforme Norvang, 1945 C. teretis Tappan, 1951 C. yabei Asano et Nakamura, 1937 Globocassidulina crassa (D’Orbigny, 1839) Gl. subglobosa (Brady, 1881) Cassidulinoides tenuis Phleger et Parker, 1951 Paracassidulina neocarinata (Thalmann, 1950) Islandiella californica Cushman et Hughea, 1925 Isl. islandica (Norvang, 1945) Isl. norcrossi (Cushman, 1933) Isl. smechovi Voloshinova, 1952 Isl. sublimbata Asano et Nakamura, 1937 Ehrenbergina compressa Cushman, 1927 Eh. trigona Goes, 1896 Superfamily TURRILINACEA Family Stainforthiidae Stainforthia concava (Hoglund, 1947) St. loeblichi Feyling-Hansen, 1954 Superfamily BULIMINACEA Family Buliminellidae Bulimmina barbata Cushman, 1927 B. exilis Brady, 1884 B. exilis var. tenuata (Cushman, 1927) Globobulimina auriculata (Bailey, 1851) Gl. auruculata arctica Hoeglund, 1947 Gl. pacifica Cushman, 1927 Family Buliminellidae Buliminella elegantissima D’Orbigny, 1839 Family Uvigerinidae Uvigerina asperula Czjzek, 1848 U. echinata Saidova, 1953 U. ochotica Saidova, 1953 U. peregrina Cushman, 1923 U. senticosa Cushman, 1927 Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson, 1858) An. fluens Todd, 1947 An. borealis Saidova, 1975 Family Reussellidae Reussella pacifica Cushman et McCulloch, 1948 Superfamily FURSENKOINACEA Family Fursenkoinidae Furssenkoina fusiformis (Williamson, 1858) Superfamily DISCORBACEA Family Bagginidae Valvulineria arctica Green, 1960 V. ochotica Stschedrina,1953 Family Eponididae Eponides frigidus Cushman, 1921 E. frigidus var. calida (Cushman, 1930) E. karsteni (Reuss, 1855) E. repanda (Fichtell et Moll, 1798) E. repanda v. concamerata (Williamson,1858) E. umbonata (Reuss, 1851) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + +     + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + E. wrightii (Brady, 1881) Alabaminella weddellensis Earland, 1936 Family Discorbidae Discorbis bradyi (Cushman, 1915) D. floridensis Cushman, 1931 D. globularis (D’Orbigny, 1826) D. nitidus (Williamson, 1858) D. orbicularis (Terquem, 1876) D. rosacea (D’Orbigny, 1939) D. subaraucana (D’Orbigny, 1839) D. cf. translucens Earland, 1933 Family Rosalinidae Rosalina columbiensis (Cushman, 1925) R. globularis (D’Orbigny, 1839) R. vilardeboana (D’Orbigny, 1839) R. wrightii (Brady, 1881) Superfamily GLABRATELLACEA Family Glabratellidae Glabratella beringovensis Polovova, 1979 G. globosa (Sidebottom, 1909) G. milletti (Wright, 1911) G. opercularis (D’Orbigny, 1839) G. patelliformis (Brady, 1884) G. subopercularis (Asano, 1951) Superfamily DISCORBINELLACEA Family Pseudoparrellidae Epistominella exigua (Brady, 1884) Superfamily PLANORBULINACEA Family Cibicididae Cibicidea io (Cushman, 1931) C. pseudoungeriana (Cushman, 1922) C. refulgens Montfort, 1808 Cibicidella variabilis (D’Orbigny, 1839) Cibicides wuellerstorfi (Schwager, 1866) Lobatula lobatula (Walker et Jones, 1798) Superfamily NONIONACEA Family Nonionidae Haynesina orbiculare (Brady, 1881) Nonion sublitoralis Troitskaja,1973 N. turgida digitata Norvang, 1945 Nonionella auricular Heron-Allen et Earland, 1930 Nonionellina labradorica (Dawson, 1960) Protelphidium asterotuberculatum (Voorthuysen, 1957) P. lenticulare Gudina, 1966 Pseudononion japonicum Asano, 1936 Astrononion gallowayi Loeblich et Tappan, 1953 Ast. stellatum Cushman et Edwards, 1937 Chilostomellina fimbriata Cushman, 1926 Pullenia sphaeroides (D’Orbigny,1826) P. subcarinata (D’Orbigny, 1839) Superfamily CHILOSTOMELLACEA Family Chilostomellidae Chilostomella fimbriata Cushman, 1914 Family Oridorsalidae Oridorsalis tenerus Andersen, 1963 Family Gavelinellidae Gyroidinoides lamarckiana (D’Orbigny, 1839) Family Trichohyalidae Buccella depressa Andersen, 1952 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + 23 2 + +  + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering + + + Okhotsk + +  N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. B. frigida (Cushman, 1922) B. hannai oris Levtchuk, 1979 B. inusitata Andersen, 1952 B. tenerrima (Bandy, 1950) Superfamily ROTALLACEA Family Rotallidae Pararotalia nipponica (Asano, 1936) Ammonia beccarii (Linne, 1758) A. beccarii var. parkinsoniana (D’Orbigny, 1839) A. japonica (Hada, 1931) Family Elphidiidae Cribroelphidium advenum (Cushman, 1922) Cr. asterineum Troitskaja, 1973 Cr. bartletti (Cushman, 1933) Cr. clavatum (Cushman, 1930) Cr. etigoense (Husezima et Maruhas, 1944) Cr. hallandense (Brotzen, 1943) Cr. kusiroense (Asano, 1938) Cr. cf. kusiroense (Asano, 1938) Cr. subarcticum (Cushman, 1944) Cr. subincertum (Asano, 1950) Canalifera fax (Nicol, 1944) Elphidium crispum (Linee, 1758) E. excavatum (Terquem, 1875) E. goesi Stschedrina, 1946 E. incertum (Williamson, 1858) E. incertum var. obscura Voloshinova, 1936 E. jenseni (Cushman, 1924) E. macellum (Fichtel et Moll, 1907) E. subgranulosum (Asano, 1938) Elphidiella arctica (Parker et Jones, 1864) E. flos Troitskaja, 1973 E. frigida (Cushman, 1933) E. groenlandica (Cushman, 1933) Elphidiella sp. Porosoratalia tuberculata Troitskaja, 1996 CLASS ACANTHARIA Compiled by A. V. Chernyshev Order Arthracantha Family Acanthometridae Acanthometra cf. pellucida (Mueller, 1856) PHYLUM RHIZARIA2 Check-list of species for the Sea of Japan compiled by S. B. Kruglikova Check-list of species for the S.E. Sakhalin and South Kuril Ids. compiled by S. B. Kruglikova Check-list of species for the Okhotsk Sea compiled by S. B. Kruglikova and D. N. Zasko Check-list of species for the N. M. Kuril and Commander Ids. compiled by S. B. Kruglikova and A. G. Matul Check-list of species for the Bering Sea compiled by A. G. Matul, A. Abelmann CLASS RADIOLARIA Subclass Polycystina Order Collodaria Family Collospaerida Collosphaera huxlei Haeckel, 1887 Japan Taxa + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +    +  + Authors express their appreciation to Dr. Andrea Abelmann for the invitation to participate in the German-Russian project KOMEX, and to access the expeditional material for the micropaleontological analysis. 24 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Polysolenia arktios Nigrini, 1970 Acrosphaera murrayana (Haeckel, 1887) Buccinosphaera invaginata (Haeckel, 1887) Order Spumellaria Family Ethmosphaeridae Cenosphaera cristata Haeckel, 1887 (=Cenosphaera favosa? Haeckel, 1887) C. reticulata (Haeckel, 1862) Cenosphaera sp. Plegmosphaera sp. Styptosphaera spumacea Haeckel, 1887 Styptosphaera sp. Family Astroshaeridae Acanthosphaera sp. Actinomma boreale Cleve, 1899 Actinomma spp. A. leptodermum leptodermum Jørgensen. 1905 A. boreale Cleve 1899/ A. leptodermum Jorgensen, 1905 group A. leptodermum (Jørgensen) longispina, Cortese et Bjørklund, 1998 A. medianum Nigrini, 1967 A. langii (Dreyer, 1889) A. friedrichdreyeri Burridge, Bjørklund et Kruglikova, (in press) (= Prunopyle antarctica Dreyer, 1889) A. delicatulum (Dogiel et Reschetnyak,1952) A. quadrisphaera (Dogiel, 1952) Anomalocantha dentata (Mast, 1910) Cladococcus bifurcus Haeckel, 1860 Cladococcus sp. Hexaconthium pachydermum Jorgensen, 1905 Hexaconthium sp. Rhizoplegma boreale (Cleve, 1899) Stylosphaera melpomene Haeckel, 1887 Family Spongosphaeridae Spongosphaera streptacantha Haeckel, 1860 Family Ellipsida, Druppulida Stylatractus pyriformis (Bailey, 1856) Druppatractus variabilis Dumitrica 1973 (? = Stylatractus pyriformis (Bailey, 1856)) Family Porodiscidae Amphicraspedum murrayanum Haeckel, 1879 Stylodictya aculeata Jörgensen, 1905 Stylodictya sp. S. stellata stellata (Bailey, 1856) group S. stellata stellata (Bailey, 1856) S. stellata validispina Jorgensen, 1905 Flustrella (?) Itaki, 2009 Stylochlamidium venustum (Bailey, 1856) Euchitonia furcata Ehrenberg, 1872 Amphirrhopalum ypsilon Haeckel, 1887 Circodiscus microporus (Stoehr, 1880) Family Spongodiscidae Spongodiscus osculosus (Dreyer, 1889) S. setosus (Dreyer, 1889) S. resurgens Ehrenberg, 1854 Spongodiscus spp. Spongotrochus glacialis Popofsky, 1908 Spongotrochus sp. Schizodiscus stylotrochoides Dogiel, 1952 S. disymmetricus Dogiel, 1952 S. spatangus Dogiel and Reschetnjak, 1952 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 25 Hymeniastrum euclydis (Haeckel, 1881) + Dictyocoryne truncatum (Ehrenberg, 1861) + Spongaster tetras tetras Ehrenberg, 1861 + S. tetras irregularis Nigrini, 1970 + Family Sponguridae Spongurus pylomaticus (Riedel, 1958) borealis (Kruglikova, 1974) + Spongocore cylindrica Haeckel, 1860 + S. puella Haeckel, 1887 Family Phacodiscidae Heliodiscus asteriscus Haeckel, 1887 + H. echiniscus Haeckel, 1887 + Family Artiscidae Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus tetrathalamus (Haeckel, 1881) + Cypasis irregulari Nigrini, 1968 + Family Litheliidae Larcospira minor Jorgensen, 1900 + L. quadrangula Haeckel, 1887 + Lithelius spiralis Haeckel, 1887 L. nautiloides Popofsky, 1908 (? =Spirema haliomma (Ehrenberg, 1872)) Lithelius spp. Tholospira sp. A Kruglikova, 1977 + Tholospira spp. + Larcopyle weddellium Lazarus et Popova- Goll, 2005 + L. buetschlii Dreyer, 1889 group + Dipylissa bensoni Dumitrica, 1988 Spirema haliomma (Ehrenberg), 1872 Family Pyloniidae Tetrapyle octacantha Müller, 1854 + Octopyle stenozona Haeckel, 1887 + Pilonidal spp. Family Phorticidae Phorticium clevei Jorgensen, 1905 P. pylonium Haeckel, 1887 + Family Strebloniidae Streblacantha circumtexta (Jorgensen, 1899) +? Order Nassellaria Family Sethophormididae Enneaphormis rotula Haeckel, 1881 +? Tetraphormis callipilium Haeckel, 1887 + Sethophormis aurelia Haeckel, 1887 + Protoscenium simplex Cleve , 1899 + Family Plagiacanthidae Clathromitra sp. Clathromitrinae spp. Archiscenium tricolpium (Haeckel, 1887) + Cladoscenium ancoratum Haeckel, 1887 + Cladoscenium (?) sp. Pteroscenium sp. + Callimitra solocicribrata Takahashi, 1991 +? Tetraplecta pinigera (Haeckel, 1887) + Arachnocorallium calvata (Haeckel, 1887) + Plagiacantha arachnoides Claparede, 1858 Plectacatha oikiskos Jorgensen, 1900 + Phormacantha hystrix (Jorgnsen, 1905)(=Peridium hystrix (Jorgnsen, 1905)) + Pseudocubus obeliscus Haeckel, 1887 + P. cremastoplegma Nigrini, 1968 + (= Plectacantha cremastoplegma Nigrini, 1968) P. octostylus Haeckel, 1887 + 26 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Pseudocubus sp. 1, Kruglikova, 2011 (= Antarctissa sp.1 Abelmann et Nimmergut, 2005) Pseudocubus sp. 2, Kruglikova, 2011 (= Antarktis sp.2 Abelmann et Nimmergut, 2005) Neosemantis distephanus (Haeckel, 1887) Arachnocorys dubius Dogiel, 1952 A. umbelifera Haeckel, 1862 Arachnocorys sp. cf. umbelifera Haeckel, 1862 A. circumtexta Haeckel, 1860 A. pentacantha Popofsky, 1913 Dumetum rectum Popofsky, 1908 Mitrocalpis araneafera Popofsky, 1908 Peridium spinipes Haeckel, 1887 Peridium sp. Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes gracilipes (Bailey, 1856) P. gracilipes tetracanthus (Popofsky, 1913) P. gracilipes clevei (Jörgensen, 1905) P. gracilipes bicornis (Ehrenberg, 1861) P. aff. platycephalus (Haeckel, 1887) P. mawsoni (?) (Riedel, 1958) Ceratocyrtis histricosa (Jörgensen, 1905) C. sinuosa (Popofsky, 1913) C. galeus (Cleve, 1899) Lampromitra tricuspis Dogiel, 1952 Dictyophimus sp. Tripodiscium gepheristes (Hülsemann, 1963) Lophophaena hispida (Ehrenberg, 1972) L. buetschlii (Haeckel, 1887) L. variabilis (Popofsky, 1913) L. cylindrica (Cleve, 1900) L. witjazii Petrushevsk., 1971 Lophophaena spp. Lithomelissa aff. sp. B Petrushevskaya, 1967 L. setosa Jorgensen, 1905 L. laticeps Jorgensen, 1905 Lithomelissa (?) sp. D (Itaki, 2008) Trisulcus borealis (Ehrenberg, 1972) T. boldyrae Petrushevskaya, 1971 T. triacanthus Popofsky, 1913 Trisulcus spp. Dimelissa thoracites (Haeckel, 1862) Family Eucyrtidiidae Artostrobus annulatus (Bailey, 1856) A. jorgenseni Petrushevskaya, 1967 Eucyrtidium acuminatum (Ehrenberg, 1844) E. hexastichum Haeckel, 1887 E. teuscheri Haeckel, 1887 Eucyrtidium sp. Stichopylium annulatum Popofsky, 1913 Cyrtolagena cuspidata (Bailey, 1856) C. laguncula Haeckel, 1879 Cornutella bimarginata Haeckel, 1887 C. profunda Ehrenberg, 1854 Cycladophora davisiana Ehrenberg, 1862 C. aff. davisiana Ehrenberg, 1862 (forma marina, Kruglikova, 1977) C. cornuta (Bailey, 1856) Cycladophora sp. Eucecryphalus cervus (Ehrenberg, 1872) E. elisabethae (Haeckel, 1887) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + +? + + + + +? + + +? + + + + + + + + + + +? + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 27 Clathrocyclas aff. Cycladophora cornuta Kruglikova, 1977 Lipmanella dictyoceras (Haeckel, 1860) L. pyramidale (Popofsky, 1913) Lipmanella sp. (Itaki, 2008) Lithopera bacca Ehrenberg, 1872 Sethoconus tabulatus (Ehrenberg, 1872) Peripyramis circumtexta Haeckel, 1887 Bathropyramis sp. Litharachnium tentorium Haeckel, 1862 Theocalyptra bicornis Haeckel, 1887 Tricolocapsa papillosa papillosa Ehrenberg, 1872 Family Cannobotryidae Botryocampe inflata (Bailey, 1856) B. robusta (Kruglikova, 1974) B. aff. robusta (Kruglikova, 1974) Saccospyris aff. antarctica Haecker, 1908 Acrobotrys teralans Renz, 1976 Botryopyle cribosa (Popofsky, 1913) B. dictyocephalus Haeckel,1887 Botryocyrtis scutum (Harting, 1863) B. quinaria Ehrenberg, 1872 Family Lychnocaniidae Lychnocanium hirundo Haeckel, 1887 (= Pterocorys hirundo Haeckel, 1887) L. korotnevi (Dogiel, 1952) (= Pterocorys korotnevi (Dogiel, 1952)) Pterocyrtidium dogieli (Petrushevskaya, 1967) (= Sethoconus dogieli (Petrushevskaya, 1967)) Family Artostrobiidae Lithamphora platycephala (Ehrenberg, 1873) Siphocampe lineata nodosaria (Haeckel, 1887) S. lineata clevei (Petrushevskaya, 1971) S. lineata arachnea (Ehrenberg, 1872) S. seriatum (Jorgensen) Caulet, 1971(= Botryostrobus auritus-australis (Ehrenberg, 1844)) group Botryostrobus tumidulus (Bailey, 1856) B. aquilonaris (Bailey, 1856) B. euporus (Ehrenberg, 1872) Artostrobium botryocyrtium (Haeckel, 1887) Spirocytis scalaris Haeckel, 1887 Artobotrys borealis (Cleve,1899) Family Carpocaniidae Carpocanium obliqua (Haeckel, 1887) Family Pterocoryidae Theocory veneris Haeckel, 1887 Anthocyrtidium aff. ophirense (Ehrenberg, 1872) Pterocanium praetextum eucolpum Nigrini, 1970 P. praetextum praetextum (Ehrenberg, 1872) Pterocorys macroceras (Popofsky) P. campanula Haeckel, 1887 (? P. hertwigii (Haeckel) Petrushevskaya, 1971)) P. zancleus (Muller, 1835) P. cranoides (Haeckel, 1862) Theocorythium trachelium ( Ehrenberg, 1872) Suborder Spyrida Acanthodesmia vinculata, Muller, 1857 A. micropora (Popofsky), 1908 Ceratospyris (?) borealis (Bailey, 1856) Lophospyris pentagona (Ehrenberg, 1872) Tholospyris rombus ( Haeckel, 1887) 28 + + + + + Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 4 + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Tholospyris (?) spinosus Kruglikova, 1974 Zygocircus productus (Hertwig, 1879) group Triceraspyris damaecornis Haeckel, 1887 (= Clathrocircus stapedius Haeckel, 1887) PHYLUM CERCOZOA Compiled by S. B. Kruglikova CLASS PHAEODARIA3 Family Aulacanthidae Aularia ternaria Haeckel, 1887 Family Lirelidae Borgertella caudata (Wallich, 1869) Lirella bullata (Stadum and Ling, 1969) L. melo (Cleve, 1899) Family Challengeridae Challengeron avicularia Haecker, 1906 ? Ch. neptunium Borgert, 1901 Ch. ornithocephala (Reshetnyak, 1966) Ch. tizardi (Murray, 1885) Ch. vicina Reshetnyak, 1966 Family Medusettidae Euphysetta elegans Borgert, 1902 Eu. staurocodon Haeckel, 1887 Protocystis sp. Protocystis harstoni (Murray, 1885) P. neresi (Murray, 1885) P. thomsoni (Murray, 1885) P. tridens (Haeckel, 1887) Circoporus sp. Family Circoporidae Circspathis sexfurca trifida Reshetnyak, 1953 Family Tuscaroridae Tuscaretta horrida Reshetnyak, 1953 Family Cannospharidae Coelocantha dogieli Reshetnyak, 1953 PHYLUM CILIOPHORA4 Compiled by A. I. Azovsky, Yu. A. Mazei CLASS KARYORELICTEA Order Loxodida Family Cryptopharyngidae Cryptopharynx setigerus Kahl, 1928 Family Loxodidae Remanella granulosa (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1960 R. margaritifera (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1960 R. rugosa (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1960 R. unirugosa Hartwig, 1973 Order Protoheterotrichida Family Aveliidae Parduczia murmanica (Raikov, 1962) Dragesco, 1999 P. orbis (Faure-Fremiet, 1950) Dragesco, 1999 Family Geleidae Geleia decolor (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1960 G. fossata (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1960 G. hyalina Dragesco, 1960 G. major Dragesco, 1960 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled by S. B. Kruglikova from the literature V. V. Reshetnyak (1952). The species list of ciliates is based on the publications of Raikov (1963), Raikov and Kovaleva (1968), Myskova (1976), Volkonitin (1985), and includes taxa found in seashore benthic habitats. Some data from the sandy beaches of Furugelm Island (Peter the Great Bay) are also used (A. I. Azovsky, unpubl.) 29 G. nigriceps (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1960 Order Protostomatida Family Kentrophoridae Kentrophoros fasciolatus (Sauerbrey, 1928) Dragesco, 1962 K. fistulosus (Faure-Fremiet, 1950) Foissner, 1995 K. flavus Raikov et Kovaleva, 1968 K. gracilis Raikov, 1963 K. uninucleatus Raikov, 1962 Family Prototrachelocercidae Prototrachelocerca caudata (Dragesco et Raikov, 1966) Foissner, 1986 P. fasciolata (Sauerbrey, 1928) Foissner, 1996 Family Trachelocercidae Kovalevia sulcata (Kovaleva, 1966) Foissner, 1997 Trachelоcerca coluber Kahl, 1933 T. gracilis (Dragesco, 1953) Dragesco, 1960 T. incaudata (Kahl, 1933) Foissner, 1996 T. sagitta (Müller, 1786) Ehrenberg, 1840 T. tenuicollis Quennerstedt, 1867 Tracheloraphis bimicronucleata (Raikov, 1969) Carey, 1991 T. crassa Raikov, 1963 T. dicaryon Raikov, 1963 T. dogieli Raikov, 1957 T. drachi (Dragesco, 1953) Dragesco, 1960 T. hyalina Dragesco, 1960 T. lacteus Raikov et Kovaleva, 1968 T. longicollis (Dragesco, 1960) Foissner et Dragesco, 1996 T. margaritata Kahl, 1930 T. multicineta (Raikov et Kovaleva, 1968) Carey, 1991 T. oligocineta (Raikov et Kovaleva, 1968) Carey, 1991 T. oligostriata (Raikov, 1962) Foissner et Dragesco, 1996 T. phoenicopterus (Cohn, 1866) Dragesco, 1960 T. poljanskyi (Raikov, 1963) Foissner, 1997 T. prenanti Dragesco, 1960 T. remanei Dragesco, 1960 T. serrata Raikov et Kovaleva, 1968 T. similis Raikov et Kovaleva, 1968 T. swedmarki Dragesco, 1960 Incertae sedis Karyorelictea Ciliofaurea arenicola Dragesco, 1953 CLASS HETEROTRICHEA Order Heterotrichida Family Blepharismidae Anigsteinia clarissima (Anigstein, 1912) Isquith, 1968 A. clarissima var. arenicola (Kahl, 1932) Isquith, 1968 Blepharisma dileptus Kahl, 1928 Family Climacostomidae Fabrea salina Henneguy, 1890 Family Condylostomatidae Condylostoma arenaria Spiegel, 1926 C. remanei (Spiegel, 1928) Kahl, 1932 Family Peritromidae Peritromus faurei Kahl, 1932 CLASS SPIROTRICHEA Order Euplotida Family Aspidiscidae Aspidisca major (Madsen, 1931) Kahl, 1932 Family Discocephalidae Discocephalus rotatorius Ehrenberg 1831 Family Euplotidae 30 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa Euplotes moebiusi Kahl, 1932 Moneuplotes cristatus (Kahl, 1932) Borror et Hill, 1995 Family Uronychiidae Diophrys scutum Dujardin, 1841 Paradiophrys irmgard (Mansfeld, 1923) Foissner, 1996 Uronychia transfuga (Müller, 1786) Stein, 1859 Order Sporadotrichina Family Oxytrichidae Oxytricha discifera Kahl, 1932 Family Trachelostylidae Trachelostyla caudata (Kahl, 1935) Maeda et Carey, 1984 T. pediculiformis (Kahl, 1935) Maeda et Carey, 1984 Order Stichotrichida Family Amphisiellidae Amphisiella milnei Kahl, 1935 Protogastrostyla pulchra (Perejaslawzewa, 1885) Gong et al., 2007 Family Epiclintidae Epiclintes auricularis (Claparede et Lachmann, 1858) Stein, 1864 Family Spirofilidae Urostrongylum caudatum Kahl, 1935 Order Stombidiida Family Strombidiidae Spirostrombidium cinctum (Kahl, 1932) Petz, Song et Wilbert, 1995 S. sauerbreyae (Sauerbrey, 1928) Petz, Song et Wilbert, 1995 Strombidium arenicola Dragesco, 1960 Order Urostylida Family Pseudokeronopsidae Pseudokeronopsis rubra (Ehrenberg, 1838) Borror et Wicklow, 1983 CLASS LITOSTOMATEA Order Cyclotrichida Family Mesodiniidae Mesodinium pulex (Claparede et Lachmann, 1858) Kahl, 1930 M. pupula (Kahl, 1933) Dragesco, 1963 Order Haptorida Family Didiniidae Didinium balbiani (Fabre-Domergue, 1888) Kahl, 1930 Family Helicoprorodontidae Helicoprorodon gigas (Kahl, 1933) Fauré-Fremiet, 1950 H. minutus Bock, 1952 H. orientalis Raikov, 1963 Trachelotractus entzi (Kahl, 1927) Foissner, 1997 Family Lacrymariidae Lacrymaria affinis Docr, 1952 L. cohni Kent, 1880–1882 L. conifera Burkovsky, 1970 L. marina (Müller, 1786) Kahl, 1933 Phialina coronata (Claparede et Lachmann, 1858) Kahl, 1930 Family Trachelophyllidae Chaenea psammophila Dragesco, 1960 Order Pleurostomatida Family Amphileptidae Kentrophyllum fibrillatum (Dragesco, 1954) Petz, Song et Wilbert, 1995 K. setigerum (Quennerstedt, 1867) Petz, Song et Wilbert, 1995 Family Litonotidae Litonotus fasciola (Ehrenberg, 1838) Wresniowski, 1870 Loxophyllum helus Stokes, 1884 L. multiplicatum Kahl, 1931 L. undulatum (Sauerbrey, 1928) Dragesco, 1960 L. variabilis Dragesco, 1954 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + 31 CLASS PHYLLOPHARYNGEA Order Dysteriida Family Dysteriidae Dysteria procera Kahl, 1931 CLASS NASSOPHOREA Order Synhymeniida Family Orthodonellidae Eucamptocerca longa da Cuhna, 1914 CLASS PROSTOMATEA Order Prorodontida Family Colepidae Coleps pulcher Spiegel, 1926 C. tesselatus Kahl, 1930 Family Holophryidae Holophrya lemani (Dragesco, 1960) Dragesco, 1965 H. vorax Dragesco, 1960 CLASS OLIGOHYMENOPHOREA Order Peniculida Family Frontoniidae Frontonia arenaria Kahl, 1933 F. marina Fabre-Domergue, 1891 Order Philasterida Family Loxocephalidae Cardiostomatella vermiforme (Kahl, 1928) Corliss, 1960 Family Parauronematidae Glauconema tortum (Maupas, 1883) Ma et al., 2006 Family Uronematidae Uronema marinum Dujardin, 1841 Order Pleuronematida Family Histibalantiidae Histiobalantium marinum Kahl, 1933 Family Pleuronematidae Pleuronema coronata Kent, 1880–1882 P. marina Dujardin, 1841 Incertae sedis Ciliophora Family Coelosomidiidae Paraspathidium fuscum (Kahl, 1928) Dragesco, 1960 PHYLUM PORIFERA5 Compiled by F. V. Kobekov CLASS CALCAREA Subclass Calcinea Order Clathrinida Family Clathrinidae Clathrina canariensis (Miklucho-Maclay, 1868) C. clathrus (Schmidt, 1864) C. coriacea (Montagu, 1818) Subclass Calcaronea OrderBaeriida Family Baeriidae Leucopsila stylifera (Schmidt, 1870) Order Leucosolenida Family Achromorphidae Achramorpha diomediae (Hozawa, 1918) Family Grantiidae Grantia beringiana (Hozawa, 1918) 5 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + +  + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled by F.V. Kobekov on the basis of unpublished catalogues of the collections of ZIN RAS, the author’s own and literature data. 32 G. nipponica (Hozawa, 1918) G. uchidai (Hozawa & Tanita, 1941) Leucandra kurilensis (Hozawa, 1918) L. poculiformis (Hozawa, 1918) L. paucispina (Hozawa, 1929) L. pyriformis (Lambe, 1893) L. splendens (Hozawa, 1918) Family Heteropiidae Grantessa nemurensis (Hozawa, 1929) Heteropia medioarticulata (Hozawa, 1918) Vosmaeropsis japonica (Hozawa, 1929) Family Leucosoleniidae Leucosolenia albatrossi (Hozawa, 1918) Family Sucettidae Sycon compactum (Lambe, 1893) S. protectum (Lambe, 1896) S. simushirense (Hozawa, 1918) CLASS DEMOSPONGIA Order Astrophorida Family Ancorinidae Stelletta japonica (Lebwohl, 1914) S. validissima (Thiele, 1898) Jaspis sadoensis (Tanita, 1965) Penares curtius (de Laubenfels, 1930) P. curtius orientalis (Koltun, 1966) Family Geodiidae Geodia orthomesotriaena (Lebwohl, 1914) G. hyotania (Tanita, 1965) Family Pachastrellidae Poecillastra compressa (Bowerbank, 1866) P. tenuilaminaris (Sollas, 1886) P. japonica (Thiele, 1898) Vulcanella (Vulcanella) porosa (Lebwohl, 1914) Order Chondrosida Family Halisarcidae Halisarca dujardini (Johnston, 1842) H. korotkovae (Ereskovsky, 2007) Order Dendroceratida Family Dictyodendrillidae Spongionella pulchella (Sowerby, 1804) Order Dictyoceratida Family Dysideidae Dysidea fragilis (Montagu, 1818) Family Thorectidae Aplysinopsis lobosa (Burton, 1932) Family Spongiidae Cryptospongia enigmatica (Burton, 1928) Order Hadromerida Family Clionaidae Cliona argus (Thiele, 1898) Family Polymastiidae Polymastia affinis (Thiele, 1898) P. boletiformis (Lamark, 1815) P. hispidissima (Koltun, 1966) P. kurilensis (Koltun, 1962) P. laganoides (Lambe, 1894) P. mamillaris (Muller, 1806) P. rara (Koltun, 1966) Radiella sol (Scmidt, 1870) + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 33 Sphaerotylus exotylotus (Koltun, 1970) S. sceptrum (Koltun, 1970) Family Stylocordylidae Stylocordyla borealis (Loven, 1868) S. borealis eous (Koltun, 1966) Family Suberitidae Homaxinella subdola (Bowerbank, 1866) Pseudosuberites montiniger (Carter, 1880) Rhizaxinella burtoni (Koltun, 1966) R. clavata (Thiele, 1898) Suberites domuncula (Olivi, 1792) S. carnosus (Johnston, 1842) S. ficus (Johnston, 1842) S. japonicus (Thiele, 1898) S. montalbidus (Carter, 1880) S. spermatozoon (Schmidt, 1875) Family Tethyidae Tethya aurantum (Pallas, 1766) Order Halichondrida Family Axinellidae Axinella blanca (Koltun, 1959) A. hispida (Koltun, 1959) Family Halichondriidae Halichondria (Eumastia) sitiens (Schmidt, 1870) H. (Halichondria) panacea (Pallas, 1766) H. (Halichondria) renieroides (Fristedt, 1887) H. fibrosa (Fristedt, 1887) Hymeniacidon assimilis (Levinsen, 1887) Topsentia disparilis (Lambe, 1893) Order Haplosclerida Family Chalinidae Cladocroce ventilabrum (Fristedt, 1887) Haliclona (Gellius) angulata (Lundbeck 1902) H. (Gellius) fibulata (Bowerbank, 1866) H. (Gellius) borealis (Lambe, 1894) H. (Gellius) digitata (Koltun, 1958) H. (Gellius) flagellifera (Ridley et Dendy, 1886) H. (Gellius) primitiva (Lundbeck, 1902) H. (Haliclona) oculata (Pallas, 1766) H. (Reniera) aquedectus (Schmidt, 1862) H. (Reniera) cinerea (Grant, 1826) H. (Soestella) implexa (Schmidt, 1868) H. gracilis (Miklucho-Maclay, 1870) H. rossica (Hentschel, 1929) H. tenuiderma (Lundbeck, 1902) Family Niphatidae Hemigellius porosus (Fristedt, 1887) H. acrofer (Vosmaer, 1885) Order Poecilosclerida Suborder Latrunculina Family Latrunculiidae Latrunculia (Biannulata) oparinae (Samaai & Krasokhin, 2002) Suborder Mycalina Family Isodictyidae Isodictya ramose (Ellis & Solander, 1786) I. pulviliformis (Koltun, 1955) I. ciocalyptoides (Burton, 1935) Family Mycalidae Mycale (Aegogropila ) adhaerens (Lambe, 1893) 34 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. M. (Aegogropila) adhaerens fibrosa (Koltun, 1958) M. (Aegogropila) retifera (Topsent, 1924) M. (Carmia) cucumis (Koltun, 1958) M. (Carmia) helios (Fristedt, 1887) M. (Carmia) papillosa (Koltun, 1959) M. (Carmia) papillosa dulketi (Koltun, 1959) M. (Carmia) papillosa papillosa (Koltun, 1959) M. (Mycale) lingua (Bowerbank, 1866) M. (Mycale) longistyla (Koltun, 1958) M. (Mycale) loveni (Fristedt, 1887) M. (Mycale) toporoki (Koltun, 1958) M. (Mycale) macginitiei (Laubenfels, 1930) M. (Mycale) tylota (Koltun, 1958) M. (Oxymycale) thaumatochela (Lundbeck, 1905) M. hispida (Lambe, 1893) M. lindbergi (Koltun, 1958) M. ochotensis (Koltun, 1959) Family Esperiopsidae Amphilectus lobatus (Montagu, 1818) A. digitatus (Miclucho-Maclay, 1870) A. digitatus digitatus (Miclucho-Maclay, 1870) A. digitatus infundibulus (Koltun, 1958) Esperiopsis koltuni (Ereskovsky & Willenz, 2007) E. lingua (Koltun, 1970) E. stipula (Koltun, 1958) Semisuberites cribrosa (Miclucho-Maclay, 1870) Family Desmacellidae Biemna variantia papillifera (Koltun, 1958) Desmacella infundibuliformis (Vosmaer, 1885) Family Cladorhizidae Abyssocladia claviformis (Koltun, 1970) Asbestopluma biseralis (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) A. ramosa (Koltun, 1958) A. gracilis (Koltun, 1955) A. lebedi (Koltun, 1962) A. lycopodium (Levinsen, 1887) A. occidentalis (Lambe, 1893) A. wolffi (Levi, 1964) Chondrocladia (Chondrocladia) concrescens (Schmidt, 1880) Ch. (Chondrocladia) crinita (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) Ch. (Chondrocladia) dichotoma (Levi, 1964) Ch. (Chondrocladia) gigantea (Hansen, 1885) Ch. (Chondrocladia) koltuni (Vacelet, 2006) Cladorhiza bathycrinoides (Koltun, 1955) C. longipinna (Ridley et Dendy, 1887) C. rectangularis (Ridley et Dendy, 1887) C. septemdentalis (Koltun, 1970) Guitarra fimbriata (Carter, 1874) Neocladia flabelliformis (Koltun, 1970) Suborder Microcionina Family Acarnidae Cornulum textile (Carter, 1876) C. tubiformis (Burton, 1935) C. ciocaliptoides (Burton, 1935) C. clathriata (Koltun, 1955) Dolichacantha shikotani (Koltun, 1970) Iophon piceum (Vosmaer, 1882) I. piceum abipocillus (Koltun, 1959) I. piceum orientale (Koltun, 1959) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 35 I. piceum pacificum (Koltun, 1958) I. dogeli (Koltun, 1955) Myxichella fragilis (Koltun, 1955) M. spirinae (Koltun, 1958) M. ochotensis (Koltun, 1959) M. zenkevitchi (Koltun, 1958) Wigginsia wigginsi (de Laubenfels, 1953) Family Microcionodae Clathria (Axosuberites) lambei (Koltun, 1955) C. (Clathria) laevigata (Lambe, 1893) C. (Microciona) pennata (Lambe, 1895) C. (Microciona) primitive (Koltun, 1955) C. (Thalysias) bitoxifera (Koltun, 1970) Antho (Acarnia) planoramosa (Koltun, 1962) A. (Isopenectya) primitiva (Burton, 1935) Artemisina stipitata (Koltun, 1958) Family Raspailiidae Aulospongus villosus (Thiele, 1898) Raspailia (Parasyrungella) pacifica (Koltun, 1962) Suborder Myxillina Family Coelospaeridae Coelospaera physa (Shmidt, 1875) Inflatella globosa (Burton, 1955) Forcepia (Forcepia) fabricans (Schmidt, 1874) F. (Forcepia) japonica (Koltun, 1959) F. (Leptolabis) uschakowi (Burton, 1935) F. (Leptolabis) bilabifera (Burton, 1935) Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) firma (Lambe, 1895) L. (Lissodendoryx) florida (Koltun, 1955) L. (Lissodendoryx) behringi (Koltun, 1958) L. (Lissodendoryx) papillosa (Koltun, 1958) L. (Lissodendoryx) amaknakensis (Lambe, 1895) L. (Lissodendoryx) oxeota (Koltun, 1958) L. (Lissodendoryx) ivanovi Koltun, 1958 L. (Ectyodoryx) balanoides (Koltun, 1959) Family Crambeidae Monanchora pulchra (Lambe, 1895) M. alaskensis (Lambe, 1895) Family Crellidae Crella triplex (Koltun, 1970) Crellomima imparidens (Rezvoj, 1925) Family Dendoricellidae Dendoricella flabelliformis (Hansen, 1985) Family Hymedesmiidae Hymedesmia (Hymedesmia) bractea (Lundbeck, 1910) H. (Hymedesmia) gregalis (Koltun, 1970) H. (Hymedesmia) procumbens (Lundbeck, 1910) H. (Hymedesmia) orientalis (Koltun, 1962) H. ramentum (Koltun, 1970) Kirkpatrickia borealis (Koltun, 1970) Phorbas paucistylifer (Burton, 1958) Ph. salebrosus (Koltun, 1958) Ph. purpureus (Tanita, 1961) Family Iotrochotidae Iotroata magna (Lambe, 1900) Family Myxillidae Hymenancora orientalis (Koltun, 1959) H. orientalis strongyla (Koltun, 1962) Melonanchora kobjakovae (Koltun, 1958) 36 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. M. tetradentifera (Koltun, 1970) Myxilla incrustans (Johnston, 1842) M. (Myxilla) incrustans gigantea (Koltun, 1959) M. (Myxilla) robertsoni (Fristedt, 1887) M. (Ectyomyxilla) parasitica (Lambe, 1893) M. (Myxilla) elastica Koltun, 1958 M. (Myxilla) septentrionalis (Fristedt, 1887) Stelodoryx pluridentata (Lundbeck, 1905) S. toporoki (Koltun, 1958) S. lissostyla (Koltun, 1959) S. vitiazi (Koltun, 1955) Family Phellodermidae Echinostylinos shimushirensis (Koltun, 1970) Ech. mycaloides (Koltun, 1970) Ech. hirsutus (Koltun, 1970) Family Tedaniidae Tedania (Tedania) anhelans (Lieberkuhn, 1859) T. (Tedania) flexistrongyla (Koltun, 1959) T. (Tedania) fragilis (Lambe, 1895) T. (Tedania) dirhaphis (Hentschel, 1912) T. (Trachytedania) gurjanovae (Koltun, 1958) T. (Trachytedania) microrhaphidiophora (Burton, 1935) Order Spirophoridae Family Tetillidae Craniella cranium (Muller, 1776) C. hamatum (Koltun, 1966) C. polyura (Schmidt, 1870) C. sigmoancoratum (Koltun, 1966) Tetilla sibirica (Fristedt, 1887) CLASS HEXACTINELLIDA Order Amphidiscosida Family Hyalonematidae Hyalonema (Corynonema) populiferum harpagonsis (Koltun, 1967) H. (Cyliconema) apertum (Schulze, 1886) H. (Cyliconema) apertum simplex (Koltun, 1967) H. (Cyliconema) hozawai vicarium (Koltun, 1967) H. (Cyliconema) tenerum vitiazi (Koltun, 1967) Order Hexactinosida Family Aphrocallistidae Aphrocallistes beatrix incognitus (Koltun, 1967) A. intermedia (Okada, 1932) A. vastus (Schulze, 1886) Heterochone calyx (Schulze, 1886) H. tenera (Schulze, 1899) Family Euretidae Eurete irregulare (Okada, 1932) Family Farreidae Farrea beringiana (Okada, 1932) F. kurilensis (Okada, 1932) F. watasei (Okada, 1932) Order Lyssacinosida Family Euplectellidae Euplectella oweni (Herklots & Marshall, 1868) Holascus undulatus (Schulze, 1899) H. belyaevi (Koltun, 1970) Ijimaiella beringiana (Tabachnik, 2002) Family Rosselidae Acanthascus (Acanthascus) alani (Ijima, 1898) A. (Acanthascus) alani profundum (Koltun, 1967) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 37 A. (Acanthascus) pachyderma (Okada, 1932) A. (Rhabdocalyptus) borealis (Okada, 1932) A. (Rhabdocalyptus) dawsoni (Lambe, 1893) A. (Rhabdocalyptus) heteraster (Okada, 1932) A. (Staurocalyptus) rugocruciatus (Okada, 1932) Aulosaccus albatrossi (Okada, 1932) A. fissuratus shimushirensis (Okada, 1932) A. pinularis (Okada, 1932) A. schulzei (Ijima, 1896) A. solaster (Okada, 1932) Bathydorus echinus (Koltun, 1967) B. fimbriatus (Schulze, 1886) B. levis spinosus (Wilson, 1904) Caulophacus (Caulodiscus) lotifolium (Ijima, 1903) C. (Caulophacus) elegans (Schulze, 1886) C. (Caulophacus) schulzei hyperboreus (Koltun, 1967) Hyalascus attenuatus (Okada, 1932) Scyphidium tuberculatum (Okada, 1932) Sympagella cantharellus (Lendenfeld, 1915) CLASS HOMOSCLEROMORPHA Order Homosclerophorida Family Oscarellidae Oscarella lobularis (Schmidt, 1862) O. kamchatkensis (Ereskovsky, Sanamyan & Vishnyakov, 2009) O. malakhovi (Ereskovsky, 2006) Family Plakinidae Plakina monolopha (Schulze, 1889) PHYLUM CNIDARIA Subphylum Medusozoa CLASS HYDROZOA Compiled by S. D. Stepanjants Subclass Hydroidolina Order Anthoathecata Suborder Filifera Family Bougainvilliidae Bougainvillia superciliaris (L. Agassiz, 1849) B. ramosa (van Beneden, 1844) Rhizorhagium roseum M. Sars, 1874 Rh. sagamiense Hirohito, 1988 Nemopsis dofleini Maas, 1909 Family Rathkeidae Rathkea octopunctata (M. Sars, 1835) Family Hydractiniidae Hydractinia phialiformis (Antsulevitch, 1983) H. monocarpa Allman, 1876 H. serrata Kramp, 1843 H. sodalis Stimpson, 1858 Podocorynoides minima (Trinici, 1903) (=Hydractinia? minima (Trinici, 1903)) Family Clavidae Rhizogeton fusiformis L. Agassiz, 1862 Rhizogeton sp. Turritopsis nutricula McCrady, 1865 Family Pandeidae Garveia arborea (Browne, 1907) G. nutans Wright, 1859 Catablema multizirrata Kishinouye, 1910 C. vesicarium (A. Agassiz, 1862) Neoturris breviconis (Murbach & Shearer, 1902) 38 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? ?  + + + +? + + +  + + + + ?  + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + +? + +? + ? + + +? +  Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril.  N.M. Kuril Command Ids Halitholus pauper Hartlaub, 1914 Family Bythotiaridae Bythotiara depressa Naumov, 1960 Calycopsis nematophora Bigelow, 1913 Heterotyara anonima Maas, 1905 Family Eudendriidae Eudendrium capillare Alder, 1856 E. rameum (Pallas, 1766) E. ramosum (Linnaeus, 1758) E. vaginatum Allman, 1863 Family Stylasteridae Stylaster eximius Kent, 1871 S. alascanus Fisher, 1938 S. brochi Fisher, 1938 S. stejnegeri (Fisher, 1938) S. scabiosa Broch, 1935 S. tylaster carinata Broch, 1936 S. solida Broch, 1935 S. boreopacifica Broch, 1933 S. granulosus Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850 S. norvegicus (Gunnerus, 1768) S. campylecus (Fisher, 1938) S. moselianus (Fisher, 1938) S. californicus (Verill, 1866) Crypthelia pudica Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1849 Errinopora stylifera (Broch, 1935) E. latufundata Naumov, 1960 E. zarhincha Fisher, 1938 Suborder Capitata Family Tubulariidae Tubularia indivisa Linnaeus, 1758 T. regalis Boeck, 1860 T. mesembryanthemum Allman, 1871 Ectopleura larynx Ellis & Solander, 1786 Hybocodon prolifer (L. Agassiz, 1862) Family Protohydridae Protohydra leuckarti Greef, 1869 Family Boreohydridae Boreohydra simplex Westblad, 1937 Family Hydrocorynidae Hydrocoryne miurensis Stechow, 1907 Family Cladonematidae Cladonema radiatum Dujardin, 1843 Family Corymorphidae Monocaulus groenlandica Allman, 1876 Gymnogonos pacificus Stepanjants & Svoboda, 2008 Euphysa japonica (Maas, 1909) E. aurata Forbes, 1848 E. (bigelowi?) (Maas, 1905) Plotocnide borealis Wagner, 1885 Family Corynidae Sarsia princeps (Haeckel, 1879) S. japonica (Nagao, 1962) S. tubulosa (M. Sars, 1835) Family Myriothelidae Candelabrum phrygium (Fabricius, 1780) Japan Taxa + +  + +  + +? + + + + + + + +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + +  + + + +? + + ? +? + +? + ? + ? + + ?  + ? + +  + + + + + ? +  + Larvae 39 Family Fabulosiidae Fabulosus kurilensis Stepanjants, Sheiko & Napara, 1990 Family Rosalindidae Rosalinda naumovi Antsulevitch & Stepanjants, 1985 Family Polyorchidae Polyorchis karafutoensis Kishinouye, 1910 Family Solanderiidae Solanderia misakinensis (Inaba, 1892) Family Zancleidae Zanclea gemmosa McCrady, 1857 Family Halimedusidae Urashimea globosa Kishinouye, 1910 Order Leptothecata Suborder Conica Family Zygophylacidae Zygophylax convallaria (Allman, 1877) Z. carolina (Fraser, 1911) Z. pinnatus (G. O. Sars, 1874) Family Lafoeidae Lafoea dumosa (Fleming, 1820) L. grandis Hincks, 1874 L. benthophyla Ritchie, 1909 Filellum serpens (Hasal, 1848) F. serratum (Clark, 1879) Grammaria abietina (M. Sars, 1935) G. immersa Nutting, 1901 Acryptolaria profunda (Naumov, 1960) A. flabellum (Allman, 1888) Family Lineolariidae Lineolaria parasitica Antsulevitch, 1987 (=Filellum? parasitica Antsulevitch, 1987) Agglutinaria operculata Antsulevitch, 1987 Family Hebellidae Hebella dyssymetra Billard, 1933 H. plana Ritchie, 1907 Halisiphonia megalotheca Allman, 1888 H. arctica Kramp, 1932 Family Phyalellidae Phyalella quadrata Forbes, 1848 Opercularella angelikae Stepanjants, 2012 Family Tiarannidae Modeereia rotunda (Quoy & Gaimard, 1827) Stegopoma plycatile (M. Sars, 1863) Stegolaria geniculata (Allman, 1888) Tetrapoma quadridentata (Hincks, 1874) Lafoeina maxima Levinsen, 1893 Family Eirenidae Tima saghalinensis Bigelow, 1913 Eutonina indicans (Romanes, 1876) Family Sertulariidae Papilionella pterophora Antsulevitch & Vervoort, 1993 P. spasskii (Feniuk, 1947) Amphisbetia operculata (Linnaeus, 1758) A. furcata (Trask, 1957) A. pacifica (Stechow, 1931) Sertularella albida Kirchenpauer, 1884 S. pellucida Jäderholm, 1908 S. spinosa Kirchenpauer 1884 S. gigantea Mereschkowsky, 1878 40 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa  + + + + + +? +? + +   +? + +? + + + + + +? +  +? +? + +? + + + + + + +? + + + +? + + +? +? + + +  + + + + +? + +? +? +? +?  +? +? +  +? + + + + + +? +? +? + + + +   + + +  ? + + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + ? + +? +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +  + + + + + + + + + + + Bering + + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. S. mutsuensis Stechow.1931 S. rugosa (Linnaeus, 1758) S. tenella (Alder, 1857) S. zenkevitchi Naumov, 1960 S. sinensis Jäderholm, 1896 S. complexa Nutting, 1904 S. craticula Naumov, 1960 S. flabella (Nuting, 1904) S. reticulata Kirchenpauer, 1884 S. brandtii Linko, 1912 S. polyseriata (Antsulevitch, 2011) (= Polysertularella polyseriata (Antsulevitch, 2011)) Symplectoscyphus tricuspidatus (Alder, 1856) S. pinnatus Clark, 1877 S. magnus (Nutting, 1904) S. minutus (Nutting, 1904) S. hydrallmanieformis Kudelin, 1914 Sertularia tenera G.O.Sars, 1874 S. cupressoides Clark, 1877 S. plumosa (Clark, 1877) S. similis Clark, 1876 S. robusta (Clark, 1877) S. suensoni Levinsen, 1913 S. converrucosa Naumov, 1960 S. mirabilis (Verrill, 1873) S. (Staurotheca?) staurotheca Naumov, 1960 S. bidentata (Allman, 1876) S. tatarica Kudelin, 1913 S. linkoi Kudelin, 1914 S. ochotensis (Mereschkowsky, 1978) Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758) A. variabilis (Clark, 1877) A. smirnowi (Kudelin, 1914) A. macrotheca Naumov, 1960 A. сompressa (Mereschkowsky, 1878) A. filicula (Ellis & Solander, 1786) A. inconstans (Clark, 1877) A. gracilis Nutting, 1904 A. gigantea (Clark, 1877) A. kinkaidi (Nutting, 1901) A. trigona Antsulevitch, 1987 A. cruciformis Antsulevitch, 1987 A. turgida (Clark, 1877) A. annulata (Kirchenpauer, 1884) Thuiaria derbeki Kudein, 1914 Th. involuta Naumov, 1960 Th. hartlaubi (Nutting, 1904) Th. thuja (Linnaeus, 1758) Th. gonorhiza Naumov, 1952 Th. lebedi Naumov, 1960 Th. cornigera Kudelin, 1914 Th. coronifera Allman, 1876 Th. mereschkowskii Kudelin, 1914 Th. alternitheca Levinsen, 1892 Th. obsoleta (Lepechin, 1781)? Th. laxa Allman, 1874 Th. saghalini Kudelin, 1914 Th. triserialis (Mereschkowsky, 1878) Th. cedrina (Linnaeus, 1758) Japan Taxa + + +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + 41 Th. articulata (Pallas, 1766) Th. lonchitis? (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Th. pinna Naumov, 1960 Th. excepticae Feniuk, 1947 Th. nivea Feniuk, 1947 Th. tetrastriata Naumov, 1960 Th. breitfussi (Kudelin, 1914) Th. zachsi Feniuk, 1947 Th. lebedi Naumov, 1960 Th. wulfiusi Naumov, 1960 Th. cylindrica Clark, 1876 Th. alternans Naumov, 1952 Th. kudelini Naumov, 1960 Th. acutiloba Kirchenpauer, 1884 Th. decemserialis (Mereschkowsky, 1878) Th. subtuja Feniuk, 1947 Hydrallmania falcata (Linnaeus, 1758) H. distans Nutting, 1899 Family Haleciidae Halecium scutum Clark, 1877 H. beringi Naumov, 1960 H. beani Johnston, 1847 H. halecinum (Linnaeus, 1758) H. corrugatum Nutting, 1899 H. speciosum Nuting, 1901 H. mirandus Antsulevitch & Regel, 1986 H. densum Calkins, 1899 H. washingtoni Nutting, 1901 H. tenellum Hincks, 1861 H. luceum Antsulevitch, 1980 H. brashnikovi Linko, 1911 H. plumularioides (Clark, 1877) H. ochotense Linko, 1911 H. groenlandicum Kramp, 1911 H. labrosum Alder, 1859 H. reversum Nutting, 1901 H. marsupiale Bergh, 1887 H. muricatum (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Family Kirchenpaueriidae Naumovia microtheca (Naumov, 1960) Wimveria divergens (Naumov, 1960) Kirchenpaueria magellanica (Fraser, 1914)?? K. moneroni (Naumov, 1960) K. plumularioides (Clark, 1877)? Family Halopterididae Anarthroclada parmata Naumov, 1955 A. secundaria ( Gmelin, 1791) Astrolabia heterotheca Naumov, 1955 Nuditheca dogieli Naumov, 1952 N. tetrandra Naumov, 1960 Pentatheca angulifera Naumov, 1955 Schizotricha pacificola Naumov1960 Family Aglaopheniidae Aglaophenia cupressina? Lamouroux, 1816 Cladocarpus formosus Allman, 1874 C. integer (G.O.Sars, 1874) Family Plumulariidae Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758) P. filicaulis Kirchenpauer, 1876 42 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + + + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +? + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + +? + + + + + + + +? +? +? + ? + +? + + + + + + +? +? + +? + + + + +? + + + + +  + +? + + + +? + +? + +? + + + + +  + + + + + + + +  + + + +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +? + + + + + + + + + + + +? +? +? +? + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Polyplumaria arenaria Antsulevitch, 1997 P. gracilis Naumov, 1960 Suborder Proboscoidea Family Campanulariidae Campanularia volubilis (Linnaeus, 1758) C. groenlandica Levinsen, 1893 Tulpa crenata (Allman, 1876) Orthopyxis integra (McGillivray, 1842) O. compressa Clark, 1876 O. platycarpa Bale, 1914 Obelia longissima (Pallas, 1766) O. dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758) Gonothyraea hyalina Hincks, 1866 G. loveni Allman, 1859 Laomedea flexuosa Hincks, 1861 Clytia gracilis (M. Sars, 1850) C. gregaria (A. Agassiz, 1862) Rhizocaulus chinensis (Marktanner –Turneretscher, 1890) Rh. verticillatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Family Bonneviellidae Bonneviella enterovillosa Naumov, 1952 B. extensa Naumov, 1960 B. onneviella grandis (Allman, 1876) B. ingens Nutting, 1915 B. laevigata Naumov, 1960 B. naumovi Antsulevitch & Regel, 1986 B. regia (Nutting, 1901) B. superba Nutting, 1915 B. uschakovi Naumov, 1952 Subclass Trachylina Order Trachymedusae Family Geryoniidae Geryonia proboscidalis (Forskâl, 1775) Liriope tetrahylla (Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821) Family Ptychogastriidae Ptychogastria polaris Allman, 1878 Family Halicreatidae Halicreas minimum Fewkes, 1882 Botrynema brucei Browne, 1908 Family Rhopalonematidae Aglantha digitale (O. F. Müller) Crossota brunnea Vanhöffen, 1902 C. rufobrunnea (Kramp, 1913) C. alba Bigelow, 1913 Pantachogon haeckel Maas, 1893 Voragonema profundicola Naumov, 1971 Incertae sedis Limnomedusae Family Olindiadidae Gonionemus vertens (A. Agassiz, 1862) Eperetmus typus Bigelow, 1915 E. typus vovasi (Naumov & Stepanjants, 1971) Craspedacusta sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 Marsipohydra pacifica Sanamyan K. & Sanamyan N. gen. nov, sp.nov CLASS SIPHONOPHORA Compiled by S. D. Stepanjants Order Physophorae Family Agalmatidae Marrus antarcticus pacifica Stepanjants, 1967 Family Pyrostephidae Japan Taxa + + + + + + + +? +? +? +? + + +? + + +? +? +? +? + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + 43 44 + Bering + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bargmannia elongata Totton, 1954 Family Apolemidae Ramosia vitiazi Stepanjants, 1967 Order Calycophorae Family Hippopodiidae Vogtia serrata (Moser, 1925) Family Prayidae Nectodamas diomedea (Bigelow, 1911) Rosacea plicata Quoy & Gaimard, 1827 Maresearsia praeclara Totton, 1954 Family Sphaeronectidae Sphaeronectes japonica (Stepanjants, 1967) Family Clausophyidae Chuniphyes moserae Totton, 1954 Clausophyes galeata Lens &Van Riemsdijk, 1908 Crystallophyes amygdalina Moser, 1925 Family Diphyidae Lensia achylles bigelowi Stepanjants, 1967 Gilia reticulata Totton, 1954 (=Lensia reticulata Totton, 1954) Muggiaea havock (Totton, 1941) M. bargmannae Totton, 1954 Dimophyes arctica (Chun, 1897) Family Abylidae Abylopsis tetragona (Otto, 1823) CLASS SCYPHOZOA Compiled by S. D. Stepanjants Order Semaeostomeae Family Pelagiidae Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor, 1851) Ch. helvola Brandt. 1838 Ch. melanaster Brandt, 1838 Sanderia malayensis Goette, 1886 Family Cyaneidae Cyanea capillata (Linnaeus, 1758) C. purpurea Kishinoue, 1910 Family Ulmaridae Aurelia aurita Linnaeus, 1758 A. limbata Brandt, 1838 Phacelophora camtschatica Brandt, 1838 Order Rhizostomeae Family Rhizostomatidae Rhopilema esculenta Kishinouye, 1910 Rhisostoma pulmo Macri, 1778 Order Coronata Family Atollidae Atolla wyvillei Haekel, 1880 Family Periphyllidae Periphylla periphylla (Peron et Lesueur, 1809) Family Nausithoidae Nausithoe? (Stephanoscyphus) sp. 2 Nausithoe? (Stephanoscyphus) sp. 3 CLASS STAUROZOA Compiled by S. D. Stepanjants Suborder Eleutherocarpidae Family Lucernariidae Haliclystus salpinx Clark, 1863 H. monstrosus (Naumov, 1961), H. auricula (Rathke, 1806) H. stejnegeri Kishinouye, 1899 Japan Taxa + + + + ? + + + + + + ? + + + + + + +? + + + + +? + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +    + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk H. borealis (Uchida, 1933) Stenoscyphus inabai (Kishinouye, 1893) Suborder Cleustocarpidae Family Depastridae Manania uchida (Naumov, 1961) Thaumatoscyphus distinctus Kishinouye, 1910 CLASS ANTHOZOA Subclass Diaseptigera (Haacke, 1879) (=Alcyonaria sensu Milne Edwards, 1857) Order Alcyonacea Compiled by T. N. Dautova Family Clavulariidae Clavularia dispersa Kükenthal , 1906 C. armata Broch, 1935 C. incrustans Broch, 1935 C. rigida Broch, 1935 Clavularia sp. Clavularia sp. 1 Family Alcyoniidae Anthomastus rylovi Naumov, 1952 Litophytum roseum Nutting, 1912 Family Nephtheidae Eunephthea rubiformis (Kükenthal, 1906) E. fruticosa (Sars, 1860) Family Paragorgiidae Paragorgia arborea Paragorgia sp. Family Acanthogorgiidae Calcigorgia japonica Dautova, 2007 C. spiculifera Broch, 1935 Calcigorgia sp. Calcigorgia sp. 1 Calcigorgia sp. 2 Calcigorgia sp. 3 Family Plexauridae Euplexaura abietina (Kükenthal, 1908) E. arbuscula Broch, 1935 Family Chrysogorgiidae Radicipes verrilli (Wright, 1885) Family Primnoidae Calyptrophora ijimai (Kinoshita, 1907) Plumarella longispina (Kinoshita, 1908) Primnoa pacifica Kinoshita, 1907 Thouarella superba (Nutting, 1912) Family Isididae Ceratoisis philippinensis Wright & Studer, 1889 Order Pennatulacea Compiled by T. N. Dautova Family Virgulariidae Halipteris pacifica (Nutting, 1909) H. finmarchica (Sars, 1856) H. willemoesi (Kölliker, 1870) Family Kophobelemnidae Kophobelemnon ferrugineum Kölliker, 1880 K. affine Studer, 1894 K. biflorum Pasternak, 1961 Virgularia cystiferum Nutting, 1909 Family Umbellulidae Umbellula carpenteri Kölliker, 1880 U. lindahli Kölliker, 1874 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + +  +? +?  + +  + + + + + +    + + +       + + + + +  + + +    +? + + +? + + + + + + + +? 45 U. magniflora Kölliker, 1880 Family Pennatulidae Pennatula phosphorea Order Ceriantharia Compiled by T. N. Molodtsova Family Cerianthidae Cerianthus lloydii Gosse, 1859 Subclass Zygoseptigera Haacke, 1879 (=Zoantharia sensu Milne Edwards, 1857) Order Scleractinia Compiled by S. D. Grebelnyi Family Dendrophylliidae Dendrophyllia arbuscula Van der Horst, 1922 Rhizopsammia minuta mutsuensis Yabe et Eguchi, 1932 Family Caryophylliidae Caryophyllia japonica Marenzeller, 1888 Family Micrabaciidae Leptopenus discus Moseley, 1881 L. solidus Keller, 1977 Family Flabellidae Javania cailleti (Duchassaing et Michelotti, 1864) J. borealis Cairns, 1994 Family Fungiacyathidae Fungiacyathus (Bathyactis) marenzelleri (Vaughan, 1906) Order Corallimorpharia Compiled by S. D. Grebelnyi Family Corallimorphidae Corallimorphus profundus Moseley, 1877 Family Sideractinidae Sideractis sp. Order Ptychodacteae Compiled by S. D. Grebelnyi Family Ptychodactiidae Ptychodactis patula Appellöf, 1893 Order Actiniaria Compiled by S. D. Grebelnyi Suborder Endocoelantheae Family Actinernidae Actinernus elongatus (Hertwig, 1882) A. michaelsarsi Carlgren, 1918 Suborder Nynantheae Infraorder Athenaria Family Edwardsiidae Edwardsia arctica Carlgren, 1921 E. japonica Carlgren, 1931 E. sojabio Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2012 Paraedwardsia sp. Family Haloclavidae Peachia quinquecapitata McMurrich, 1913 Family Polyopidae Polyopis striata Hertwig, 1882 Iosactis vagabunda Riemann-Zürneck, 1997 Family Halcampidae Halcampa vegae Carlgren, 1921 Neohalcampa sheikoi Sanamyan, 2001 Family Halcampoididae Halcampoides purpurea Studer, 1878 Halcampoides sp. Family Andvakiidae 46 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +? +? +  + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Synandwakia (Andvakia) hozawai (Uchida, 1932) S. multitentaculata Song, 2003 Family Galatheanthemidae Galatheanthemum profundale Carlgren, 1956 Infraorder Thenaria Group of families Endomyaria Family Condylanthidae Charisea saxicola Torrey, 1902 Family Actiniidae Oulactis (Anthopleura) orientalis (Averincev, 1967) Bolocera tuediae (Johnston, 1832) Epiactis arctica (Verrill, 1868) E. lewisi Carlgren, 1940 Cnidopus (Epiactis) japonicus (Verrill, 1969) Isotealia sp. Aulactinia (Bunodactis) stella (Verrill, 1864) Urticina crassicornis (O.F.Müller, 1776) U. grebelnyi Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2006 U. (Tealia) coriacea kurila (Averincev, 1967) Cribrinopsis similis Carlgren, 1921 C. williamsi Carlgren, 1940 C. (Tealia) asiatica (Averincev, 1967) C. albopunctata Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2006 C. olegi Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2006 Family Liponematidae Liponema multicornis (Verrill, 1880) L. brevicorne (McMurrich, 1893) Family Capneidae Capnea japonica (Carlgren, 1940) Family Minyadidae Oceanactis diomedeae (McMurrich, 1893) Group of families Mesomyaria Family Actinostolidae Actinostola callosa (Verrill, 1882) Stomphia coccinea O. F. Müller, 1776 Ophiodiscus annulatus Hertwig, 1882 Family Actinoscyphiidae Epiparactis sp. Family Isanthidae Carlgren, 1938 Eltaninactis psammophorum Sanamyan, 2001 Paraisanthus tamarae Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 1998 Group of families Acontiaria Family Hormathiidae Phelliactis magna (Wassilieff, 1908) Phelliactis sp. Stephanauge tuberculata (Hertwig, 1882) Amphianthus margaritaceus (Danielssen, 1890) A. bathybium Hertwig, 1882 Paracalliactis involvens (McMurrich, 1893) Family Sagartiidae Sagartiogeton sp. Family Metridiidae Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) subsp. M. senile fimbriatum Verrill, 1865 M. farcimen (Brandt, 1835) Family Haliplanellidae Haliplanella luciae (Verrill, 1869) Order Zoanthacea Compiled by T. N. Molodtsova Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + ?+  + + ?+ + + + + + + + ?+   + ?+  + +  +    + + + + + +  + + +  + + +  + + + +   + + +  +  + +  + + + + +   +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 47 Compiled by T. N. Molodtsova Family Schizopathidae Bathypathes patula Brook, 1889 Dendropathypathes boutilleri Opresko, 2002 Dendrobathypathes sp. Lillipathes cf. wingi Opresko, 2002 Parantipathes euantha (Pasternak, 1958) Parantipathes sp. Schizopathes affinis Brook, 1889 Family Cladopathidae Cladopathes sp. PHYLUM CTENOPHORA Compiled by S. D. Stepanjants CLASS TENTACULATA Order Cydippida Family Dryodoridae Dryodora glandiformis (Mertens, 1833) Family Euplokamidae Euplokamis dunlapea Mills, 1987 Family Pleurobrachiidae Pleurobrachia bachei A. Agassiz, 1860 P. pileus (O. F. Müller, 1776) Pleurobrachia sp. Family Mertensiidae Mertensia ovum (Fabricius, 1780) Order Lobata Family Bathocyroidae Bathocyroe longigula Horita, Akyama & Kubota, 2011 Family Bolinopsidae Bolinopsis infundibulum (O. F. Müller, 1776) B. mikado (Moser, 1907) CLASS NUDA Order Beroida Family Beroidae Beroe cucumis Fabricius, 1780 B. ovata Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821 PHYLUM PLATHELMINTHES Compiled by A. A. Petrov6 CLASS ACOELOMORPHA Order Acoela Family Convolutidae Convoluta furugelmi Mamkaev, 1971 Oxyposthia praedator Ivanov, 1952 Sagittifera sagittifera (Ivanov, 1952) Symsagittifera bifoveolata (Mamkaev, 1971) Family Isodiametridae Diatomovora amoena Kozloff, 1965 Isodiametra marginalis (Ivanov, 1952) Otocelis sachalinensis Ivanov, 1952 Family Proporidae Pseudohaplogonaria opisthandropora (Mamkaev, 1971) CLASS RHABDITOPHORA Order Macrostomida Family Microstomidae 6 The list was compiled only on the basis of published data. 48 Bering Okhotsk Family Epizoanthidae Epizoanthus sp. Order Antipatharia N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +   +   +    ? ? + + + + + + + + ? + ? + + + + + + + + + + + ?+ + Alaurina sp. Order Kalyptorhynchia Family Cicerinidae Cicerina elegans (Evdonin, 1971) Family Gnathorhynchidae Neognathorhynchus rostriformis Evdonin, 1971 Prognathorhynchus lacteus Evdonin, 1971 P. kurilensis Evdonin, 1972 Family Karkinorhynchidae Cheliplana mamkaevi Evdonin, 1977 Ch. setosa Evdonin, 1971 Family Koinocystididae Itaipusa scotica (Karling, 1954) Utelga heinckei (Attems, 1897) U. possjetica Evdonin, 1977 Family Placorhynchidae Chlamydorhynchus evekuniensis Evdonin, 1977 Oneppus denticulatus Evdonin, 1977 Family Polycystididae Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931) Cincturorhynchus ruber Evdonin, 1970 Duplacrorhynchus minor Schockaert et Karling, 1970 Gemelliclinus flavidus Evdonin, 1970 Gyratrix arenarius Evdonin, 1971 Megaloascos psammophilum Evdonin, 1970 Palladia nigrescens (Evdonin, 1971) Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Mecznikow, 1865) Polycystis orientalis Evdonin, 1968 Scanorhynchus modestus Evdonin, 1971 Family Schizorhynchidae Paraschizorhynchoides glandulis Schilke, 1970 Proschizorhynchella faeroeensis (Steinböck, 1931) P. pacificus (Evdonin, 1969) Order Polycladida Family Stylochidae Mirostylochus sachalinensis Tokinova, 2003 M. striatus Tokinova, 2003 Family Pseudocerotidae Pseudoceros japonicus (Stimpson, 1857) Family Leptoplanidae Leptoplana sp. Order Prolecithophora Family Cylindrostomidae Cylindrostoma sp. Family Multipeniatidae Multipeniata kho Nasonov, 1927 M. batalansae Nasonov, 1927 Family Plagiostomidae Acmostomum mecznikowski Kulinitch, 1973 Plagiostomum hedgpethi behringensis Kulinitch, 1970 P. lobatum kurilense Kulinitch, 1971 P. karlingi (Kulinich, 1970) P. providensiensis Kulinitch, 1970 Vorticeros sp. Family Provorticidae Baicalellia posieti Nasonov, 1930 Vejdovskya ussuriensis Nasonov, 1932 PHYLUM NEMERTEA Compiled by A. V. Chernyshev Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 49 CLASS RHYNCHOCOELA Subclass Palaeonemertea Order Tubulaniformes Family Tubulanidae Tubulanus punctatus (Takakura, 1898) T. ezoensis Yamaoka, 1940 T. littoreus (Korotkevitsch, 1982) nom. dub. Tubulanus sp. 1 Tubulanus sp. 2 Tubulanus sp. 3 Tubulanus sp. 4 Tubulanidae gen. sp. (?Parahubrechtia sp.) Family Carininidae Carinina sp. Family Callineridae Callinera kasyanovi Chernyshev, 2008 Callinera sp. 1 Callinera sp. 2 Order Carinomiformes Family Carinomidae Carinoma sachalinica (Korotkevitsch, 1982) comb. n. = Statolitonemetes sachalinica) Carinoma sp. 1 Carinoma sp. 2 Order Archinemertea Family Cephalotrichidae Cephalothrix simula (Iwata, 1952) C. cf. spiralis Coe, 1930 C. mokievskii (Korotkevitsch, 1982) Cephalothrix sp. Cephalothrix iwatai Chernyshov, 2013 Subclass Neonemertea Superorder Pilidiophora Order Hubrechtiiformes Family Hubrechtellidae Hubrechtella juliae Chernyshev, 2003 Order Heteronemertea Family Baseodiscidae Baseodiscus princeps (Coe, 1901) Baseodiscus cf. princeps (Coe, 1901) Family Valenciniidae Velanciniidae gen. sp. Family Lineidae Lineus torquatus Coe, 1901 Lineus torquaticus Kulikova in lit. L. alborostratus Takakura, 1898 L. bilineatus sensu Iwata, 1954 L. auripunctatus (Grube, 1855) Lineus sp. Cerebratulus ex gr. marginatus Renier, 1804 Cerebratulus signatus Coe, 1905 C. albifrons Coe, 1901 “C”. communis Takakura, 1898 sp. inq. “C”. montgomeryi Coe, 1901 Cerebratulus sp. Micrura alaskensis Coe, 1901 M. akkeshiensis Yamaoka, 1940 M. bella (Stimpson, 1857) M. kulikovae Chernyshev, 1992 50 + +    Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + +    +   + +   + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + +? + +  + + + +  + M. magna Yamaoka, 1940 Micrura bathyalis Chernyshev, 2013 Micrura sp. Nipponomicrura uchidai (Yamaoka, 1940 Nipponomicrura sp. Micrurimorpha rhynchocoelomaperta Korotkevitsch, 1980 Hinumanemertes kikuchii Iwata, 1970 Lineidae gen. sp. 1 Lineidae gen. sp. 2 Lineidae gen. sp. 3 Lineidae gen. sp. 4 Superorder Hoplonemertea Order Polystilifera Suborder Reptantia Eureptantia gen. sp. Suborder Pelagica Family Planktonemertidae Crassonemertes robusta Brinkmann, 1917 Protopelagonemertes cf. beebei Coe, 1936 Family Nectonemertidae Nectonemertes mirabilis Verrill, 1892 (=N. major Korotkevitsch, 1955) “N.” acanthocephala Korotkevitsch, 1955 sp. inq. Family Armaueriidae Proarmaueria pellucida Coe, 1926 P. korotkevitschae Chernyshev, 1992 P. caudata (Korotkevitsch, 1955) comb. n. Neoarmaueria laticeps (Korotkevitsch, 1955) N. crassa (Korotkevitsch, 1955) N. angusta (Korotkevitsch, 1955) N. tenuicauda (Korotkevitsch, 1955) N. platonovae (Chernyshev, 1992) comb. n. N. acoeca (Korotkevitsch, 1955) comb. n. N. divaricata (Korotkevitsch, 1955) nom. dub. Family Pelagonemertidae Pelagonemertes brinkmanni Coe, 1926 “Pelagonemertes” oviporus Korotkevitsch, 1955 (= P. laticauda Korotkevitsch, 1955, P. excisa Korotkevitsch, 1955) Probalaenanemertes robusta (Korotkevitsch, 1955) comb. n. Order Monostilifera Suborder Cratenemertea Family Cratenemertidae Collarenemertes bimaculata (Coe, 1901) Nipponnemertes arenaria (Uschakov, 1927) N. punctatula (Coe, 1905) Nipponnemertes sp. 1 Nipponnemertes sp. 2 Cratenemertidae gen. sp. 1 Cratenemertidae gen. sp. 2 Suborder Eumonostilifera Family Ototyphlonemertidae Ototyphlonemertes martynovi Chernyshev, 1993 O. nikolaii Chernyshev, 1998 O. valentinae Chernyshev, 2003 Ototyphlonemertes sp. Family Malacobdellidae Malacobdella grossa (Müller, 1776) M. japonica Takakura, 1897 Family Poseidonemertidae Poseidonemertes maslakovae Chernyshev, 2002 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +   +  + +        + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + +?    + + + + + +? + + 51 Poseidonemertidae gen. sp. 1 Poseidonemertidae gen. sp. 2 Family Zygonemertidae Zygonemertes glandulosa Yamaoka, 1940 Z. tenuirostris Korotkevitsch, 1977 nom. dub. Z. zhenylebedevi Chernyshev, 1991 Zygonemertes spp. Quequenia callaina (Korotkevitsch, 1977) Family Sacconemertidae Sacconemertopsis belogurovi Chernyshev, 1991 Arctonemertes ussuriensis Chernyshev, 1998 Sacconemertidae gen. sp. Family Emplectonematidae Emplectonema gracile (Johnston, 1837) Family Neesiidae Neesia buergeri (Coe, 1901) N. rubea (Korotkevitsch, 1977) Neesia sp. Paranemertes peregrina Coe, 1901 (= P. cylindracea Korotkevitsch, 1977) P. pallida Coe, 1901 Paranemertes sp. Tortus curilensis Korotkevitsch, 1971 T. iturupensis Korotkevitsch, 1977 T. obtusorostris (Korotkevitsch, 1977) T. tokmakovae Chernyshev, 1991 T. (?) incongruens (Korotkevitsch, 1977) Tortus spp. Neoemplectonema campanoides Korotkevitsch, 1977 (= N. strabo Korotkevitsch, 1977, Tortus paramusirensis Korotkevitsch, 1977 syn. n.) Family Oerstediidae Oerstedia polyorbis Iwata, 1954 (= Oerstediella oculata Kulikova, 1987, O. zebra Chernyshev, 1993, O. valentinae Chernyshev, 1993) O. phoresiae (Kulikova, 1987) O. venusta Iwata, 1954 O. verae (Chernyshev, 1993) O. dorsalis sensu Iwata, 1954 Oerstedia sp. 1 Oerstedia sp. 2 Oerstedia sp. 3 Oerstedia sp. 4 Oerstedia sp. 5 Oerstedia sp. 6 Antarctonemertes papilliformis (Korotkevitsch, 1977) A. dilutebasisae (Kulikova, 1987) A. varvarae Chernyshev, 1999 Antarctonemertes sp. 1 Antarctonemertes sp. 2 Family Tetrastemmatidae Tetrastemma phaeobasisae Kulikova, 1987 T. tridentatum Korotkevitsch, 1977 nom. dub. T. appendiculatum Chernyshev, 1998 T. olgarum Chernyshev, 1998 T. pimaculatum Chernyshev, 1998 T. pseudocoronatum Chernyshev, 1998 T. kangauzi Chernyshev, 2003 Tetrastemma sp. 1 Tetrastemma sp. 2 Tetrastemma sp. 3 Tetrastemma sp. 4 52  Bering Okhotsk  N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + +? + + + + + +      +  + + + + +  + +? + +  + +  + + + + +? + +  +  + + + + + +   + +?  + + +? + + + + + +  +    + Tetrastemma sp. 5 Tetrastemma sp. 6 Tetrastemma sp. 7 Tetrastemma sp. 8 Quasitetrastemma nigrifrons (Coe, 1904) Q. stimpsoni (Chernyshev, 1992) Q. bicolor (Coe, 1901) Q.“aequicolor” (= Q. nigrifrons var. aequicolor Chernyshev, 1998) Quasitetrastemma sp. Asteronemertes gibsoni Chernyshev, 1991 A. commensalis (Kyao, 1954) Protetrastemma viride (Kulikova, 1989) Nemertellina cf. yamaokai Kajihara, Gibson et Mawatari, 2000 Nemertellina sp. Tetrastemmatidae gen. sp. Family Amphiporidae Amphiporus imparispinosus Griffin, 1898 A . formidabilis (Griffin, 1898) A. matuanus Korotkevitsch, 1977 (= A. fuscosparus Korotkevitsch, 1977) A. angulatus (Müller, 1774) A. bicoloreus Korotkevitsch, 1977 nom. dub. A. dorsolineatus Korotkevitsch, 1977 nom. dub. A. folcatus Korotkevitsch, 1977 nom. dub. A. nadtochiae Chernyshev, 1998 A. cf. lactifloreus (Johnston, 1828) A. heteromusculosus (Chernyshev, 1998) comb. n. (= Furugelmina heteromusculosa) A. nebulosus Coe, 1901 Amphiporus sp. 1 Amphiporus sp. 2 Amphiporidae gen. sp. 1 Amphiporidae gen. sp. 2 Family Ins. sed. Gononemertes sp. Eumonostilifera gen. sp. 1 Eumonostilifera gen. sp. 2 Eumonostilifera gen. sp. 3 Eumonostilifera gen. sp. 4 Eumonostilifera gen. sp. 5 Family Carcinonemertidae Carcinonemertes sp. Ovicides paralithodis Kajihara et Kuris, 2013 PHYLUM GASTROTRICHA Compilers by A. V. Chernyshev, A. S. Maiorova Order Chaetonotida Family Chaetonotidae Aspidiophorus oculatus Todaro, Zotto, Maiorova et Andrianov, 2009 Order Macrodasyda Family Turbanellidae Turbanella sp. PHYLUM NEMATODA Compiled by A. V. Shoshin CLASS ENOPLEA Order Enoplida Family Anoplostomatidae Anoplostoma cuticularia Belogurov et Alekseev, 1977 Family Anticomidae Anticoma possjetica Platonova, Belogurov et Sheenko, 1979 + +    + +  Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa  + + + +    + +     + +  + + +? + + + + + + + + +     +?          + +  + + 53 Family Enchelidiidae Belbolla insula Belogurov, Fadeeva & Belogurova, 1983 B. intarma Belogurov & Belogurova, 1980 Calyptronema ila Belogurov, 1979 Calyptronema sp. C. stomadentata Belogurov, 1980 Euristomina alekseevi Pavlyuk, 1984 Euristomina sp. Ledovitia honorata Belogurov, Fadeeva et Belogurova, 1983 Polygastrophora parahexabulba Belogurova, Belogurov & Khamula, 1986 Thoonchus giganticus Belogurova, Belogurov & Khamula, 1986 Family Enoplidae Enoplus anisospiculus Nelson, Hopper et Webster, 1972 Enoplus sp. Oxyonchus sp. Family Ironidae Dolicholaimus sp. Family Lauratonematidae Lauratonema minuta Platonova, 1971 Family Leptosomatidae Leptosomatum sp. Pseudocella bursata Platonova, 1962 P. kamtchatica Platonova, 1988 P. kuriliensis Platonova, 1962 P. laticapitata Platonova, 1988 P. mamillifera Platonova, 1962 P. minor Platonova, 1962 P. orientalis Platonova, 1988 P. parabursata Platonova, 1988 Family Oncholaimidae Admirandus multicavus Belogurov et Belogurova, 1979 Adoncholaimus aralensis Filipjev, 1924 A. exoptatus Belogurov et Belogurova, 1974 A. fervidus Kirjanova, 1955 A. fuscus (Bastian, 1865) A. qudriporis Belogurov et Belogurova, 1974 Adoncholaimus sp. Fotolaimus marinus Belogurova et Belogurov, 1974 Metaparoncholaimus japonicus Belogurov, Belogurova et Pavluk, 1980 Metoncholaimus filispiculum Yoshimura, 1982 Oncholaimium domesticum Chitwood et Chitwood, 1938 O. japonicum Belogurov et Belogurova, 1981 O. olium Belogurov, Belogurova et Pavluk, 1975 O. paraolium Belogurov et Fadeeva, 1980 O. ramosum Smolyanko & Belogurov, 1987 O. unicum Belogurov et Belogurova, 1978 Oncholaimus brachycercus de Man, 1889 O. compositus Belogurov, Belogurova & Pavluk, 1980 O. eximius Belogurova, 1978 O. paropisthonchus Belogurov et Belogurova, 1978 O. venustus (Belogurov, Belogurova et Leonova, 1972) Pontonema papilliferum (Filipjev, 1916) Cobb et Steiner, 1924 P. subtilis Belogurova, 1978 Pseudoncholaimus astaticus Belogurov, Belogurova et Pavluk, 1980 P. dujardinii de (Man, 1876) P. furugelmus Belogurov, 1977 P. mediocaudatus Pavlyuk, 1991 P. urbanus marinus Belogurov, Belogurova et Leonova 1972 P. urbanus urbanus Belogurov et Belogurova, 1974 54 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa P. venustus Belogurov, Belogurova et Leonova, 1972 P. vesicarius (Wieser, 1959) Belogurov, Belogurova et Pavlyuk, 1975 Viscosia epapillosa Platonova 1971 V. poseidonica Belogurov et Belogurova, 1977 V. stenostoma Platonova, 1971 Family Oxystominidae Halalaimus leptoderma Platonova, 1971 Oxistomina elegans Platonova, 1971 O. orientalis Platonova, 1971 Tycnodora rectispiculata Platonova, 1971 Family Phanodermatidae Phanoderma platonovae Belogurov, 1980 Family Rhabdodemaniidae Rhabdodemania orientalis Platonova, 1974 Trileptium sp. Family Thoracostomopsidae Enoploides rimiformis Pavlyuk, 1984 Enoplolaimus medius Pavlyuk, 1984 Epacanthion sp. Mesacanthion audax Ditlevsen, 1919 CLASS CHROMADOREA Order Chromadorida Family Chromadoridae Chromadora heterostomata Kito, 1978 Ch. nudicapitata Bastian, 1865 Ch. tridenticulata Platonova, 1971 Chromadorina salina Belogurov, 1978 Dichromadora amphidiscoides Kito, 1981 Euchromadora ezoensis Kito, 1977 E. robusta Kulikov, 1991 Euchromadora sp. Hypodontolaimus golikovi Platonova, 1971 Graphonema achaeta Platonova, 1971 Gr. metuliferum Kito, 1981 Neochromadora bilineata Kito, 1978 N. oshoroana Kito, 1981 N. poecilosoma (de Man, 1893) Panduripharinx pacifica Belogurov, Daschenko et Fadeeva, 1985 P. unidentatum Daschenko, Belogurov et Fadeeva, 1985 Parapinnanema imbricata Belogurov, Belogurova & Smolyanko, 1985 Ptycholaimellus adocius Dashchenko et Belogurov, 1984 Rhips sp. Spilophorella bidentata Platonova, 1971 S. unidentata Platonova, 1971 Family Cyatholaimidae Paracanthonchus kamui Kito, 1981 P. macrodon (Ditlevsen, 1919) P. perspicuus Kito, 1981 Family Selachinematidae Choanolaimus sp. Halichoanolaimus bispirae Dashchenko et Belogurov, 1991 H. possjetiensis Belogurov et Fadeeva, 1980 H. sonorus Belogurov et Fadeeva, 1980 Synonchiella dilarae Fadeeva, 1988 Family Richtersiidae Richtersia sp. Order Desmodorida Family Monoposthiidae Monoposthia costata (Bastian, 1865) + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 55 M. latiannulata Platonova, 1971 Family Desmodoridae Chromaspirina sp. Metachromadora itoi Kito, 1978 Spirinia sp. Order Plectida Family Leptolaimidae Leptolaimidae sp. Leptolaimus elegans Schuurmans-Stekhoven et De Coninck, 1933 Order Araeolaimida Family Diplopeltidae Araeolaimus parvibulbosus Platonova, 1971 Family Axonolaimidae Axonolaimus geminus Belogurov et Koroljeva, 1975 A. orus Belogurov et Koroljeva, 1975 A. seticaudatus Platonova, 1971 Odontophora angustilaima (Filipjev, 1918) Belogurov et Koroljeva, 1975 O. insulana Belogurov, 1978 Parascolaimus proprius Belogurov et Kartavtseva, 1975 P. amphidoporus Belogurov et Kartavtseva, 1975 Parodontophora danka Belogurov et Kartavtseva, 1975 P. marisjaponici Platonova, 1971 P. timmica Pavlyuk et Belogurov, 1979 Family Comesomatidae Dorylaimopsis peculiaris Platonova, 1971 Laimella sp. Paracomesoma sp. Sabatieria finitima Fadeeva et Belogurov, 1984 S. intacta Fadeeva et Belogurov, 1984 S. palmaris Fadeeva et Belogurov, 1984 S. possjetica Platonova, 1971 S. pulchra (Schneider, 1906) Riemann, 1970 Order Monhysterida Family Linhomoeidae Anticyathus plicibucca Chesunov et Yuchin, 1991 Megadesmolaimus rhodinus Chesunov et Yuchin, 1991 Metalaimus pumilis Platonova, 1971 Metalinhomoeus sp. Terschellingia glabricutis Platonova, 1971 T. minima Platonova, 1971 Terschellingia sp. Family Monhysteridae Gammarinema gammari Kinne et Gerlach, 1953 G. mesidoteae Belogurov, Kulikov et Ruskich, 1978 Family Sphaerolaimidae Metasphaerolaimus japonicus (Fadeeva, 1983) Sphaerolaimus gracilis De Man, 1876 S. limosus Fadeeva, 1983 Family Xyalidae Amphimonhystera galea Fadeeva, 1984 Cobbia sp. Daptonema procerum Gerlach, 1951 Daptonema sp. 1 Daptonema sp. 2 D. variasetosa (Pavlyuk, 1984) Gonionchus latentis Fadeeva, 1984 Mesotheristus paracircumscriptus Fadeeva et Belogurov, 1987 Paramonohystera canicula Wieser et Hopper, 1967 P. halerba Fadeeva et Belogurov, 1987 56 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + P. tschislenkoi Platonova, 1971 Paramonohystera sp. Penzancia longispicula Platonova, 1971 Pseudosteineria inaequispiculatus (Platonova, 1971) Steineria aquatica Alekseev et Belogurov 1973 S. copiosa Fadeeva, 1991 S. marsiana Alekseev et Belogurov 1973 Theristus (Theristus) acer Bastian, 1865 Theristus sp. 1 Theristus sp. 2 Th. subacer Pavlyuk, 1984 Xyala sp. Order Rhabditida Family Rhabditidae Marispelodera stasileonovi Belogurov, 1977 Pelodera comandorica Belogurov, Muchina et Churicova, 1977 PHYLUM CEPHALORHYNCHA Compiled by A. V. Adrianov CLASS PRIAPULIDA Order Priapulomorpha Family Priapulidae Priapulus caudatus Lamarck, 1816 P. abyssorum Menzies, 1959 Acanthopriapulus horridus (Theel, 1911) Order Halicryptomorpha Family Halicryptidae Halicryptus spinulosus Siebold, 1849 CLASS KINORHYNCHA Order Cyclorhagida Suborder Cyclorhagae Family Echinoderidae Echinoderes filispinosus Adrianov, 1989 E. multisetosus Adrianov, 1989 Family Cephalorhynchidae Cephalorhyncha asiatica (Adrianov, 1999) Order Homalorhagida Suborder Homalorhagae Family Pycnophyidae Pycnophyes furugelmi Adrianov, 1999 P. schornikovi Adrianov, 1999 P. tubuliferus Adrianov, 1989 Kinorhynchus yushini Adrianov, 1989 PHYLUM ROTIFERA Compiled by A. V. Chernyshev CLASS PARAROTATORIA Order Seisonida Family Seisonidae Seison pacificus Markevich, 2005 CLASS EUROTATORIA Subclass Monogonota Order Flosculariaceae Family Testudinellidae Testudinella clypeata (Müller, 1786) (species complex) Order Ploima Family Brachionidae Brachionus plicatilis Müller, 1786 B. quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 Keratella cruciformis (Thompson, 1892) K. cochlearis (Gosse, 1851) Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + 57 58 Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. N.M. Kuril Command Ids K. quadrata (Müller, 1786) Notholca squamula (Müller, 1786) N. acuminata (Ehrenberg, 1832) N. japonica japonica (Marukawa, 1928) N. japonica kisselevi Kutikova, 1970 Family Dicranophoridae Encentrum marinum (Dujardin, 1841) E. graingeri Chengalath, 1985 E. algente Harring, 1921 E. kutikovae DeSmet et Chernyshev, 2006 E. ussuriense DeSmet et Chernyshev, 2006 Encentrum sp. Aspelta clydona Harring et Myers, 1928 Paradicranophorus (?) sp. Family Lepadellidae Colurella adriatica Ehrenberg, 1831 C. cf. colurus (Ehrenberg, 1830) Colurella sp. Family Lindiidae Lindia (Halolindia) tecusa Harring et Myers, 1922 L. (H.) gravitata (Lie-Pettersen, 1905) Family Proalidae Proales reinhardti (Ehrenberg, 1834) P. halophila Remane, 1929 Proales sp. Family Trichocercidae Trichocerca marina (Daday, 1890) Family Synchaetidae Synchaeta triophthalma Lauterborn, 1894 S. vorax Rousselet, 1902 S. grimpei Remane, 1929 S. baltica Ehrenberg, 1834 S. pectinata Ehrenberg, 1832 S. pacifica Chaga, 1984 nom. dub. S. posjetica Chaga, 1984 nom. dub. PHYLUM ANNELIDA CLASS POLYCHAETA Compiled by G. N. Buzhinskaya Order Phyllodocida Family Phyllodocidae Oersted, 1843 Genus Austrophyllum Bergstrøm, 1914 A. sphaerocephala (Levenstein, 1961) Genus Clavadoce Hartman, 1936 C. annenkovae Uschakov, 1950 Genus Eteone Savigny in Lamarck, 1820 E. bistriata Uschakov, 1953 E. flava (Fabricius, 1780) E. longa Fabricius, 1780 Genus Eulalia Savigny, 1822 E. bilineata (Johnston, 1840) E. gravieri Uschakov, 1972 E. viridis (Linnaeus,1767) Genus Eumida Malmgren, 1865 E. tubiformis Moore, 1909 E. minuta (Ditlevsen, 1917) E. sanguinea (Oersted, 1843) Genus Mysta Malmgren, 1865 M. barbata (Malmgren, 1865) M. ornata Grube, 1877 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +  +  + +  + + + + + +? + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Genus Mystides Théel, 1879 M.?borealis Théel, 1879 M. rarica (Uschakov, 1958) Genus Nereiphylla Blainville, 1828 N. castanea (Marenzeller, 1879) Genus Notophyllum Oersted, 1843 N. foliosum (M. Sars, 1835) N. ?imbricatum Moore, 1906) Genus Paranaitis Southern, 1914 P. polynoides (Moore, 1906) Genus Phyllodoce Lamarck, 1818 Ph. brevis Zachs, 1933 Ph. citrina Malmgren, 1865 Ph. groenlandica Oersted, 1842 Ph. groenlandica orientalis Zachs, 1933 Ph. maculata (Linnaeus,1767) Ph. papillosa Uschakov et Wu, 1959 Genus Protomystides Czerniavsky, 1882 P. kurilensis Buzhinskaja, 1990 Genus Pterocirrus Claparède , 1868 P. macroceros (Grube, 1860) Genus Sige Malmgren, 1865 S. dogieli (Uschakov, 1953) S. sigeformis (Annenkova, 1937) Family Iospilidae Bergstroem, 1914 Genus Phalacrophorus Greeff, 1879 Ph. pictus Greeff, 1879 Family Alciopidae Ehlers, 1864 Genus Krohnia Quatrefages, 1865 K. excellata (Uschakov, 1955) Family Tomopteridae Grube, 1848 Genus Tomopteris Eschscholtz, 1825 T. (Johnstonella) pacifica Jzuka, 1914 T. (Tomopteris) septentrionalis Quatrefages, 1865 Family Lopadorrhynchidae Claparede, 1868 Genus Lopadorhynchus Grube,1855 L. appendiculatus Southern, 1909 Genus Maupasia Viguier, 1886 M. caeca Viguier, 1886 Genus Pelagobia Greeff, 1879 P. longicirrata Greeff, 1879 Family Typhloscolecidae Uljanin, 1878 Genus Typhloscolex Bush, 1851 T. muelleri Bush, 1851 Genus Travisiopsis Levinsen, 1885 T. lanceolata Southern, 1910 T. lobifera Levinsen, 1885 T. levinseni Southern, 1910 Genus Sagitella Wagner, 1872 S. kowalewskii Wagner, 1872 Family Lacydoniidae Bergstrøm, 1914 Genus Lacydonia Marion et Bobretzky, 1875 L. papillata Uschakov, 1958 Family Aphroditidae Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 Genus Aphrodita Linnaeus, 1758 A. australis Baird 1865 A. japonica Marenzeller, 1879 A. talpa Quatrefages 1865 Genus Laetmonice Kinberg, 1855 + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 59 60 Okhotsk Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. N.M. Kuril Command Ids L. japonica McIntosh, 1885 L. pellucida Moore, 1903 L. wyvillei McIntosh, 1885 Family Polynoidae Kinberg, 1856 Genus Admetella McIntosh, 1885 A. longipedata McIntosh, 1885 Genus Arcteobia Annenkova, 1937 A. anticostiensis (McIntosh, 1874) A. spinelytris Uschakov, 1950 Genus Arctonoe Chamberlin, 1920 A. vittata (Grube, 1855) Genus Arctonoella Buzhinskaja, 1967 A. sinagawaensis (Izuka, 1912) Genus Bathyeliasona Pettibone, 1976 B. abyssicola (Fauvel, 1913) Genus Bathyfauvelia Pettibone, 1976 B. affinis (Fauvel, 1914) B. grandelytris Levenstein, 1975 Genus Bathyhololepidella Buzhinskaja, 1992 B. papillata Buzhinskaja, 1992 Genus Bathykurila Pettibone, 1976 B. zenkevitchi (Uschakov, 1955) Genus Bathyvitiazia Pettibone, 1976 B. pallida (Levenstein, 1971) Genus Bylgides Chamberlin, 1919 B. elegans (Théel, 1879) B. macrolepida (Moore, 1905) Genus Enipo Malmgren, 1865 E. pavlovskii (Uschakov, 1955) E. tamarae (Annenkova, 1952) E. tarasovi (Annenkova, 1937) E. torelli (Malmgren, 1865) Genus Eucranta Malmgren, 1865 E. anoculata (Moore, 1910) Genus Eunoe Malmgren, 1865 E. barbata Moore, 1910 E. caeca Moore, 1910 E. depressa Moore, 1905 E. hydroidopapillata Rzhavsky et Shabad, 1999 E. hozawai Okuda, 1939 E. nodosa (M. Sars, 1861) E. senta (Moore, 1902) E. sentiformis (Uschakov, 1958) E. spinicirris Annenkova, 1937 E. subtruncata Annenkova, 1937 Genus Gattyana McIntosh, 1900 G. amondseni (Malmgren, 1865) G. ciliata Moore, 1902 G. cirrhosa (Pallas, 1766) G. treadwelli Pettibone, 1949 Genus Gaudichaudius Pettibone, 1986 G. iphionelloides (Johnston, 1901) Genus Grubeopolynoe Pettibone, 1969 G. semenovi (Annenkova, 1937) G. tuta (Grube, 1855) Genus Halosydna Kinberg, 1855 H. brevisetosa Kinberg, 1855 H. johnsoni (Darboux, 1899) Genus Harmothoe Kinberg, 1855 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. H. aspera (Hansen, 1878) H. beringiana Annenkova, 1952 H. derjugini Annenkova, 1937 H. grandispina Annenkova, 1937 H. imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767) H. impar impar (Johnston, 1839) H. impar parvispinosa Annenkova, 1937 H. pellucelytris Uschakov, 1950 H. “propinqua” Malmgren, 1867 H. rarispina (M. Sars, 1861) H. uschakovi (Ozolinsh, 1990) H. yendoi Izuka, 1912 Genus Hermadionella Uschakov, 1982 H. chayvoensis Alalykina, 2011 Genus Hermilepidonotus Uschakov, 1974 H. helotypus (Grube, 1877) H. robustus (Moore, 1905) Genus Hesperonoe Chamberlin, 1919 H. adventor Skogsberg, 1928 H. complanata Johnson, 1901 Genus Lepidastenia Malmgren, 1867 L. izukai Imajima et Hartman, 1964 Genus Lepidonotus Leach, 1816 L. squamatus (Linnaeus, 1764) Genus Macellicephala McIntosh, 1874 M. violacea Levinsen, 1887 Genus Macellicephaloides Uschakov, 1955 M. grandicirra Uschakov, 1955 M. improvisa Levenstein, 1982 M. verrucosa Uschakov, 1955 M. villosa Levenstein, 1982 M. vitiazi Uschakov, 1955 M. uschakovi Levenstein, 1971 Genus Melaenis Malmgren, 1865 M. loveni Malmgren, 1865 Genus Nectochaeta Marenzeller, 1892 N. grimaldii Marenzeller, 1892 Genus Parahalosydna Horst, 1915 P. krassini (Annenkova, 1952) Genus Tenonia Nichols, 1969 T. elegans Alalykina, 2011 Genus Weberia Horst, 1915 W. nodulosa pacifica (Uschakov, 1950) Family Sigalionidae Kinberg, 1856 Genus Neoleanira Pettibone, 1970 N. areolata ( McIntosh, 1885) Genus Sigalion Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1823 S. mathildae Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1823 Family Pholoidae Kinberg, 1858 Genus Pholoe Johnston, 1839 Ph. ?longa (Müller, 1776) Ph. cf. minuta (Fabricius, 1780) Ph. minuta caeca Uschakov, 1950 Ph.?minuta tecta Stimpson, 1854 Family Chrysopetalidae Ehlers, 1864 Genus Chrysopetalum Ehlers, 1864 C. ? occidentale Johnson 1897 C. cf. debile (Grube, 1855) Genus Paleonotus Schmarda, 1861 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 61 P. cf. bellis (Johnston, 1897) Genus Dysponetus Levinsen, 1879 D. pygmaeus Levinsen, 1879 Family Glyceridae Grube, 1850 Genus Glycera Savigny, 1812 G. capitata Oersted, 1843 G. macrobranchia (Moore, 1911) G. nicobarica Grube, 1868 G. onomichiensis Jzuka, 1912 G. cf. tenuis Hartman, 1944 G.? tesselata Grube, 1863 Genus Hemipodia Quatrefages, 1865 H. ?borealis Johnson, 1901 Family Goniadidae Kinberg, 1866 Genus Bathyglycinde Fauchald, 1972 B. lindbergi (Uschakov, 1955) Genus Glycinde Müller, 1858 G. armigera Moore, 1911 G. picta Berkeley, 1927 Genus Goniada Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1833 G. foliacea Moore, 1903 G. maculata Oersted, 1843 Family Syllidae Grube, 1850 Genus Amblyosyllis Grube, 1857 A. finmarchica (Malmgren, 1867) A. formosa (Claparède , 1863) A. speciosa Jzuka, 1912 Genus Autolytus Grube, 1850 A.?ussuriensis Zachs, 1933 A.?rostripalpus Chlebovitsh, 1962 Genus Salvatoria McIntosh, 1885 S. clavata (Claparède , 1863) Genus Chaetosyllis Malmgren, 1867 C. oerstedi Malmgren, 1867 Genus Epigamia Nigren, 2004 E. alexandri (Malmgren, 1867) E. magna (Berkeley, 1923) Genus Eusyllis Malmgren, 1867 E. blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867 E. tubicola (Uschakov, 1950) Genus Exogone Oersted, 1845 E. gemmifera Pagenstecher, 1862 E. tatarica Annenkova, 1938 E. verugera (Claparède , 1868) Genus Haplosyllis Langerhans, 1879 H. cratericola Buzhinskaja, 1990 H. ohma (Imajima & Hartman, 1964) H. orientalis Buzhinskaja, 1990 H. ?spongicola Grube, 1855 Genus Myrianida Milne Edwards, 1845 M. convoluta (Cognetti, 1953) Genus Odontosyllis Claparède , 1863 O. maculata Uschakov, 1950 Genus Parasphaerosyllis Monro, 1937 P. uschakovi (Chlebovitsch, 1959) Genus Pionosyllis Malmgren, 1867 P. compacta Malmgren, 1867 P. magnifica Moore, 1906 Genus Proceraea Ehlers, 1864 62 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids +? + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. P. okadai (Imajima, 1966) P. prismatica (Fabricius, 1780) Genus Sphaerosyllis Claparède , 1863 S. asiatica Buzhinskaja, 1980 Genus Trypanosyllis Claparède , 1864 T. (Trypanosyllis) brevicirrata Uschakov, 1950 T. (Trypanedenta) gemmipara Johnson, 1901 Genus Typosyllis Langerhans, 1879 T. ?adamanteus (Treadwell, 1914) T. alternata (Moore, 1908) T. armillaris (O. F. Müller, 1776) T. cornuta (Rathke, 1843) T. ehlersioides Marenzeller, 1890 T. ehlersioides japonica Buzhinskaja, 1985 T. fasciata (Malmgren, 1867) T. ?hyalina (Grube, 1863) T. heterochaeta (Moore, 1909) T. nipponica Jmajima, 1966 T. orientalis Jmajima et Hartman, 1964 T.?pigmentata (Chamberlin, 1919) T. variegata (Grube, 1860) Family Pisionidae Southern, 1914 Genus Pisione Grube, 1857 P. longipalpa Uschakov, 1956 Family Hesionidae Grube, 1850 Genus Gyptis Marion et Bobretzky, 1875 G. hyans Fauchald et Hancock, 1981 G. propinqua Marion et Bobretzky, 1875 Genus Microphthalmus Mecznikow, 1865 M. sczelkowii Mecznikow, 1865 Genus Nereimyra Blainville, 1828 N. aphroditoides (Fabricius, 1780) Genus Oxydromus Grube, 1855 P. pugettensis (Johnston, 1901) Family Pilargidae Saint-Joseph, 1899 Genus Sigambra Müller, 1858 S. bassi Hartman, 1947 S. bidentata Britaev et Saphronova, 1981 S. elegans Britaev et Saphronova, 1981 Genus Cabira Webster, 1879 C. bohajensis Britaev et Saphronova, 1981 Genus Otopsis Ditlevsen, 1917 O. kurilensis Uschakov, 1971 O. longipes pacifica Uschakov, 1955 Genus Pilargis Saint-Joseph, 1899 P. berkeleyae Monro, 1933 P. verrucosa pacifica Zachs, 1933 Family Nereididae Savigny in Lamark, 1818 Genus Alitta Kinberg in Malmgren, 1865 A. brandti Malmgren, 1865 Genus Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867 C. bansei Khlebovich, 1996 C. loveni Malmgren, 1867 Genus Cheilonereis Benham, 1916 C. cyclurus (Harrington, 1897) Genus Hediste Malmgren, 1867 H. japonica (Izuka, 1908) Genus Namanereis Chamberlin, 1919 N. littoralis (Müller in Grube, 1871) Japan Taxa +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 63 64 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Genus Neanthes Kinberg, 1865 N. gorbunovi (Uschakov, 1950) N. moorei (Imajima, 1972) N. paucidentata (Moore, 1903) N. succinea (Frey et Leuckart, 1847) Genus Nectoneanthes Jmajima, 1972 N. latipoda Paik, 1973 N. oxypoda (Marenzeller, 1879) Genus Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 N. beringiana Levenstein, 1961 N. eakini Hartman, 1936 N. lithothamnica Annenkova, 1938 N. longior galinae Khlebovich, 1996 N. multignatha Imajima et Hartman, 1964 N. multignatha paraneanthes Khlebovich, 1996 N. neoneanthes Hartman, 1948 N. ochotica Grube, 1849 N. pelagica Linnaeus, 1758 N. procera Ehlers, 1868 N. toporoki Khlebovich, 1996 N. vexillosa Grube, 1849 N. zonata Malmgren, 1867 N. zonata tigrina Zachs, 1933 Genus Nicon Kinberg, 1865 N. moniloceras (Hartman, 1940) Genus Platynereis Kinberg, 1865 P. bicanaliculata (Baird, 1863) Genus Tylorrynchus Grube, 1868 T. osawai (Izuka, 1903) Family Nephtyidae Grube, 1850 Genus Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1866 A. malmgreni (Théel, 1879) A. agilis (Langerhans, 1880)) Genus Micronephthys Friedrich, 1937 M. spp. Genus Nephthys Cuvier in Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1833 N. caeca (Fabricius, 1780) N. californiensis Hartman, 1938 N. ciliata (O.F. Müller, 1776) N. cornuta Berkeley et Berkeley, 1945 N. discors Ehlers, 1868 N. longosetosa Oersted, 1843 N. paradoxa Malm, 1874 N. pente Rainer, 1984 N. punctata Hartman, 1938 N. ?schmitti Hartman, 1938 Family Sphaerodoridae Malmgren, 1867 Genus Sphaerodoropsis Hartman et Fauchald, 1971 S. minuta (Webster et Benedict, 1887) S. biserialis (Berkeley et Berkeley, 1944) S. nuda Ozolinsh, 1987 S. sphaerulifer (Moore, 1909) Genus Sphaerodoridium Lützen, 1961 S. japonicum Ozolinsh, 1987 Genus Sphaerodorum Oersted, 1843 S. gracilis (Rathke, 1843) Order Spinterida Family Spintheridae Johnston, 1865 Genus Spinther Johnston, 1845 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. S. alaskensis Hartman, 1948 S. arcticus (M. Sars, 1849) S. citrinus (Stimpson, 1854) S. hystrix Uschakov, 1950 Order Amphinomida Family Euphrosynidae Williams, 1851 Genus Euphrosyne Savigny, 1818 E. bicirrata Moore, 1905 E. borealis Oersted, 1843 E. hortensis Moore, 1905 E. multibranchiata Essenberg, 1917 E. superba Marenzeller, 1879 Order Eunicida Family Eunicidae Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 Genus Eunice Cuvier, 1817 E. kobiensis McIntosh, 1885 E. valens (Chamberlin, 1919) Family Onuphidae Kinberg, 1865 Genus Anchinothria Paxton, 1986 A. pycnobranchiata (McIntosh, 1885) A. cirrobranchiata (Moore, 1903) Genus Nothria Malmgren, 1867 N. spp. N. ?hyperborea Hansen, 1878 Genus Paradiopatra Ehlers, 1887 P. ehlersi McIntosh, 1885 P. fauchaldi Buzhinskaja, 1985 P. striata (Uschakov, 1950) Genus Onuphis Audouin et M.-Edwards, 1833 O. iridescens (Johnston, 1901) O. shirikishinaiensis (Imajima, 1960) O. holobranchiata Marenzeller, 1879 O. geophiliformis (Moore, 1903) Genus Diopatra Audouin et M.-Edwards, 1833 D. ornata Moore, 1911 Family Lumbrineridae Schmarda, 1861 Genus Cenogenus Chamberlin, 1919 C. fusca (Moore, 1911) C. abyssalis (Imajima et Higuchi, 1975) C. hartmanae (Levenstein, 1977) Genus Eranno Kinberg, 1865 E. abyssicola (Uschakov, 1950) E. bifurcata (McIntosh, 1885) E. heteropoda (Marenzeller, 1879) Genus Lumbrineris Blainville, 1828 L. bistriata (Levenstein, 1961а) L. cruzensis Hartman, 1944 L. inflata Moore, 1911 L. japonica (Marenzeller, 1879) L. latreilli (Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1834) L. pallida Hartman, 1944 Genus Scoletoma Blainville, 1828 S. fragilis (O. F. Müller, 1776) S. ?impatiens (Claparède , 1868) S. longifolia (Jmajima et Higuchi, 1975) S. minuta (Théel, 1879) Family Dorvilleidae Chamberlin, 1919 Genus Dorvillea Parfitt, 1866 D. moniloceras (Moore, 1909) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 65 66 Bering + Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Genus Schistomeringos Jumars, 1974 S. caeca (Webster et Benedict, 1884) S. japonica Annenkova, 1937 Family Iphitimidae Fauchald, 1970 Genus Ophryotrocha Claparede et Mecznikow, 1869 O. dimorphica Zavarzina et Tzetlin, 1986 O. puerilis Claparède et Mecznikov, 1869 Family Oenonidae Kinberg, 1865 Genus Arabella Grube, 1850 A. iricolor Montagu, 1804 Genus Drilonereis Claparède , 1870 D. filum (Claparède , 1868) D. longa pacifica Buzhinskaja, 1971 D. zenkevitchi Levenstein, 1961 Order Orbiniida Family Orbiniidae Hartman, 1942 Genus Leitoscoloplos Day, 1977 L. pugettensis (Pettibone, 1957) Genus Naineris Blainville, 1828 N. quadricuspida (Fabricius, 1780) N. jacutica Annenkova, 1931 Genus Orbinia Quatrefages, 1865 O. (Phylo) norvegica (M. Sars in G. O. Sars, 1872) Genus Orbiniella Day, 1954 O. nuda Hobson, 1974 O. plumisetosa Buzhinskaja, 1992 Genus Protoariciella Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 P. oligobranchia Hobson, 1976 Genus Scoloplos Blainville, 1828 S. armiger (O. F. Müller, 1776) Order Spionida Family Spionidae Grube, 1850 Genus Aonides Claparède , 1864 A. oxycephala (M. Sars, 1872) Genus Apoprionospio Foster, 1969 A. nova (Annenkova, 1938) Genus Boccardia Carazzi, 1895 B. ?californica Treadwell, 1914 B. ? natrix Söderström, 1920 Genus Boccardiella Blake et Kudenov, 1978 B. hamata (Webster, 1879) Genus Dipolydora Verrill, 1879 D. alborectalis (Radashevsky, 1993) D. bidentata (Zachs, 1933) D. caulleryi (Mesnil,1897) D. cardalia (E. Berkeley, 1927) D. concharum (Verrill, 1879) D. commensalis (Andrews, 1891) D. melanopalpa Manchenko et Radashevsky, 2002 D. quadrilobata (Jacobi, 1883) D. socialis (Schmarda, 1961) D. trilobata (Radashevsky, 1993) D. vulcanica (Radashevsky, 1994) Genus Laonice Malmgren, 1867 L. cirrata (M. Sars, 1851) L. rossica Sikorski, 2003 Genus Malacoceros Quatrefages, 1843 M. (Rhynchospio) areninculus asiaticus Chlebovitsch, 1959 M. fuliginosus (Claparède , 1868) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk M. tetracerus (Schmarda, 1861) Genus Marenzelleria Mesnil, 1896 M. arctia (Chamberlin, 1920) Genus Microspio Mesnil, 1896 M. kussakini Chlebovitsch,1959 Genus Minuspio Foster, 1971 M. cirrifera (Wiren, 1883) M. multibranchiata (E. Berkeley, 1927) Genus Neoboccardia Buzhinskaja, 1985 N. perata (Chlebovitsch, 1959) Genus Polydora Bosc, 1802 P. brevipalpa Zachs1933 P. calcarea (Templeton, 1836) P. cornuta Bosc, 1802 P. curiosa Radashevsky, 1994 P. glycymerica Radashevsky, 1989 P. limicola Annenkova, 1934 P. manchenkoi Radashevsky et Pankova, 2006 P. spongicola Berkeley et Berkeley, 1950 Genus Prionospio Malmgren, 1867 P. japonica Okuda, 1935 P.? steenstrupi Malmgren, 1867 Genus Pseudopolydora Czerniavsky, 1881 P. achaeta Radashevsky et Hsieh, 2000 P. bassarginensis (Zachs, 1933) P. kempi japonica Imajima et Hartman, 1964 P. paucibranchiata (Okuda, 1937) Genus Pygospio Claparède , 1863 P. elegans Claparède , 1863 Genus Scolelepis Blainville, 1828 S. alaskensis (Treadwell, 1914) S. ?cirratulus (Delle Chiaje, 1828) S. magnus Ozolinsh, 1990 S. major Ozolinsh, 1990 S. oligobranchia (Chlebovitsch, 1959) S. squamata (O. F. Müller, 1806) S. aff. texana Foster, 1971 Genus Spio Fabricius, 1785 S. arctica (Söderström, 1920) S. armata (Thulin, 1957) S. borealis Okuda, 1937 S. filicornis (O.F. Müller, 1776) S. kurilensis Buzhinskaja, 1990 S. ?limicola Verril, 1880 S. malmgreni Sikorski, 2001 S. picta Zachs, 1933 S. theeli (Söderström, 1920) S. unidentata Khlebovitsch, 1959 Genus Spiophanes Grube, 1860 S. berkeleyorum Pettibone, 1962 S. bombyx (Claparède , 1870) S. kroeyeri Grube, 1860 S. uschakowi Zachs, 1933 Family Trochochaetidae Pettibone, 1963 Genus Trochochaeta Levinsen, 1884 T. ?carica Birula, 1897 T. multisetosa (Oersted, 1844) Family Apistobranchidae Mesnil et Caullery, 1898 Genus Apistobranchus Levinsen, 1883 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + + + + + + + + +? +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + 67 A. ornatus Hartman, 1965 A. tullbergi (Théel, 1879) Family Poecilochaetidae Hannerz, 1956 Genus Poecilochaetus Claparède in Ehlers, 1875 P. trilobatus Imajima, 1989 Order Chaetopterida Family Chaetopteridae Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1833 Genus Chaetopterus Cuvier, 1827 C. cautus (Marenzeller, 1879) Genus Phyllochaetopterus Grube, 1863 Ph. claparedii McIntosh, 1885 Genus Spiochaetopterus M. Sars, 1856 S. typicus M. Sars, 1856 Order Magelonida Family Magelonidae Cunningham et Ramage, 1888 Genus Magelona O. F. Müller, 1858 M. longicornis Johnson, 1901 M. berkeleyi Jones, 1971 M. sachalinensis Buzhinskaja, 1985 Order Cirratulida Family Paraonidae Cerruti, 1909 Genus Aricidea Webster, 1879 A. (Acmira) catherinae Laubier, 1967 A. (Acmira) lopezi Berkeley& Berkeley, 1956 A. (Acmira) simplex Day, 1963 A. (Allia) antennata Annenkova, 1934 A. (Allia) pulchra Strelzov1973 A. (Allia) quadrilobata Webster et Benedict, 1887 A. (Allia) ramosa Annenkova, 1934 A. ?(Allia) suecica Eliason, 1920 Genus Cirrophorus Ehlers, 1908 C. abranchiatus (Hartman, 1965) C. ?branchiatus Ehlers, 1908 C. forticirratus Strelzov, 1973 Genus Levinsenia Mesnil, 1897 L. gracilis (Tauber, 1879) L. oligobranchiata (Strelzov, 1973) Family Cirratulidae Ryckholdt, 1851 Genus Aphelochaeta Blake, 1991 A. aff. epitoca Monro, 1930 A. pacifica (Annenkova, 1937) n. comb Genus Caulleriella Chamberlin, 1919 C. alata maculata (Annenkova, 1934) Genus Chaetozone Malmgren, 1867 C. setosa Malmgren, 1867 C. maculata Zachs, 1933 Genus Cirratulus Lamarck, 1801 C. branchioculatus Khlebovich, 1959 C. cirratus (O. F. Müller, 1776) C. wladislavi Buzhinskaja, 1985 Genus Cirriformia Hartman, 1936 C. tentaculata (Montagu, 1808) Genus Dodecaceria Oersted, 1843 D. concharum Oersted, 1843 Genus ?Timarete Kinberg, 1866 T. japonica Zachs, 1933 Order Cossurida Family Cossuridae Day, 1963 Genus Cossura Webster et Benedict, 1887 68 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + C. ?longocirrata Webster et Benedict, 1887 Order Flabelligerida Family Flabelligeridae Saint-Joseph, 1894 Genus Annenkovia Salasar-Vallejo, 2012 A. mastigophora (Annenkova, 1952) Genus Brada Simpson, 1854 B. granulosa Hansen, 1880 B. inhabilis (Rathke, 1843) B. irenaia Chamberlin, 1919 B. nuda Annenkova, 1922 B. ochotensis Annenkova, 1922 B. sachalina Annenkova, 1922 B. villosa (Rathke, 1843) Genus Diplocirrus Haase, 1915 D. longisetosus (Marenzeller, 1890) D. nicolaji (Buzhinskaja, 1993) Genus Flabehlersia Salasar-Vallejo, 2012 F. persimilis Annenkova, 1924 Genus Flabelligera M. Sars, 1829 F. ?affinis M. Sars, 1829 F. bophortica Annenkova, 1924 F. ?buski McIntosh, 1869 F. infundibularis Johnson, 1901 Genus Ilyphagus Chamberlin, 1919 I. wyvillei (McIntosh, 1885) Genus Pherusa Oken, 1807 Ph. plumosa (O. F. Müller, 1776) Ph. schmidti Annenkova, 1924 Family Acrocirridae Banse, 1969 Genus Acrocirrus Grube, 1872 A. heterochaetus Annenkova, 1934 A. muroranensis Okuda, 1934 A. okotensis Imajima, 1963 A. uchidai Okuda, 1934 A. validus Marenzeller, 1879 Family Flotidae Buzhinskaja, 1995 Genus Buskiella McIntosh, 1885 B. vitjasi (Buzhinskaja, 1977) Order Fauveliopsida Family Fauveliopsidae Hartman, 1971 Genus Fauveliopsis McIntosh, 1922 F. challengeriae McIntosh, 1922 Genus Laubieriopsis Petersen, 2000 L. hartmanae (Levenstein, 1970) Order Opheliida Family Scalibregmatidae Malmgren, 1867 Genus Asclerocheilus Ashworth, 1901 A. beringianus Uschakov, 1955 Genus Pseudoscalibregma Hartman, 1967 P. longisetosa (Théel, 1879) Genus Scalibregma Rathke, 1843 S. inflatum Rathke, 1843 S. robusta Zachs, 1925 Genus Hyboscolex Schmarda, 1861 H. pacificus borealis Jmajima et Hartman, 1964 Family Opheliidae Grube, 1850 Genus Armandia Filippi, 1861 A. brevis (Moore, 1906) Genus Ophelia Savigny, 1818 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 69 70 S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering O. limacina (Rathke, 1843) Genus Ophelina Oersted, 1843 O. acuminata Oersted, 1843 O. cylindricaudata (Hansen, 1878) Genus Toracophelia Ehlers, 1897 T. arcticus (Grube, 1866) Genus Travisia Johnston, 1840 T. brevis Moore, 1923 T. forbesii Johnston, 1840 T. forbesii intermedia Annenkova, 1937 T. fusus (Chamberlin, 1919) T. glandulosa McIntosh, 1879 T. japonica Fujiwara, 1933 T. profundi Chamberlin, 1919 T. pupa Moore, 1906 Order Capitellida Family Capitellidae Grube, 1862 Genus Capitella Blainville, 1828 C. capitata (Fabricius, 1870) Genus Heteromastus Eisig, 1887 H. filiformis (Claparède , 1864) H. filiformis laminariae Zachs, 1925 H. giganteus Zachs, 1933 Genus Mediomastus Hartman, 1944 M. californiensis Hartman, 1944 Genus Notomastus M. Sars, 1850 N. annenkovae Zachs, 1933 N. latericeus M. Sars, 1851 Family Arenicolidae Audouin et Milne-Edwards, 1833 Genus Abarenicola Wells, 1959 A. claparedi oceanica Healy et Wells, 1959 A. pacifica Healy et Wells, 1959 Genus Arenicola Lamarck, 1801 A. brasiliensis Nonato, 1958 A. glacialis Murdoch, 1885 A. marina schantarica Zachs, 1929 Genus Branchiomaldane Langerhans, 1881 B. simplex (Berkeley et Berkeley, 1932) Family Maldanidae Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 Genus Aclymene Buzhinskaja, 1995 A. gesae Buzhinskaja, 1995 Genus Asychis Kinberg, 1867 A. auritus Usсhakov, 1950 A. ramosus Levenstein, 1961 Genus Axiothella Verrill, 1900 A. catenata (Malmgren, 1865) A.? rubrocincta (Johnson, 1901) Genus Chirimia Light, 1991 C. punctata (Zachs, 1933) Genus Clymaldane Mesnil et Fauvel, 1939 C. laevis Fauchald, 1972 Genus Clymenella Verrill, 1873 C. sp. Genus Clymenura Verrill, 1900 C. (Cephalata) lankestery (McIntosh, 1885) Genus Euclymene Verrill, 1900 E. sp. Genus Isocirrus Arwidsson, 1907 I. longiceps (Moore, 1923) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Genus Lumbriclymene Sars, 1872 L. campanulata Detinova, 1984 L. fusca Detinova, 1984 L. minor Arwidsson, 1906 Genus Lumbriclymenella Arwidsson, 1911 L. brevis Detinova, 1984 Genus Maldane Grube, 1860 M. monilata Fauchald, 1972 M. sarsi sarsi Malmgren, 1865 M. sarsi borealis Imajima, 1963 Genus Maldanella McIntosh, 1885 M. antarctica McIntosh, 1885 M. harai (Izuka, 1902) M. japonica Detinova, 1982 M. parafibrillata Detinova, 1982 M. robusta Moore, 1906 Genus Metasychys Light, 1991 M. gotoi (Izuka, 1902) Genus Microclymene Arwidsson, 1906 M. acirrata Arwidsson, 1906 M. caudata Imajima et Shiraki, 1982 M. pacifica Annenkova, 1937 M. tricirrata Arwidsson, 1906 Genus Nicomache Malmgren, 1867 N. (Nicomache) lumbricalis (Fabricius, 1780) N. (Nicomache) minor Arwidsson, 1906 N. (Nicomache) personata Johnson, 1901 Genus Notoproctus Arwidsson, 1906 N. pacificus (Moore, 1906) N. oculatus Arwidsson, 1906 Genus Petaloproctus Quatrefages, 1865 P. borealis Arwidsson, 1906 P. tenuis (Théel, 1879) Genus Praxillella Verrill, 1881 P. gracilis orientalis Zachs, 1933 P. praetermissa (Malmgren, 1865) Genus Praxillura Verrill, 1880 P. longissima Arwidsson, 1906 Genus Rhodine Malmgren, 1865 R. gracilior Tauber, 1879 R. loveni Malmgren, 1865 Genus Sonatsa Chamberlin, 1919 S. meridionalis Chamberlin, 1919 Order Oweniida Family Oweniidae Rioja, 1917 Genus Galathowenia Kirkegaard, 1959 G. oculata Zachs, 1922 G. ?pacifica Annenkova, 1937 Genus Myriochele Malmgren, 1867 M. heeri Malmgren, 1867 Genus Owenia Delle Chiaje, 1841 O. fusiformis Delle Chiaje, 1844 O. lobopygidiata Uschakov, 1950 Order Sabellariida Family Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 Genus Idanthyrsus Kinberg, 1867 I. saxicavus (Baird, 1863) Genus Neosabellaria Kirtley, 1994 N. uschakovi Kirtley, 1994 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 71 Genus Gesaia Kirtley, 1994 G. vityazia Kirtley, 1994 Order Sternaspida Family Sternaspidae Carus, 1863 Genus Sternaspis Otto, 1821 S. costata Marenzeller, 1879 S. scutata (Renier, 1807) Order Terebellida Family Pectinariidae Quatrefages, 1865 Genus Pectinaria Savigny, 1818 P. (Amphictene) auricoma (O. F. Müller, 1776) P. (Amphictene) moorei Annenkova, 1929 P. (Cistenides) brevicoma Johnson, 1901 P. (Cistenides) granulata Linnaeus, 1767) P. (Cistenides) hyperborea (Malmgren, 1865) P. (Cistenides) soldatovi Annenkova, 1929 P. (Pectinaria) bocki Hessle, 1917 P. (Pectinaria) dimai Zachs, 1938 Family Ampharetidae Malmgren, 1865 Genus Amage Malmgren, 1865 A. anops (Johnson, 1901) A. asiaticus Uschakov, 1955 Genus Amagopsis Pergament et Chlebovitsch, 1964. A. cirrata Kucheruk, 1976 Genus Ampharete Malmgren, 1865 A. acutifrons (Grube, 1860) A. borealis (Sars, 1856) A. crassiseta Annenkova, 1929 A. finmarchica Sars, 1865 A. goesi goesi (Malmgren, 1866) A. goesi brazhnikovi Annenkova, 1929 A. lindstroemi Malmgren, 1867 A. longipaleolata Uschakov, 1950 A. vega Wirén, 1883 Genus Amphicteis Grube, 1850 A. gunneri japonica McIntosh, 1885 A. mederi Annenkova, 1929 A. scaphobranchiata Moore, 1906 A. sundevalli Malmgren, 1865 Genus Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 A. gracilis (Malmgren, 1865) A. patersoni Jirkov, 2008 Genus Asabellides Annenkova, 1929 A. litoralis Annenkova, 1934 A. sibirica (Wiren, 1883) Genus Glyphanostomum Levinsen, 1884 G. pallescens (Théel, 1879) Genus Lysippe Malmgren, 1865 L. labiata Malmgren, 1865 Genus Melinna Malmgren, 1865 M. cristata (M. Sars, 1851) M. elisabethae McIntosh, 1914 Genus Melinnampharete Annenkova, 1937 M. eoa Annenkova, 1937 Genus Melinnopsis McIntosh, 1885 M. annenkovae (Uschakov, 1952) Genus Moyanus Chamberlin, 1919 M. ochotica (Uschakov, 1950) Genus Paiwa Chamberlin, 1919 72 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + P. abyssi Chamberlin, 1919 Genus Pavelius Kuznetzov et Levenstein, 1988 P. uschakovi Kuznetzov et Levenstein, 1988 Genus Samytha Malmgren, 1865 S. gurjanovae Uschakov, 1950 S. sexcirrata (M. Sars, 1856) Genus Samythella Verrill, 1873 S. elongata Verrill, 1873 Genus Schistocomus Chamberlin, 1919 S. sovjeticus Annenkova, 1937 Family Trichobranchidae Malmgren, 1866 Genus Terebellides M. Sars, 1835 T.?stroemi M. Sars, 1835 T. eurystethus Chamberlin, 1919 T. horikoshii Imajima et Williams, 1985 Genus Trichobranchus Malmgren, 1865 T. glacialis Malmgren, 1865 Family Terebellidae Grube, 1850 Genus Amphitrite O. F. Müller, 1771 A. cirrata O. F. Müller, 1771 Genus Artacama Malmgren, 1865 A. proboscidea Malmgren, 1865 Genus Axionice Malmgren, 1865 A. flexuosa Grube, 1860 A. maculata (Dallyell, 1853) Genus Baffinia Wessenberg-Lund, 1950 B. hesslei (Annenkova, 1924) Genus Eupolymnia Verrill, 1900 E. robusta (Annenkova, 1925) Genus Lanassa Malmgren, 1865 L. guari Leontovich, 2012 L. nordenskioldi Malmgren, 1865 L. venusta pacifica Annenkova, 1938 L. venusta venusta (Malm, 1874) Genus Laphania Malmgren, 1865 L. boecki Malmgren, 1865 Genus Leaena Malmgren, 1865 L. ebranchiata (M. Sars, 1865) Genus Lysilla Malmgren, 1866 L. loveni Malmgren, 1866 L. pacifica Hessle, 1917 Genus Neoamphitrite Hessle, 1917 N. figulus (Dalyell, 1853) N. grayi Malmgren, 1865 N. groenlandica Malmgren, 1865 Genus Neoleprea Hessle, 1917 N. californica (Moore, 1904) N. spiralis (Johnson, 1901) Genus Nicolea Malmgren, 1865 N. gracilibranchis (Grube, 1878) N. zostericola (Oersted, 1844) Genus Pista Malmgren, 1865 P. bansei Saphronova, 1988 P. brevibranchiata Moore, 1923 P. elongata Moore, 1909 P. flexuosa (Grube, 1860) P. foliigeriformis Annenkova, 1937 P. incarrientis Annenkova, 1925 P. mirabilis McIntosh, 1885 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 73 74 Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. N.M. Kuril Command Ids P. paracristata Saphronova, 1988 P. wui Saphronova, 1988 P. zachsi Annenkova, 1937 Genus Polycirrus Grube, 1850 P. eous Annenkova, 1924 P. medusa Grube, 1850 P. medusa sachalinensis Buzhinskaja, 1985 Genus Proclea Saint-Joseph, 1894 P. emmi Annenkova, 1937 P. graffi (Langerhans, 1884) Genus Scionella Moore, 1903 S. vinogradovi (Uschakov, 1955) Genus Streblosoma Sars, 1872 S. bairdi Malmgren, 1865 Genus Stschapovella Levenstein, 1957 S. tatijanae Levenstein, 1957 Genus Thelepus Leuckart, 1849 T. cincinnatus Fabricius, 1780 T. japonicus Marenzeller, 1884 Genus Terebella Linnaeus, 1767 T. ehrenbergi Grube, 1870 Order Sabellida Family Sabellidae Latreille, 1825 Genus Amphiglena Claparède , 1864 A. pacifica Annenkova, 1934 Genus Bispira Krøyer, 1865 B. ?crassicornis (M. Sars, 1851) B. elegans (Bush, 1905) B. spirobranchia (Zachs, 1933) Genus Chone Krøyer, 1856 C. duneri Malmgren, 1867 C. gracilis Moore, 1906 C. infundibuliformis Krøyer, 1856 C. magna (Moore, 1923) C. teres Bush, 1904 Genus Euchone Malmgren, 1866 E. analis (Krøyer, 1856) E. derjugini Uschakov, 1955 E. hancocki Banse, 1970 E. longifissurata Uschakov, 1955 E. olegi Zachs, 1933 E. papillosa (M. Sars, 1851) Genus Eudistylia Bush, 1904 E. chiaochouensis (Kao et al., 1959) E. suavis (Grube, 1878) n. comb. Genus Fabricia Blainville, 1828 F. stellaris Blainville, 1828 F. siaukhu (Annenkova, 1938) Genus Fabriciola Friedrich, 1939 F. pacifica Annenkova, 1934 Genus Jasmineira Langerhans, 1880 J. pacifica Annenkova, 1937 Genus Laonome Malmgren, 1866 L. kroeyeri Malmgren, 1866 Genus Myxicola Koch in Renier, 1847 M. infundibulum (Renier, 1804) Genus Oriopsis Caullery et Mesnil, 1896 O. bicincta Ozolinsh, 1987 O. crenicollis (Annenkova, 1934) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + O. rivularis (Annenkova, 1929) Genus Paradialichone Tovar-Hernпndez, 2008 P.? cincta Zachs, 1933 P. ecaudata (Moore, 1923) Genus Parasabella Bush, 1904 P. media Bush, 1905 P. fullo (Grube, 1878) Genus Potamethus Chamberlin, 1919 P. filatovae (Levenstein, 1961) Genus Potamilla Malmgren, 1865 P. abyssicola Uschakov, 1952 P. myriops Marenzeller, 1884 P. neglecta (M. Sars, 1851) – P. torelli Malmgren, 1865 P. symbiotica Uschakov, 1950 Genus Pseudopotamilla Bush, 1904 P. reniformis (Linnaeus, 1788) P. ocellata Moore, 1905 Genus Schizobranchia Bush, 1904 S. insignis Bush, 1904 Family Serpulidae Rafinesque, 1815 Genus Bathyditrupa Kupriyanova, 1993 B. hovei Kupriyanova, 1993 Genus Bathyvermilia Zibrowius, 1973 B. zibrowiusi Kupriyanova, 1993 Genus Bushiella Knight-Jones, 1973 B. (Bushiella) abnormis (Bush, 1904) B. (Bushiella) asymmetrica Rzhavsky, 1988 B. (Bushiella) evoluta (Bush, 1905) B. (Bushiella) verruca (Fabricius, 1780) B. (Jugaria) acuticostalis Rzhavsky, 1991 B. (Jugaria) beatlesi Rzhavsky, 1993 B. (Jugaria) quadrangularis (Stimpson, 1854) B. (Jugaria) similis (Bush, 1904) Genus Chitinipoma Levinsen, 1884 C. rzhavskii (Kupriyanova, 1993) Genus Circeis Saint-Joseph, 1894 C. armoricana Saint-Joseph, 1894 C. gurjanovae Rzhavsky, 1992 C. oshurkovi Rzhavsky, 1998 C. spirillum (Linnaeus, 1758) C. vitreopsis Rzhavsky, 1992 Genus Crucigera Benedict, 1887 C. irregularis Bush, 1904 C. zygophora (Johnson, 1901) Genus Hyalopomatus Marenzeller, 1978 H. mironovi Kupriyanova, 1993 H. jirkovi Kupriyanova, 1993 H. sikorskii Kupriyanova, 1993 Genus Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 H. elegans (Haswell, 1883) H. ezoensis Okuda, 1934 H. fusicola Mörch, 1863 H. uncinata (Philippi, 1844) Genus Neodexiospira Pillai, 1970 N. alveolata (Zachs, 1933) N. brasiliensis (Grube, 1872) N. pseudocorrugata (Bush, 1904) Genus Janua Saint-Joseph, 1894 J. pagenstecheri (Quatrefages, 1865) + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 75 76 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Genus Paradexiospira Caullery et Mesnil, 1897 P. (Paradexiospira) violacea (Levinsen, 1883) P. (Spirorbides) cancellata (Fabricius, 1780) P. (Spirorbides) vitrea (Fabricius, 1780) Genus Pileolaria Claparède , 1870 P. berkeleyana (Rioja, 1942) P. marginata Knight-Johnes, 1978 Genus Protoleodora Pillai, 1970 P. asperata (Bush, 1904) P. coronata (Zachs, 1933) P. gracilis Rzhavsky, 1992 P. uschakovi Knight-Jones, 1984 Genus Protis Ehlers, 1887 P. polyoperculata Kupriyanova, 1993 Genus Protula Risso, 1826 P. pacifica Pixell, 1912 Genus Serpula Linnaeus, 1767 S. uschakovi Kupriyanova, 1999 Order Dinophilida Family Dinophilidae Shultz, 1902 Genus Dinophilus O. Schmidt, 1848 D. gyrociliatus O. Schmidt, 1857 Order Nerellida Family Nerillidae Levinsen, 1883 Genus Akessoniella Tzetlin et Larionov, 1988 A. orientalis Tzetlin et Larionov, 1988 Genus Nerilla O. Schmidt, 1848 N. jouini Saphonov et Tzetlin, 1988 N. sp. Family Polygordiidae Czerniavsky, 1881 Genus Polygordius A. Schneider, 1868 P. pacificus Uchida, 1935 Family Protodrilidae Czerniavsky, 1881 Genus Protodrilus Hatschek, 1882 Protodrilus sp. Order Saccocirrida Family Saccocirridae Czerniavsky, 1881 Genus Saccocirrus Bobretzky, 1872 S. gabriellae Marcus, 1946 CLASS POGONOPHORA Compiled by R. V. Smirnov Subclass Frenulata Order Athecanephria Family Oligobrachiidae Oligobrachia dogieli Ivanov, 1957 O. mashikoi Imajima, 1973 Birsteinia vitjasi Ivanov, 1952 Family Siboglinidae Siboglinum plumosum Ivanov, 1957 S. pellucidum Ivanov, 1957 S. minutum Ivanov, 1957 S. fedotovi Ivanov, 1957 (S. vancouverensis Southward, 1969) S. pusillum Ivanov, 1960 S. cinctutum Ivanov, 1957 S. caulleryi Ivanov, 1957 Order Thecanephria Family Polybrachiidae Heptabrachia abyssicola Ivanov, 1952 H. gracilis Ivanov, 1957 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + +  + + + + + + + H. beringensis Ivanov, 1960 Polybrachia annulata Ivanov, 1952 P. barbata Ivanov, 1952 P. choanata Ivanov et Gureeva, 1973 Zenkevitchiana longissima Ivanov, 1957 Family Lamellisabellidae Lamellisabella zachsi Ushakov, 1933 Family Spirobrachiidae Spirobrachia grandis Ivanov, 1952 Volvobrachia beklemischevi (Ivanov, 1957) CLASS CLITELLATA Order Tubificida + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by Tarmo Timm7 Family Tubificidae Ainudrilus oceanicus Finogenova, 1982 Aktedrilus longitubularis Finogenova et Shurova, 1980 + A. monospermathecus Knöllner, 1935 +? Clitellio poseidonicus (Finogenova, 1985) C. saxosus Finogenova, 1985 Isochaetides suspectus (Sokolskaja, 1964) + Monopylephorus rubroniveus iturupi Finogenova, 1982 M. irroratus orientalis Finogenova, 1982 Pectinodrilus timmi (Finogenova, 1985) Rhizodrilus pacificus kurilensis Finogenova, 1982 Spirosperma piltuni Finogenova, 1985 Tubificoides pseudogaster (Dahl, 1960) T. shurovae Finogenova, 1985 Family Naididae Paranais litoralis (Müller, 1784) +? P. orientalis Sokolskaja, 1964 + Nais borutzkii Sokolskaja, 1964 + Order Enchytraeida Compiled by Tarmo Timm7 Family Enchytraeidae Enchytraeus albidus Henle, 1837 E. bonus Shurova, 1977 E. cryptosetosus Tynen, 1969 + Grania pacifica Shurova, 1979 Lumbricillus alaricus Shurova, 1974 L. annulatus Eisen, 1904 L. corallinae Shurova, 1977 + L. ignotus Shurova, 1977 + L. kurilensis Shurova, 1974 L. lentus Shurova, 1977 L. mirabilis Tynen, 1969 L. nipponicus (Yamaguchi, 1937) + L. ochotensis Shurova, 1979 L. orientalis Shurova, 1974 L. parabolus Shurova, 1977 L. pinquis Shurova, 1977 L. rufulus Shurova, 1974 L. sapitus Shurova, 1979 L. similis Shurova, 1977 L. taisiae Shurova, 1977 Marionina limpida Shurova, 1979 + M. magnifica Shurova, 1977 M. miniampullacea Shurova, 1977 7 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled on the basis of literature data. It includes also data from coastal brackish water lakes. 77 M. spicula (Leuckart, 1847) M. subachaeta Shurova, 1979 M. subterranea (Knöllner, 1935) Order Hirudinida Compiled by S. Yu. Utevsky and M. B. Shedko8 Family Piscicolidae Heptacyclus virgatus (Oka, 1910) Heptacyclus cf. buthi Burreson et Kalman, 2006 Oceanobdella alba (Epshtein et S. Utevsky, 1996) O. sakhalinica S. Utevsky, 2009 Platybdella olriki Malm, 1863 Crangonobdella maculosa S. Utevsky, 2005 C. orientalis S. Utevsky, 1999 Beringbdella rectangulata (Levinsen, 1882) Notostomum cyclostomum Johansson, 1898 Dolichobdella rubra S. Utevsky et Chernyshev, 2013 Cottobdella epshteini S. Utevsky, 1997 Ostreobdella kakibir Oka, 1927 Phyllobdellina kozatshenkoi Epshtein et S. Utevsky, 1993 Pterobdellina jenseni Bennike et Bruun, 1939 Orientobdella japonica (Vasilyev, 1939) Limnotrachelobdella okae (Moore, 1924) PHYLUM ECHIURA Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by N. E. Zhuravleva CLASS ECHIUROIDEA Order Echiurida Family Bonellidae Subfamily Bonellinae Ikedella misakiensis (Ikeda, 1904) Eubonellia valida Fisher, 1946 Achatobonellia maculata Fisher, 1953 Nellobia eusoma Fisher, 1946 Family Urechidae Urechis unicinctus (von Drasche, 1881) Family Echiuridae Echiurus echiurus echiurus (Pallas, 1766) E. alascanus Fisher, 1946 Ikeda taenioides (Ikeda, 1904) Family Thalassematidae Subfamily Ochetostomatinae Ochetostoma palense (Ikeda., 1904) Subfamily Thalassematinae Anelassorhychus inanense (Ikeda, 1905) A. indivisus (Sluiter, 1900) A. macosus (Lanchester, 1905) Arhynchite arhynchite Ikeda, 1824 Listriolobus peloides Fisher, 1946 L. riukiense Sato, 1939 L. sorbillense (Lampert, 1883) Thalassema fuscum Ikeda, 1904 Th. ochotica Pergament, 1961 Th. owstoni Ikeda, 1904 Th. archinchite Ikeda, 1824 PHYLUM SIPUNCULA + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by N. E. Zhuravleva CLASS PHASCOLOSOMATIDEA 8 The list was compiled by S. Yu. Utevsky and M. B. Shedko on the basis of materials of the collections of ZIN RAS, the authors’ own and literature data. 78 9 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Order Phascolosomatida Family Phascolosomatidae Phascolosoma (Phascolosoma) scolops (Selenka & de Man, 1883) Ph. (Physcosoma) agassizii Keferstein,1867 Antillesoma antillarum (Grube,1858) Apionsoma (Apionsoma) murinae (Cutler, 1969) CLASS SIPUNCULIDEA Order Golfingiida Family Golfingiidae Golfingia (Golfingia) vulgaris (de Blainville, 1827) G. (Golfingia) margaritacea (Sars, 1851) G. (Golfingia) muricaudata (Southern, 1913b) G. (Golfingia) birsteini Murina, 1973 Nephasoma (Nephasoma) eremita (Sars,1851) N. (Nephasoma) minutum (Keferstein, 1862a) N. (Nephasoma) confusum (Sluiter,1902) N. (Nephasoma) schuettei (Augener, 1903) Thysanocardia catharinae (Grube, 1868a) Th. nigra (Ikeda,1904) Family Phascolionidae Phascolion (Phascolion) strombus strombus (Montagu, 1804) Ph. (Montuga) lutense Selenka, 1885 Ph. (Montuga) pacificum Murina, 1957a PHYLUM TARDIGRADA Compiled by D. V. Tumanov9 CLASS HETEROTARDIGRADA Order Arthrotardigrada Family Halechiniscidae Orzeliscus belopus Du Bois Raymond-Marcus, 1952 Family Batillipedidae Batillipes crassipes Tchesunov, Mokievsky, 1995 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA Subphylum Chelicerata CLASS PYCNOGONIDA Compiled by A. F. Pushkin Order Pantopoda Gerstacher, 1863 Family Ammotheidae Dohrn, 1864 Achelia alaskensis (Cole, 1904) A. borealis (Schimkewitsch, 1895) A. bituberculata Hedgpeth, 1949 A. brevirostris Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. echinata Hodge, 1864 A. gracilipes (Cole, 1904) A. gurjanovii Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. kamtschatica Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. kurilensis Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. laevis Hodge, 1864 A. lavrentii (Losina-Losinsky, 1933) A. litke (Losina-Losinsky, 1933) A. litke v. intermedia (Losina-Losinsky, 1933) A. segmentata Utinomi, 1954 A. pribilofensis (Cole, 1904) A. salebrosa Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. superba (Loman, 1911) A. uschakovi Losina-Losinsky, 1933 Ammothea profunda Losina-Losinsky, 1961 Ammothea sp. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + List compiled from the literature sources. 79 80 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Ammothella pilosa Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. rostrata Losina-Losinsky, 1961 Lecythorhynchus marginatus Cole, 1904 L. hilgendorfi (Bohm, 1879) Cilunculus armatus (Böhm, 1879) Pycnosomia strongilocentroti Losina-Losinsky, 1933 P. tuberculata Losina-Losinsky, 1961 Ascorhynchus glaber Hoek var. ochotensis Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. japonicus Ives, 1891 Ascorhynchus sp. Eurycyde hispida (Kroyer, 1844) Family Colossendeidae Hoek, 1881 Colossendeis orientalis Losina-Losinsky & Turpaeva, 1958 Group Articulata Loman 1908 Colossendeis bicornis Turpaeva, 1958 C. dofleini Loman, 1911 C. brevitarsis Losina-Losinsky, 1961 C. chitinosa Hilton, 1943 Family Callipallenidae Hilton, 1942 Decachela dogieli Losina-Losinsky, 1961 Decachela sp. Pseudopallene circularis (Goodsir, 1842) P. pacifica Losina-Losinsky, 1961 P. spinipes (Fabricius, 1780) Pseudopallene sp. 1 Pseudopallene sp. 2 Family Nymphonidae Wilson, 1878 Heteronymphon birsteini (Turpaeva, 1956) Nymphon grossipes (Fabricius, 1780) N. grossipes v. longidactylus Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. mixtum Krøyer, 1844 N. brevirostre Hodge, 1863 N. longitarse Krøyer, 1844 N. longitarse brevicollis Losina-Losinsky, 1929 N. bisseratum Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. micronyx Sars, 1888 N. striatum Losina-Losinsky, 1929 N. bigibbulare Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. biserratum Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. schmidti Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. ochoticum Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. tuberculare Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. uniunguiculatum Losina-Losinsky, 1933 N. hodgsoni Schimkewitsch, 1913 N. braschnikowi Schimkewitsch, 1906 N. basispinosum Hilton, 1942 N. dissimilis Hedgpeth, 1949 N. bergi Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. kurilense Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. compactum Losina-Losinsky, 1961 N. camtschaticum Losina-Losinsky, N. molum Hilton, 1942 N. duospinum Hilton, 1942 N. profundum Hilton, 1942 Family Phoxichilidiidae Sars, 1891 Anoplodactylus inermis Losina-Losinsky, 1961 A. derjugini (Losina-Losinsky, 1929) Anoplodactylus sp. Philyra robusta Losina-Losinsky, 1961 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ph. guadriarticulata Losina-Losinsky, 1961 Philyra sp. Phoxichilidium femoratum (Rathke, 1799) Ph. horribilis Hedgpeth, 1949 Ph. spinosum Losia-Losinsky, 1961 Ph. ungellatum Hedgpeth, 1949 Family Pycnogonoidea Wilson, 1878 Pycnogonum ungellatum Loman, 1911 P. stearnsi Ives, 1883 P. callosum Losina-Losinsky, 1961 P. buticulosum Hedgpeth, 1949 P. kussakini Turpaeva, 2000 Pycnogonum sp. 1 Pycnogonum sp. 2 Pycnogonum sp. 3 Pycnogonum sp. 4 Pycnogonum sp. 5 CLASS ARACHNIDA Compiled by M. P. Nikitina10 Order Acarina Family Halacaridae Acanthopalpus hirsutus Makarova, 1978 Agaue gracilirostris Sokolov, 1952 A. kurilensis Makarova, 1977 Bradyagaue orientalis (Sokolov, 1952) B. simushiriensis (Makarova, 1977) Copidognathus berguensis Makarova, 1978 C. borealis Makarova, 1978 C. coronathus Makarova, 1972 C. derjugini Sokolov, 1952 C. elongathus Sokolov, 1952 C. fungiformis Makarova, 1974 C. globosus Makarova, 1974 C. gurjanovae Sokolov, 1952 C. infaustus Makarova, 1972 C. inflatus Makarova, 1977 C. intermedius Makarova, 1977 C. kurilensis Makarova, 1972 C. kussakini Makarova, 1972 C. lamelliger Sokolov, 1952 C. lobifrons Viets, 1952 C. orbicularis Makarova, 1974 C. pacificus Makarova, 1974 C. planus Makarova, 1974 C. pulchellus (Sokolov, 1952) C. quadratus Makarova, 1972 C. rombus Makarova, 1978 C. ushakovi Sokolov, 1952 C. vagus Makarova, 1977 Halacarellus procerus (Viets, 1927) H. psammophilous (Kranz, 1976) H. scheffleri (Newell, 1951) H. subcrispus Bartsch 1978 H. molis Sokolov, 1952 Lohmanella beringi Newell, 1951 L. falcata (Hodge, 1863) Rhombognathus terminalis Sokolov, 1952 10 + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + +      + + + + +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + +? + + +? +? +? +? + List compiled exclusively from literature. 81 Thalassarachna aculeata (Makarova, 1978) Subphylum Crustacea CLASS MAXILLOPODA Subclass Copepoda Order Calanoida Compiled by N. V. Vyshkvartzeva, M. V. Heptner, E. L. Markhaseva, M. S. Kos Superfamily ARIETELLOIDEA Sars, 1902 Family Arietellidae Arietellus simplex Sars, 1905 Family Augaptilidae Augaptilus cornutus Wolfenden, 1911 A. glacialis Sars, 1900 Centraugaptilus horridus (Farran, 1908) C. porcellus Johnson, 1936 Euaugaptilus distinctus (Brodsky, 1950) E. graciloides Brodsky, 1950 E. brodskyi Hulsemann, 1967 E. modestus Brodsky, 1950 E. parabullifer Brodsky, 1950 E. pseudaffinis Brodsky, 1950 E. pacificus Matthews, 1972 Haloptilus longicirrus Brodsky, 1950 H. oxycephalus (Giesbrecht, 1892) H. pseudoxicephalus Brodsky, 1955 Heteroptilus acutilobus (Sars, 1905) Pachyptilus pacificus Johnson, 1936 Family Heterorhabdidae Disseta magna Bradford, 1971 Heterorhabdus egregius Heptner, 1972 H. fistulosus Tanaka, 1964 H. pacificus Brodsky, 1950 H. tanneri (Giesbrecht, 1895) Heterostylites major (Dahl, 1894) Paraheterorhabdus (Paraheterorhabdus) compactoides (Heptner, 1971) P. (Antirhabdus) compactus (Sars, 1900) P. (Paraheterorhabdus) robustus (Farran, 1908) P. (Paraheterorhabdus) longispinus (Davis, 1949) Family Lucicutiidae Sars, 1902 Lucicutia anisofurcata Heptner, 1971 L. anomala Brodsky, 1950 L. aurita Cleve, 1904 L. bicornuta Wolfenden, 1905 L. biuncata Heptner, 1971 L. cinerea Heptner, 1971 L. curta Farran, 1905 L. curvifurcata Heptner, 1971 L. flavicornis (Claus, 1863) + L. formosa Hulsemann, 1966 L. intermedia Sars, 1905 L. longifurca Brodsky, 1950 L. lucida Farran, 1908 L. macrocera Sars, 1920 L. maxima Steuer, 1904 * Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + For calanoid copepods because of their pelagic mode of life it is difficult to give distributions definitely according Fig. 1. For this case findings for the southern part of the Japan Sea [zone 1] are here considered for some species; zones 2 and 3 are united for the Sea of Okhotsk, and zone [4] in case of calanoids corresponds to the open ocean NW Pacific (to about 35ºN). Data on the catalouged species from the collections of the Zoological Institute RAS are included. 82 L. oblonga Brodsky, 1950 L. orientalis Brodsky, 1950 L. ovalis (Giesbrecht, 1889) L. polaris Brodsky, 1950 L. profunda Brodsky, 1950 L. ushakovi Brodsky, 1955 L. wolfendeni Sewell, 1932 Family Metridinidae Sars, 1902 Metridia asymmetrica Brodsky, 1950 M. curticauda Giesbrecht, 1888 M. ferrarii Markhaseva, 2001 M. gurjanovae Epstein, 1949 M. longa (Lubbock, 1854) M. okhotensis Brodsky, 1950 M. ornata Brodsky, 1950 M. pacifica Brodsky, 1950 M. princeps Giesbrecht, 1889 M. similis Brodsky, 1950 Pleuromamma abdominalis (Lubbock, 1856) P. gracilis (Claus, 1863) P. quadrungulata (Dahl, 1893 P. scutullata Brodsky, 1950 P. xiphias (Giesbrecht, 1889) Superfamily DIAPTOMOIDEA Family Acartiidae Acartia (Acartia) danae Giesbrecht, 1889 A. (Acanthacartia) bifilosa (Giesbrecht, 1881) A. (Acanthacartia) plumosa T. Scott, 1894 A. (Acanthacartia) steueri Smirnov, 1936 A. (Acanthacartia) tumida Willey, 1920 A.(Acartiura) clausi Giesbrecht, 1889 A.(Acartiura) hudsonica Pinhey, 1926 A. (Acartiura) longiremis (Lilljeborg, 1853) A. (Odontacartia) ohtsukai Ueda & Bucklin, 2006 Family Candaciidae Candacia bipinnata (Giesbrecht, 1889) C. columbiae Campbell, 1929 C. parafalcifera Brodsky, 1950 Family Centropagidae Centropages abdominalis Sato, 1913 C. bradyi Wheeler, 1901 C. tenuiremis Thompson & Scott, 1903 Sinocalanus tenellus Kikutchi, 1928 Family Pontellidae Epilabidocera amphitrites (McMurrich, 1916) Labidocera bipinnata Tanaka, 1936 L. japonica Mori, 1935 L. pavo Giesbrecht, 1889 Family Pseudodiaptomidae Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 Family Temoridae Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906 E. asymmetrica Smirnov, 1935 E. composita Keiser, 1929 E. herdmani Thompson & Scott, 1897 E. pacifica Sato, 1913 Temora discaudata Giesbrecht, 1889 T. stylifera (Dana, 1848) T. turbinata (Dana, 1848) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + +  + + + + + + +? +? + + + + + +? + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + 83 Family Tortanidae Tortanus (Eutortanus) derjugini Smirnov, 1935 T. (Boreotortanus) discaudatus (Thompson & Scott, 1897) T. (Atortus) longipes Brodsky, 1948 Superfamily CALANOIDEA Family Calanidae Calanus glacialis Jaschnov, 1955 C. jashnovi Hulsemann, 1994 C. marshallae Frost, 1974 C. pacificus Brodsky, 1948 C. sinicus Brodsky, 1965 Cosmocalanus darwinii (Lubbock, 1860) Mesocalanus lighti (Bowman, 1955) M. tenuicornis (Dana, 1848) Nannocalanus minor (Claus, 1863) Neocalanus cristatus (Kroyer, 1845) N. flemingeri Miller, 1988 N. plumchrus (Marukawa, 1921) Undinula vulgaris (Dana, 1849) Family Megacalanidae Bathycalanus bradyi (Wolfenden, 1905) B. eximius Markhaseva, 1983 Megacalanus princeps Wolfenden, 1904 Family Paracalanidae Acrocalanus monachus Giesbrecht, 1888 A. gracilis Giesbrecht, 1888 Calocalanus pavo (Dana, 1849) Mecynocera clausi Thompson, 1888 Paracalanus parvus (Claus, 1863) Superfamily EUCALANOIDEA Family Eucalanidae Eucalanus bungii Giesbrecht, 1892 E. californicus Johnson, 1938 E. elongatus (Dana, 1849) E. hyalinus (Claus, 1866) Pareucalanus attenuatus (Dana, 1849) P. parki (Fleminger, 1973) P. sewelli (Fleminger, 1973) Subeucalanus crassus (Giesbrecht, 1888) S. mucronatus (Giesbrecht, 1888) S. subtenuis (Giesbrecht, 1888) S. subcrassus (Giesbrecht, 1888) Family Rhincalanidae Rhincalanus nasutus Giesbrecht, 1888 Superfamily BATHYPONTIOIDEA Family Bathypontiidae Temorites brevis Sars, 1900 Temorites longisetus (Brodsky, 1950) Zenkevitchiella abyssalis Brodsky, 1955 Superfamily SPINOCALANOIDEA Family Spinocalanidae Mimocalanus cultrifer Farran, 1908 M. distinctocephalus Brodsky, 1950 Monacilla typica Sars, 1905 Spinocalanus abyssalis Giesbrecht, 1888 S. angusticeps Sars, 1920 S. antarcticus Wolfenden, 1906 S. dorsispinosus Brodsky, 1950 S. horridus Wolfenden, 1911 84 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + S. longicornis Sars, 1900 S. macrocephalon Vyshkvartzeva, 1983 S. polaris Brodsky, 1950 S. profundalis Brodsky, 1955 S. pseudospinipes Brodsky, 1950 S. similis Brodsky, 1950 S. spinipes Brodsky, 1950 S. stellatus Brodsky, 1950 Superfamily CLAUSOCALANOIDEA Family Clausocalanidae Clausocalanus arcuicornis (Dana, 1849) C. dubius Brodsky, 1950 C. furcatus (Brady, 1883) C. lividus Frost & Fleminger, 1968 C. mastigophorus (Claus, 1863) C. minor Sewell, 1929 C. parapergens Frost & Fleminger, 1968 C. pergens Farran, 1926 Ctenocalanus vanus Giesbrecht, 1888 Farrania pacifica (Brodsky, 1950) Microcalanus pusillus Sars, 1903 M. pygmaeus (Sars, 1900) P. minutus (Kroyer, 1845) P. newmani Frost, 1989 Family Aetideidae Aetideopsis multiserrata (Wolfenden, 1904) A. retusa Grice & Hulsemann, 1967 A. rostrata Sars, 1903 Aetideus pacificus Brodsky, 1950 Batheuchaeta anomala Markhaseva, 1981 B. gurjanovae (Brodsky, 1955) B. heptneri Markhaseva, 1981 B. lamellata Brodsky, 1950 B. peculiaris Markhaseva, 1983 B. tuberculata Markhaseva, 1986 Bradyidius curtus Markhaseva, 1993 B. pacificus (Brodsky, 1950) B. rakuma (Zvereva, 1976) Chiridiella abyssalis Brodsky, 1950 C. bichela Deevey, 1974 C. gibba Deevey, 1974 C. pacifica Brodsky, 1950 C. smoki Markhaseva, 1983 C. subaequalis Grice & Hulsemann, 1965 Chiridius pacificus Brodsky, 1950 C. polaris Wolfenden, 1911 Euchirella curticauda Giesbrecht, 1888 E. formosa Vervoort, 1949 Gaetanus armiger Giesbrecht, 1888 G. brachyurus Sars, 1907 G. brevirostris (Brodsky, 1950) G. brevispinus (Sars, 1900) G. inermis (Sars, 1907) G. kruppii Giesbrecht, 1903 G. minutus Sars, 1907 G. paracurvicornis Brodsky, 1950 G. robustus (Sars, 1905) G. simplex Brodsky, 1950 G. tenuispinus (Sars, 1900) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 85 Jaschnovia tolli (Linko, 1913) Pseudeuchaeta brevicauda Sars, 1905 P. spinata Markhaseva, 1986 Pseudochirella accepta Zvereva, 1976 P. batillipa Park, 1978 P. dubia Sars, 1925 P. obtusa (Sars, 1905) P. pacifica Brodsky, 1950 P. palliata (Sars, 1907) P. tanakai Markhaseva, 1989 Undeuchaeta incisa Esterly, 1911 U. major Giesbrecht, 1888 U. plumosa (Lubbock, 1856) Family Euchaetidae Euchaeta marinella Bradford, 1974 E. concinna Dana, 1849 E. indica Wolfenden, 1905 E. longicornis Giesbrecht, 1888 E. media Giesbrecht, 1888 E. plana Mori, 1937 E. rimana Bradford, 1974 Pareuchaeta abrikosovi Heptner, 1971 P. abyssalis Brodsky, 1950 P. abyssaloides Heptner, 1987 P. barbata (Brady, 1883) P. birostrata Brodsky, 1950 P. bisinuata Sars, 1907 P. brevirostris Brodsky, 1950 P. bulbirostris Heptner, 1987 P. comosa Tanaka, 1958 P. confusa Tanaka, 1958 P. elongata (Esterly, 1913) P. guttata Heptner, 1971 P. hanseni (With, 1915) P. hastata Heptner, 1987 P. implicata Heptner, 1987 P. kurilensis Heptner, 1971 P. longisetosa Heptner, 1971 P. malayensis Sewell, 1929 P. oculata Heptner, 1971 P. orientalis Brodsky, 1950 P. pavlovskii Brodsky, 1955 P. perplexa Heptner, 1987 P. plicata Heptner, 1971 P. prima Heptner, 1971 P. prudens Tanaka & Omori, 1968 P. rotundirostris Heptner, 1987 P. rubra Brodsky, 1950 P. subtilirostris Heptner, 1971 P. tonsa (Giesbrecht, 1895) P. tridentata Heptner, 1987 P. tumidula Sars, 1905 P. vorax (Grice & Hulsemann, 1968) Valdiviella brevicornis Sars, 1904 V. brodskyi Zvereva, 1975 V. imperfecta Brodsky, 1950 V. oligarthra Steuer, 1904 Family Phaennidae Cephalophanes frigidus Wolfenden, 1911 86 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + C. refulgens Sars, 1907 C. tectus (Esterly, 1911) Cornucalanus indicus Sewell, 1929 C. notabilis Brodsky & Zvereva, 1976 Onchocalanus hirtipes Sars, 1905 O. magnus (Wolfenden, 1908) Talacalanus maximus (Brodsky, 1950) Xanthocalanus kurilensis Brodsky, 1950 X. obtusus Farran, 1905 X. pavlovskii Brodsky, 1955 Family Scolecitrichidae Amallothrix gracilis (Sars, 1905) A. paravalida Brodsky, 1950 A. valida (Farran, 1908) Falsilandrumius bogorovi (Brodsky, 1955) Landrumius gigas (A.Scott, 1909) Lophothrix frontalis Giesbrecht, 1895 Mixtocalanus robustus Brodsky, 1950 Parascaphocalanus zenkevitchi Brodsky, 1955 Pseudoamallothrix birshteini (Brodsky, 1955) P. cenotelis (Park, 1980) P. emarginata (Farran, 1905) P. inornata (Esterly, 1906) P. ovata (Farran, 1905) P. profunda (Brodsky, 1950) Puchinia obtusa Vyshkvartzeva, 1989 Racovitzanus antarcticus Giesbrecht, 1902 Scaphocalanus acutocornis Vyshkvartzeva, 1987 S. antarcticus Park 1982 S. brevicornis Sars, 1900 S. echinatus (Farran, 1905) S. elongatus A.Scott, 1909 S. insignis Brodsky, 1950 S. major (T. Scott, 1894) S. medius Sars, 1907 S. parantarcticus Park, 1982 S. subelongatus (Brodsky, 1950) Scolecithricella globulosa Brodsky, 1950 S. minor (Brady, 1883) Scolecithrix bradyi Giesbrecht, 1888 S. danae (Lubbock, 1856) Scottocalanus persecans (Giesbrecht, 1895) S. securifrons (T. Scott, 1894) Family Tharybidae Undinella frontalis (Tanaka, 1937) U. gricei Wheeler, 1970 U. oblonga Sars, 1900 Family Stephidae Stephos kurilensis Kos, 1972 Order Cyclopoida Compiled by E. S. Chertoprud11 Family Corycaeidae Corycaeus sp. Family Cyclopidae Halicyclops japonicus Ito, 1956 Family Cyclopinidae 11 + + + + + + + +  +   +? + + + +? + + +  +  + + + +  + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + +   ? + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled by E. S. Chertoprud on the basis of materials from the Primorye, the Kuril Islands, the Commander Islands and the east coast of Kamchatka Peninsula, the author’s own and literature data. 87 Cyclopina sp. Family Oithonidae Oithona atlantica Farran, 1908 O. brevicornis Giesbrecht, 1891 O. hamata Rosendorn,1917 O. nana Giesbrecht, 1892 O. plumifera Baird, 1843 O. setigera (Dana, 1852) O. similis Claus, 1866 O. tenuis Rosendorn,1917 Paroithona pulla Farran, 1913 Family Oncaeidae Oncaea conifera (Giesbrecht, 1892) O. borealis Sars, 1918 Order Harpacticoida Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by E. S. Chertoprud12 Family Ameiridae Ameira longipes Boeck, 1865 A. cf. minuta Boeck, 1865 A. parvuloides Lang, 1965b Nirokra lacustris (Schmankevitch, 1875) N. pietschmanni (Chappuis,1934) N. spinipes Boeck, 1865 Proameira simplex (Norman & T. Scott, 1905) Family Canthocamptidae Bryocamptus subarcticus (Willey, 1925) Cletocamptus retrogressus Schmankevitch, 1875 Leimia vaga Willey, 1923 Mesochra alaskana Wilson, 1958 M. pygmaea (Claus, 1863) M. rapiens (Schmeil, 1894) M. suifunensis Borutzky, 1952 Family Canuellidae Scottolana bulbifera (Chislenko, 1971) Family Cletodidae Cletodes latirostris Drzycimski, 1967a Enhydrosoma hopkinsi Lang, 1965b E. intermedia Chislenko, 1978 Kollerua uniarticulatum (Borutzky, 1928) Limnocletodes behningi Borutzky, 1926 Paracrenhydrosoma maccalli (Schizas & Shirley, 1994) Family Clytemnestridae Clytemnestra rostrata (Brady, 1883) Family Cylindropsyllidae Stenocaris intermedia Itô, 1972а Family Dactylopusiidae Dactylopusia glacialis Sars, 1909 D. tisboides (Claus, 1863) D. vulgaris Sars, 1905 Dactylopusia sp. Diarthrodes latisetosus Chislenko, 1978 D. unisetoses Lang, 1965b Diarthrodes sp. Paradactylopodia latipes (Boeck, 1865) Paradactylopodia sp. Family Darcythompsoniidae 12 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled by E. S. Chertoprud on the basis of materials from the Primorye, the Kuril Islands, the Commander Islands and the east coast of Kamchatka Peninsula, the author’s own and literature data. 88 + + Darcythompsonia inopinata Smirnov, 1934 Leptocaris trisetosus (Kunz, 1935) Family Ectinosomatidae Arenosetella bidenta Itô, 1972a Bradya typica Boeck, 1872 Ectinosoma melaniceps Boeck, 1865 Ectinosoma sp.1 Ectinosoma sp.2 Halectinosoma arenicola (Rouch, 1962) H. gothiceps (Giesbrecht, 1881) H. perforatum Itô, 1981 Halectinosoma sp.1 Halectinosoma sp.2 Halectinosoma sp.3 Halectinosoma sp.4 Microsetella norvegica (Boeck, 1865) M. rosea (Dana, 1848) Pseudobradya arctica (Oloffson, 1917) P. major (Olofsson, 1917) Family Hamondiidae Ambunguipes rufocincta (Brady, 1880) Family Harpacticidae Harpacticella amurensis Borutzky, 1952 H. paradoxa (Brehm, 1924) H. itoi (Chang & Kim, 1991) Harpacticella sp. Harpacticus dezhnevi Chislenko, 1980 H. nipponicus Itô, 1976b H. purpureus Itô, 1979b H. septentrionalisKlie, 1941a H. uniremis Kröyer, 1842 Paratigriopus hoshidei Itô, 1969 Tigriopus japonicus Mori, 1938 Zaus ainuensis Chislenko, 1980 Z. aurelii Poppe, 1884 Z. robustus Itô, 1974 Z. spinatus Goodsir, 1845 Z. unisetosus Itô, 1974 Z. cf. goodsiri (Brady, 1880) Zaus sp. Family Huntemanniidae Huntemannia biarticulatus Shen & Tai, 1973 H. jadensis Poppe, 1884 Nannopus palustris Brady, 1880 Family Laophontidae Echinolaophonte horrida (Norman, 1876) E. oshoroensis Itô, 1969 Heterolaophonte discophora (Willey, 1929) H. hamondi Hicks, 1975 H. longisetigera Klie, 1950 H. stroemi (Baird, 1834) Laophonte elongata Boeck, 1872 L. cornuta Philippi, 1840 Onychocamptus mohammed (Blanchard & Richord, 1891) O. vitiospinulosa Shen & Tai,1963 Paralaophonte congenera (Sars, 1908) P. pacifica Lang, 1965 P. septemarticulata Chislenko, 1978 Paraonychocamptus sp. + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 89 Pseudonychocamptus koreni (Boeck, 1872) P. paraproximus Lang, 1965 P. spinifer Lang, 1965b Family Latiremidae Protolatiremus sakaguchii Itô, 1974 Family Leptactacidae Leptastacus japonicus Ito, 1968 Paraleptastacus unisetosus Itô, 1972a Paraleptastacus sp. Family Leptopontiidae Arenopontia dillonbeachia Lang, 1965b A. ishikariana Itô, 1968 Family Longipedidae Longipedia spinulosa Itô, 1981 Family Miraciidae Amonardia magna Chislenko, 1978 A. normani (Brady, 1872) Amphiascoides debilis (Giesbrecht, 1881) A. paradebilis Chislenko, 1978 Amphiascopsis cinctus (Claus, 1866) Amphiascus congener Sars, 1909 A. elongatlus Itô, 1972a A. minutus (Claus, 1863) A. undosus Lang, 1965b Amphiascus sp. Diosaccus ezoensis Ito, 1974 D. cf. dentatus (Thompson & A. Scott, 1903) D. spinatus Campbell, 1929 Onychostenhelia falcifera Itô, 1979b Paramphiascella curtiseta Chislenko, 1971 Robertgurney adiversa Lang, 1965b Robertsonia propinqua (T. Scott, 1893) Schizopera knabeni Lang, 1965b Schizopera sp. Stenhelia golikovi Chislenko, 1978 S. latioperculata Itô, 1981 S. normani T.Scott, 1905 S. oblonga Lang, 1965b S. peniculata Lang, 1965b S. pubescens Chislenko, 1978 Stenhelia sp. Typhlamphiascus sp. Family Normanellidae Normanella sp. Family Paramesochridae Kliopsyllus sp. Family Parastenheliidae Parastenhelia spinosa (Fischer, 1860) FamilyPeltidiidae Eupelte simile (Monk, 1941) Eupelte sp. Family Pseudotachidiidae Archisenia sibirica (Sars, 1898) Danielssenia similis Chislenko, 1978 D. typicaBoeck, 1872 Family Rhynchothalestridae Rhynchothalestris tenuis Chislenko, 1971 Rhynchothalestris sp. Family Tachidiidae 90 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by G. A. Kolbasov Superorder Thoracica Order Pedunculata Suborder Lepadomorpha Family Lepadidae Conchoderma auritum (Linnaeus, 1767) Dosima fascicularis Ellis, Solander, 1786 Lepas anatifera Linnaeus, 1758 L. beringiana Pilsbry, 1911 L. hilli (Leach, 1818) L. pectinata Spengler, 1793 Suborder Scalpellomorpha Family Scalpellidae Amigdoscalpellum anaglypticum (Zevina, 1970) * A. vitreum (Hoek, 1883) Annandaleum japonicum (Hoek, 1883) Arcoscalpellum micrum (Pilsbry, 1907) Hamatoscalpellum vegae (Nilsson-Cantell, 1926) Lithoscalpellum eremus (Zevina, 1970) L. levinsoni (Zevina, 1970) Planoscalpellum hexagonum (Hoek, 1907) Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby, 1883) Trianguloscalpellum regium regium (W. Thomson, 1877) N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Geeopsis incisipes (Klie, 1913) Microarthridion littorale (Poppe, 1881) Neotachidius triangularis Shen & Tai, 1963 N. parvus Huys et al, 2005 Tachidius discipes Giesbrecht, 1881 Family Tegastidae Tegastes sp. Family Thalestridae Amenophia orientalis Ho & Hong, 1988 A. peltata Boeck, 1865 Eudactylopus andrewi Sewell, 1940 E. atlanticus Vervoort, 1964 Parathalestris areolata Itô, 1972a P. pacificus Chislenko, 1971 P. verrucosa Itô, 1970 Parathalestris sp. Thalestris gigas Chislenko, 1980 Thalestris sp. Family Tisbidae Scutellidium arthuri Poppe, 1884 S. boreale Itô, 1976b S. caeneus Itô, 1976b S. hippolytes (Kröyer, 1863) S. hirutai Itô, 1976b S. longicauda (Philippi, 1840) Scutellidium sp. Tisbe furcata (Baird, 1837) T. gracilis (T.Scott, 1895) T. minor (T. & A. Scott, 1896) Tisbe sp. CLASS THECOSTRACA Subclass Cirripedia13 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + +? + + + + + + +? + +? + This list was composed mainly on the base of those scientific publications indicated in “References”. rather complex of cryptic species (Zevina, 1981) 13 * 91 Weltnerium lydiae (Tarasov, Zevina, 1957) Order Sessilia Suborder Verrucomorpha Family Verrucidae Altiverruca beringiana Zevina, Galkin, 1992 Suborder Balanomorpha Family Chthamalidae Chthamalus dalli (Pilsbry, 1916) Family Balanidae Chirona evermanni (Pilsbry, 1907) Hesperibalanus hesperius (Pilsbry, 1916) Semibalanus balanoides (Linnaeus, 1767) S. cariousus (Pallas, 1788) Amphibalanus amphitrite amphitrite (Darwin, 1854) A. eburneus (Gould, 1841) A. improvisus (Darwin, 1854) Balanus balanus (Linnaeus, 1758) B. crenatus Bruguiere, 1789 B. rostratus Hoek, 1883 Megabalanus rosa (Pilsbry, 1916) CLASS OSTRACODA Subclass Podocopa 14 Compiled by E. I. Schornikov Order Podocopida Suborder Cypridocopina Family Macrocyprididae Macrocypris sp. Macrocypris sp. 1 Family Pontocyprididae Argilloecia toyamaensis Ishizaki et Irizuki, 1990 A. aff. toyamaensis Ishizaki et Irizuki, 1990 Argilloecia sp. A Argilloecia sp. AA Argilloecia sp. AB Argilloecia sp. AC Argilloecia sp. AD Argilloecia sp. B Argilloecia sp. BA Argilloecia sp. BB Argilloecia sp. BC Argilloecia sp. C Argilloecia sp. CA Argilloecia sp. CB Argilloecia sp. CC Argilloecia sp. CD Argilloecia sp. D Argilloecia sp. DA Argilloecia sp. 1 Argilloecia sp. 2 Argilloecia sp. 7 Argilloecia sp. 8 Argilloecia sp. 9 Pontocypris? sp. Pontocypris? sp. 1 Pontocypris? sp. 2 Pontocypris? sp. 3 14 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + +   +                             The list, compiled by E. I. Schornikov on the basis his own research. The research were supported by grants from the FEB RAS nos. 12-III-А-06-097, 12-I-P4-02 and RFBR 13-04-01567 А 92 Pontocypris? sp. 4 Propontocypris sp. s. Schornikov, 2006 Propontocypris sp. A Propontocypris sp. AA Propontocypris sp. AB Propontocypris sp. AC Propontocypris sp. AD Propontocypris sp. AE Propontocypris sp. B Propontocypris sp. BA Propontocypris sp. BB Propontocypris sp. BC Propontocypris sp. BD Propontocypris sp. BE Propontocypris sp. C Propontocypris sp. CA Propontocypris sp. CB Propontocypris? sp. s. Schornikov in Gvozdeva et al., 1997 Schedopontocypris? maculata (Schornikov, 1973) S.? aff. maculata (Schornikov, 1973) S.? cf. maculata (Schornikov, 1973) S.? ovata (Schornikov, 1973) S.? postconcava (Schornikov, 1973) Schedopontocypris? sp. 1 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Schedopontocypris? sp. 2 Schedopontocypris? sp. 3 Schedopontocypris? sp. 4 Schedopontocypris? sp. 5 Family Candonidae Aglaiocypris nipponica Okubo, 1980 Aglaiocypris sp. s. Zenina, 2008 Aglaiocypris sp. 1 Aglaiocypris sp. 2 Dolerocypria mukaishimensis Okubo, 1980 Suborder Terrestricytherocopina Family Terrestricytheridae Terrestricythere ivanovae Schornikov, 1969 T. pratensis Schornikov, 1980 Suborder Bairdiocopina Family Bairdiidae Bairdoppilata sp. Bairdoppilata? sp. Neonesidea mutsuensis (Ishizaki, 1971) N. oligodentata (Kajiyama, 1913) Family Bythocyprididae Anchistrocheles? sp. 1 Anchistrocheles? sp. 2 Anchistrocheles? sp. 3 Anchistrocheles? sp. 4 Zabythocypris kurilensis Schornikov, 1980 Suborder Cytherocopina Family Bythocytheridae Subfamily Bythocytherinae Bythoceratina? sp. 1 Bythoceratina? sp. 2 Bythoceratina? sp. 3 Bythoceratina? sp. 4 Bythoceratina? sp. 5 Bythoceratina? sp. 6 +   Bering             + +  N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +    +  + + + +   + +      + + +     +       +        93 Bythoceratina? sp. 7 Bythoceratina? sp. 8 Bythoceratina? sp. 9 Bythoceratina? sp. 10 Bythoceratina? sp. 11 Bythoceratina? sp. 12 Bythocythere? sp. Nodobythere (Cristobythere) cristata Schornikov, 1987 N. (Cristobythere) sp. N. (N.) nodosa Schornikov, 1981 Nodobythere (N.) sp. Orientobythere urupensis Schornikov, 1981 Orientobythere? sp. Retibythere (R.) acutialata Schornikov, 1981 R. (R.) bialata Schornikov, 1981 Vitjasiella belyaevi Schornikov, 1976 Subfamily Keijicytherinae Jonesiini gen. sp. Jonesia cf. arctica Schornikov, 1980 J. camtschatica Schornikov, 1981 J. cuneata Schornikov, 1981 J. orientalis Schornikov, 1981 Jonesia sp. Jonesia sp. A Jonesia sp. B Jonesia sp. 1 Jonesia sp. 2 Jonesia sp. 3 Kurilocythere scalaris Schornikov, 1981 Subfamily Pseudocytherinae Oviferochilus ovalis Schornikov, 1981 Oviferochilus? sp. Pseudocythere moneroni Schornikov, 1981 P. cf. moneroni Schornikov, 1981 P. minima Schornikov, 1981 P. cf. minima Schornikov, 1981 Pseudocythere sp. Pseudocythere sp. A Pseudocythere sp. AA Pseudocythere sp. AB Pseudocythere sp. AC Pseudocythere sp. AD Pseudocythere sp. B Pseudocythere sp. BA Pseudocythere sp. BB Pseudocythere sp. BC Pseudocythere sp. BD Pseudocythere sp. BC Pseudocythere sp. C Rostrocythere rostrata Schornikov, 1981 Sclerochilus sp. A Sclerochilus sp. AA Sclerochilus sp. AB Sclerochilus sp. AC Sclerochilus sp. AD Sclerochilus sp. AE Sclerochilus sp. CA Sclerochilus sp. CB Sclerochilus sp. CC 94  + +   +        +  +  +  Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + +   + + +    +  + + +   + + +                        +      Sclerochilus sp. CD Sclerochilus sp. CE Sclerochilus sp. D s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Sclerochilus sp. EC Sclerochilus sp. ED Sclerochilus sp. 27 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 28 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 29 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 30 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 31 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 32 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 33 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 34 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 35 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 36 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Sclerochilus sp. 37 Sclerochilus sp. 38 Sclerochilus sp. 39 Sclerochilus sp. 40 Sclerochilus (Fascichilus) anadiricus Schornikov, 1981 S. (F.) asymmetricus Schornikov, 1981 S. (F.) multiporosus Schornikov, 1981 S. (F.) pusillus Schornikov, 1981 S. (Fascichilus) sp. A S. (Fascichilus) sp. AA S. (Fascichilus) sp. AB S. (Fascichilus) sp. AC S. (Fascichilus) sp. AD S. (Fascichilus) sp. AE S. (Fascichilus) sp. B S. (Fascichilus) sp. BA S. (Fascichilus) sp. BB S. (Fascichilus) sp. BC S. (Fascichilus) sp. BD S. (Fascichilus) sp. BE S. (Fascichilus) sp. 3 s. Schornikov, 2001 S. (Praesclerochilus) auricularis Schornikov, 1981 S. (P.) ochotensis Schornikov, 1981 S. (P.) cf. ochotensis Schornikov, 1981 S. (P.) pruniformis Schornikov, 1981 S. (P.) sirenkoi Schornikov, 1981 S. (P.) uncifer Schornikov, 1981 S. (P.) verecundus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) alius Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) ampliatus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) angustus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) baculatus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) brevimaxillaris Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) calcarifer Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) caudatus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) caudiculatus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) convexus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) crassus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) curtus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) curvulus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) entis Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) fabaceus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) firmulus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) furcaspinatus Schornikov, 1981 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk   +   + + + + + + + + + +     S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + +    + + +            +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 95 S. (S.) improcerus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) inaequalis Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) incomptus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) cf. incomptus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) iturupicus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) kunashiricus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) kurilensis Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) longisetosus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) lukini Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) matuaensis Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) minutus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) modestus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) moneronicus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) parallelus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) percursus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) permediocris Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) porrectus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) prolongatus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) protensus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) rostratus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) semivitreus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) shikotanicus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) simushiricus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) simplex Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) singularis Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) sparsus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) spongiiphilus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) strictus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) tumidiusculus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) ventrilatus Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) vermifer Schornikov, 1981 S. (S.) virguliformis Schornikov, 1981 Sclerochilus (S.) sp. A Sclerochilus (S.) sp. AA Sclerochilus (S.) sp. AB Sclerochilus (S.) sp. AC Sclerochilus (S.) sp. AD Sclerochilus (S.) sp. AE Sclerochilus (S.) sp. AF Sclerochilus (S.) sp. B Sclerochilus (S.) sp. BA Sclerochilus (S.) sp. BB Sclerochilus (S.) sp. BC Sclerochilus (S.) sp. BD Sclerochilus (S.) sp. BE Family Psammocytheridae Psammocythere sp. 1 Psammocythere sp. 2 Psammocythere sp. 3 Psammocythere sp. 4 Psammocythere sp. 5 Psammocythere sp. 6 Family Cytheridae Cythere alveolivalva Smith, 1952 C. boreokurila Schornikov, 1974 C. golikovi Schornikov, 1974 C. nishinipponica Okubo, 1976 C. schornikovi Ikeya et Tsukagoshi, 1988 C. urupensis Schornikov, 1974 96  +  Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + +                    + + + + + + +  + + Cythere sp. 1 Cythere sp. 2 Cythere? sp. Hanaiborchella cf. miurensis (Hanai, 1970) Microcytherura nealei Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 Microcytherura sp. 1 Microcytherura sp. 2 Microcytherura sp. 3 Microcytherura sp. 4 Palmenella dentatomarginata Akatova, 1946 P. cf. californica Triebel, 1957 P. cf. limicola (Norman, 1865) s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Palmenella sp. Sсhizocythere ikeyai Tsukagoshi et Briggs, 1998 S. cf. ikeyai Tsukagoshi et Briggs, 1998 S. okhotskensis Hanai, 1970 S. pacifica Schornikov, 1974 Spinileberis furuyaensis Ishizaki et Kato, 1976 S. quadriaculeata (Brady, 1880) S. pulchra Chen, 1982 Spinileberis? sp. s. Schornikov in Gvozdeva et al., 1997 Family Saididae Saida sp. Family Leptocytheridae Callistocythere hayamensis Hanai, 1957 C. ishizakii Ikeya et Zhou, 1992 C. cf. reticulata Hanai, 1957 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 C. setanensis Hanai, 1957 C. subjaponica Hanai, 1957 Callistocythere sp. Callistocythere sp. 1 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Callistocythere sp. 3 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Callistocythere sp. 5 Callistocythere sp. 6 Cluthia cluthae (Brady, Crosskey et Robertson, 1874) C. cf. cluthae (Brady, Crosskey et Robertson, 1874) C. horni Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 C. aff. horni Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 C. cf. horni Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 C. japonica Tabuki, 1986 Cluthia sp. A Ishizakiella miurensis (Hanai, 1957) I. cf. miurensis (Hanai, 1957) s. Schornikov et Trebuchova, 2001 I. supralittoralis (Schornikov, 1974) Leptocythere polymorpha. Schornikov, 1974 Leptocythere sp. 1 s. Schornikov, 2006 Palusleptocythere migrans Nakao et Tsukagoshi, 2002 P. susitnensis (Forester et Brouwers, 1985) Family Cytheromatidae Gamagyangnella sp. 1 Gamagyangnella sp. 2 Gamagyangnella sp. 3 s. Schornikov, 2009 Gamagyangnella sp. 4 Gamagyangnella? sp. Microloxoconcha sp. s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Microloxoconcha sp. A Microloxoconcha sp. B Paracytheroma asamushiensis (Ishizaki, 1971) Paracytheroma sp. K         +   + + +  + + + + + + +   + +   +   +      + + + + +       + + +   + +  +  +     +      +      + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk  S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa       97 Paracytheroma sp. 1K Paracytheroma sp. 1 Paracytheroma sp. 2 Paracytheroma sp. 3 Family Eucytheridae Eucythere cf. yugao Yajima, 1982 Eucythere sp. A Eucythere sp. K Eucythere sp. 1 Eucythere sp. 2 s. Tabuki, 1986 Eucythere sp. 3 Eucythere sp. 4 Family Cytherideidae Heterocyprideis fascis (Brady et Norman, 1889) H. cf. fascis (Brady et Norman, 1889) H. cf. sorbyana (Jones, 1857) s. Schornikov, 1996 Paracyprideis pseudopunctillata Swain, 1963 Paracyprideis sp. Sarsicytheridea bradii (Norman in Brady, 1865) S. cf. bradii (Norman in Brady, 1865) s. Schornikov, 1996 S. macrolaminata (Elofson, 1939) S. parapapillosa (Swain, 1963) Sinocytheridea sp. s. Schornikov, 2006 Family Pontocytheridae Pontocythere japonica (Hanai, 1959) P. minuta Ikeya et Hanai, 1982 P. cf. sekiguchii Ikeya et Hanai, 1982 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 P. subjaponica (Hanai, 1959) Pontocythere sp. 1 s. Yajima, 1982 Pontocythere sp. 2 Family Neocytherideidea Neocytherideis sp. Family Krithidae Krithe sawanensis Hanai, 1959 Family Trachyleberididae Abyssocythereis vitjasi Schornikov, 1975 Acanthocythereis agapensis Lev, 1983 A. dunelmensis (Norman, 1865) A. cf. dunelmensis (Norman, 1865) A. mutsuensis Ishizaki, 1971 Acanthocythereis sp. Acanthocythereis sp. AA Acanthocythereis sp. AB Acanthocythereis sp. AC Acanthocythereis sp. 2 Acanthocythereis sp. 3 s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 Acanthocythereis sp. 4 Australimoosella tomokoae (Ishizaki, 1968) Bicornucythere bisanensis (Okubo, 1975) Celtia pointmanbiensis Brouwers, 1993 Falsobuntonia hayamii (Tabuki, 1986) F. cf. hayamii (Tabuki, 1986) Murrayina cf. japonica Tabuki, 1986 Robertsonites cf. reticuliforma (Ishizaki, 1966) s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 R. cf. tuberculatus (Sars, 1866) s. Schornikov, 1996 Robertsonites sp. Robertsonites sp. A Robertsonites sp. AA 98       Bering Okhotsk     N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa      + +     +  + + + + + + +       +  + + + +  +   +  + +    + +  +  + + +         + + +  ?  Robertsonites sp. AB Robertsonites sp. AC Family Cytherettidae Cytheretta teshekpukensis Swain, 1963 Family Hemicytheridae Aurila acostata Schornikov et Tsareva, 1995 A. disparata Okubo, 1980 A. corniculata Okubo, 1980 A. elongata Schornikov et Tsareva, 1995 Baffinicythere howei Hazel, 1967 B. ishizakii Irizuki, 1996 B. reticulata Irizuki, 1996 B. cf. reticulata Irizuki, 1996 B. robusticostata Irizuki, 1996 Baffinicythere sp. A s. Cronin et Ikeya, 1987 Baffinicythere sp. B Coquimba aff. ishizakii Yajima, 1978 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Cornucoquimba alata Tabuki, 1986 C. aff. moniwensis (Ishizaki, 1966) Cornucoquimba sp. s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Daishakacythere abei (Tabuki, 1986) D. posterocostata (Taburi, 1986) Daishakacythere sp. Daishakacythere sp. 1 Elofsonella cf. concinna (Jones, 1857) s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2004 E. pinegensis (Lev, 1983) Elofsonella sp. A s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 Elofsonella. sp. 1 Elofsonella sp. 2 Elofsonella sp. 3 Elofsonella sp. 4 Elofsonella sp. 5 Elofsonella sp. 6 Finmarchinella (Barentsovia) aff. angulata (Sars, 1866) F. (B.) cf. angulata (Sars, 1866) s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 F. (B.) cf. daishakaensis Tabuki, 1986 F. (B.) hanaii Okada, 1979 F. (B.) cf. hanaii Okada, 1979 F. (B.) cf. japonica (Ishizaki, 1966) s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 F. (B.) logani (Brady et Crosskey, 1871) F. (B.) nealei Okada, 1979 F. (Barentsovia) sp. A F. (Barentsovia) sp. AB F. (Barentsovia) sp. B F. (Barentsovia) sp. С F. (Finmarchinella) rectangulata Tabuki, 1986 F. (F.) cf. rectangulata Tabuki, 1986 F. (F.) subrectangulata Irizuki, 1993 F. (F.) aff. subrectangulata Irizuki, 1993 F. (F.) cf. subrectangulata Irizuki, 1993 F. (F.) uranipponica Ishizaki, 1969 Finmarchinella (F.) sp. 1 Finmarchinella (F.) sp. 2 Hemicythere borealis (Brady, 1868) H. gorokuensis Ishizaki, 1966 H. gurjanovae Schornikov, 1974 H. kussakini Schornikov, 1974 H. nana Schornikov, 1974 H. ochotensis Schornikov, 1974 Bering  N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   + + + + +    +       +   + + +   +      +    +    +  + +      +      +    +            + + + + + + + +    + + + + + + + 99 100 + + +                      + + + +           + + + Bering + + + Okhotsk + +  N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. H. orientalis Schornikov, 1974 H. posterovestibulata Schornikov, 1974 H. quadrinodosa Schornikov, 1974 Hemicythere sp. A H.? emarginata (Sars, 1866) H.? cf. emarginata (Sars, 1866) Johnnealella cf. nopporensis Hanai et Ikeya, 1991 s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 Johnnealella sp. 1 Johnnealella sp. 3 Johnnealella sp. 4 Johnnealella sp. 5 Laperousecythere robusta (Tabuki, 1986) L. cf. robusta (Tabuki, 1986) L. yahtsensis Brouwers, 1993 L. cf. yahtsensis Brouwers, 1993 Laperousecythere sp. 1 Laperousecythere sp. 2 Laperousecythere sp. 3 Normanicythere concinella Swain, 1963 Normanicythere sp. N.? cf. japonica Tabuki, 1986 Normanicythere? sp. Proteoconcha? sp. Rabilimis cf. septentrionalis (Brady, 1866) Rabilimis sp. s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 Rabilimis sp. 1 Robustaurila ishizakii (Okubo, 1980) Yezocythere hayashii Hanai et Ikeya, 1991 Yezocythere sp. 1 Family Cobanocytheridae Cobanocytheridae gen. sp. 1 Cobanocytheridae gen. sp. 2 Cobanocythere sp. A s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Cobanocythere sp. AB s. Zenina et Schornikov, 2008 Cobanocythere sp. AC Cobanocythere sp. AD Cobanocythere sp. AE Cobanocythere sp. B Cobanocythere sp. BA Cobanocythere sp. BB Cobanocythere sp. BC Cobanocythere sp. BD Cobanocythere sp. BE Cobanocythere sp. C Cobanocythere sp. CA Cobanocythere sp. CB Cobanocythere sp. CC Cobanocythere sp. CE Cobanocythere sp. D Cobanocythere sp. DA Cobanocythere sp. DB Cobanocythere sp. DC Cobanocythere sp. DD Cobanocythere sp. DE Cobanocythere sp. E Cobanocythere sp. EA Cobanocythere sp. EB Cobanocythere sp. EC Japan Taxa      + +                         Cobanocythere sp. ED Cobanocythere sp. 1 Cobanocythere sp. 2 Cobanocythere sp. 3 Cobanocythere sp. 4 Cobanocythere sp. 5 Cobanocythere sp. 6 Cobanocythere sp. 7 Platymicrocythere? sp. s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Family Microcytheridae Microcythere cuneata Schornikov, 1974 M. devexa Schornikov, 1974 M. littoralis Schornikov, 1974 M. robusta Schornikov, 1974 M. rotundata Schornikov, 1974 Microcythere sp. A s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Microcythere sp. AA Microcythere sp. AB Microcythere sp. AC Microcythere sp. AD Microcythere sp. AE Microcythere sp. B s. Zenina, 2008 Microcythere sp. BA Microcythere sp. BB Microcythere sp. BC Microcythere sp. BD Microcythere sp. BE Microcythere sp. C Microcythere sp. CA Microcythere sp. CB Microcythere sp. CC Microcythere sp. CD Microcythere sp. D Microcythere sp. E Microcythere sp. 1 Microcythere sp. 2 Microcythere. sp. 3 Microcythere sp. 4 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Microcythere sp. 5 s. Schornikov, 2006 Microcythere sp. 6 Microcythere sp. 7 Microcythere sp. 8 Microcythere sp. 9 Microcythere sp. 10 Microcythere sp. 11 Microcythere sp. 12 Microcythere sp. 13 Microcythere sp. 14 Microcythere sp. 15 Microcythere sp. 16 Microcythere sp. 17 Microcythere sp. 18 Microcythere sp. 19 Microcythere sp. 20 Microcythere sp. 21 Microcythere sp. 22 Microcythere sp. 23 Microcythere sp. 24 Family Paracytheridae      Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids  Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   + + + + + + +    +              + +                        101 Paracythere sp. Paracythere? sp. Family Parvocytheridae Parvocythere sp. Family Loxoconchidae Cytheromorpha acupunctata (Brady, 1880) C. claviformis Hirschmann, 1909 Kuiperiana venepidermoidea (Swain, 1963) Loxocauda orientalis Schornikov, 2011 Loxocauda sp. A Loxocauda sp. AA Loxocauda sp. AB Loxocauda sp. AC Loxocauda sp. AD Loxocauda sp. AE Loxocauda sp. B Loxocauda sp. BA Loxocauda sp. BB Loxocauda sp. BC Loxocauda sp. BD Loxocauda sp. BE Loxocauda sp. C Loxocauda sp. CA Loxocauda sp. CB Loxocauda sp. CC Loxocauda sp. CD Loxocauda sp. CE Loxocauda sp. D Loxocauda sp. DA Loxocauda sp. DB Loxocauda sp. DC Loxocauda sp. DE Loxocauda sp. E Loxocauda sp. EA Loxocauda sp. EB Loxocauda sp. M1 Loxocauda sp. M2 Loxocauda sp. M3 Loxocauda sp. M4 Loxocauda sp. 1 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Loxocauda? sp. Loxocauda? sp. A Loxocauda? sp. AE Loxocauda? sp. 10 Loxoconcha chinzeii Ikeya et Zhou, 1992 L. cf. chinzeii Ikeya et Zhou, 1992 L. harimensis Okubo, 1980 L. kosugii Nakao et Tsukagoshi, 2002 L. tosamodesta Ishizaki, 1981 L. uranouchiensis Ishizaki, 1968 Loxoconcha sp. A Loxoconcha sp. AA Loxoconcha sp. AB Loxoconcha sp. AC Loxoconcha sp. 1 s. Schornikov in Gvozdeva et al., 1997 Loxoconcha sp. 3 s. Schornikov in Gvozdeva et al., 1997 Loxoconcha sp. 4 Loxoconcha sp. 5 Loxoconcha sp. 6 102 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids  S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   + + + +                        +  +  +  +       + + + +  + +    +    +          L.? cf. kotoraforma (Ishizaki, 1966) L.? cf. ozawai Tabuki, 1986 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 L.? cf. subkotoraforma Ishizaki, 1966 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Loxoconcha? sp. 1 s. Schornikov in Kussakin et Ivanova, 1978 Loxoconcha? sp. 2 s. Zenina, 2003 Loxoconcha? sp. 3 Loxoconcha? sp. 4 Loxoconcha? sp. 5 Loxoconcha? sp. 6 Loxoconcha? sp. 7 Loxoconcha? sp. 8 Loxoconcha? sp. 9 Loxoconcha? sp.10 Loxoconcha? sp. 11 Loxoconcha? sp. 12 Loxoconcha? sp. 13 Loxoconcha? sp. 14 Loxoconcha? sp. 15 Loxoconcha? sp. 16 Loxoconchidea dolgoiensis Brouwers, 1993 Loxocorniculum mutsuense Ishizaki, 1971 Nannocythere? sp. Nipponocythere sp. s. Tabuki, 1986 Palmoconcha? sp. 1 Pteroloxa chaunensis Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 Roundstonia macchesneyi (Brady et Crosskey, 1871) Roundstonia sp. Roundstonia sp. 1 Swainocythere sp. s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 Family Cytheruridae Cytheruridae gen. sp. Subfamily Cytherurinae Cytherurinae gen. sp. 1 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2004 Cytherurinae gen. sp. 2 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2004 Cytherurinae gen. sp. 3 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2004 Cytherurinae gen. sp. 4 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2004 Cytherurinae gen. sp. 5 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2004 Angulicytherura rugosa Schornikov et Dolgov, 1995 A. cf. rugosa Schornikov et Dolgov, 1995 s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 A. truncata Schornikov et Dolgov, 1995 A. urupica Schornikov et Dolgov, 1995 A. ventroangulata Schornikov et Dolgov, 1995 Angulicytherura sp. A Angulicytherura sp. AA Angulicytherura sp. AB Angulicytherura sp. AC Angulicytherura sp. AD Angulicytherura sp. AE Angulicytherura sp. B Angulicytherura sp. BA Angulicytherura sp. BB Angulicytherura sp. BC Angulicytherura sp. BD Angulicytherura sp. 1 Angulicytherura sp. 2 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Angulicytherura sp. 3 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Angulicytherura sp. 4 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Angulicytherura sp. 5 Angulicytherura sp. 6  + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids  Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + +                  + +    ? +    +  + + + + + + + + + + +   + + +     + + +      + +         ?  103 Angulicytherura sp. 8 Angulicytherura sp. 9 A.? miii (Ishizaki, 1969) A.? tonsinensis (Forester et Brouwers, 1985) A.? cf. tonsinensis (Forester et Brouwers, 1985) Angulicytherura? sp. 1 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherura? sp. A s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherura? sp. AA Cytherura? sp. AB Cytherura? sp. AC Cytherura? sp. AD Cytherura? sp. B s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherura? sp. BA Cytherura? sp. BB Cytherura? sp. BC Cytherura? sp. BD Cytherura? sp. C Hemicytherura cavata (Hu, 1981) H. clathrata (Sars, 1866) H. aff. clathrata (Sars, 1866) s. Schornikov, 1996 H. kajiyamai Hanai, 1957 H. tricarinata Hanai, 1957 Hemicytherura sp. s. Aladin, 1987 Hemicytherura sp. 1 Hemicytherura sp. 2 Hemicytherura sp. 3 Hemicytherura sp. 4 Howeina camptocytheroidea (Hanai, 1957) H. aff. camptocytheroidea Hanai, 1957 H. cf. camptocytheroidea Hanai, 1957 H. higashimeyaensis Ishizaki, 1971 H. leptocytherоidea (Hanai, 1957) H. mainensis (Hazel et Valentine, 1969) H. cf. mainensis (Hazel et Valentine, 1969) H. neoleptocytherоidea (Ishizaki, 1966) Howeina sp. A s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Howeina sp. AA Howeina sp. AB Howeina sp. AC Howeina sp. BC Howeina sp. BD Howeina sp. 1 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Howeina sp. 5 s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 Howeina sp. 17 Levocytherura? cf. sabula (Fridl, 1982) Levocytherura? sp. Levocytherura? sp. A Levocytherura? sp. AA Levocytherura? sp. AB Levocytherura? sp. AC Levocytherura? sp. AD Levocytherura? sp. 1 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Levocytherura? sp. 2 Levocytherura? sp. 3 Levocytherura? sp.4 Levocytherura? sp. 5 Semicytherura cf. affinis (Sars, 1866) s. Schornikov, 2001 S. balrogi Brouwers, 1994 S. cf. balrogi Brouwers, 1994 104 + + +     +    +    +      +       +            +          +     +   + +        + + + + +  Bering Okhotsk   N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa  ?    + S. complanata (Brady, Crosskey et Robertson, 1874) S. cf. complanata (Brady, Crosskey et Robertson, 1874) S. aff. henryhowei Hanai et Ikeya, 1977 S. cf. henryhowei Hanai et Ikeya, 1977 s. Cronin et Ikeya, 1987 S. leptosubundata Ozawa et Kamiya, 2008 S. miurensis (Hanai, 1957) S. cf. miurensis (Hanai, 1957) s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 S. mukaishimensis Okubo, 1980 S. polygonoreticulata Ishizaki et Kato, 1976 S. robustundata Ozawa et Kamiya, 2008 S. slipperi Yamada, Tsukagoshi et Ikeya, 2005 S. subslipperi Ozawa et Kamiya, 2008 S. subundata (Hanai, 1957) S. tanimurai Ozawa et Kamiya, 2008 S. aff. undata (Sars, 1866) S. cf. undata (Sars, 1866) S. cf. wakamurasaki Yajima, 1982 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Semicytherura sp. Semicytherura sp. A s. Ishizaki et Matoba, 1985 Semicytherura sp. AA Semicytherura sp. AB s. Schornikov et Zenina 2007 Semicytherura sp. AC Semicytherura sp. AD Semicytherura sp. AE Semicytherura sp. B s. Ishizaki et Matoba, 1985 Semicytherura sp. BA Semicytherura sp. BB Semicytherura sp. BC Semicytherura sp. BD Semicytherura sp. BE Semicytherura sp. C Semicytherura sp. CA Semicytherura sp. CB Semicytherura sp. CC Semicytherura sp. CD Semicytherura sp. CE Semicytherura sp. D Semicytherura sp. DA Semicytherura sp. DB Semicytherura sp. DC Semicytherura sp. DD Semicytherura sp. DE Semicytherura sp. E Semicytherura sp. EA Semicytherura sp. EB Semicytherura sp. EC Semicytherura sp. ED Semicytherura sp. EE Semicytherura sp. EF Semicytherura sp. F Semicytherura sp. FA Semicytherura sp. FB Semicytherura sp. FC Semicytherura sp. FD Semicytherura sp. FE Semicytherura sp. FF Semicytherura sp. 1 s. Schornikov, 2001 Semicytherura sp. 2 s. Schornikov, 2001 Semicytherura sp. 3 s. Schornikov, 2001            +  + +      +   Bering     + + +   +  N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +                +                      105 Semicytherura sp. 3 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 Semicytherura sp. 4 Semicytherura sp. 5 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Semicytherura sp. 6 Semicytherura sp. 7 Semicytherura sp. 8 Semicytherura sp. 9 Semicytherura sp. 10 Semicytherura sp. 11 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Semicytherura sp. 12 Semicytherura sp. 13 Semicytherura sp. 14 Semicytherura sp. 15 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Semicytherura sp. 16 Semicytherura sp. 17 Semicytherura sp. 18 Semicytherura sp. 19 Semicytherura sp. 20 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Semicytherura sp. 21 Semicytherura sp. 22 Semicytherura sp. 23 Semicytherura? daishakaensis Tabuki, 1986 Semicytherura? sp. Subfamily Eucytherurinae Eucytherura sp. Eucytherura sp. A Eucytherura sp. B Eucytherura sp. C Eucytherura? sp. Hemiparacytheridea cf. leopardina (Ruan et Hao, 1988) Hemiparacytheridea sp. 1 Subfamily Pectocytherinae Ekpectocythere plana Choe, 1988 Kotoracythere arctoborealis Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 K. cf. arctoborealis Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 K. cf. janae (Brouwers, 1990) Kotoracythere sp. A Kotoracythere sp. AA Kotoracythere sp. AB Kotoracythere? sp. Munseyella arctica Schornikov et Zenina, 2006 M. cf. arctica Schornikov et Zenina, 2006. M. hatatatensis Ishizaki, 1966 M. cf. hatatatensis Ishizaki, 1966 M. hokkaidoana (Hanai, 1957) M. marincovichi (Brouwers, 1990) Munseyella sp. A Munseyella sp. AB Munseyella sp. AC Munseyella sp. B Pectocythere pseudoamphidonta Hanai, 1957 P. cf. pseudoamphidonta Hanai, 1957 Pectocythere sp. 1 Subfamily Cytheropterinae Cytheropteron angulatum Brady et Robertson, 1872 C. arcticum Neale et Howe, 1973 C. cf. arcuatum (Brady, Crosskey et Robertson, 1874) s. Cronin et Ikeya, 1987 C. carolae Brouwers, 1994 C. chichagofense Brouwers, 1994 106  +        +         +  +  +               + Bering    +    + + Okhotsk   +  N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa                             C. cf. chichagofense Brouwers, 1994 C. cf. dimlingtonense Neale et Howe, 1973 C. cf. drybayense Brouwers, 1994 C. cf. elaeni Cronin, 1988 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 C. sp. cf. elaeni Cronin, 1988 s. Schornikov, 2004 C. eremitum Hanai, 1959 C. aff. eremitum Hanai, 1959 C. cf. eremitum Hanai, 1959 C. cf. foresteri Brouwers, 1994 C. furreri Hartmann, 1993 C. cf. furreri Hartmann, 1993 C. cf. lituyaense Brouwers, 1994 C. cf. miurense Hanai, 1957 C. pararcticum Whatley et Masson, 1979 C. sawanense Hanai, 1957 C. cf. sawanense Hanai, 1957 C. squirei Brouwers, 1994 C. cf. squirei Brouwers, 1994 C. suzdalskyi Lev, 1972 C. vernritchiense Brouwers, 1994 C. cf. vernritchiense Brouwers, 1994 C. yajimae Tabuki, 1986 C. cf. yajimae Tabuki, 1986 Cytheropteron sp. A Cytheropteron sp. AA Cytheropteron sp. AB Cytheropteron sp. AC Cytheropteron sp. B Cytheropteron sp. BA Cytheropteron sp. BB Cytheropteron sp. BC Cytheropteron sp. BD Cytheropteron sp. C Cytheropteron sp. CA Cytheropteron sp. CB Cytheropteron sp. CC Cytheropteron sp. CD Cytheropteron sp. CE Cytheropteron sp. D Cytheropteron sp. DA Cytheropteron sp. DB Cytheropteron sp. DC Cytheropteron sp. DD Cytheropteron sp. DE Cytheropteron sp. 1 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytheropteron sp. 3 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Cytheropteron sp. 4 Cytheropteron sp. 5 Cytheropteron sp. 6 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Cytheropteron sp. 7 Cytheropteron sp. 8 Cytheropteron sp. 9 Cytheropteron sp. 10 Cytheropteron? sp. Cytheropteron? sp. 1 Cytheropteron? sp. 2 Kangarina yamaguchii Tabuki, 1986 Kobayashiina hyalinosa Hanai, 1957 Lobosocytheropteron brastadense (Lord, 1981)                                      +                    Bering     N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa       107 L. discoveria (Brouwers, 1994) Rimacytheropteron sp. s. Schornikov et Sokolenko, 1999 Family Xestoleberididae Aspidoconcha sp. s. Aladin et Schornikov, 1986 Xestoleberis cf. bluemeli Hartmann, 1992 X. cf. depressa Sars, 1866 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 X. hanaii Ishizaki, 1968 X. iturupica Schornikov, 1974 X. opalescenta Schornikov, 1974 X. cf. opalescenta Schornikov, 1974 X. aff. setouchiensis Okubo, 1979 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Xestoleberis sp. A Xestoleberis sp. AA Xestoleberis sp. AB Xestoleberis sp. AC Xestoleberis sp. AD Xestoleberis sp. B Xestoleberis sp. BA Xestoleberis sp. BB Xestoleberis sp. BC Xestoleberis sp. 6 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Family Paradoxostomatidae Subfamily Cytheroisinae Cytherois sp. Cytherois sp. A s. Zenina et Schornikov, 2008 Cytherois sp. AA Cytherois sp. AB Cytherois sp. AC Cytherois sp. AD Cytherois sp. AE Cytherois sp. B Cytherois sp. BA Cytherois sp. BB Cytherois sp. BC Cytherois sp. BD Cytherois sp. BE Cytherois sp. C Cytherois sp. CA Cytherois sp. CB Cytherois sp. CC Cytherois sp. CD Cytherois sp. D Cytherois sp. DA Cytherois sp. DB Cytherois sp. DC Cytherois sp. DD Cytherois sp. DE Cytherois sp. E Cytherois sp. EA Cytherois sp. EB Cytherois sp. EC Cytherois sp. ED Cytherois sp. EE Cytherois sp. F Cytherois sp. FA Cytherois sp. FB Cytherois sp. FC Cytherois sp. FD Cytherois sp. FE 108 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids  + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +  + + +  + + +  + + +  +         +  +                                    Cytherois sp. 1 Cytherois sp. 2 Cytherois sp. 3 Cytherois sp. 4 Cytherois sp. 5 Cytherois sp. 6 Cytherois sp. 7 Cytherois sp. 8 Cytherois sp. 9 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Cytherois sp. 10 Cytherois sp. 11 Cytherois sp. 26 s. Schornikov et Zenina, 2007 Cytherois sp. 27 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherois sp. 28 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherois sp. 29 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherois sp. 30 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Cytherois sp. 31 Cytherois? sp. Cytherois (Orientocytherois) megapoda Schornikov, 1993 C. (O.) zosterae (Schornikov, 1975) Flabellicytherois bingoensis (Okubo, 1980) Flabellicytherois sp. 1 Violacytherois flavoviolacea Schornikov, 1993 V. violacea (Schornikov, 1974) V. sargassicola (Hiruta, 1976) Violacytherois? sp. Subfamily Paradoxostomatinae Acetabulastoma hyperboreum robustum Schornikov, 1970 A. kurilense Schornikov, 1970 A. longum Schornikov, 1970 A. obtusatum Schornikov, 1974 A. rhomboideum Schornikov, 1970 A. subrhomboideum Schornikov, 1974 Acetabulastoma sp. A Acetabulastoma sp. AA Acetabulastoma sp. AB Acetabulastoma sp. AC Acetabulastoma sp. AD Acetabulastoma sp. B Acetabulastoma sp. BA Acetabulastoma sp. BB Acetabulastoma sp. BC Arctostoma sp. 1 Arctostoma sp. 2 Boreostoma arcticum arcticum (Elofson, 1941) B. a. ochotense (Schornikov, 1974) B. coniforme (Kajiyama, 1913) B. aff. coniforme (Kajiyama, 1913) B. cf. coniforme (Kajiyama, 1913) s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 B. kunashiricum (Schornikov, 1974) B. kurilense (Schornikov, 1974) B. nigromaculatum (Schornikov, 1974) B. cf. nigromaculatum (Schornikov, 1974) B. pedale (Hiruta, 1975) B. aff. pedale (Hiruta, 1975) B. spineum (Hiruta, 1975) B. ussuricum (Schornikov, 1974) Boreostoma sp. A Boreostoma sp. AB + + + + +  + + +  +  + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk         +  S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   + +   + + + + +  + +            + + + +  + +    +  + + + + + +    + + + + 109 Boreostoma sp. AC Boreostoma sp. AD Boreostoma sp. B Boreostoma sp. BA Boreostoma sp. BC Boreostoma sp. BD Boreostoma sp. C Boreostoma sp. CA Boreostoma sp. CB Boreostoma sp. CC Boreostoma sp. CD Boreostoma sp. D Boreostoma sp. DA Boreostoma sp. 1 Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Boreostoma sp. 2 Boreostoma sp. 3 Boreostoma sp. 4 Boreostoma sp. 5 Boreostoma sp. 6 Boreostoma sp. 7 Boreostoma sp. 8 Boreostoma sp. 9 Brunneostoma brunneum (Schornikov, 1974) Brunneostoma sp. 3 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Echinophilus semilunaris Schornikov, 1973 Echinositus strongylocentroti Schornikov, 1973 Obesostoma obesum (Schornikov, 1974) O. cf. setosum (Okubo, 1977) s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Obesostoma sp. Paradoxostoma assimile Okubo, 1977 P. contendum Schornikov, 1974 P. aff. contendum Schornikov, 1974 P. cf. contendum Schornikov, 1974 P. ondae Schornikov, 1974 P. cf. ondae Schornikov, 1974 P. cf. oshoroense Hiruta, 1975 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 P. setoense Schornikov, 1975 P. cf. setoense Schornikov, 1975 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 P. sohni Okubo, 1980 P. cf. sohni Okubo, 1980 Paradoxostoma sp. s. Schornikov 1981 Paradoxostoma sp. A Paradoxostoma sp. AA Paradoxostoma sp. AB Paradoxostoma sp. AC Paradoxostoma sp. AD Paradoxostoma sp. AE Paradoxostoma sp. B Paradoxostoma sp. BA Paradoxostoma sp. BB Paradoxostoma sp. BC Paradoxostoma sp. BD Paradoxostoma sp. BE Paradoxostoma sp. BF Paradoxostoma sp. C Paradoxostoma sp. CA Paradoxostoma sp. CB Paradoxostoma sp. CC Paradoxostoma sp. CD 110            +           + + Bering Okhotsk  N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   + + + + +  +   +  +    + + + + +                         Paradoxostoma sp. CE Paradoxostoma sp. CF Paradoxostoma sp. E Paradoxostoma sp. EA Paradoxostoma sp. EB Paradoxostoma sp. EC Paradoxostoma sp. ED Paradoxostoma sp. EE Paradoxostoma sp. EF Paradoxostoma sp. F Paradoxostoma sp. FA Paradoxostoma sp. FB Paradoxostoma sp. FC Paradoxostoma sp. FD Paradoxostoma sp. FE Paradoxostoma sp. 1 Paradoxostoma sp. 2 Paradoxostoma sp. 3 Paradoxostoma sp. 4 Paradoxostoma sp. 5 Paradoxostoma sp. 6 Paradoxostoma sp. 7 Paradoxostoma sp. 8 Paradoxostoma sp. 9 Paradoxostoma sp. 10 Paradoxostoma sp. 11 Paradoxostoma sp. 12 Paradoxostoma sp. 13 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Paradoxostoma sp. 14 Paradoxostoma sp. 15 Paradoxostoma sp. 24 s. Schornikov in Lee et al., 2000 Paradoxostoma sp. 25 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Paradoxostoma sp. 26 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Paradoxostoma sp. 27 s. Schornikov et Chavtur, 2001 Paradoxostoma sp. 28 s. Schornikov 2006 Paradoxostoma? sp. s. Schornikov 2006 Paradoxostoma? sp. Paradoxostoma? sp. A Paradoxostoma? sp. B Paradoxostoma? sp. C Pontostoma honssuense (Schornikov, 1975) Xiphichilus? sp. Subfamily Paracytheroisinae Paracytherois sp. Paracytherois sp. A Paracytherois sp. AA Paracytherois sp. AB Paracytherois sp. AС Paracytherois sp. AD Paracytherois sp. AE Paracytherois sp. B Paracytherois sp. BA Paracytherois sp. BB Paracytherois sp. BС Paracytherois sp. BD Paracytherois sp. BE Paracytherois sp. C Paracytherois sp. CA Paracytherois sp. CB                       +          + + + + + +                     Bering  N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa     111 Paracytherois sp. CС Paracytherois sp. CD Paracytherois sp. CE Paracytherois sp. D Paracytherois sp. DA Paracytherois sp. DB Paracytherois sp. DC Paracytherois sp. DD Paracytherois sp. DE Paracytherois sp. E Paracytherois sp. EA Paracytherois sp. 1 Paracytherois sp. 2 Paracytherois sp. 3 Paracytherois sp. 4 Paracytherois sp. 5 Paracytherois sp. 6 Paracytherois sp. 7 s. Schornikov, 2001 Paracytherois sp. 8 Paracytherois sp. 9 Paracytherois sp. 11 Paracytherois sp. 12 Paracytherois sp. 13 Paracytherois sp. 14 Paracytherois sp. 15 Paracytherois sp. 16 Paracytherois sp. 17 Paracytherois sp. 18 Paracytherois sp. 19 Paracytherois sp. 20 Paracytherois sp. 21 Paracytherois sp. 22 Paracytherois sp. 23 Paracytherois sp. 24 Paracytherois sp. 25 Paracytherois sp. 26 Paracytherois sp. 27 Paracytherois sp. 28 Paracytherois sp. 29 Paracytherois sp. 30 Paracytherois sp. 31 Paracytherois sp. 32 Paracytherois sp. 33 Paracytherois sp. 34 Paracytherois sp. 35 Paracytherois sp. 36 Paracytherois sp. 37 Paracytherois? sp. A Paracytherois? sp. B Paracytherois? sp. C Paracytherois? sp. 1 Paracytherois? sp. 2 Family Paradoxostomatidae incertae sedis Redekea cf. perpusilla De Vos, 1953 s. Zenina et Schornikov, 2008 Subclass Myodocopa Compiled by V. G. Chavtur Order Myodocopida Suborder Myodocopina Family Cypridinidae 112 + +  +                     Bering Okhotsk                  N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa             N.M. Kuril Command Ids +  + + Bering Okhotsk + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Vargula norvegica orientalis Chavtur, 1983 Vargula sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Gigantocypris sp. (by: Chavtur) Azygocypridina birsteini (Rudjakovi, 1961) Azygocypridina sp. ( : Rudjakovi, 1961 Family Philomedidae Philomedes brevifiliformis Chavtur, 1983 Ph. brachystylus Chavtur, 1983 Ph. digitiformis Chavtur, 1983 Ph. hanaii Chavtur, 1983 Ph. longidentatus Chavtur, 1983 Ph. multidentatus Chavtur, 1983 Ph. sagittatus Chavtur, 1983 Ph. subarcuatus Chavtur, 1983 Ph. vitjaziensis Chavtur, 1983 Philomedes sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Euphilomedes nipponica Hiruta, 1976 Euphilomedes sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Igene curtus Chavtur, 1983 Scleroconcha ochotensis Chavtur, 1978 S. aff. ochotensis ( : Chavtur, 1978) S. rectangularis Chavtur, 1983 S. pavljuchkovi Chavtur, 1983 S. ruffi Kornicker, 1988 Scleroconcha sp. A (=sp. nov. by: Chavtur) S. lucasae Chavtur, 1983 Family Cylindroleberididae Bathyleberis kurilensis Chavtur, 1978 B. beringensis Kornicker, 1988 B. trix Kornicker, 1988 Bathyleberis sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Bathyleberis sp. B (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Bathyleberis sp. C (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Bathyleberis sp. D (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Bathyleberis sp. E (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Bathyleberis sp. F (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Bathyleberis sp. G (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Empoulsenia polythrix Chavtur, 1983 Empoulsenia sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Parasterope hirutai Chavtur, 1983 Parasterope sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Parasterope sp. B (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Parasterope sp. C (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Diasterope sp. (by: Chavtur, 1983) Cylindroleberis sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Cylindroleberis sp. B (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Order Halocyprida Suborder Cladocopina Family Polycopidae Polycope pseudoorbicularis Chavtur, 1977 P. gulbini Chavtur, 1981 P. bathyalis Chavtur, 1981 P. major Chavtur, 1981 Pseudopolycope krylatki (Chavtur, 1977) P.comandorica (Chavtur, 1979) P. intermedia (Chavtur, 1979) P. vitjazi Chavtur, 1981 P. shornikovi Chavtur, 1982 P. inermis Chavtur, 1982 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +  +  + +? + + + ?  + ? + +     + ?  + +        +  +  +?   + +? + + + + + + + + + 113 P. tessellata Chavtur, 1983 P. verhovskiensis Chavtur, 1983 Eupolycope putjatini (Chavtur, 1977) E. pseudoputjatini (Chavtur, 1977) E. kurilensis (Chavtur, 1977) E. pellucida Chavtur, 1979 E. orientalis Chavtur, 1983 E. parma Chavtur, 1983 Archypolycope bonaducei Chavtur, 1981 A. squalida Chavtur, 1981 A. rotunda Chavtur, 1981 A. cornea Chavtur, 1981 Micropolycope angulata (Chavtur, 1977) M. paramushiri (Chavtur, 1977) M. crassidentata (Chavtur, 1977) M. aliena Chavtur, 1982 M. multidentata Chavtur, 1983 M. triangulata Chavtur, 1983 Micropolycope sp. ( : Chavtur, 1983) Polycopiella microdentata (Chavtur, 1979) P. aspera (Chavtur, 1979) P. ampla Chavtur, 1983 P. angustiloba Chavtur, 1983 Polycopetta monneroni (Chavtur, 1979) P. curva (Chavtur, 1979) Polycopissa japonica (Chavtur, 1979) Parapolycopissa rossica (Chavtur, 1977) Parapolycope kunashiri Chavtur, 1977 Polycopsis pacifica Chavtur, 1977 P. compacta Chavtur, 1981 Metapolycope kornickeri Chavtur, 1979 M. echinata Chavtur, 1981 Suborder Halocyprina Family Halocyprididae Euconchoecia pacifica Chavtur, 1976 Bathyconchoecia pacifica Chavtur, 1977 Halocypria globosa Claus, 1874 Halocypris inflata (Dana, 1849) H. pelagica Claus, 1890 H. angustifrontalis Chavtur, 2008 Halocypretta parvirostrata Chavtur, 2008 Felia cornuta (Müller, 1906) F. bicornis (Müller, 1906) Archiconchoecia (Archiconchoecia) instriata Chavtur, 2003 A. (Archiconchoecia) propinqua Chavtur, 2003 A. (Archiconchoecidia) apertesulcata Chavtur, 2003 Archiconchoecilla maculata (Chavtur, 1977) Archiconchoecissa pljusnini Chavtur, 2003 Archiconchoecemma orientalis (Chavtur, 1987) Archiconchoecetta inventricosa Chavtur, 2003 Conchoecia hyalophyllum Claus, 1890 C. subarcuata Claus, 1890 C. rhombica Müller, 1906 C. magna Claus, 1874 C. lophura lophura Müller, 1906 Conchoecia sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Orthoconchoecia striola striola (Müller, 1906) O. haddoni (Brady&Norman, 1896) O. secernenda (Vavra, 1906) 114 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering  S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. O. atlantica (Lubbock, 1856) Discoconchoecia pseudodiscophora pseudodiscophora (Rudjakov, 1962) D. pseudodiscophora ssp. A (=ssp. nov., by: Chavtur) Alacia major (Rudjakov, 1962) A. valdiviae (Müller, 1906) Conchoecilla daphnoides daphnoides Claus, 1890 Microconchoecia curta (Lubbock, 1860) M. stigmatica (Müller, 1906) M. echinulata Claus, 1891 Conchoecissa sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Conchoecissa sp. B (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Porroecia spinirostris (Claus, 1874) P. porrecta porrecta (Claus, 1890) P. aff. porrecta porrecta (by: Chavtur) Loricoecia loricata (Claus, 1894) L. ctenophora (Müller, 1906) L. acutimarginata Chavtur, 1977 Conchoecetta acuminata Claus, 1890 Mollicia amblyposta (Müller, 1906) Paramollicia plactolycos (Müller, 1906) P. major (Müller, 1906) Gaussicia edentata (Müller, 1906) G. gaussi kurilensis (Rudjakov, 1962 Paraconchoecia mamillata (Müller, 1906) P. brachyaskos (Müller, 1906) P. aequiseta (Müller, 1906) P. vitjazi (Rudjakov, 1962) P. oblonga Claus, 1890 P. spinifera (Müller, 1906) P. cophopiga (Müller, 1906) P. allotherium (Müller, 1906) P. decipiens (Müller, 1906) Paraconchoecia sp. A (=sp. nov., by: Chavtur) Proceroecia procera (Müller, 1906) P. macroprocera (Angel, 1970) Metaconchoecia alta Chavtur, 2003 M. longiseta Chavtur, 2003 M. crassiseta Chavtur, 2003 M. ampla Chavtur, 2003 Muelleroecia glandulosa (Müller, 1906) Vitjazioecia goodayi (Chavtur, 1987) Deeveyoecia bathyrotundata (Chavtur, 1977) Juroecia abyssalis (Rudjkov, 1962) J. distoglandula Chavtur, Angel, 2011 CLASS MALACOSTRACA Subclass Phyllocarida Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Order Leptostraca Family Nebaliidae Nebalia bipes (Fabricius, 1780) N. hessleri Martin, Vetter et Cash-Clark, 1996 Subclass Hoplocarida Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Order Stomatopoda Suborder Unipeltata Superfamily SQUILLOIDEA Family Squillidae Oratosquilla oratoria (De Haan, 1844) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 115 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa Subclass Eumalacostraca Superorder Eucarida Order Euphausiacea Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Family Bentheuphausiidae Benteuphausia amblyops G.O.Sars, 1883 Family Euphausiidae Euphausia pacifica Hansen, 1911 Tessarabrachion oculatus Hansen, 1911 Thysanopoda cornuta Illig, 1905 Thysanoessa longipes Brandt, 1851 T. inspinata Nemoto, 1963 T. inermis (Krøyer, 1846) T. raschii (M.Sars, 1864) Order Decapoda Suborder Dendrobranchiata Compiled by V. A. Spiridonov Family Aristeidae Hemipenaeus spinidorsalis Bate, 1881 Plesiopenaeus armatus Bate, 1881 Family Benthesicymidae Bentheogennema borealis (Rathbun, 1902) Family Luciferidae Lucifer sp. Family Sergestidae Eusergestes similis (Hansen, 1903) Suborder Pleocyemata Infraorder Caridea Family Acanthephyridae Acanthephyra quadrispinosa Kemp, 1939 Hymenodora glacialis (Buchholz, 1874) H. frontalis Rathbun, 1902 Family Alpheidae Alpheus japonicus Miers, 1879 A. brevicristatus De Haan, 1844 A. vladivostokiensis (Vinogradov, 1951) Betaeus laevifrons Vinogradov, 1951 Family Atyidae Paratya borealis Volk, 1938 Family Crangonidae Argis crassa (Rathbun, 1902) A. dentata (Rathbun, 1902) A. lar (Owen, 1839) A. ochotensis kamtschatica Sokolov, 2001 A. ochotensis ochotensis Komai, 1997 A. ovifer (Rathbun, 1902) A. toyamensis (Yokoya, 1933) Crangon alaskensis Lockington, 1877 C. amurensis Brashnikov, 1907 C. cassiope De Man, 1906 C. dallii Rathbun, 1902 C. propinquus Stimpson, 1860 C. septemspinosa Say, 1818 C. uritai Hayashi, Kim, 1999 Mesocrangon asiaticus (Kobjakova, 1955) M. intermedia (Stimpson, 1860)  freshwater, from the lower stream of Ulunchi river 116 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + M. volki Birstein, Vinogradov, 1953 M. laevis (Yokoya, 1933) M. monodon (Birstein, Vinogradov, 1951) M. ochotensis (Kobjakova, 1955) M. robusta (Kobjakova, 1935) M. variabilis (Rathbun, 1902) Neocrangon abyssorum (Rathbun, 1902) N. communis Rathbun, 1902 Paracrangon echinata Dana, 1852 Rhynocrangon alata (Rathbun, 1902) Rh. sharpi (Ortmann, 1895) Sclerocrangon boreas (Phipps, 1774) S. derjugini Kobjakova, 1937 S. ferox G.O. Sars, 1877 S. igarashii Komai, Amaoka, 1991 S. salebrosa (Owen, 1839) S. zenkevitchi Birstein, Vinogradov, 1953 Family Hippolytidae Birulia sachalinensis Brashnikov, 1907 Eualus avinus (Rathbun, 1899) E. barbatus (Rathbun, 1899) E. biungius (Rathbun E. bulychevae Kobjakova, 1955 E. fabricii (Kroyer, 1841) E. gaimardii belcheri (Bell, 1855) E. gracilirostris (Stimpson, 1860) E. leptognathus (Stimpson, 1860) E. lindbergi Kobjakova, 1955 E. macilentus (Kroyer, 1841) E. middendorffi (Brashnikov, 1907) E. pusiolus (Kroyer, 1841) E. ratmanovi Makarov, 1941 E. suckleyi (Stimpson, 1864) E. townsendi (Rathbun, 1902) Heptacarpus brevirostris (Dana, 1852) H. camtschaticus (Stimpson, 1860) H. flexa (Rathbun, 1899) Heptacarpus geniculata longirostris (Kobjakova, 1937) H. grebnitzkii (Rathbun, 1902) H. rectirostris (Stimpson, 1860) Latreutes planirostris (De Haan, 1844) syn. L. foliirostris Kobjakova, 1936 Lebbeus brandti (Brashnikov , 1907) L. brevipes (Kobjakova, 1936) L. fasciatus (Makarov in Kobjakova, 1936) L. grandimanus (Brashnikov, 1907) L. groenlandicus (Fabricius, 1775) L. heterochaelus (Kobjakova, 1936) L. longidactylus (Kobjakova, 1936) L. longipes (Kobjakova, 1936) L. polaris (Sabine, 1821) L. posjeticus Kobjakova, 1967 L. schrencki (Brashnikov, 1907) L. speciosus (Urita, 1942) L. spinirostris (Kobjakova, 1936) L. unalashkensis unalashkensis (Rathbun, 1902) L. unalashkensis ochotensis (Kobjakova, 1937) L. unalashkensis japonica (Kobjakova, 1936a) L. ushakovi (Kobjakova, 1936) Lysmata vittata (Stimpson, 1860) Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 117  estuaries estuaries, lagoons ** 118 + + Okhotsk Bering + + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Spirontocaris arcuata Rathbun, 1902 S. arcuatoides Kobjakova, 1962 S. brashnikovi Kobjakova, 1936 S. brevidigitata Kobjakova, 1935 S. dalli Rathbun, 1902 S. gurjanovae Kobjakova, 1955 S. intermedia Makarov in Kobjakova, 1936 S. lamellicornis (Dana, 1852) S. microdentatus Kobjakova, 1962 S. murdochi Rathbun, 1902 S. ochotensis ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) syn. S. makarovi makarovi Kobjakova, 1936; S. makarovi spatula Kobjakova,1936 S. ochotensis mororani Rathbun, 1902 S. phippsii (Kroyer, 1841) S. prionota (Stimpson, 1864) S. spinus (Sowerby, 1805) syn. S. spina laevidens Kobjakova, 1936 S. urupensis Kobjakova, 1962 Family Pandalidae Pandalina profunda Holthuis, 1946 Pandalopsis coccinata Urita, 1941 P. dispar Rathbun, 1902 P. glabra Kobjakova, 1936 P. japonica Balss, 1914 P. lamelligera Brandt, 1851 P. miyakei Hayashi, 1986 P. multidentata Kobjakova, 1936 P. ochotensis Kobjakova, 1936 Pandalopsis pacifica (Doflein, 1902) P. punctata Kobjakova, 1936 P. spinosior Hanamura, Khono & Sakaji, 2000 P. zarenkovi Ivanov & Sokolov, 2001 Pandalus borealis eous Makarov, 1935 P. goniurus Stimpson, 1860 P. jordani Rathbun, 1902 P. hypsinotus (Brandt, 1851) P. ivanovi Komai, Eletskaya, 2008 P. latirostris Rathbun, 1902 P. platyceros Brandt, 1851 P. prensor Stimpson, 1860 (syn. P. meridionalis (Balss, 1914)) P. tridens Rathbun, 1902 Family Palaemonidae Palaemon macrodactylus Rathbun, 1902 P. paucidens (De Haan, 1844)** Family Pasiphaeidae Pasiphaea pacifica Rathbun, 1902 P. princeps Smith, 1884 P. tarda Kroyer, 1845 Infraorder Gebiidea Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Family Upogebiidae Upogebia isaeffi (Balss, 1913) U. major (De Haan, 1839) U. yokoyai Makarov, 1938 Infraorder Axiidea Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Family Axiidae Allaxius princeps (Boas, 1880) Calocarides amurensis (Kobjakova, 1937) C. quinqueseriatus Rathbun, 1902 Family Calianassidae Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Bouvier, 1901) N. petalura (Stimpson, 1860) N. japonica (Ortmann, 1891) Infraorder Anomura Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Superfamily GALATHEOIDEA Family Munidopsidae Munidopsis antonii (Filhol, 1884) (=M. beringana Benedict, 1903) M. petalorhyncha Baba, 2005 (=M. subsquamata latimana Birstein et Zarenkov, 1970) Family Porcellanidae Pachycheles stevensii Stimpson, 1858 Superfamily HIPPOIDEA Family Blepharipodidae Lophomastix japonica (Durufle, 1889) Superfamily PAGUROIDEA Family Diogenidae Areopaguristes nigroapiculus (Komai, 2009) Paguristes ortmanni Miyake, 1978 Diogenes nitidimanus Terao, 1913 D. penicilatus Stimpson, 1858 Family Paguridae Discorsopagurus maclaughlinae Komai, 1995 Elassochirus cavimanus (Miers, 1879) E. gilli (Benedict, 1892) E. tenuimanus (Dana, 1851) Labidochirus anomalus (Balss, 1913) L. splendescens (Owen, 1839) Orthopagurus minimus (Holmes, 1900) Pagurus brachiomastus (Thallwitz, 1892) P. brandti (Benedict, 1892) P. capillatus (Benedict, 1892) P. cornutus (Benedict, 1892) P. gracilipes (Stimpson, 1858) P. hirsutiusculus (Dana, 1851) P. lanuginosus De Haan, 1849 P. mertensii Brandt, 1851 P. middendorffii Brandt, 1851 P. minutus Hess, 1865 (=P. dubius (Ortmann, 1892)) P. ochotensis Brandt, 1851 P. parvispina Komai, 1997 P. pectinatus (Stimpson, 1858) P. proximus Komai, 2000 P. rathbuni (Benedict, 1892) P. trigonocheirus (Stimpson, 1858) P. undosus (Benedict, 1892) Family Parapaguridae Parapagurus pilosimanus Smith, 1879 Superfamily LITHODOIDEA Family Hapalogastridae Dermaturus mandtii Brandt, 1850 Oedignathus inermis (Stimpson, 1860) Hapalogaster dentata (De Haan, 1849) H. grebnitzkii Schalfeew, 1892 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 119  + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + +? + + + +? + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Compiled by I. N. Marin Family Dromiidae Paradromia japonica (Henderson, 1888) Family Dorippidae Paradorippe granulata (De Haan, 1841) Family Portunidae Charybdis (Charybdis) japonica (A. Milne-Edwards, 1861) Portunus (Portunus) sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783) Family Cancridae Glebocarcinus amphioetus (Rathbun, 1898) Family Macrophthalmidae Tritodynamia rathbunae Shen, 1932 Family Camptandriidae Deiratonotus cristatum (de Man, 1895) Family Epialtidae Pugettia quadridens (De Haan, 1839) Pisoides bidentatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1873) Family Varunidae Sestrostoma balssi (Shen, 1932) Helice tridens (De Haan, 1835) Gaetice depressus (De Haan, 1833) Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853 E. japonica (De Haan, 1835) Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan, 1835) H. sanguineus (De Haan, 1835) H. longitarsis (Miers, 1879) H. takanoi Asakura & Watanbe, 2005 Family Trichopeltariidae Trichopeltarion balssi (Rathbun, 1932)  Family Cheiragonidae Erimacrus isenbeckii (Brandt, 1848) Telmessus cheiragonus (Tilesius, 1812) T. acutidens (Stimpson, 1848) Family Oregoniidae Hyas alutaceus Brandt, 1851 H. ursinus Rathbun, 1924 H. lyratus Dana, 1851 H. coarctatus Leach, 1816 Chionoecetes opilio (Fabricius, 1788) Ch. angulatus Rathbun, 1924 Ch. bairdi Rathbun, 1924 Ch. japonicus Rathbun, 1932 Ch. tanneri Rathbun, 1893 S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Family Lithodidae Lithodes aequispinus Benedict 1895 L. couesi Benedict, 1895 Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815) P. brevipes (Milne Edwards et Lucas, 1841) P. platypus (Brandt, 1850) Paralomis multispina (Benedict, 1895) P. verilli (Benedict, 1895) Sculptolithodes derjugini Makarov, 1934 Infraorder Brachyura Japan Taxa + + + + + +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + +  + +? +? +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + +? + + + + + + + very likely forms a pair of sibling species with H. takanoi around the habitat of the last according to Article of Asakura, A. & Watanabe, S., 2005. "Hemigrapsus takanoi, new species, a sibling species of the common Japanese intertidal crab H. penicillatus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsoidea)". Journal of Crustacean Biology, 25 (2): 279-292.  deepwater species collected in the southern part of the Sea of Japan. Copies are housed in the collections of Japanese museums (unpublished). 120 Bering + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. N.M. Kuril Command Ids Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Suborder Lophogastrida Family Gnathophausiidae Neognathophausia gigas (Willemoes-Suhm, 1873) Family Eucopiidae Eucopia australis Dana, 1852 E. grimaldii Nouvel, 1942 Order Mysida Compiled by V. V. Petryashov Suborder Petalophthalmida Family Petalophthalmidae Petalophthalmus armiger Willemoes-Suhm, 1874 Ceratomysis spinosa Faxon, 1893 Hansenomysis fyllae (Hansen, 1888) H. armata Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 H. rostrata Birstein et Tchindonova, 1970 H. violacea (Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958) Suborder Mysida Family Boreomysidae Birsteiniamysis inermis (Willemoes-Suhm, 1874) Boreomysis arctica (Krøyer, 1861) B. brucei W.M.Tattersall, 1914 B. californica Ortmann, 1894 B. curtirostris Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 B. fragilis Hansen, 1912 B. latipes Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 B. longispina Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 B. macrophthalma Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 B. plebeja Hansen, 1910 B. semicaeca Hansen, 1905 B. sibogae Hansen, 1910 B. vanhoeffeni Zimmer, 1914 Family Mysidae Subfamily Gastrosaccinae Archaeomysis grebnitzkii Czerniavsky, 1882 A. grebnitzkii articulata (Hanamura, 1997) A. ochotensis Hanamura, 1997 Subfamily Erythropinae Caesaromysis hispida Ortmann, 1893 Holmesiella anomala Ortmann, 1908 Parerythrops? affinis Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 Meterythrops robustus Smith, 1879 M. microphthalmus W.M.Tattersall, 1951 Meterythrops sp. aff. Murano, 1977 Teraterythrops robusta (Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958) Hyperamblyops nana Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 Dactylamblyops solivaga Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 D. laticauda Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 Okhotsk Oregonia kurilensis (Kobjakova, 1962) O. gracilis Dana, 1851 O. bifurca Rathbun, 1902 Family Pinnotheridae Pinnixa rathbuni Sakai, 1934 P. tumida Stimpson, 1858 Pinnaxodes mutuensis Sakai, 1939 P. major Ortmann, 1894 Sakaina yokoyai (Glassell, 1933) Superorder Peracarida Order Lophogastrida Japan Taxa + + + + + +? + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 121 15 N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk    S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Paramblyops globorostris Birstein et Tchindonova, 1970 Amblyops abbreviata (M.Sars, 1869) A. magna Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 A. aequispina Birstein et Tchindonova, 1958 Amblyopsoides ohlini (W.M.Tattersall, 1951) A. crozetii (Willemoes-Suhm in MS) (G.O.Sars, 1885) Pseudomma truncatum Smith, 1879 P. okiyamai Murano, 1974 P. izuensis Murano, 1966 Subfamily Mysinae Inusitatomysis insolita Ii, 1940 Mysis oculata (Fabricius, 1780) Xenacanthomysis pseudomacropsis (W.M.Tattersall, 1933) Stilomysis grandis (Goës, 1864) S. major W. M. Tattersall, 1951 Disacanthomysis dybowskii (Derjavin, 1913) Neomysis rayii (Murdoch, 1883) N. awatschensis (Brandt, 1851) N. nigra Nakazawa, 1910 N. czerniavskii Derjavin, 1913 N. mirabilis (Czerniavsky, 1882) Boreoacanthomysis schrencki (Czerniavsky, 1882) Hemiacanthomysis dimorpha Ii, 1936 Exacanthomysis stelleri (Derjavin, 1913) E. borealis (Banner, 1954) Paracanthomysis shikhotaniensis Petryashov, 1983 P. kurilensis Ii, 1936 Subfamily Mysidellinae Mysidella orientalis Murano, 2002 Order Amphipoda Suborder Hyperiidea Compiled by T. N. Semenova15 Infraorder Physosomata Family Archaeoscinidae Archaeoscina steenstrupi (Bovallius, 1885) Family Lanceolidae Lanceola sayana Bovallius, 1885 L. pacifica Stebbing, 1889 L. falsa Vinogradov, 1970 L. loveni loveni Bovallius, 1885 L. serrata Bovallius, 1885. L. laticarpa Vinogradov, 1957 L. clausi clausi Bovallius, 1885 L. clausi gracilis Vinogradov, 1956 L. sphaerica Vinogradov, 1970 L. chelifera Vinogradov, 1970 Scypholanceola aestiva (Stebbing, 1888) S. agassizi Woltereck, 1909 Prolanceola vibiliformis Woltereck, 1907 Family Chuneolidae Chuneola paradoxa Woltereck, 1909 C. majorVinogradov, 1957 Family Microphasmidae Mimonecteola beebei Shoemaker, 1945 Microphasma agassizi Woltereck, 1909 Family Mimonectidae Japan Taxa + + + + + +  + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled by T. N. Semenova after Vinogradov, Volkov, Semenova, 1982, and on the basis of unpublished original and literature data. 122 Mimonectes sphaericus Bovallius, 1885 M. loveni Bovallius, 1885 Family Proscinidae Proscina stephenseni (Pirlot, 1929) P. birsteini Vinogradov, 1956 Family Scinidae Scina crassicornis (Fabricius, 1775) S. curilensis curilensis Vinogradov, 1956 S. incerta Chevreux, 1900 S. borealis (G. O. Sars, 1882) S. spinosa Vosseler, 1901 S. stebbingi Chevreux, 1919 S. submarginata Tattersall, 1906 S. rattrayi keilhacki Wagler, 1926 S. wolterecki Wagler, 1926 S. wagleri wagleri Behning, 1939 S. wagleri abyssalis Vinogradov, 1957 S. pusilla Chevreux, 1919 S. typhlops Wagler, 1926 S. chelata Vinogradov, 1970 Ctenoscina brevicaudata Wagler, 1926 C. macrocarpa (Chevreux, 1905) Spinoscina spinosa (Chevreux, 1914) Infraorder Physocephalata Family Vibiliidae Vibilia propinqua Stebbing, 1888 V. viatrix Bovallius, 1887 V. caeca Bulycheva, 1955 Family Paraphronimidae Paraphronima crassipes Claus, 1879 Family Hyperiidae Hyperia galba (Montagu, 1815) H. medusarum (O.F.Müller, 1776) H. spinigera Bovallius, 1889 Hyperoche medusarum (Krøyer,1838) Themisto japonica (Bovallius, 1887) T. pacifica (Stebbing, 1888) T. libellula (Lichtenstein, 1822) Family Phronimidae Phronima sedentaria (Forskål, 1775) Family Phrosinidae Phrosina semilunata (Risso, 1922) Primno macropa Guérin-Méneville, 1836 Suborder Gammaridea Compiled by V. L. Dzhurinskyi16 Family Acanthonotozomatidae Stebbing, 1906 Genus Acanthonotozoma Boeck, 1876 Acanthonotozoma inflatum (Krøyer, 1842) A. monodentatum Kudrjashov, 1965 A. serratum (O. Fabricius, 1780) Family Amathillopsidae Pirlot, 1934 Genus Amathillopsis Heller, 1875 Amathillopsis pacificus Gurjanova, 1955 Family Acidostomatidae Lowry et Stoddart, 2012 16 + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Classification only at family level is attempted here. This classification only validates the various families but does not try to organise them into higher groups (see Barnard & Karaman, 1991). For some families used the articles of recent years (Berge & Vader, 2001; Krapp-Shikel & Jarett, 2000; Lowry & Stoddart, 2002, 2010, 2011, 2012; Lowry & DeBroyer, 2008; Myers & Lowry, 2003; Stoddart & Lowry, 2004, 2010, 2012). 123 Genus Acidostoma Lilljeborg, 1865 Acidostoma molarifera Margulis, 1963 A. pectinata Gurjanova, 1962 Family Alicellidae Lowry et De Broyer, 2008 Genus Paralicella Chevreux, 1908 Paralicella fusiformis (Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955) Family Ampeliscidae Krøyer, 1842 Genus Ampelisca Krøyer, 1842 Ampelisca birulai Brüggen, 1909 A. eoa Gurjanova, 1951 A. eschrichti Krøyer, 1842 A. furcigera Bulycheva, 1936 A. macrocephala Lilljeborg, 1852 Genus Byblis Boeck, 1871 Byblis erythrops G. O. Sars, 1883 B. gaimardii (Krøyer, 1846) B. longicornis G. O. Sars, 1891 B. setosus Kudrjashov, 1965 Genus Haploops Lilljeborg, 1856 Haploops laevis Hoeck, 1882 H. setosa Boeck, 1871 H. tubicola Lilljeborg, 1855 Family Amphilochidae Boeck, 1871 Genus Amphilochus Bate, 1862 Amphilochus neapolitanus Della Valle, 1893 Genus Gitanopsis G. O. Sars, 1892 Gitanopsis arctica G.O. Sars, 1892 G. inermis (G. O. Sars, 1882) Family Ampithoidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Ampithoe Leach, 1814 Ampithoe dalli Shoemaker, 1938 A. djakonovi Gurjanova, 1938 A. kussakini Gurjanova, 1955 A. lacertosa Bate, 1858 A. rubricata (Montagu, 1808) A. rubricatoides Shoemaker, 1938 A. simulans Aldeman, 1936 A. tarasovi Bulycheva, 1952 A. valida Smith, 1873 A. valida shimizuensis Stephensen, 1944 A. volki Gurjanova, 1938 A. zachsi Gurjanova, 1938 Genus Peramphithoe Conlan et Bousfield, 1982 Peramphithoe annenkovae (Gurjanova, 1938) P. eoa (Brüggen, 1907) P. lindbergi (Gurjanova, 1938) P. mea (Gurjanova, 1938) Family Aoridae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Aora Krøyer, 1845 Aora typica Krøyer, 1845 Genus Aoroides Walker, 1898 Aoroides secunda Gurjanova, 1938 Genus Arctolembos Myers, 1979 Arctolembos arcticus (Hansen, 1887) Genus Autonoe Bruzelius, 1859 Autonoe longipes (Lilljeborg, 1852) Genus Grandidierella Coutière, 1904 Grandidierella japonica Stephensen, 1938 Family Argissidae Walker, 1904 124 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Genus Argissa Boeck, 1871 Argissa hamatipes (Norman, 1869) Family Aristiidae Lowry et Stoddart, 1997 Genus Aristias Boeck, 1871 Aristias curtipes Gurjanova, 1962 A. japonicus Gurjanova, 1962 A. microps G. O. Sars, 1895 A. spinipes Gurjanova, 1962 A. tumidus (Krøyer, 1846) Family Atylidae Lilljeborg, 1865 Genus Anatylus Bulycheva, 1955 Anatylus pavlovskii Bulycheva, 1955 Genus Atylus Leach, 1815 Atylus atlassovi (Gurjanova, 1951) A. brüggeni (Gurjanova, 1938) A. carinatus (O. Fabricius, 1793) A. collingi (Gurjanova, 1938) A. ekmani (Gurjanova, 1938) A. rylovi (Bulycheva, 1952) Family Biancolinidae J.L. Barnard, 1972 Genus Biancolina Della Valle, 1893 Biancolina obtusata Tzvetkova, 1976 B. obtusata sachalinensis Tzvetkova et Kudrjashov, 1985 Family Calliopiidae G. O. Sars, 1895 Genus Apherusa Walker, 1891 Apherusa retovskii Gurjanova, 1934 Genus Calliopius Lilljeborg, 1865 Calliopius behringi Gurjanova, 1951 C. laeviusculus (Krøyer, 1838) Genus Halirages Boeck, 1871 Halirages fulvocinctus (M. Sars, 1858) H. nilssoni Ohlin, 1895 Genus Laothoes Boeck, 1871 Laothoes macrocheir Oldevig, 1959 Genus Leptamphopus G. O. Sars, 1895 Leptamphopus sarsi Vanhöffen, 1897 Genus Paracalliopiella Tzvetkova et Kudrjaschov, 1975 Paracalliopiella bungei (Gurjanova, 1951) P. litoralis (Gurjanova, 1938) P. pacifica Tzvetkova et Kudrjashov, 1975 Genus Weyprechtia Stuxberg, 1880 Weyprechtia heuglini (Buchholz, 1874) W. pinguis (Krøyer, 1838) Family Caprellidae Leach, 1814 Genus Caprella Lamarck, 1801 Caprella acanthogaster Mayer, 1890 C. acutifrons Latreille, 1816 C. advena Vassilenko, 1974 C. algaceus Vassilenko, 1967 C. angulosa Mayer, 1903 C. astericola Jankowski et Vassilenko, 1973 C. bacillus Mayer, 1903 C. bispinosa Mayer, 1890 C. borealis Mayer, 1903 C. carina Mayer, 1903 C. clavigera Vassilenko, 1974 C. constantina Mayer, 1903 C. cristibrachium Mayer, 1903 C. danilevskii Czernjavskii, 1868 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + 125 126 + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk Bering + + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + +? + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. C. drepanochir Mayer, 1890 C. excelsa Vassilenko, 1974 C. eximia Mayer, 1890 C. gracillima Mayer, 1890 C. irregularis Mayer, 1890 C. japonica (Schurin, 1935) C. kincaidi Holmes, 1904 C. kröyeri De Haan, 1849 C. laevis (Schurin, 1935) C. laeviuscula Mayer, 1903 C. linearis (Linnaeus, 1767) C. lukini Vassilenko, 1974 C. media Vassilenko, 1974 C. mixta Mayer, 1903 C. mutica Schurin, 1937 C. oxyarthra Vassilenko, 1974 C. parapaulina Vassilenko, 1974 C. paulina Mayer, 1903 C. penantis Leach, 1814 C. polyacantha Utinomi, 1947 C. scaura Templeton, 1836 C. scaura diceros Mayer, 1890 C. septentrionalis Krøyer, 1838 C. simplex Mayer, 1890 C. subtilis Mayer, 1903 C. tsugarensis Utinomi, 1947 Genus Cercops Krøyer, 1843 Cercops draconi Vassilenko, 1972 Genus Metacaprella Mayer, 1903 Metacaprella horrida (G.O. Sars, 1877) Genus Pseudocercops Vassilenko, 1972 Pseudocercops armatus Vassilenko, 1974 Genus Tritella Mayer, 1890 Tritella pilimana Mayer, 1890 Family Caprogammaridae Kudrjaschov et Vassilenko, 1966 Genus Caprogammarus Kudrjaschov et Vassilenko, 1966 Caprogammarus gurjanovae Kudrjashov et Vassilenko, 1966 C. micropleopodus Vassilenko, 1977 Family Cebocaridae Lowry et Stoddart, 2011 Genus Paracyphocaris Chevreux, 1905 Paracyphocaris brevicornis Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Metacyclocaris Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Metacyclocaris polycheles Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Family Ceinidae J.L. Barnard, 1972 Genus Ceinina Stephensen, 1933 Ceinina japonica Stephensen, 1933 Family Colomastigidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Colomastix Grube, 1861 Colomastix japonica Bulycheva, 1955 Family Corophiidae Leach, 1814 Genus Apocorophium Bousfield et Hoover, 1997 Apocorophium acutum (Chevreux, 1908) Genus Cheirimedeia J.L. Barnard, 1962 Cheirimedeia dulkeiti (Gurjanova, 1951) C. gurjanovae (Bulycheva, 1951) C. macrocarpa (Bulycheva, 1952) C. palmata (Bulycheva, 1952) Genus Crassicorophium Bousfield et Hoover, 1997 Crassicorophium bonellii (Milne Edwards, 1830) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering C. crassicorne (Bruzelius, 1859) Genus Monocorophium Bousfield et Hoover, 1997 Monocorophium acherusicum (Costa, 1853) M. steinegeri (Gurjanova, 1951) M. uenoi (Stephensen, 1932) Genus Pareurystheus Tzvetkova, 1977 Pareurystheus anamae (Gurjanova, 1952) P. dentatus (Holmes, 1909) P. gurjanovae Tzvetkova, 1977 P. latipes Tzvetkova, 1977 P. sexdentata (Stephensen, 1944) Genus Protomedeia Krøyer, 1842 Protomedeia articulata J.L. Barnard, 1962 P. chelata Kudrjaschov, 1965 P. coeca Bulycheva, 1952 P. epimerata Bulycheva, 1952 P. fasciata Krøyer, 1842 P. fasciatoides Bulycheva, 1952 P. grandimana Brüggen, 1905 P. microdactyla Bulycheva, 1952 P. popovi Gurjanova, 1951 P. stephenseni ochotensa Kudrjaschov, 1965 Family Cyphocarididae Lowry et Stoddart, 1997 Genus Cyphocaris Boeck, 1871 Cyphocaris anonyx Boeck, 1871 C. challengeri Stebbing, 1888 C. richardi Chevreux, 1905 Family Dexaminidae Leach, 1814 Genus Dexamine Leach, 1814 Dexamine spiniventris (Costa, 1853) Genus Guernea Chevreux, 1887 Subgenus Guernea Chevreux, 1887 Guernea (Guernea) coalita (Norman, 1868) G. (Guernea) quadrispinosa Stephensen, 1944 Subgenus Prinassus Chevreux, 1887 G. (Prinassus) nordenskioldi (Hansen, 1888) Genus Paradexamine Stebbing, 1899 Paradexamine fraudatrix Tzvetkova, 1976 Genus Polycheria Haswell, 1879 Polycheria japonica Bulycheva, 1952 Family Dogielinotidae Gurjanova, 1953 Genus Allorchestes Dana, 1849 Allorchestes angusta Dana, 1856 A. bellabella J.L. Barnard, 1974 A. carinata Iwasa, 1939 A. malleolus Stebbing, 1899 Genus Dogielinoides Bousfield, 1982 Dogielinoides golikovi (Kudrjaschov, 1979) Genus Dogielinotus Gurjanova, 1953 Dogielinotus moskvitini (Derzhavin, 1930) Genus Haustorioides Oldevig, 1958 Haustorioides gurjanovae Bousfield et Tzvetkova, 1982 H. magnus Bousfield et Tzvetkova, 1982 H. munsterhjelmi Oldevig, 1958 Genus Najna Derzhavin, 1937 Najna consiliorum Derzhavin, 1937 Family Dulichiidae Laubitz, 1983 Genus Dulichia Krøyer, 1845 Dulichia falcata (Bate, 1857) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 127 17 According to N. L. Tzvetkova, 1975. 128 + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. D. spinosissima Krøyer, 1845 Genus Dyopedos Bate, 1857 Dyopedos knipowitschi (Gurjanova, 1933) D. monacanthus (Metzger, 1875) D. spinosus (Stephensen, 1944) Family Epimeriidae Boeck, 1871 Genus Epimeria Costa, 1851 Epimeria pacifica Gurjanova, 1955 Genus Paramphithoe Bruzelius, 1859 Paramphithoe buchholzi buchholzi (Stebbing, 1888) P. buchholzi pacifica Gurjanova, 1951 P. buchholzi vafer Gurjanova, 1972 P. concinna Gurjanova, 1972 P. polyacantha polyacantha (Murdoch, 1885) Genus Uschakoviella Gurjanova, 1955 Uschakoviella echinophora echinophora Gurjanova, 1955 U. echinophora abyssalis Gurjanova, 1955 Family Eurytheneidae Stoddart et Lowry, 2004 Genus Eurythenes S.I. Smith, 1882 Eurythenes gryllus Lichtenstein, 1822 Family Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888 Genus Cleonardo Stebbing, 1888 Cleonardo longipes Stebbing, 1888 C. macrocephala Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Eusirella Chevreux, 1908 Eusirella multicalceola (Thorsteinson, 1941) Genus Eusirus Krøyer, 1845 Eusirus cuspidatus Krøyer, 1845 Genus Eusirogenes Stebbing, 1904 Eusirogenes homocarpus Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Meteusiroides Pirlot, 1934 Meteusiroides plumipes Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Pareusirogenes Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Pareusirogenes carinatus Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Rhachotropis S.I. Smith, 1883 Rhachotropis aculeata Lepechin, 1780 R. distincta Holmes, 1908 R. grimaldii Chevreux, 1887 R. helleri (Boeck, 1871) R. inflata (G.O. Sars, 1882) R. macropus G.O. Sars, 1893 R. natator Holmes, 1908 R. oculata (Hansen, 1887) Family Hirondelleidae Lowry et Stoddart, 2010 Genus Hirondellea Chevreux, 1889 Hirondellea gigas (Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955) Family Gammaridae Leach, 1814 Genus AnisogammarusDerzhavin, 192717 Subenus Anisogammarus Derzhavin, 1927 Anisogammarus (Anisogammarus) macginitiei Shoemaker, 1955 Subgenus Eogammarus Birstein, 1933 A. (Eogammarus) aestuariorum Tzvetkova, 1972 A. (Eogammarus) barbatus Tzvetkova, 1965 A. (Eogammarus) kygi (Derzhavin, 1923) A. (Eogammarus) locustoides Brandt, 1851 A. (Eogammarus) makarovi (Bulycheva, 1952) A. (Eogammarus) possjeticus Tzvetkova, 1968 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering A. (Eogammarus) pugettensis (Dana, 1853) A. (Eogammarus) schmidti (Derzhavin, 1927) A. (Eogammarus) tiuschovi (Derzhavin, 1927) Subgenus Spinulogammarus Tzvetkova, 1972 A. (Spinulogammarus) annandalei (Tattersall, 1922) A. (Spinulogammrus) atchensis (Brandt, 1851) A. (Spinulogammarus) jessoensis Schellenberg, 1937 A. (Spinulogammarus) ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) A. (Spinulogammarus) spasskii (Bulycheva, 1952) A. (Spinulogammarus) subcarinatus (Bate, 1862) Genus Gammaracanthus Bate, 1862 Gammaracanthus loricatus (Sabine, 1821 et 1824) Genus Gammarus O. Fabricius, 1775 Gammarus pulex Linnaeus, 1758 Subgenus Lagunogammarus Sket, 1971 G. (Lagunogammarus) kamtschaticus Tzvetkova, 1972 G. (Lagunogammarus) setosus Dementieva, 1931 G. (Lagunogammarus) wilkitzkii Birula, 1897 Family Haustoriidae Stebbing, 1906 Genus Eohaustorius J. L. Barnard, 1957 Eohaustorius cheliferus (Bulycheva, 1952) E. eous eous (Gurjanova, 1951) E. eous robustus Gurjanova, 1953 E. washingtonianus (Thorsteinson, 1941) Family Hyalidae Bulycheva, 1957 Genus Apohyale Bousfield et Hendrycks, 2002 Apohyale aff. bassargini Derzhavin, 1937 Genus Hyale Rathke, 1837 Hyale schmidti (Heller, 1866) Genus Parallorchestes Shoemaker, 1941 Parallorchestes asiaticus Tzvetkova, 1990 P. ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) P. zibellina Derzhavin, 1937 Genus Parhyale Stebbing, 1897 Parhyale plumicornis (Heller, 1866) P. ptilocerus (Derzhavin, 1937) Family Hyperiopsidae Bovallius, 1886 Genus Hyperiopsis G.O. Sars, 1885 Hyperiopsis laticarpa Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 H. tridentata K.H. Barnard, 1937 Genus Protohyperiopsis Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Protohyperiopsis arquata Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Family Isaeidae Dana, 1853 Genus Isaea Milne-Edwards, 1830 Isaea concinna Gurjanova, 1938 Family Ischyroceridae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Ischyrocerus Krøyer, 1838 Ischyrocerus anguipes Krøyer, 1838 I. chamissoi Gurjanova, 1951 I. commensalis Chevreux, 1900 I. cristatus Gurjanova, 1938 I. dezhnevi Gurjanova, 1951 I. elongatus Gurjanova, 1938 I. enigmaticus Gurjanova, 1934 I. gurjanovae Kudrjaschov, 1975 I. krascheninnikovi Gurjanova, 1951 I. latipes Krøyer, 1842 I. megacheir (Boeck, 1871) I. pachtusovi Gurjanova, 1933 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 129 130 + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. I. rhodomelae Gurjanova, 1938 I. serratus Gurjanova, 1938 I. tzvetkovae Kudrjaschov, 1975 Genus Bubocorophium G. Karaman, 1981 Bubocorophium conchicola (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Paracerapus Budnikova, 1989 Paracerapus comparativus (Kudrjashov, 1975) P. polutovi (Gurjanova, 1951) Genus Cerapus Say, 1817 Cerapus erae Bulycheva, 1952 Genus Ericthonius Milne-Edwards, 1830 Ericthonius grebnitzkii Gurjanova, 1951 E. megalops G.O. Sars, 1879 E. punctatus (Bate, 1857) E. rubricornis (Stimpson, 1853) E. tolli Brüggen, 1909 Genus Jassa Leach, 1814 Jassa borowskyae Conlan, 1990 J. falcata (Montagu, 1808) J. marmorata Holmes, 1903 J. oclairi Conlan, 1990 Genus Parajassa Stebbing, 1899 Parajassa eoa gurjanovae Kudrjashov, 1968 P. pelagica (Leach, 1814) Family Kamakidae Myers et Lowry, 2003 Genus Kamaka Derzhavin, 1923 Kamaka derzhavini Gurjanova, 1951 K. kuthae Derzhavin, 1923 Family Kergueleniidae Lowry et Stoddart, 2010 Genus Kerguelenia Stebbing, 1888 Kerguelenia borealis G .O. Sars, 1891 K. borealis japonica Gurjanova, 1951 K. borealis ochotica Gurjanova, 1951 K. eoa Gurjanova, 1962 Family Laphystiopsidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Prolaphystiopsis Schellenberg, 1931 Prolaphystiopsis ornitorynchus (Bulycheva, 1952) Family Leucothoidae Dana, 1852 Genus Leucothoe Leach, 1814 Leucothoe spinicarpa Abildgaard, 1789 Family Lilljeborgiidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Lilljeborgia Bate, 1862 Lilljeborgia fissicornis (M. Sars, 1858) L. pallida (Bate, 1857) L. serratoides Tzvetkova, 1968 Family Lysianassidae Dana, 1849 Genus Boeckosimus J.L. Barnard, 1969 Boeckosimus derjugini (Gurjanova, 1929) B. normani (G.O. Sars, 1895) B. plautus (Krøyer, 1845) B. simus (Gurjanova, 1962) Genus Centromedon G.O. Sars, 1891 Centromedon pumilus (Lilljeborg, 1865) Genus Derjugiana Gurjanova, 1962 Derjugiana insolita Gurjanova, 1962 Genus Hippomedon Boeck, 1871 Hippomedon abyssi (Göes,1866) H. denticulatus (Bate, 1857) H. denticulatus orientalis Gurjanova, 1961 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. H. gorbunovi Gurjanova, 1930 H. granulosus Bulycheva, 1955 H. holbolli (Krøyer, 1846) H. kurilicus Gurjanova, 1962 H. pacificus Gurjanova, 1962 H. propinquus G.O. Sars, 1890 H. propinquus eous Gurjanova, 1962 H. punctatus Gurjanova, 1962 Genus Lepidepecreum Bate et Westwood, 1868 Lepidepecreum alectum Gurjanova, 1962 L. comatum Gurjanova, 1962 L. eoum Gurjanova, 1938 L. kasatka Gurjanova, 1962 L. longicornis (Bate et Westwood, 1862) L. lukini (Budnikova, 1999) L. nautilus Gurjanova, 1962 L. rostratum Gurjanova, 1962 L. serratum Stephensen, 1925 L. vitjazi Gurjanova, 1962 Genus Orchomene Boeck, 1871 Orchomene gurjanovae Budnikova, 1999 O. lepidulus (Gurjanova, 1962) O. macroserratus Shoemaker, 1930 O. minor Bulycheva, 1952 O. pectinatus G.O. Sars, 1882 O. pinguis (Boeck, 1861) O. tschernyschevi Brüggen, 1909 Genus Orchomenella G.O. Sars, 1890 Orchomenella affinis Holmes, 1909 O. intermedia Gurjanova, 1962 O. japonica Gurjanova, 1962 O. melanophtalma Gurjanova, 1962 O. minuscula Gurjanova, 1962 O. minuta (Krøyer, 1846) O. nana (Krøyer, 1846) O. pacifica (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Paronesimus Pirlot, 1933 Paronesimus barentsi Stebbing, 1894 Genus Psammonyx Bousfield, 1973 Psammonyx kudrjaschovi Budnikova, 2005 P. kurilicus (Gurjanova, 1962) P. tzvetkovae Budnikova, 2005 Genus Paratryphosites Stebbing, 1899 Paratryphosites abyssi (Göes, 1866) Genus Rifcus Kudrjaschov, 1965 Rifcus auspicatus Kudrjaschov, 1965 Genus Schisturella Norman, 1900 Schisturella pulchra (Hansen, 1887) Genus Socarnes Boeck, 1871 Socarnes bidenticulatus Bate, 1858 S. bidenticulatus japonicus Gurjanova, 1962 S. vahli Krøyer, 1838 Genus Socarnoides Stebbing, 1888 Socarnoides eugenovi Gurjanova, 1934 Genus Tryphosella Bonnier, 1893 Tryphosella nanoides (Lilljeborg, 1865) Genus Wecomedon Jarrett et Bousfield, 1982 Wecomedon boreopacificus (Gurjanova, 1962) W. minusculus (Gurjanova, 1938) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 131 132 + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. W. wirketis (Gurjanova, 1962) Family Maeridae Krapp-Schickel, 2008 Genus Elasmopus Costa, 1853 Elasmopus smirnovi (Bulycheva, 1952) Genus Maera Leach, 1814 Maera danae Stimpson, 1853 M. loveni (Bruzelius, 1858) M. tenera G.O. Sars, 1885 Genus Wimvadocus Krapp-Schickel et Jarrett, 2000 Wimvadocus torelli (Göes, 1866) Family Melitidae Bousfield, 1983 Genus Abludomelita Karaman, 1981 Abludomelita amoena (Hansen, 1888) A. obtusata (Montagu, 1813) A. somovae (Bulycheva, 1952) Genus Megamoera Bate, 1862 Megamoera dentata (Krøyer, 1842) M. glacialis Jarrett et Bousfield, 1996 M. mikulitschae (Gurjanova, 1985) Genus Melita Leach, 1814 Melita formosa Murdoch, 1866 M. koreana Stephensen, 1944 M. palmata (Montagu, 1804) M. quadrispinosa Vosseler, 1889 M. rylovae Bulycheva, 1952 Genus Melitoides Gurjanova, 1934 Melitoides makarovi Gurjanova, 1934 Family Melphidippidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Melphidippa Boeck, 1871 M. macruroides Gurjanova, 1946 M. serrulata (Kudrjashov, 1965) Family Mesogammaridae Bousfield, 1977 Genus Mesogammarus Tzvetkova, 1965 Mesogammarus melitoides Tzvetkova, 1965 Family Odiidae Coleman et J. L. Barnard, 1991 Genus Odius Lilljeborg, 1865 Odius carinatus (Bate, 1862) O. crassigerus Gurjanova, 1972 O. kelleri Brüggen, 1907 Family Oedicerotidae Lilljeborg, 1865 Genus Acanthostepheia Boeck, 1871 Acanthostepheia behringiensis (Lockington, 1877) A. malmgreni (Göes, 1866) Genus Aceroides G. O. Sars, 1895 Subgenus Aceroides G. O. Sars, 1895 Aceroides (Aceroides) kobjakovae Bulycheva, 1952 A. (Aceroides) latipes (G. O. Sars, 1892) A. (Aceroides) sedovi Gurjanova, 1946 Genus Americhelidium Bousfield et Chevrier, 1996 Americhelidium gurjanovae (Kudrjaschov et Tzvetkova, 1975) Genus Arrhinopsis Stappers, 1911 Arrhinopsis longicornis Stappers, 1911 Genus Arrhis Stebbing, 1906 Arrhis luthkei Gurjanova, 1936 A. sobolevi Kudrjashov, 1965 Genus Bathymedon G. O. Sars, 1892 Bathymedon gorneri Gurjanova, 1951 B. ivanovi Bulycheva, 1952 B. langsdorfi Gurjanova, 1951 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + Bering + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. B. longimanus (Boeck, 1871) B. obtusifrons (Hansen, 1887) B. subcarinatus Bulycheva, 1952 B. tilesii Gurjanova, 1951 Genus Deflexilodes Bousfield et Chevrier, 1996 Deflexilodes tesselatus (Schneider, 1883) D. tuberculatus (Boeck, 1871) D. uncinatus (Bulycheva, 1952) Genus Eochelidium Bousfield et Chevrier, 1996 Eochelidium bulytschevae (Kudrjaschov et Tzvetkova, 1975) Genus Monoculodes Stimpson, 1853 Monoculodes borealis Boeck, 1871 M. castalskii Gurjanova, 1951 M. crassirostris Hansen, 1887 M. diamesus Gurjanova, 1936 M. latimanus (Goës, 1866) M. mertensi Gurjanova, 1951 M. packardi Boeck, 1871 M. pallidus G. O. Sars, 1892 M. schneideri G. O. Sars, 1895 M. semenovi Gurjanova, 1938 Genus Monoculopsis G. O. Sars, 1895 Monoculopsis longicornis (Boeck, 1871) Genus Pacifoculodes Bousfield et Chevrier, 1996 Pacifoculodes breviops (Bulycheva, 1952) P. dembiensis (Bulycheva, 1952) P. nasutus (Bulycheva, 1952) P. synophthalmus (Bulycheva, 1952) P. zernovi (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Paroediceros G. O. Sars, 1895 Paroediceros lynceus (M. Sars, 1858) Genus Pontocrates Boeck, 1871 Pontocrates arenarius (Bate, 1858) Genus Westwoodilla Bate, 1862 Westwoodilla abyssalis Gurjanova, 1951 W. asinuata Bulycheva, 1952 W. brevicalcar (Göes, 1866) W. caecula (Bate, 1856) W. oxyrhyncha Bulycheva, 1952 W. rectangulata Bulycheva, 1952 Family Opisidae Lowry et Stoddart, 1995 Genus Opisa Boeck, 1876 Opisa eschrichti (Krøyer, 1842) Family Pachynidae Lowry et Stoddart, 2012 Genus Pachynus Bulycheva, 1955 Pachynus chelatum Bulycheva, 1955 Family Pardaliscidae Boeck, 1871 Genus Halice Boeck, 1871 Halice aculeata Chevreux, 1912 H. quarta Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 H. shoemakeri Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Nicippe Bruzellius, 1859 Nicippe tumida Bruzelius, 1859 Genus Pardalisca Krøyer, 1842 Pardalisca cuspidata Krøyer, 1842 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Kudrjashov et al indicate this species in the northeastern Sakhalin. Source: «Biota and macrobenthic community of lagoons of northeastern Sakhalin», 2003; in the catalog of the ZIN RAS, there is evidence of this species off the western Kamchatka (V. A. Kudryashov) and the Sea of Japan. 133 P. tenuipes G. O. Sars, 1893 Family Phliantidae Stebbing, 1899 Genus Iphiplateia Stebbing, 1899 Iphiplateia orientalis Tzvetkova, 1976 Genus Pereionotus Bate et Westwood, 1862 Pereionotus holmesi (Gurjanova, 1938) P. japonicus (Tzvetkova, 1968) P. thomsoni (Stebbing, 1899) Family Photidae Boeck, 1871 Genus Gammaropsis Lilljeborg, 1855 Gammaropsis barnardi Kudrjashov et Tzvetkova, 1975 G. gurvitzi (Bulycheva, 1952) G. melanops G. O. Sars, 1883 G. nitidus (Stimpson, 1853) Genus Photis Krøyer, 1842 Photis albus Budnikova, 1985 P. baeckmanne Gurjanova, 1951 P. fischmanni Gurjanova, 1951 P. nataliae Bulycheva, 1952 P. kurilica Gurjanova, 1955 P. reinhardi Krøyer, 1842 P. spasskii Gurjanova, 1951 P. strelkovi Gurjanova, 1953 P. tenuicornis G. O.Sars, 1882 P. vinogradovi Gurjanova, 1951 Family Phoxocephalidae G. O. Sars, 1891 Genus Eobrolgus J. L. Barnard, 1979 Eobrolgus pontarpioides (Gurjanova, 1953) E. spinosus (Holmes, 1905) Genus Eyakia J. L. Barnard, 1979 Eyakia calcarata (Gurjanova, 1938) E. ochotica (Gurjanova, 1953) E. subuncigera (Kudrjashov, 1965) E. uncigera (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Paraphoxus G. O. Sars, 1891 Paraphoxus oculatus (G.O. Sars, 1879) P. simplex (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Pseudharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 Pseudharpinia birjulini (Gurjanova, 1953) Genus Harpinia Boeck, 1876 Harpinia antennaria Meinert, 1890 H. bidentata Stephensen, 1925 H. orientalis Bulycheva, 1936 H. panini Tzvetkova et Golikov, 1990 H. pectinata G. O. Sars, 1891 H. serrata G. O. Sars, 1879 Genus Harpiniopsis Stephensen, 1925 Harpiniopsis amundseni (Gurjanova, 1946) H. gurjanovae (Bulycheva, 1936) H. kobjakovae (Bulycheva, 1936) H. moiseevi (Gurjanova, 1953) H. pacificus (Bulycheva, 1936) H. salebrosus (Gurjanova, 1936) H. schurini (Bulycheva, 1936) H. tarasovi (Bulycheva, 1936) Genus Grandifoxus J. L. Barnard, 1979 G. grandis (Stimpson, 1856) G. longirostris (Gurjanova, 1938) G. longirostris ochoticus (Gurjanova, 1953) 134 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids + Okhotsk + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. G. robustus (Gurjanova, 1938) G. robustus lindbergi (Gurjanova, 1953) G. nasutus (Gurjanova, 1936) Genus Joubinella Chevreux, 1908 Joubinella tzvetkovae Kudrjashov, 1965 Family Pleustidae Buchholz, 1874 Genus Budnikopleustes Hendrycks et Bousfield, 2004 Budnikopleustes vasinae (Budnikova, 1995) Genus Chromopleustes Bousfield et Hendrycks, 1995 Chromopleustes johanseni (Gurjanova, 1951) Genus Dactylopleustes J. L. Barnard et Karaman, 1979 Dactylopleustes echionoicus Tzvetkova, 1975 Genus Incisocalliope J. L. Barnard, 1959 Incisocalliope derzhavini (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Micropleustes Bousfield et Hendrycks, 1995 Micropleustes behningi (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Neopleustes Stebbing, 1906 N. boecki (Hansen, 1887) N. carinatus Margulis, 1963 N. kussakini (Budnikova, 1995) N. pulchellus (Krøyer, 1846) Genus Parapleustes Buchholz, 1874 Parapleustes assimilis (G. O. Sars, 1882) P. major (Bulycheva, 1952) P. trianguloculatus (Bulycheva, 1952) Genus Pleusirus J.L. Barnard, 1969 Pleusirus secorrus asiaticus Kudrjaschov et Tzvetkova, 1975 Genus Pleustes Bate, 1858 Subgenus Catapleustes Bousfield et Hendrycks, 1994 Pleustes (Catapleustes) japonensis (Gurjanova, 1972) Subgenus Pleustes Bate, 1858 Pleustes (Pleustes) cataphractus typicus (Stimpson, 1853) P. (Pleustes) obtusirostris Gurjanova, 1938 P. (Pleustes) occidentalis (Stimpson, 1864) P. (Pleustes) panoplus tuberculatus Bate, 1858 P. (Pleustes) panoplus typicus Krøyer, 1838 Genus Pleustoides Gurjanova, 1972 Pleustoides quadridens (Bulycheva, 1955) Genus Pleustomesus Gurjanova, 1972 Pleustomesus japonicoides Gurjanova, 1972 P. medius (Göes, 1866) P. palmata Margulis, 1963 P. quadrangularis Margulis, 1963 P. similis Margulis, 1963 Genus Pleusymtes J. L. Barnard, 1969 Pleusymtes glaber (Boeck, 1861) P. japonicus (Gurjanova, 1938) P. ochrjamkini Bulycheva, 1952 P. suberitobius (Gurjanova, 1938) P. uncigerus (Gurjanova, 1938) P. ushakovi (Bulycheva, 1952) Genus Shoemakeroides Hendrycks et Bousfield, 2004 Shoemakeroides gagarae (Gurjanova, 1972) Genus Thorlaksonius Bousfield et Hendrycks, 1994 Thorlaksonius incarinatus (Gurjanova, 1938) T. obesirostris (Bulycheva, 1952) Family Pontogeneiidae Stebbing, 1906 Genus Accedomoera J. L. Barnard, 1964 Accedomoera tricuspidata (Gurjanova, 1938) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + 135 136 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Genus Paramoera Miers, 1875 Paramoera brevirostrata (Bulycheva, 1952) P. tridentata Bulycheva, 1952 Genus Pontogeneia Boeck, 1871 Pontogeneia andrijashevi Gurjanova, 1951 P. arenaria Bulycheva, 1952 P. inermis (Krøyer, 1838) P. intermedia Gurjanova, 1938 P. ivanovi Gurjanova, 1951 P. kondakovi Gurjanova, 1951 P. melanophthalma Gurjanova, 1938 P. rostrata Gurjanova, 1938 Genus Tethygeneia J. L. Barnard, 1972 Tethygeneia makarovi (Gurjanova, 1951) Family Pontoporeiidae Dana, 1853 Genus Monoporeia Bousfield, 1989 Monoporeia affinis (Lindström, 1885) Genus Pontoporeia Krøyer, 1842 Pontoporeia femorata Krøyer, 1842 Family Priscillinidae d'Udekem d'Acoz, 2006 Genus Priscillina Stebbing, 1888 Priscillina armata (Boeck, 1860) Family Scopelocheiridae Lowry et Stoddart, 1997 Genus Paracallisoma Chevreux, 1903 Paracallisoma alberti Chevreux, 1903 Genus Paracallisomopsis Gurjanova, 1962 Paracallisomopsis beljaevi Gurjanova, 1962 Family Stegocephalidae Dana, 1852 Genus Andaniexis Stebbing, 1906 Andaniexis subabyssi Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Parandania Stebbing, 1899 Parandania boecki (Stebbing, 1888) Genus Pseudo Berge et Vader, 2001 Pseudo pacifica (Bulycheva, 1951) Genus Stegocephalus Krøyer, 1842 Stegocephalus ampulla (Phipps, 1774) S. inflatus Krøyer, 1842 S. longicornis Gurjanova, 1962 Family Stenothoidae Boeck, 1871 Genus Hardametopa J. L. Barnard et Karaman, 1991 Hardametopa carinata (Hansen, 1887) Genus Mesometopa Gurjanova, 1938 Mesometopa extensa Gurjanova, 1948 Genus Metopa Boeck, 1871 Metopa angustimana Gurjanova, 1938 M. boeckii G. O. Sars, 1892 M. bruzelii (Göes, 1866) M. bulychevae Gurjanova, 1955 M. clypeata (Krøyer, 1842) M. colliei Gurjanova, 1948 M. cristata Gurjanova, 1955 M. derjugini Gurjanova, 1948 M. japonica Gurjanova, 1952 M. kobjakovae Gurjanova, 1955 M. layi Gurjanova, 1948 M. leptocarpa G. O. Sars, 1882 M. majuscula Gurjanova, 1948 M. norvegica Lilljeborg, 1851 M. robusta G. O. Sars, 1892 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. M. spitzbergensis Brüggen, 1907 M. submajuscula Gurjanova, 1948 M. timonovi Gurjanova, 1955 M. uschakovi Gurjanova, 1948 M. wiesei Gurjanova, 1933 Genus Metopella Stebbing, 1906 Metopella buynitzkii Gurjanova, 1946 M. longimana (Boeck, 1871) M. macrochira Gurjanova, 1948 Genus Metopelloides Gurjanova, 1938 Metopelloides stephenseni Gurjanova, 1938 M. tattersalli Gurjanova, 1938 Genus Parametopa Chevreux, 1901 Parametopa alaskensis (Holmes, 1904) Genus Parametopella Gurjanova, 1938 Parametopella stelleri Gurjanova, 1948 Genus Prostenothoe Gurjanova, 1938 Prostenothoe sextonae Gurjanova, 1938 Genus Stenula J. L. Barnard, 1962 Stenula bassarginensis (Gurjanova, 1948) S. beringiensis (Gurjanova, 1948) S. serripes Gurjanova, 1955 S. ussuriensis (Gurjanova, 1948) Genus Stenothoides Chevreux, 1900 Stenothoides pirloti (Gurjanova, 1938) S. ratmanovi (Gurjanova, 1948) S. slastnikovi Gurjanova, 1948 S. smirnovi (Gurjanova, 1948) S. uenoi (Gurjanova, 1938) Genus Vonimetopa J. L. Barnard et Karaman, 1987 Vonimetopa barnardi (Gurjanova, 1938) V. brazhnikovi (Gurjanova, 1948) V. schellenbergi (Gurjanova, 1938) V. shoemakeri (Gurjanova, 1938) V. zernovi (Gurjanova, 1948) Family Stilipedidae Holmes, 1908 Genus Astyra Boeck, 1871 Astyra bogorovi Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 A. zenkevitchi Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Stilipes Holmes, 1908 Stilipes distinctus Holmes, 1908 Family Synopiidae Dana, 1852 Genus Syrrhoe Goës, 1866 Syrrhoe crenulata Goës, 1866 Genus Tiron Lilljeborg, 1865 Tiron spiniferus (Stimpson, 1853) Family Talitridae Rafinesque, 1815 Genus Orchestia Leach, 1814 Orchestia pyatakovi Derzhavin, 1937 Genus Platorchestia Bousfield, 1982 Platorchestia joi Stock et Biernbaum, 1994 P. pachypus (Derzhavin, 1937) P. platensis (Krøyer, 1845) P. zachsi (Derzhavin, 1937) Genus Pseudorchestoidea Bousfield, 1982 Pseudorchestoidea brito (Stebbing, 1891) Genus Traskorchestia Bousfield, 1982 Traskorchestia ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) Genus Trinorchestia Bousfield, 1982 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 137 138 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Trinorchestia trinitatis (Derzhavin, 1937) Family Unciolidae Myers et Lowry, 2003 Genus Neohela S. I. Smith, 1881 Neohela monstrosa (Boeck, 1861) N. pacifica Gurjanova, 1953 Genus Unciola Say, 1818 Unicola leucopis (Krøyer, 1845) Family Uristidae Hurley, 1963 Genus Anonyx Krøyer, 1838 Anonyx affinis Ohlin, 1895 A. anivae Gurjanova, 1962 A. birulai Gurjanova, 1962 A. compactus Gurjanova, 1962 A. debruyni Hoek, 1882 A. derjugini Gurjanova, 1962 A. eous Gurjanova, 1962 A. epistomicus Kudrjashov, 1965 A. gurjanovae Steele, 1986 A. knipowitschi Gurjanova, 1962 A. kurilicus Gurjanova, 1962 A. laticoxae Gurjanova, 1962 A. lebedi Gurjanova, 1962 A. lilljeborgii Boeck, 1870 A. magnus Gurjanova, 1962 A. makarovi Gurjanova, 1962 A. minimus Gurjanova, 1962 A. multiarticulatus (Pearse, 1913) A. nugax Phipps, 1774 A. ochoticus Gurjanova, 1962 A. oculatus Gurjanova, 1962 A. orientalis Gurjanova, 1962 A. pacificus Gurjanova, 1962 A. pavlovskii Gurjanova, 1962 A. robustus Gurjanova, 1962 A. schokalskii Gurjanova, 1951 A. sculptifer Gurjanova, 1951 A. validus Gurjanova, 1962 A. volkovi Kudrjashov, 1965 Genus Koroga Holmes, 1909 Koroga megalops Holmes, 1908 Genus Menigrates Boeck, 1871 Menigrates angustipes Gurjanova, 1962 M. spinirami japonica Gurjanova, 1962 Genus Onisimus Boeck, 1871 Onisimus botkini Birula, 1897 O. krassini Gurjanova, 1951 O. zenkevitchi Mednikov, 1960 Genus Tmetonyx Stebbing, 1906 Tmetonyx cicada (O. Fabricius, 1780) Family Urothoidae Bousfield, 1978 Genus Urothoe Dana, 1852 Urothoe denticulata Gurjanova, 1951 U. elegans Bate, 1857 U. orientalis Gurjanova, 1938 U. varvarini Gurjanova, 1953 Family Vitjazinidae Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Genus Vitjaziana Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Vitjaziana vinogradovae Birstein et M. Vinogradov, 1955 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Order Cumacea Compiled by V. V. Petryashov, S. V. Vassilenko, L. A. Tzareva Family Lampropidae Lamprops affinis Lomakina, 1958 L. beringi Calman, 1912 L. fuscatus G.O.Sars, 1865 L. korroensis Derzhavin, 1923 L. lomakinae Tzareva et Vassilenko, 1993 L. multifasciatus Zimmer, 1937 L. pseudosarsi Tzareva et Vassilenko, 1993 L. pumilio Zimmer, 1937 L. quadriplicatus Smith, 1879 L. sarsi Derzhavin, 1926 L. serratus Hart, 1930 L. tenuis Tzareva et Vassilenko, 2006 Mesolamprops japonicus (Zimmer, 1937) Hemilamprops gracilis Hart, 1930 H. pectinatus Lomakina, 1955 Family Diastylidae Brachydiastylis hexaceros Lomakina, 1952 B. resima (Krøyer, 1846) Diastylis alaskensis Calman, 1912 D. aspera Calman, 1912 D. bidentata Calman, 1912 D. dalli Calman, 1912 D. glabra (Zimmer, 1900) D. koreana Calman, 1911 D. lazarevi Lomakina, 1955 D. loricata Lomakina, 1955 D. moskalevi Vassilenko et Tzareva, 2004 D. ornata Lomakina, 1952 D. paralaskensis Vassilenko et Tzareva, 1990 D. paraspinulosa Zimmer, 1926 D. sulcata Calman, 1912 D. tetradon Lomakina, 1955 Makrokylindrus abyssi Lomakina, 1955 M. hirsutus (Lomakina, 1955) M. vitiasi Lomakina, 1958 Diastylopsis dawsoni calmani Derzhavin, 1926 Dimorphostylis asiatica Zimmer, 1921 D. sculpturensis Vassilenko et Tzareva, 1990 Leptostylis villosa G.O.Sars, 1869 Paraleptostylis vitjazi Vassilenko et Tzareva, 2004 Family Pseudocumatidae Petalosarsia declivis (G.O.Sars, 1865) Family Leuconidae Eudorellopsis biplicata Calman, 1912 E. deformis (Krøyer, 1846) E. derzhavini Lomakina, 1952 E. integra (Smith, 1879) E. leuconi Vassilenko et Tzareva, 1990 E. ushakovi Lomakina, 1955 Eudorella bathyalis Vassilenko et Tzareva, 2004 E. dentata Lomakina, 1955 E. emarginata (Krøyer, 1846) E. minor Lomakina, 1952 E. pacifica Hart, 1930 Leucon acutirostris G.O.Sars, 1865 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 139 140 +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. L. fulvus G.O.Sars, 1865 L. kobjakovae Lomakina, 1955 L. laticaudus Lomakina, 1952 L. mediterraneus dentatus Lomakina, 1952 L. minor Lomakina, 1955 L. nasica (Krøyer, 1841) L. nasicoides pacificus Zimmer, 1937 Family Bodotriidae Subfamily Bodotriinae Bodotria furugelmiensis Tzareva et Vassilenko, 2006 B. ozolinshi Tzareva et Vassilenko, 1993 Subfamily Vaunthompsoniinae Gaussicuma gurjanovae Lomakina, 1952 Vaunthompsonia pacifica Zimmer, 1943 Family Nannastacidae Cumella carinata (Hansen, 1887) C. dentata Lomakina, 1952 C. gurwitchi Lomakina, 1952 C. kepeli Tzareva et Vassilenko, 1993 Cumella cf. vulgaris Hart, 1930 Campylaspis aperta Lomakina, 1958 C. clavata Lomakina, 1952 C. costata speciosa Lomakina, 1955 C. crispa Lomakina, 1955 C. glabra G.O.Sars, 1879 C. orientalis Calman, 1911 C. papillata Lomakina, 1952 C. pisum Vassilenko et Tzareva, 2004 C. rubicunda (Lilljeborg, 1855) Pavlovskeola bicostata Vassilenko et Tzareva, 1990 P. campylaspoides Lomakina, 1955 Order Tanaidacea Compiled by L. A. Tzareva Family Sphyrapodidae Gutu, 1980b Pseudosphyrapus serratus (G. O. Sars, 1882) Family Leptognathiidae Sieg, 1976a Leptognathia gracilis (Kroyer, 1842) L. armata Hansen, 1913 L. forcifera Lang, 1968 L. greveae Kudinova-Pasternak, 1976 L. tuberculata Hansen, 1913 L. dentifera Sars, 1896 L. birsteini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1965 L. breviremis (Lilljeborg,1864) L. vinogradovae Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 L. parelegans Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 L. langi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 L. zenkevitchi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 L. rotundicauda Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 L. robusta Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 Family Paratanaidae Lang, 1949 Paratanais impressus O. G. Kussakin & L. A. Tzareva, 1972 Family Leptocheliidae Lang, 1973 Heterotanais modestus O. G. Kussakin & L. A. Tzareva, 1972 Family Nototanaidae Sieg, 1976a Typhlotanais. grandis Hansen, 1913 T. mucronatus Hansen, 1913 T. compactus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1966 T. setosus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1966 Japan Taxa +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + T. rectus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1966 T. magnificus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 T. kussakini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 T. longicephala Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 T. cornutus (G. O. Sars) T. simplex Kudinova-Pasternak, 1984 Paratyphlotanais japonicus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1984 Family Uncertain Tanaopsis curtus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1984 Family Agathotanaidae Strongylura cylindrata G.O.Sars, 1882 Paranarthrura vitjazi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 P. zevinae Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 Agathotanais ingolfi Hansen, 1913 A. splendidus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 Family Pseudotanaidae Pseudotanais affinis Hansen, 1887 P. vitjazi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1966 Cryptocope arctica Hansen, 1887 Expina typica Lang, 1968 Family Anarthruridae Anarthruropsis longus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1984 A. langi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1976 Family Tanaidae Tanais stanfordi Richardson, 1901 Anatanais kurilensis Kussakin et Tzareva, 1974 A. birsteini Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 Arctotanais alascensis (Richardson, 1899a) Zeuxo beringi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1989 Family Neotanaidae Neotanais tuberculatus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 N. serratispinosus (Norman et Stebbing, 1886) Family Apseudidae Apseudes vitjazi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970 Order Isopoda18 Compiled by O. A. Golovan Suborder Anthuridea Family Anthuridae Apanthura excavata Mezhov, 1976 Family Leptanthuridae Accalathura ochotensis Nunomura, 1976 Calathura brachiata (Stimpson, 1853) Leptanthura elegans Birstein, 1963 Family Paranthuridae Cruranthura caeca (Mezhov, 1976) Paranthura japonica Richardson, 1909 Suborder Asellota Superfamily JANIROIDEA Family Desmosomatidae Desmosoma lobipes Kussakin, 1965 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 18 The list of isopod crustaceans was compiled on the basis of the literature data, the collections of the Museum of Institute of Marine Biology FEB RAS and on the original unpublished data. The work was supported by the Council of the President of the Russian Federation (project МК-2599.2013.4), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 13-04-02144) and Presidium of the FEB RAS (projects no. 12-I-P30-07 and 13-III-В-06-082). Remarks: at present time many researchers accept the system of the higher isopod taxa suggested by Brandt and Poore (2003), which however is not completely developed. Therefore, for the aims of this issue we prefer to use the “traditional” system (for details see Golovan and Malyutina, 2010). 141 D. ochotense Kussakin, 1965 Eugerda elegans Kussakin, 1965 E. fragilis (Kussakin, 1965) E. kamtshatica Kussakin, 1965 Mirabilicoxa coxalis (Birstein, 1963) M. kussakini Golovan, 2007 M. tenuipes (Birstein, 1970) Paradesmosoma conforme Kussakin, 1965 P. orientale Kussakin, 1965 Pseudomesus similis Birstein, 1963 Desmosomatidae gen. sp. 5 Golovan et al., in press Desmosomatidae gen. sp. 7 Golovan et al., in press Desmosomatidae gen. sp. 8 Golovan et al., in press Desmosomatidae gen. sp. 9 Golovan et al., in press Desmosomatidae gen. sp. 11 Golovan et al., in press Family Haploniscidae Abyssoniscus ovalis Birstein, 1971 Haploniscus belyaevi Birstein, 1963 H. gibbernasutus Birstein, 1971 H. hydroniscoides Birstein, 1963 H. inermis Birstein, 1971 H. intermedius Birstein, 1971 H. latus Birstein, 1971 H. menziesi Birstein, 1963 H. profundicolus Birstein, 1971 Hydroniscus minutus Birstein, 1971 H. vitjazi Birstein, 1963 Family Ischnomesidae Fortimesus concinnus (Birstein, 1960) F. gigas (Birstein, 1960) F. profundicolus (Birstein, 1971) F. robustus (Birstein, 1960) F. scabriusculus (Birstein, 1960) F. thomsoni (Beddard, 1886) Haplomesus brevispinis Birstein, 1960 Ischnomesus andriashevi Birstein, 1960 I. fragilis Birstein, 1971 I. latimanus Birstein, 1971 Stylomesus hexaspinosus Birstein, 1963 S. hexatuberculatus Birstein, 1971 S. menziesi Birstein, 1960 S. pacificus Birstein, 1960 Stylomesus sp. Birstein, 1971 Ischnomesidae gen. sp. (= Haplomesus sp. Birstein, 1971) Family Janirellidae Janirella diplospinosa Birstein, 1971 J. extenuata Birstein, 1971 J. hexaspinosa Birstein, 1971 J. hirsuta Birstein, 1963 J. macrura Birstein, 1963 J. quadrituberculata Birstein, 1963 J. spinosa Birstein, 1963 J. verrucosa Birstein, 1971 Family Janiridae Caecianiropsis birsteini Kussakin, 1979 Caecijaera derjugini Kussakin, 1962 C. mirabilis Kussakin, 1962 Ianiropsis derjugini Gurjanova, 1933 I. kincaidi Richardson, 1904 142 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + I. pallidocula Kussakin, 1962 I. picta Kussakin, Mezhov, 1979 I. punctata Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 I. serricaudis Gurjanova, 1936 I. setifera Gurjanova, 1950 Janiralata aberrantis Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 J. bifurcata Mezhov, 1981 J. bilobata Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 J. bisinuata Kussakin, 1972 J. erostrata (Richardson, 1899) J. gurjanovae Kussakin, 1962 J. hexadentata Birstein, 1970 J. intermedia Mezhov, 1981 J. kurilensis Kussakin, 1962 J. microphthalma Kussakin, 1972 J. modesta Mezhov, 1981 J. obliterata Kussakin, 1972 J. occidentalis (Walker, 1898) J. ochotensis Kussakin, 1962 J. pilosa Kussakin, 1962 J. problematica Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 J. rhacuraeformis Birstein, 1963 J. sarsi Richardson, 1905 J. soldatovi (Gurjanova, 1933) J. tricornis (Krøyer, 1847) J. vitjazi Kussakin, 1962 Family Joeropsidae Joeropsis affinis Kussakin, 1961 J. lata Kussakin, 1961 Family Macrostylidae Macrostylis affinis Birstein, 1963 M. curticornis Birstein, 1963 M. grandis Birstein, 1970 M. longula Birstein, 1970 M. ovata Birstein, 1970 M. profundissima Birstein, 1970 M. quadratura Birstein, 1970 M. sensitiva Birstein, 1970 M. zenkevitchi Birstein, 1963 Family Mesosignidae Mesosignum brevispinis Birstein, 1963 M. elegantulum Birstein, 1963 M. latum Birstein, 1970 Family Munnidae Munna arnholdi Gurjanova, 1933 M. avatshensis Gurjanova, 1936 M. chromatocephala Menzies, 1952 subsp. orientalis Kussakin, 1974 M. coxalis Kussakin, 1972 M. crinita Kussakin, 1972 M. hirsuta Kussakin, 1962 M. kurilensis Kussakin, 1974 M. kuznetsovi Kussakin et Vasina, 1993 M. lobata Kussakin, 1962 M. lukini Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 M. makarovi Rostomov, 1986 M. modesta Kussakin, 1962 M. moskalevi Kussakin et Vasina, 1993 M. nasuta Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 M. ornata Kussakin, 1962 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 143 M. parvituberculata Kussakin, 1962 M. serrata Kussakin, 1962 M. setosa Kussakin, 1962 M. stephenseni Gurjanova, 1933 M. subneglecta Gurjanova, 1936 M. tenuipes Kussakin, 1962 M. unicincta Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 M. urupica Kussakin, 1972 M. vittata Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 Munna sp. Golovan et al., in press Family Munnopsidae Acanthocope curticauda Birstein, 1971 Aspidarachna glabra (Birstein, 1971) Baeonectes aberrantis Kussakin et Vasina, 1993 B. ochotensis (Kussakin, 1979) B. pavlenkoi (Gurjanova, 1933) B. brandtae Malyutina et al., 2013 Betamorpha acuticoxalis (Birstein, 1963) Disconectes angustus Kussakin et Vasina, 1993 Echinozone scabra (Birstein, 1971) E. trispinosa Kussakin et Vasina, 1993 E. tuberculata (Birstein, 1971) E. venusta (Birstein, 1971) E. longipes (Birstein, 1963) E. perarmata (Birstein, 1971) Eurycope affinis Birstein, 1970 E. curticephala Birstein, 1963 E. curtirostris Birstein, 1963 E. ovata Birstein, 1970 E. spinifrons Gurjanova, 1933 E. magna Birstein, 1963 Ilyarachna kurilensis Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 I. kussakini Birstein, 1963 I. propinqua Birstein, 1971 I. setosa Kussakin, 1979 I. zachsi Gurjanova, 1933 Microprotus acutispinatus Wilson, Kussakin et Vasina, 1989 M. lobispinatus Wilson, Kussakin et Vasina, 1989 M. paradoxus (Birstein, 1970) Munneurycope murrayi (Walker, 1903) M. pellucida Birstein, 1970 Munnopsis intermedia Birstein, 1963 Munnopsoides tattersalli Birstein, 1963 Munnopsurus laevis (Richardson, 1909) M. minutus Gurjanova, 1933 Syneurycope affinis Birstein, 1970 Vanhoeffenura brachycephala (Birstein, 1957) V. chelata (Birstein, 1957) V. distincta (Birstein, 1970) V. herculea (Birstein, 1957) V. kurilica (Birstein, 1957) V. vitjazi (Birstein, 1957) Family Nannoniscidae Austroniscus acutus Birstein, 1970 A. karamani Birstein, 1962 A. vinogradovi (Gurjanova, 1950) Hebefustis robustus (Birstein 1963) Nannoniscoides excavatifrons (Birstein, 1970) Panetela tenella (Birstein, 1963) 144 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa Family Paramunnidae Pleurogonium angustum Kussakin, 1972 P. gordeevae Kussakin, 1962 P. inerme orientale Kussakin, 1962 P. kamtshaticum Kussakin, 1962 P. aff. kyusuense Shimomura, 2009 P. laciniosum Kussakin, 1961 P. rubicundum (G.O. Sars, 1864) P. spiniferum Kussakin et Vasina, 1993 Family Thambematidae Microthambema tenuis Birstein, 1961 Family incertae sedis Xostylus longiflagellatus Birstein, 1970 Suborder Epicaridea Superfamily BOPYROIDEA Family Bopyridae Argeia pugettensis Dana, 1852 Athelges takanoshimensis Ishii, 1914 Bopyroides hippolytes (Kroyer, 1838) B. shiinoi Rybakov et Avdeev, 1991 Hemiarthrus abdominalis (Kroyer, 1840) Parapseudione lata Shiino, 1958 Pseudione cf. hyndmanni (Bate et Westwood, 1868) Bopyridae gen. sp. (criptoniscium) Family Dajidae Arthrophryxus beringanus Richardson, 1908 Holophryxus giardi Richardson, 1908 Dajidae gen.sp. Golovan et al., in press Superfamily CRYPTONISCOIDEA Family Cabiropsidae Bourdonia tridentata Rybakov, 1990 Family Cyproniscidae Cyproniscidae kurilensis Rybakov, 1997 Family Liriopsidae Liriopsis pygmaea (Rathke, 1843) Suborder Flabellifera Family Aegidae Aega magnoculis Richardson, 1909 Aegiochus symmetrica (Richardson, 1905) Rocinela abyssalis Birstein, 1963 R. angustata Richardson, 1898 R. belliceps (Stimpson, 1864) R. lukini Vasina, 1993 R. maculata Schioedte et Meinert, 1879 Family Ancinidae Bathycopea ivanovi Birstein, 1963 B. parallela Birstein, 1963 Family Anuropidae Anuropus sanguineus Nunomura, 1983b A. kussakini Vasina, 1998 Family Cirolanidae Excirolana chiltoni (Richardson, 1905) Family Cymothoidae Elthusa ochotensis (Kussakin, 1979) Ichthyoxenus amurensis (Gerstfeldt, 1858) Mothocya sajori Bruce, 1986 Family Limnoriidae Limnoria borealis Kussakin, 1963 L. emarginata Kussakin et Malyutina, 1989 + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + +   + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 145 146 + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. L. lignorum (Rathke, 1799) L. magadanensis Jesakova, 1961 L. zinovae (Kussakin, 1963) Family Sphaeromatidae Cliamenella fraudatrix (Kussakin, 1962) Cymodoce japonica Richardson, 1907 Dynoides brevicornis Kussakin et Malyutina, 1987 D. dentisinus Shen, 1929 Gnorimosphaeroma chinense (Tattersall, 1921) G. hoestlandti Kim et Kwon, 1985 G. nactogoense Kwon et Kim, 1987 G. noblei Menzies, 1954 G. oregonense (Dana, 1852) G. ovatum (Gurjanova, 1933) G. rayi Hoestlandt, 1969 Holotelson tuberculatus Richardson, 1909 Family Tecticipitidae Tecticeps alascensis Richardson, 1897 T. carinatus Gurjanova, 1933 T. glaber Gurjanova, 1933 T. leucophthalmus Gurjanova, 1935 T. marginalis Gurjanova, 1935 T. nodulosus Gurjanova, 1935 T. renoculis Richardson, 1909 T. serratus Gurjanova, 1935 Family Tridentellidae Tridentella cornuta Kussakin, 1979 T. sculpturata Kussakin, 1955 Suborder Gnathiidea Family Gnathiidae Bathygnathia affinis Birstein, 1963 Caecognathia elongata (Kroyer, 1847) Elaphognathia monodi (Gurjanova, 1936) Gnathia derzhavini Gurjanova, 1933 G. schmidti Gurjanova, 1933 Suborder Microcerberidea Family Microcerberidae Coxicerberus fukudai (Ito, 1974) Suborder Oniscidea Infraorder Ligiamorpha Family Detonidae Armadilloniscus ellipticus (Harger, 1875) Detonella papillicornis (Richardson, 1905) Family Ligiidae Ligia cinerascens Budde-Lund, 1828 Family Porcellionidae Porcellio scaber Latreille, 1804 Infraorder Tylomorpha Family Tylidae Tylos granuliferus Budde-Lund, 1885 Suborder Valvifera Family Antarcturidae Antarcturus hirsutus (Richardson, 1904) A. kamtschaticus Kussakin, 1971 A. kilepoae Kussakin, 1971 A. pacificus Gurjanova, 1955 A. zenkevitchi Kussakin, 1971 Chaetarcturus abyssalis (Birstein, 1963) C. acutispinis (Kussakin, 1982) Japan Taxa + + + + + ? + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + C. bathybialis (Birstein, 1963) C. beddardi (Gurjanova, 1935) C. echinatus (Kussakin, 1982) C. globicaudis (Kussakin, 1982) C. oligospinis (Kussakin, 1971) C. ultraabyssalis (Birstein, 1963) Pleuroprion chlebovitschi Kussakin, 1972 P. fabulosum Gurjanova, 1955 P. intermedium (Richardson, 1899) P. iturupicum Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 P. murdochi Benedict, 1898 P. toporoki Kussakin, 1972 Family Arcturidae Arcturus acuticaudalis Gurjanova, 1933 A. anophthalmus (Birstein, 1963) A. asper Kussakin, 1972 A. beringanus Benedict, 1898 A. crassispinis Richardson, 1909 A. crenulatus Gurjanova, 1933 A. granulatus Richardson, 1909 A. hastiger Richardson, 1909 A. macrurus Kussakin, 1982 A. magnispinis Richardson, 1909 A. ochotensis Kussakin, 1982 A. seminudus Gurjanova, 1933 A. setosus Gurjanova, 1933 A. subtilis Kussakin, 1971 A. tarasovi (Gurjanova, 1935) A. ulbani Gurjanova, 1933 A. verrucosus Kussakin, 1982 Neastacilla exilis Kussakin, 1971 N. kurilensis Kussakin, 1974 N. leucophthalma Kussakin, 1971 N. littoralis Kussakin, 1974 N. nodulosa Kussakin, 1982 N. ochroleutica Kussakin et Vasina, 1990 N. pallidocula Kussakin et Vasina, 1990 N. polita (Gurjanova, 1936) N. richardsonae Kussakin, 1982 N. sirenkoi Kussakin et Vasina, 1990 N. tritaeniata (Richardson, 1909) N. tzvetkowae Kussakin, 1974 N. vitjazi Kussakin, 1971 Family Chaetiliidae Saduria entomon (Linnaeus, 1758) Family Holognathidae Cleantioides rotundata (Kussakin, 1982) Family Idoteidae Cleantiella isopus (Grube, 1883) С. strasseni (Thielemann, 1910) Idotea aleutica Gurjanova, 1933 I. gurjanovae Kussakin, 1974 I. metallica Bosc, 1802 I. ochotensis Brandt, 1851 I. orientalis Gurjanova, 1933 I. spasskii Gurjanova, 1950 Pentias arimotoi Rafi, 1973 P. hayi Richardson, 1904 Pentidotea rotundata Richardson, 1909 + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 147 Compiled by B. I. Sirenko Subclass Loricata Order Lepidopleurida Suborder Lepidopleurina Family Leptochitonidae Leptochiton alascensis (Thiele, 1909) L. assimilis (Thiele, 1909) L. batialis Sirenko, 1979 L. belknapi Dall, 1878 L. hakodatensis (Thiele, 1909) L. kaasi Sirenko, 1990 L. lukini Sirenko, 1990 L. rugatus Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879 Leptochiton sp. 1 Leptochiton sp. 2 Hanleyella asiatica Sirenko, 1973 Family Protochitonidae Deshayesiella curvata (Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879) Order Chitonida Suborder Chitonina Superfamily CHITONOIDEA Family Ischnochitonidae Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767) S. golikovi Sirenko, 1994 S. kolesnikovi Sirenko, 1994 S. sharpii (Pilsbry, 1896) Stenosemus sp. Ischnochiton hakodadensis Pilsbry, 1892 Lepidozona abyssicola A. Smith et Cowan, 1966 L. albrechti (Schrenck, 1862) L. andrijashevi (Jakovleva, 1952) L. cowani (Clark, 2008) L. ima Sirenko, 1975 L. kobjakovae kobjakovae (Jakovleva, 1952) L. kobjakovae kamchtkana Sirenko, 1975 L. lindbergy (Jakovleva, 1952) 148 ? + + + + + + ? ? Bering Okhotsk + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. P. wosnesenskii Brandt, 1851 Synidotea batialis Gurjanova, 1955 S. bicuspida (Owen, 1839) S. birsteini Kussakin, 1971 S. bogorovi Gurjanova, 1956 S. brashnikovi Gurjanova, 1933 S. cinerea Gurjanova, 1933 S. epimerata Richardson, 1909 S. ezoensis Nunomura, 1991b S. ishimarui Nunomura, 1991b S. laevidorsalis (Miers, 1883) S. laevis Benedict, 1897 S. lata Gurjanova, 1933 S. longicirra Gurjanova, 1933 S. muricata (Harford, 1877) S. nebulosa Benedict, 1897 S. nodulosa (Kroyer, 1846) S. pulchra Birstein, 1963 S. sculpta Gurjanova, 1955 S. submarmorata Kussakin et Mezhov, 1979 S. tuberculata Richardson, 1909 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA CLASS POLYPLACOPHORA Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + + ? +  + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + +   +    + + + + + L. multigranosa Sirenko, 1975 L. thielei Sirenko, 1975 Lepidozona sp. 1 Lepidozona sp. 2 Suborder Acanthochitonina Superfamily MOPALIOIDEA Family Tonicellidae Subfamily Tonicellinae Tonicella marmorea (Fabricius, 1780) T. squamigera Thiele, 1909 T. submarmorea (Middendorff, 1847) T. undocaerulea Sirenko, 1973 T. zotini Jakovleva, 1952 Boreochiton beringensis beringensis (Jakovleva, 1952) B. beringensis lucida (Sirenko, 1974) B. granulatus (Jakovleva, 1952) Boreochiton sp. Spongioradsia alleutica (Dall, 1878) S. subaleutica Sirenko, 1976 Subfamily Juvenichitoninae Juvenichiton albocinnamomeus Sirenko, 1975 J. saccharinus (Dall, 1878) Micichiton grandispinus Sirenko, 1975 M. kurilensis Sirenko, 1975 Nanichiton deplanatus Sirenko, 1975 Family Schizoplacidae Schizoplax brandtii (Middendorff, 1847) Family Mopaliidae Mopalia middendorffii (Schrenck, 1861) M. retifera Thiele, 1909 M. schrencki Thiele, 1909 M. seta Jakovleva, 1952 Placiphorella borealijaponica Saito et Okutani, 1989 P. borealis Pilsbry, 1893 P. pacifica Berry, 1919 Placiphorella sp. Amicula gurjanovae Jakovleva, 1952 A. vestita (Broderip et Sowerby, 1829) Superfamily CRYPTOPLACOIDEA Family Acanthochitonidae Subfamily Acanthochitoninae Acanthochitona rubrolineata (Lischke, 1873) Subfamily Cryptochitoninae Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1847) CLASS APLACOPHORA Compiled by D. L. Ivanov Subclass Caudofoveata Order Prochaetodermatida Family Prochaetodermatidae Chevroderma hadalis Ivanov, 1996 Chevroderma sp. nov. Spathodrema californicum (Schwabl, 1963) Order Chaetodermatida Family Chaetodermidae Chaetoderma salviniplaweni Ivanov, 1984 Ch. japonica Heath, 1911 Chaetoderma sp. nov. 1 Chaetoderma sp. nov. 2 Family Crystallophrissonidae + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +  + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + +  + ? ? +  ?     149 Caudofoveatus callosus Ivanov, 1984 Crystallophrisson kafanovi Ivanov, 1984 C. scheltemae Ivanov, 1984 Crystallophrisson sp. nov Falcidens sp. nov. 1 Falcidens sp. nov. 2 Falcidens sp. nov. 3 Subclass Solenogasters Family Dondersiidae Nematomenia platypoda (Heath, 1911) Family Neomeniidae Neomenia yamamotoi Baba, 1975 CLASS GASTROPODA Clade Patellogastropoda Compiled by B.I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin Superfamily ACMAEOIDEA Family Lepetidae Cryptobranchia concentrica (Middendorff, 1851) C. kuragiensis (Yokoyama, 1920) Lepeta caeca (Müller, 1776) Limalepeta lima (Dall, 1918) Propilidium reticulatum Moskalev, 1977 Family Lottiidae Erginus apicinus (Dall, 1879) E. galkini Chernyshev et Chernova, 2002 E. moskalevi (Golikov et Kussakin, 1972) E. puniceus Lindberg, 1988 E. sybariticus (Dall, 1871) Erginus sp. Lottia angusta (Moskalev in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967) L. digitalis (Rathke, 1833) L. dorsuosa (Gould, 1859) L. kogamogai Sasaki et Okutani, 1994 L. ochracea (Dall, 1871) L. pelta (Rathke, 1833) L. persona (Rathke, 1833) L. tenuisculpta Sasaki et Okutani, 1994 L. versicolor (Moskalev in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967) Lottia sp. Nipponacmaea moskalevi Chernyshev et Chernova, 2002 N. nigrans (Kira, 1961) Niveotectura pallida (Gould, 1859) Rhodopetala rosea (Dall, 1872) Testudinalia scutum (Rathke, 1833) T. tessulata (Müller, 1776) Superfamily NACELLOIDEA Family Nacellidae Cellana toreuma (Reeve, 1855) Clade Vetigastropoda Compiled by B.I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin Superfamily SCISSURELLOIDEA Family Scissurelloidae Anatoma crispata (Fleming, 1828) Scissurella disciformis Golikov et Sirenko, 1980 S. obtusata Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 Superfamily SEGUENZIOIDEA Family Seguenziidae Asthelys simplex (Watson, 1878) Seguenzia elegans Jeffreys, 1885 150 + + +   Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids +  + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. S. monocingulata Seguenza, 1876 S. cf. mirabilis Okutani, 1964 Superfamily LEPETELLOIDEA Family Bathyphytophilidae Aenigmabonus kurilokamtschaticus Moskalev, 1978 Superfamily FISSURELLOIDEA Family Fissurellidae Puncturella cucullata (Gould, 1846) P. curva Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 P. fastigiata A. Adams, 1853 P. galeata (Gould, 1846) P. kawamurai Habe, 1961 P. longifissa Dall, 1914 P. major Dall, 1891 P. noachina (Linnaens, 1771) P. nobilis (A. Adams, 1860) P. raricostata Golikov et Sirenko, 1980 Puncturella sp. 1 Puncturella sp. 2 Scelidotoma gigas (Martens, 1881) Superfamily HALIOTIDEA Family Haliotioidae Haliotis discus Reeve, 1846 Superfamily TROCHOIDEA Family Calliostomatidae Benthastelena consors (Lischke, 1872) Family Trochidae Lischkeia crumpii (Pilsbry, 1893) Margarites albolineatus (E.A. Smith, 1899) M. angulatus Galkin, 1955 M. avachensis Bartsch in Galkin, 1955 M. bisikovi Egorov, 2000 M. calliostomoides Egorov, 2000 M. clausus (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) M. costalis (Gould, 1841) M. frigidus (Dall, 1919) M. giganteus (Leche, 1878) M. glabrus Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 M. groenlandicus groenlandicus (Gmelin, 1791) M. groenlandicus kurilensis Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 M. helicinus (Phipps, 1774) M. koreanicus Dall, 1919 M. olivaceus olivaceus (Brown, 1827) M. olivaceus marginatus Dall, 1919 M. pilsbryi Kuroda et Habe, 1952 M. rossicus rossicus Dall, 1919 M. rossicus derjugini Bartsch in Galkin, 1955 M. schantaricus (Middendorff, 1849) M. striatus (Leach, 1819) M. vahlii (Møller, 1842) M. vorticiferus (Dall, 1873) Oligomeria conoidea Galkin et Golikov, 1985 Lirularia iridescens (Schrenck, 1863) L. minima (Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967) L. picturatus Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Solariella galkini Bagirov, 1995 S. obscura (Conthony, 1838) S. tenuicolaris Golikov et Sirenko, 1998 S. tuberculata Bagirov, 1995 Japan Taxa + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 151 152 +   +  +  Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids +  S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. S. varicosa (Mighels et Adams, 1842) S. watanabei (Shikama, 1962) Solariella sp. Tegula lischkei Tappatone-Canefri, 1874) T. rustica (Gmelin, 1791) Umbonium costatum (Valenciennes in Kiener, 1838-1839) U. thomasi (Crosse, 1863) Superfamily TURBINOIDEA Family Liotiidae Moelleria costulata (Møller, 1842) Spiromoelleria quadrae (Dall, 1897) Family Turbinidae Homalopoma amussitata (Gould, 1861) H. maculata Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 H. sangarense (Schrenck, 1861) H. umbilicata Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 Clade Cocculiniformia Compiled by B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin Superfamily COCCULINOIDEA Family Bathysciadiidae Bonus petrochenkoi Moskalev, 1973 Family Cocculinidae Cocculina japonica Dall, 1907 Kurilabyssia squamata Moskalev, 1976 Clade Caenogastropoda Compiled by B.I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin Superfamily CERITHIOIDEA Family Batillariidae Batillaria cumingii (Crosse, 1862) Family Litiopidae Diffalaba picta (A. Adams, 1861) D. vitrea Sowerby , 1915 Family Turritellidae Armatus bicarinatus Golikov, 1986 Neohaustator andenensis (Otuka, 1934) N. fortiliratus (Sowerby, 1914) Tachyrhynchus erosus erosus (Couthony, 1838) T. reticulatus lacteolum (Carpenter, 1864) T. reticulatus reticulatus (Mighels et Adams, 1842) T. septemcostatus Golikov, 1986 T.spitzbergensis Golikov, 1986 T. ventricosus Golikov, 1986 T. yanamii Yokoyama, 1936 Tachyrhynchus sp. Clade Littorinimorpha Compiled by B.I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin, A. V. Merkuliev Superfamily CALYPTRAEOIDEA Family Calypraeidae Crepidula derjugini Golikov et Kussakin, 1962 C. grandis Middendorff, 1849 Crepipatella lingulata lingulata Gould, 1846 Superfamily CAPULOIDEA Family Capulidae Ariadnaria acutiminata Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 A. alexandrae Egorov et Alexeyev, 1998 A. borealis Broderip et Sowerby, 1829) A. conica (Møller, 1842) A. densecostata Golikov, 1986 Japan Taxa + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +    + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. A. hirsuta (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) A. insignis (Middendorff, 1848) Ariadnaria sp. 1 Ariadnaria sp. 2 Ariadnaria sp. 3 Ciliatotropis ciliata (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) C. japonica Golikov, 1986 C. striata Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Neoiphinoe arctica (Middendorff, 1849) N. coronata (Gould, 1860) N. echinata (Egorov et Alexeyev, 1998) N. kroyeri (Philippi, 1849) N. ovoideus (Egorov et Alexeyev, 1998) N. permabilis (Dall, 1871) N. triseriata (Golikov, 1986) Torellia acuta Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 Trichamatina buccinula (Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967) T. nobilis (A. Adams, 1867) Trichamatina sp. Trichotropis bicarinata bicarinata Sowerby, 1825 T. bicarinata tenuis (E.A. Smith, 1877) Turritropis cancellata (Hinds, 1843) Superfamily LITTORINOIDEA Family Littorinidae Subfamily Littorininae Aquilonaria orientalis Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Littorina aleutica Dall, 1872 L. brevicula (Philippi, 1844) L. kasatka Reid, Zaslavskaya et Sergievsky, 1991 L. mandshurica (Schrenck, 1861) L. natica Reid, 1996 L. sitkana Philippi, 1846 L. squalida Broderip et Sowerby, 1829 L. subrotundata (Carpenter, 1864) Subfamily Lacuninae Epheria crassior (Motagu, 1803) E. decorata (A. Adams, 1861) E. porrecta (Carpeter, 1864) E. turrita (A. Adams, 1861) Haloconcha minor Dall, 1919 H. refleza (Dall, 1884) Lacunitunica lukini Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 Stenotis uchidai Habe, 1953 Family Skeneopsidae Sceneopsis sp. Superfamily NATICOIDEA Family Naticidae Amauropsis islandica (Gmelin, 1791) Bulbus normalis (Middendorff, 1851) B. smithi Brown in J. Smith, 1839 B. tenuiculus (Sowerby, 1915) Cryptonatica affinis (Gmelin, 1791) C. aleutica (Dall, 1919) C. hirasei (Pilsbry, 1905) C. janthostoma (Deshayes, 1839) C. wakkanaiensis Habe et Ito, 1976 C. zenryumarnae Habe et Ito, 1976 Glossaulax didyma (Röding, 1798) Lunatia choshiensis Tiba, 1985 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 153 154 + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. + +  + Bering + + +  + Okhotsk + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids L. monterona (Dall, 1919) L. pallida (Broderip et Sowerby, 1829) L. pila Pilsbry, 1911 Lunatia sp. Pseudopolinices nanus (Møller, 1842) Superfamily RISSOOIDEA Family Rissooidae Subfamily Rissoinae Alvania ferruginea A. Adams, 1861 A. castanella (Dall, 1887) Boreocingula martyni (Dall, 1887) Boreocingula sp. Frigidoalvania cf. cruenta Odhner, 1915 F. flavida Golikov et Sirenko, 1998 F. janmayeni Friele, 1878 Mohrensternia coronata Golikov, 1986 M. derjugini Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Obtusella tumidula (G.O. Sars, 1878) Onoba aurivillii aurivillii (Dall, 1887) O. aurivillii axicostata Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 O. brunnea Golikov et Kussakin, 1978 O. carpenteri (Weinkauff, 1885) O. cerinella Dall, 1887 O. cingulata (Middendorff, 1849) O. compsa Bartsch in, Golikov, Gulbin et Sirenko, 1987 O. jeffreysi (Waller, 1864) O. kurilensis Golikov et Kussakin, 1974 O. kyskensis (Bartsch, 1911) O. laticingulata Golikov et Kussakin, 1978 O. russica Golikov, 1986 O. tenuistriata Golikov, Gulbin et Sirenko, 1987 Onoba sp. Punctulum delicatum Golikov et Sirenko, 1987 P. minutum Golikov et Fedjakov, 1987 P. ochotense Golikov et Sirenko, 1998 P. reticulatum Golikov, 1987 Punctulum sp. Pusilina plicosa (Smith, 1875) Setia alaskana (Bartsch, 1912) S. candida (A. Adams, 1861) Setia sp. Family Assimineidae Assiminea lutea (A. Adams, 1861) A. possietica Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Family Barleeidae Ansola angulosa Golikov et Kussakin, 1978 A. angustata (Pilsbry, 1901) A. labiosa Golikov et Kussakin, 1978 Lucidestea ornata (Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967) Family Caecidae Gray, 1850 Caecum derjugini Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 C. bucerium Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 C. cf. glabellum (A. Adams, 1868) Family Falsicingulidae Slanvoschevskaya, 1975 Falsicingula aleutica (Dall, 1887) F. athera Bartsch in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 F. kurilensis (Pilsbry, 1905) F. mundana (Yokoyama, 1926) F. ventricosior (Middendorff, 1851) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + +    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Family Iravadiidae Hyala adamsi Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1971 Flaviocingula elegantula (A. Adams, 1861) F. golikovi Starobogatov, Sitnikova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F. kussakini Starobogatov et Zatrawkin in Starobogatov, Sitnikova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F. ovoides Starobogatov in Starobogatov, Sitnikova et Zatrawkin, 1989 F. scarlatoi Starobogatov in Starobogatov, Sitnikova et Zatrawkin, 1989 Family Pomatiopsidae Subfamily Pomatiopsinae Cecina alta Prozorova, 1996 C. elenae Prozorova, 1996 C. kunashirica Prozorova, 1996 C. manchurica A. Adams, 1861 C. murshudovi Prozorova, 1996 C. satrae Prozorova, 1996 C. scarlatoi Prozorova, 1996 C. tatarica (Schrenck, 1867) Family Stenothyridae Stenothyra hokkaidonis Kuroda, 1962 S. recondita Lindholm, 1929 Family Truncatellidae Teinostoma atomaria (A. Adams, 1861) Superfamily TONNOIDEA Family Ranellidae Fusitriton oregonensis (Redfield, 1846) Superfamily VELUTINOIDEA Family Velutinidae Subfamily Capulacmaeinae Cilifera ciliata Golikov et Gulbin, 1990 Piliscus commoda (Middendorff, 1851) P. rostratus (Golikov et Gulbin, 1990) P. undulatus Golikov et Gulbin, 1990 Subfamily Onchidiopsinae Onchidiopsis brevipes Derjygin, 1937 O. carnea Kröyer in Bergh, 1853 O. glacialis (M. Sars, 1851) O. groenlandica Berg, 1853 O. gurjanovae Derjugin, 1937 O. longipes Derjugin, 1937 O. maculata Derjugin, 1937 O. nadinae Derjugin, 1937 O. ushakovi Derjugin, 1937 O. variegata Derjugin, 1937 O. zachsi Derjugin, 1937 Onchidiopsis sp. Subfamily Velutininae Cartilagovelutina beringensis (Derjugin, 1950) C. chondirina (Bartsch in Derjugin, 1950) C. cristata (Derjugin, 1950) Ciliatovelutina capillata (Derjugin, 1950) C. lanata (Derjugin, 1950) C. lanigera (Møller, 1842) C. nana (Bartsch in Derjugin, 1950) Ciliatovelutina sp. Limneria prolongata (Carpenter, 1864) L. undata undata (Brown in J. Smith, 1839) L. undata bifasciata (Derjugin, 1950) L. undata ochotensis (Derjugin, 1950) Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 155 156 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Marsenina rhombica (Dall, 1871) M. uchidai (Habe, 1958) Marsenina sp. Velutella plicatilis (Muller, 1776) Velutina bartschi Derjugin, 1950 V. coriacea Pallas, 1788 V. laevigata (Linnaeus, 1767) V. pulchella Derjugin, 1950 V. schneideri Friele, 1886 V. tarasovi Derjugin, 1950 Clade Ptenoglossa Superfamily EPITONIOIDEA Family Epitonidae Acirsa martensi (De Boury, 1912) A. mcleani Sirenko, 2009 A. ochotensis (Middendorff, 1848) Boreoscala greenlandica (Perry, 1811) B. rarecostulata Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Boreoscala sp. Cirsotrema kagayai Habe et Ito, 1965 Papyriscala clementinum (Grateloup, 1940) Superfamily EULIMOIDEA Family Eulimidae Amamibalcis yessoensis Rybakov et Yakovlev, 1993 Asterophila japonica Randall et Heath, 1912 Entocolax chiridotae Scarlato, 1951 E. ludwigi Voigt, 1888 E. rimskykorsakovi Ivanov, 1945 Melanella columbiana Bartsch, 1917 M. conspicua (Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985) M. kuronamako (Habe, 1952) M. randolphi Vanatta, 1899 Molpadicola orientalis Grusov, 1957 Paedophorus dicoelobius Ivanov, 1933 Thyonicola dogieli (Ivanov, 1945) Superfamily TRIPHOROIDEA Family Triphoridae Viriola tricincta (Dunker, 1882) Family Cerithiopsidae Cerithiopsis fasciata Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 C. flavida Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 C. janira Bartsch in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 C. pallida Golikov, 1988 C. stejnegeri Dall, 1884 Notoseila altissima (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) Family Eumetulidae Cerithiopsida echinata (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) C. elegans (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) C. lata (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) Embrionalia embrionalis Golikov, 1988 Eumetula striata striata Gulbin, 1982 E. striata ssp. Furukawaia fukuensis Kuroda et Habe in Habe, 1961 F. habei Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 Sasamocochlis sasamorii (Kuroda, 1943) Family Newtoniellidae Newtoniellidae gen. nov. pro “Mohnia” kurilana Dall, 1913 Clade Neogastropoda Compiled by B.I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin, Japan Taxa + + + + + + +  + + + + + + +  + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + A. R. Kosyan, A. Sysoev, A. V. Merkuliev Superfamily MURICOIDEA Family Muricidae Subfamily Ocenebrinae Ceratostoma burnettii (Adams et Reeve, 1848) Ocenebra inornata (Récluz, 1851) O. lumaria (Yokoyama, 1926) Subfamily Trophoninae Cossmann, 1903 Abyssotrophon crystallinus (Kuroda, 1953) A. delicatus Kuroda, 1953 A. edzoevi Egorov, 1994 A. hadalis (Sysoev, 1992) A. ivanovi Egorov, 1993 A. longisiphon Egorov, 1993 A. multicostatus (Golikov et Sirenko, 1992) A. odisseyi (Golikov et Sirenko, 1992) A. ruthenicus Egorov, 1993 A. soyoae (Okutani, 1959) A. tricostatus Egorov, 1993 Abyssotrophon sp. 1 Abyssotrophon sp. 2 Boreotrophon alaskanus alaskanus Dall, 1902 B. alaskanus okhotensis Egorov, 1993 B. albus Egorov, 1992 B. beringi Dall, 1902 B. candelabrum (Reeve, 1848) B. cepula (Sowerby, 1880) B. cymatus Dall, 1902 B. egorovi Houart, 1995 B. gaidenkoi Houart, 1995 B. golikovi Egorov, 1992 B. houarti Egorov, 1994 B. ithitomus Dall, 1919 B. macouni (Dall, 1910) B. pacificus Dall, 1902 B. paucicostatus Habe et Ito, 1965 B. rotundatus Dall, 1902 B. stuarti (E.A. Smith, 1880) B. trophonis Egorov, 1993 B. truncatus (Strøm, 1768) B. xestra Dall, 1918 Boreotrophon sp. 1 Boreotrophon sp. 2 Boreotrophon sp. 3 Boreotrophon sp. 4 Nipponotrophon gordon (Dall, 1913) N. magnificus (Golikov et Sirenko, 1992) Nipponotrophon sp. Nodulotrophon coronatus (H. et A. Adams, 1864) Scabrotrophon bondarevi (Houart, 1995) S. densicostatus (Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985) S. emphaticus (Habe et Ito, 1965) S. fabricii (Beck in Møller, 1842) S. rossicus (Egorov, 1993) S. scarlatoi (Golikov et Sirenko, 1992) S. scitulus (Dall, 1891) Trophonopsis densilamellata Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 T. elegantula (Dall, 1907) T. kamchatkana (Dall, 1902) + + + + +  +  + +  + Bering  + + + +  + + + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +  + + +  +    + +  +  + +  + +  + + + + + + + + + + +  +  + + +   + + + + +  + +  + 157 158 + Bering + Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. T. nodulosa Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 T. orphea (Gould, 1849) T. tegularis Golikov in Gulbin, 1977 T. undocostata Golikov et Sirenko, 1992 T. yurii Egorov, 1994 Trophonopsis sp. 1 Subfamily Rapaninae Nucella elongata Golikov et Kussakin, 1974 N. freycinetti (Deshayes, 1839) N. heyseana (Dunker, 1882) N. lima (Gmelin, 1791) Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) Family Turbinellidae Subfamily Columbariinae Fulgurofusus aequilonius Sysoev, 2000 Family Volutidae Arctomelon stearnsi (Dall, 1872) Tenebrincola frigida Harasewych et Kantor, 1991 Family Volutomitridae Volutomitra groenlandica alascana Dall, 1902 “Volutomitra” tenella Golikov et Sirenko, 1998 Superfamily OLIVOIDEA Family Olivellidae Olivella borealis Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Superfamily PSEUDOLIVOIDEA de Family Ptychatractidae Ptychatractus occidentalis Stearns, 1873 Superfamily BUCCINOIDEA Rafinesque, 1815 Family Buccinidae Rafinesque, 1915 Subfamily Ancistrolepisinae Habe et Sato, 1973 Ancistrolepis eucosmius (Dall, 1891) A. grammatus (Dall, 1907) A. hikidai Kuroda, 1944 A. kawamurai Habe et Ito, 1972 A. okhotensis Dall, 1925 A. sasakii (Habe et Ito, 1970) Bathyancistrolepis trochoideus (Dall, 1907) Clinopegma borealis Tiba, 1969 C. chikaoi Tiba, 1968 C. decora (Dall, 1925) C. magna magna (Dall, 1895) C. magna unicum (Pilsbry, 1905) Neancistrolepis beringiana (Dall, 1919) N. glabra Habe et Ito, 1973 Pseudoliomesus canaliculata (Dall, 1874) P. nassula (Dall, 1901) P. ooides (Middendorff, 1848) Pseudoliomesus sp. Subfamily Beringiinae Golikov et Starobogatov, 1975 Beringius behringi (Middendorff, 1848) B. indentatus Dall, 1919 B. marshalli (Dall, 1919) B. polynematicus Pilsbry, 1907 B. stimpsoni (Gould, 1860) Neoberingius frielei frielei (Dall, 1895) N. frielei miyauchii (Habe et Ito, 1972) Subfamily Buccininae Bathybuccinum bicordatum Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 Bat. fimbriatum Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + +  + + + + + +  + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + Bering +  +   N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Bat. perlatum (Fraissen et Chino, 2009) Bat. unicordatum Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 Bathybuccinum sp. 1 Bathybuccinum sp. 2 Buccinum acuminulatum Golikov, 1980 B. acutispiratum Dall, 1907 B. aleuticum Dall, 1895 B. angulosum Gray, 1839 B. araitonum Tiba, 1981 B. argillaceum Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 B. baerii (Middendorff, 1848) B. bayani (Jousseaume, 1883) B. boucheti Tiba, 1984 B. bulimuloideum Dall, 1907 B. bussinum Tiba, 1983 B. ciliatum ciliatum (Fabricius, 1780) B. ciliatum sericatum Hancock in Reeve, 1847 B. cnismatum Dall, 1907 B. costatum Golikov, 1980 B. crebricarinatum Lus, 1978 B. crenatum Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 B. cristatum Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 B. densiplicatum Golikov, 1980 B. cf. diplodetum Dall, 1907 B. ectomocyma ectomocyma Dall, 1907 B. ectomocyma beringense Golikov, 1980 B. elegantum Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 B. epifragilum Tiba, 1983 B. epistomium Dall, 1907 B. flavidum Golikov, 1980 B. frausseni frausseni Alexeyev et Gornichnykh, 2009 B.frausseni gracilis Alexeyev et Gornichnykh, 2009 B. fringillum Dall, 1877 B. fukureum Habe et Ito, 1976 B. glaciale Linnaus, 1767 B. herzensteinii Verkrüzen, 1882 B. japonicum A. Adams, 1861 B. kashimanum Okutani, 1964 B. kinukatsugi Habe et Ito, 1968 B. kobjakovae Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 B. kurilensis Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 B. lamelliferum Lus, 1976 B. lischkeanum Löbbecke, 1881 B. lyperum Dall, 1919 B. maltzani Pfeffer, 1886 B. middendorffi Verkrüzen, 1882 B. mirandum mirandum E.A. Smith, 1875 B. mirandum picturatum Dall, 1877 B. miyauchii Azuma, 1972 B. mizutanii Habe et Ito, 1970 B. morchianum (Dunker, 1858) B. nodocostum Tiba, 1984 B. ochotense ochotense (Middendorff, 1848) B. ochotense timessum Bartsch in Golikov, 1980 B. oedematum Dall, 1907 B. opisthoplectum Dall, 1907 B. osagawai Habe et Ito, 1968 B. ovulum Dall, 1895 B. pemphigus Dall, 1907 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + 159 160 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. B. percrassum Dall, 1883 B. plectrum Stimpson, 1865 B. polaris Gray, 1839 B. polium polium Dall, 1907 B. polium obsoletum Golikov, 1980 B. rossellinum Dall, 1919 B. rossicum Dall, 1907 B. sakhalinense Dall, 1907 B. scalariforme rhodium Dall, 1919 B. schantaricum (Middendorff, 1848) B. shiretokoensis Habe et Ito, 1976 B. sigmatopleurum Dall, 1907 B. simplex (Middendorff, 1848) B. solidum Golikov et Sirenko, 1988 B. striatellum Golikov, 1980 B. striatissimum Sowerby, 1899 B. strigillatum Dall, 1891 B. takagawai Habe et Ito, 1972 B. tenellum Dall in Kobelt, 1883 B. tenuissimum Kuroda in Teramachi, 1933 B. tenuisulcatum Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 B. unuscarinatum Tiba, 1981 B. verkruzeni Kobelt, 1882 Buccinum sp. 1 Buccinum sp. 2 Buccinum sp. 3 Buccinum sp. 4 Buccinum sp. 5 Corneobuccinum lepidum (Dall, 1918) Plicibuccinum declivis Habe et Ito, 1976 Thysanobuccinum pilosum (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977) T. tunicatum Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 Volutharpa ampullacea (Middendorff, 1848) Subfamily Colinae Gray, 1857 Anomalosipho altus (S. Wood, 1842) A. conulus (Aurivillius, 1885) Aulacofusus brevicaudus (Deshayes, 1832) A. calamaeus (Dall, 1907) A. esychus (Dall, 1907) A. herendeeni (Dall, 1899) A. ombronius (Dall, 1919) A. periscelidus (Dall, 1891) Aulacofusus sp. Bayerius arnoldi (Lus, 1981) B. holosericus (Lus, 1971) Calliloncha iturupi Lus, 1989 Colus azygosorius Tiba, 1980 C. bukini Kantor, 1984 C. callorhinus (Dall, 1907) C. halibrectus (Dall, 1891) C. kujianus Tiba, 1973 C. minor (Dall, 1925) C. pulcius (Dall, 1919) C. siphonoides (Dall, 1913) Japelion hirasei (Pilsbry, 1901) Latisipho halli (Dall, 1873) L. hypolispus (Dall, 1891) Mohnia sp. Neptunea alexeyevi Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +     + + + + + +  + + + + + + +  + + + + +   + + + +   + + + + + + + +  + +  +  + + + + + + +  +  + + + + + +  + + + + + + N. alabaster Alexeyev et Fraussen, 2005 N. arthritica (Valenciennes, 1858) N. aurigena aurigena Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. aurigena apeliota Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. behringiana (Middendorff, 1848) N. bulbacea (Valenciennes, 1858) N. communis communis (Middendorff, 1849) N. communis clarki (Meek, 1923) N. constricta (Dall, 1907) N. convexa Goryachev, 1978 N. cuspidis Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. cybaea Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. gulbini Goryachev et Kantor, 1983 N. hyroscopoides Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. hedygra Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. hesperica Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. insularis (Dall, 1895) N. intersculpta (Sowerby, 1899) N. jagudinae Goryachev et Kantor, 1983 N. laeva Golikov, Goryachev et Kantor, 1987 N. lamellosa Golikov, 1962 N. laticostata laticostata Golikov, 1962 N. laticostata ochotense Golikov, 1962 N. lyrata lyrata (Gmelin, 1791) N. magnanimita Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. nodositella Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. occaecata Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. oncoda (Dall, 1907) N. polycostata Scarlato in Galkin et Scarlato, 1955 N. pribiloffensis (Dall, 1919) N. purpureus Tiba, 1983 N. rugosa Golikov, 1962 N. tuberculata (Yokoyama, 1929) N. umbratica Fraussen et Terryn, 2007 N. varicifera (Dall, 1907) N. ventricosa (Gmelin, 1791) N. vinosa Dall, 1919 Paracalliloncha ultraabyssalis Lus, 1989 Plicifusus bambusus Tiba, 1980 P. croceus (Dall, 1907) P. elaeodes (Dall, 1907) P. hastarius Tiba, 1980 P. kroeyeri (Möller, 1842) P. levis Tiba, 1980 P. maehirai Tiba, 1980 P. mcleani Sirenko, 2009 P. olivaceus (Bartsch, 1929) P. oceanodromae Dall, 1919 P. olivaceus (Aurivillius, 1885) P. rhyssus (Dall, 1907) P. scissuratus (Dall, 1918) P. torquatus (Petrov, 1982) Pararetifusus kantori Kosyan, 2006 P. kosugei Kosyan, 2006 P. sapius (Dall, 1919) P. tenuis (Okutani, 1966) Retifusus attenuatus (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977) R. iturupus (Golikov et Sirenko, 1998) R. iwateanus (Tiba, 1981) Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +    + + +  + + + + + + + + + +  + 161 162 Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. R. jessoensis (Schrenck, 1863) R. laticingulatus Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 R. roseus (Dall, 1877) R. similis (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977) R. yanamii (Yokoyama, 1926) R. virens (Dall, 1877) Retimohnia clarki (Dall, 1907) R. hondoensis (Dall, 1913) R. japonica (Dall, 1913) R. olivacea (Bartsch, 1929) Turrivolutopsius stejnegeri (Dall, 1884) Subfamily Parancestrolepidinae Habe, 1972 Thalassoplanes moerchi (Dall, 1908) Subfamily Volutopsinae Habe et Sato, 1973 Habevolutopsius attenuatus (Dall, 1874) H. hirasei (Pilsbry, 1907) H. sakhalinensis Kantor, 1985 H. savilovi Kantor, 1985 Lussivolutopsius emphaticus (Dall, 1907) L. furukawai (Oyama, 1951) L. hydractiniferus Kantor, 1983 L. ivanovi Kantor, 1983 L. limatus (Dall, 1907) L. marinae Kantor, 1984 L. memmi Kantor, 1990 L. ochotensis Kantor, 1986 L. strelzovae Kantor, 1990 Pyrulofusus deformis (Reeve, 1847) P. dexius (Dall, 1907) P. melonis (Dall, 1891) Volutopsius castaneus (Mörch, 1857) V. fragilis (Dall, 1891) V. middendorffii (Dall, 1891) V. pallidus Tiba, 1973 V. regularis Dall, 1873 Family Columbellidae Swainson, 1840 Astyris amiantis (Dall,1919) A. costata Gulbin, 1983 A. elegans Gulbin, 1983 A. kobai (Golikov et Kussakin, 1962) A. rosacea (Gould, 1840) Astyris sp. Mitrella burchardi (Dunker, 1877) Family Fasciolariidae Gray 1853 Costaria borealis Golikov, 1977 Family Nassariidae Iredale, 1916 Nassarius fraterculus (Dunker, 1860) N. multigranosus (Dunker, 1847) N. praematuratus (Kuroda et Habe in Habe, 1960) Superfamily CANCELLARIOIDEA Forbes et Hanley, 1851 Family Admetidae Troschel, 1869 Admete choshiensis Shikama, 1962 A. laevior Leche, 1878 A. solida (Aurivillius, 1885) A. viridula (Fabricius, 1780) Admete sp. 1 Admete sp. 2 Admete sp. 3 Admete sp. 4 Japan Taxa + +  + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + +  +    + + + + + Admete sp. 5 Admete sp. 6 Iphinopsis cf. bathyalis (Okutani, 1964) I. choshiensis (Habe, 1958) Iphinopsis sp. 1 Iphinopsis sp. 2 Superfamily CONOIDEA Fleming, 1822 Family Cochlespiridae Powell, 1942 Aforia abyssalis Sysoev et Kantor, 1987 A. circinata (Dall, 1873) A. kincaidi (Dall, 1919) Family Drillidae Olsson, 1964 Tylotiella sp. aff. Imaclava hosoi (Okutani, 1964) Family Pseudomelatomidae Morrison, 1965 Abyssocomitas kurilokamchatica Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 Antiplanes abyssalis Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. dendritoplicata Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. habei Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. isaotakii (Habe, 1958) A. kawamurai (Habe, 1958) A. kurilensis Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. motojimai motojimai (Habe, 1958) A. motojimai aquilonalis Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. obliquiplicata Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. sanctiioannis (E.A. Smith, 1875) A. spirinae Kantor et Sysoev, 1991 A. vinosa (Dall, 1874) Comitas sp. Crassispira takeokensis (Otuka, 1949) Cretaspira sp. Kurilohadalia brevis Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 K. elongata Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 Plicisyrinx binicostata Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 P. decapitata Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 P. vitjazi Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 Family Turridae Cryptogemma corneus (Okutani, 1966) C. longicostata Sysoev et Kantor, 1986 Decollidrillia nigra Habe et Ito, 1965 Family Borsonidae Bellardi, 1875 Suavodrillia kennicotti (Dall, 1871) Family Mangeliidae Fischer, 1883 „Bela“ erosa (Schrenck, 1861) „B“. luetkeana (Krause, 1885) „B“. ogurana (Yokoyama, 1922) Benthomangelia abyssopacifica Sysoev, 1988 Curtitoma bartschi (Bogdanov, 1985) C. becklemishevi Bogdanov, 1989 C. candida (Yokoyama, 1926) C. decussata (Couthony, 1839) C. fiora (Dall, 1919) C. hebes (Verill, 1880) C. hokkaidoensis (Bartsch, 1941) C. incisula (Verrill, 1882) C. kinkasanensis Bartsch in Golikov et Gulbin, 1977 C. lawrenciana (Dall, 1919) C. microvoluta (Okutani, 1964) C. neymanae Bogdanov, 1989 C. piltuniensis (Bogdanov, 1985) Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids  Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa   +   + + + + +  +  + + + + + + +  + + + + +  + + +    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 163 164 + + + + + + + + + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Bering + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids C. reticulosculpturata (Sysoev, 1988) C. violacea (Mighels et Adams, 1842) Cytharella deshayesii (Dunker, 1860) Granotoma albrechti (Krause, 1885) G. krausei (Dall, 1887) G. raduga (Bogdanov, 1985) Obesotoma japonica Bartsch, 1941 Ob. laevigata (Dall, 1871) Ob. robusta (Packard, 1867) Ob. sachalinensis Bogdanov, 1989 Ob. schantarica (Middendorff, 1848) Ob. solida (Dall, 1887) Ob. tenuilirata (Dall, 1871) Ob. tomiyaensis (Otuka, 1949) Ob. uchidai Habe, 1958 Oenopota alba Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Oe. biconica Bogdanov, 1989 Oe. cancellata (Mighels et Adams, 1842) Oe. casentina (Dall, 1919) Oe. dubia Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Oe. elongata Bogdanov, 1989 Oe. harpa (Dall, 1885) Oe. impressa (Beck in Mörch, 1869) Oe. inequita (Dall, 1919) Oe. kurilensis Bogdanov, 1989) Oe. laticostalata Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Oe. murdochiana (Dall, 1885) Oe. obsoleta Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Oe. pavlova (Dall, 1919) Oe. pingelii (Møller, 1842) Oe. pygmaea (Verrill, 1882) Oe. pyramidalis (Strøm, 1788) Oe. tenuisriata Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 Oe. uschakovi Bogdanov, 1985 Oenopotella ultraabyssalis ultraabyssalis Sysoev, 1988 Paraspirotropis simplicissima (Dall, 1907) Propebela alitakensis (Dall, 1919) P. arctica (A. Adams, 1855) P. areta (Bartsch, 1941) P. assimilis (G.O. Sars, 1878) P. cassis Bogdanov, 1989 P. cingulata (Golikov et Gulbin, 1977) P. concinnula (Verrill, 1882) P. delicata (Okutani, 1964) P. fidicula (Gould, 1849) P.golikovi (Bogdanov, 1985) P. goryachevi Bogdanov, 1989 P. harpularia (Couthouy, 1838) P. margaritae (Bogdanov, 1985) P. marinae Bogdanov, 1985 P. mitrata (Dall, 1919) P. nobilis (Møller, 1842) P. popovia (Dall, 1919) P. raricostulata Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1985 P. rassina (Dall, 1919) P. svetlanae Bogdanov, 1989 P. terpeniensis Bogdanov, 1989 P. tersa (Bartsch, 1941) P. valentina (Bartsch in Golikov et Gulbin, 1977) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril.  +  N.M. Kuril Command Ids P. variabilis Bogdanov, 1990 P. verrilli Bogdanov, 1989 Vitjazinella multicostata Sysoev, 1988 Mangeliidae gen. sp. 1 Family Raphitomidae Bellardi, 1875 Gymnobela oculifera Kantor et Sysoev, 1986 Taranis sp. Tuscaroria ultraabyssalis Sysoev, 1988 Clade Heterobranchia Compiled by B. I. Sirenko, Yu. I. Kantor, V. V. Gulbin, E. M. Chaban Superfamily ACTEONOIDEA Family Acteonoidae Japonacteon nipponensis (Yamakawa, 1911) Family Aplustridae Parvaplustrum pacificum Chaban et Chernyshev, 2013 Superfamily MATHILDOIDEA Family Mathildidae Turritellopsis glabra Golikov et Sirenko, 1998 T. simpsoni Dall, 1919 Turritellopsis sp. Superfamily PYRAMIDELLOIDEA Family Pyramidellidae Aartsenia arctica (Dall et Bartsch, 1909) Chemnitsia multigyrata Dunker, 1882 Chrysallida subtantilla Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Cingulina cingulata (Dunker, 1860) Derjuginella rufofasciata (E. A. Smith, 1875) Iolaea dubia Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Liostomia beringensis Golikov et Kussakin, 1978 L. eburnea (Stimpson, 1851) L. minutissima Golikov in Golikov et Scarlato, 1967 Menesto exarata A. Adams, 1861 M. hypocurta (Dall et Bartsch, 1909) M. truncatula Odhner, 1915 Odostomia baranoffensis Dall et Bartsch, 1909 O. culta Dall et Bartsch, 1906 O. fuijitanii Yokoyama, 1927 O. sitkaensis Clessin, 1900 Odostomia sp. 1 Parthenina affectuosa (Yokoyama, 1927) Parthenina gracilis (Yokoyama, 1926) Phasianema lirata (A. Adams, 1860) Symola serotina (A. Adams, 1863) Superfamily OMALOGYROIDEA Family Omalogyridae Ammonicera shornikovi Chernyshev, 2003 A. vladivostokensis Chernyshev, 2003 Superfamily RINGICULOIDEA Family Ringiculoidae Microglyphis japonica (Habe, 1952) Ringicula pilula Habe, 1950 Ringiculoides kurilensis Minichev, 1966 Superfamily RISSOELLOIDEA Family Rissoellidae Jeffreysina elatior Golikov, Gulbin et Sirenko, 1987 J. elephantina (Golikov et Gulbin, 1978) J. golikovi Gulbin, 1979 J. violacea Golikov et Kussakin in Golikov et Scarlato, 1971 Japan Taxa + +   + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 165 Rissoella dubia Golikov et Gulbin, 1978 Unranked group Opisthobranchia Clade Cephalaspidea Compiled by E. M. Chaban, A. V. Martynov Superfamily DIAPHANOIDEA Family Diaphanidae Diaphana minuta Brown, 1827 D. hiemalis (Couthouy, 1839) D. glacialis Odhner, 1907 Prodiaphana makarovi (Gorbunov, 1946) Toledonia cf. limnaeoides (Odhner 1913) Bogasonia gorjachevi Chaban, 1998 Superfamily HAMINOEOIDEA Family Haminoeidae Cylichnatys angusta (Gould, 1859) Superfamily PHILINOIDEA Family Retusidae Retusa minima Yamakawa, 1911 R. pertenuis (Mighels, 1843) R. lata Chaban, Chernyshev, 2013 R. succincta (A. Adams, 1862) R. toyamaensis (Habe, 1955) R. instabilis Minichev, 1971 R. operculata Minichev, 1966 R. chukchii Chaban, 2008 Retusa sp. 1 Retusa sp. 2 Retusa sp. 3 (R. insignis sensu Chaban, Martynov, 2006) Family Volvulellidae Volvulella sculpturata Minichev, 1971 Family Cylichnidae Cylichna alba (Brown, 1827) C. toyamaensis Habe, 1955 Cylichna sp. 1 Cylichna sp. 2 Cylichnoides sp. (=C. ochotensis Minichev, 1977 – nom.nud.) “Acteocina” matusimana (Nomura, 1939) Family Scaphandridae Eoscaphander fragilis Habe, 1952 Paracteocina sp. Minichev, MS (as Paracteocina elegans) Family Philinidae Philine argentata Gould, 1859 P. kawamurai (Habe, 1958) P. scalpta A.Adams, 1862 Yokoyamaia ornatissima (Yokoyama, 1927) Ossiania sp. 1 Retusophiline sp. 1 Praephiline sp. 1 Family Aglajidae Philinopsis gigliolii (Tapparone-Canefri, 1874) Melanochlamys diomedea (Bergh, 1893) Family Gastropteridae Gastropteron pacificum Bergh, 1893 Superfamily RUNCINOIDEA Family Runcinidae Runcinida marisae Chernyshev, 1998 R. valentinae Chernyshev, 2006 Clade Thecosomata Compiled by A. V. Martynov, E. M. Chaban 166 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + +  +  + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + +  + + + +   + + + +  + Family Limacinidae Limacina helicina ochotensis Shkoldina, 1999 Clade Gymnosomata Compiled by A. V. Martynov, E. M. Chaban Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774) Clade Aplysiomorpha (Anaspidea) Compiled by A. V. Martynov, E. M. Chaban Family Aplysiidae Aplysia juliana Quoy et Gaimard, 1832 A. parvula Guilding in Mörch, 1863 “Group” Acochlidiacea Compiled by E. M. Chaban Family Parhedylidae Thiele, 1931 Asperspina sp. Clade Sacoglossa Compiled by E. M. Chaban, A. V. Martynov Superfamily LIMAPONTIOIDEA Family Hermaeidae Hermaea vancouverensis (O’Donoghue, 1924) Family Limapontiidae Stiliger berghi Baba, 1937 Ercolania boodleae (Baba, 1938) Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844) Placida dendritica (Alder et Hancock, 1843) s.lato Alderiopsis nigra (Baba, 1937) Clade Nudipleura Compiled by A. V. Martynov Subclade Pleurobranchomorpha Family Pleurobranchidae Boreoberthella augusta Martynov et Schrödl, 2008 Berthella californica (Dall, 1900) Family Pleurobranchaeidae Pleurobranchaea japonica Thiele, 1925 Subclade Nudibranchia Family Cadlinidae Cadlina spp. Family Akiodorididae Akiodoris lutescens Bergh, 1879 Doridunculus unicus Martynov et Roginskaya, 2005 Family Polyceridae Triopha catalinae (Cooper, 1863) Colga minichevi Martynov et Baranets, 2002 C. pacifica (Bergh, 1894) Palio sp. Family Vayssiereidae Vayssierea elegans (Baba, 1930) Family Anculidae Ancula pacifica MacFarland, 1905 Goniodoridella savignyi Pruvot-Fol, 1933 Family Dorididae Archidoris sp. Diaulula sandiegensis (Cooper, 1863) Rostanga alisae Martynov, 2003 Family Onchidorididae Onchimira cavifera Martynov, Korshunova, Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2009 Calycidoris guntheri Abraham, 1876 Acanthodoris pilosa (Abildgaard in Müller, 1789) A. uchidai Baba, 1935 Adalaria jannae Millen, 1987 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 167 A. olgae Martynov, Korshunova, Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2009 A. slavi Martynov, Korshunova, Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2009 A. tschuktschica Krause, 1885 Adalaria sp. Onchidoris bilamellata (Linnaeus, 1767) O. macropompa Martynov, Korshunova, Sanamyan et Sanamyan, 2009 O. muricata (Müller, 1776) Loy meyeni Martynov, 1994 Proloy millenae Martynov, 1994 Okenia distincta Baba, 1940 Family Arminidae Armina sp. Family Dironidae Dirona pellucida Volodchenko, 1941 Family Tritoniidae Tochuina gigantea (Bergh, 1904) «Tritonia» nigromaculata Roginskaya, 1984 Tritonia tetraquetra (Pallas, 1788) Family Dendronotidae Dendronotus dalli Bergh, 1879 D. robustus Verrill, 1870 Dendronotus spp. Family Dotoidae Doto sp. Family Flabellinidae Chlamylla atypica (Bergh, 1899) Ch. borealis Bergh, 1886 Paracoryphella islandica (Odhner, 1937) Himatina nobilis (Verrill, 1870) H. trophina (Bergh, 1894) «Coryphella» amabilis (Hirano et Kuzirian, 1991) «Coryphella» athadona Bergh, 1875 «Coryphella» japonica Volodchenko, 1941 «Coryphella» polaris Volodchenko, 1946 Coryphella verrucosa (M. Sars, 1829) Family Eubranchidae Nudibranchus rupium (Møller, 1842) Aenigmastyletus alexeii Martynov, 1998 Leostyletus pseudomisakiensis Martynov, 1998 Amphorina horii (Baba, 1960) Family Tergipedidae Cuthona sp. Cuthonella soboli Martynov, 1992 Trinchesia divanica Martynov, 2002 Trinchesia ornata (Baba, 1937) T. pupillae (Baba, 1961) T. viridis (Forbes, 1840) Catriona columbiana (O’Donoghue, 1922) Tenellia adspersa (Nordmann, 1845) Family Facelinidae Hermissenda crassicornis (Eschscholtz, 1831) Sakuraeolis sp. Family Aeoliiidae Aeolidia herculea Bergh, 1894 A. papillosa (Linnaeus, 1761) Cerberilla longibranchus (Volodchenko, 1941) Cerberilla sp. 168 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + CLASS BIVALVIA Compiled by K. A. Lutaenko19 Subclass Protobranchia Order Nuculida Family Nuculidae Acila divaricata (Hinds, 1843) A. insignis (Gould, 1861) A. beringiana Slodkewitsch, 1967 Nucula tenuis (Montagu, 1808) N. ovatotruncata (Scarlato in Volova et Scarlato, 1980) Family Pristiglomidae Setigloma japonica (E.A. Smith, 1885) Order Solemyida Family Solemyidae Solemya pervernicosa Kuroda, 1948 Acharax johnsoni (Dall, 1891) Family Manzanellidae Huxleya pentadonta Scarlato, 1981 Order Nuculanida Family Malletiidae Malletia takaii Okutani, 1968 Neilonella japonica Okutani, 1962 Family Nuculanidae Ledellina convexirostrata Filatova et Schileyko, 1984 L. formabile Filatova et Schileyko, 1984 Bathyspinula calcar (Dall, 1908) B. knudseni (Filatova, 1976) B. oceanica (Filatova, 1958) B. vityazi (Filatova, 1964) Nuculana leonina (Dall, 1896) N. minuta (Müller, 1776) N. ensiformis Scarlato, 1981 N. neimanae Scarlato, 1981 N. ochotensis Scarlato, 1981 N. pernula (Müller, 1779) N. radiata (Krause, 1885) N. sachalinica Scarlato, 1981 N. sadoensis (Yokoyama, 1926) N. sagamiensis Okutani, 1962 Robaia robai (Kuroda, 1929) R. habei Scarlato, 1981 Tenuileda ushakovi (Scarlato, 1981) Family Zealedidae Parayoldiella mediana (Filatova et Schileyko, 1984) Family Yoldiidae Megayoldia kamchatkana Scarlato, 1981 M. ochotensis (Scarlato, 1981) M. thraciaeformis (Storer, 1838) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 19 The list of bivalve mollusks of the Russian Far Eastern seas is based largely on monographs and catalogues of Scarlato (1981), Kafanov (1991), Kantor, Sysoev (2005) and Lutaenko, Noseworthy (2012). However, it is updated and corrected with regard to modern species-level taxonomy although all works taken into account in compilation of the list are not cited herein. The exception is some recent papers where new species for science and for Russian waters are described and recorded (Kamenev, 2007; 2008; 2009; Kong et al., 2012; Krylova, 1997; Krylova, Sahling, 2006; Lutaenko, 2009). We mostly followed the system of higher taxa (above species) recently proposed by Bieler et al. (2010) and Carter et al. (2011) with inclusion of only subclasses and orders. However, we regard Yoldiidae Dall, 1908 as a distinct family including Yoldiellinae J. A. Allen et Hannah, 1986 whereas Carter et al. (2011) include both into family Sareptidae Stoliczka, 1870 as subfamilies. Subfamilies Crenellinae J. Gray, 1840 and Septiferinae Scarlato et Starobogatov, 1979 were regarded as separate families in Carter et al. (2011) but we prefer to consider them within Mytilidae Rafinesque, 1815. Subgenera are not included. 169 Portlandia aestuariorum (Mossewitsch, 1928) P. arctica (Gray, 1824) P. lischkei (Smith, 1885) P. toyamaensis (Kuroda, 1929) Yoldia hyperborea (A.A. Gould, 1841) Y. bartschi Scarlato, 1981 Y. johanni Dall, 1925 Y. keppeliana Sowerby III, 1904 Y. myalis (Couthouy, 1838) Y. seminuda Dall, 1871 Y. toporoki Scarlato, 1981 Yoldiella derjugini Scarlato, 1981 Y. intermedia (M. Sars, 1865) Y. lenticula (Moller, 1842) Y. olutoroensis (Scarlato, 1981) Y. orbicularis Scarlato, 1981 Y. philippiana (Nyst, 1844) Subclass Autobranchia Order Mytilida Family Mytilidae Adula falcatoides Habe, 1955 A. schmidtii (Schrenck, 1867) Arvella japonica (Dall, 1897) A. manshurica Bartsch in Scarlato, 1960 Crenella decussata (Montagu, 1908) C. leana Dall, 1897 C. seminuda (Dall, 1897) Crenomytilus grayanus (Dunker, 1853) Dacrydium vitreum (Moller, 1842) Modiolus kurilensis Bernard, 1983 M. margaritaceus (Nomura et Hatai, 1940) M. modiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) Musculista senhousia (Benson, 1842) Musculus niger (Gray, 1824) M. discors (Linnaeus, 1767) M. filatovae Scarlato, 1955 M. glacialis (Leche, 1883) M. koreanus Ockelmann, 1983 M. minutus Scarlato, 1960 M. olivaceus Dall, 1916 M. taylori (Dall, 1897) Mytilus trossulus A.A. Gould, 1850 M. galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 M. coruscus A.A. Gould, 1861 Septifer keenae Nomura, 1936 Solamen columbianum (Dall, 1897) Vilasina pillula Scarlato, 1960 V. vernicosa (Middendorff, 1849) V. seminuda (Dall, 1897) Order Arcida Family Arcidae Arca boucardi Jousseaume, 1894 Samacar kurilensis Kamenev, 2007 Anadara broughtonii (Schrenck, 1867) Family Glycymerididae Glycymeris yessoensis (Sowerby III, 1889) Family Parallelodontidae Porterius dalli (Smith, 1885) 170 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. N.M. Kuril Command Ids Family Limopsidae Empleconia vaginata (Dall, 1891) Limopsis kurilensis Scarlato, 1981 L. oliveri Amano et Lutaenko, 2004 L. tajimae Sowerby III, 1914 L. iturupica Scarlato, 1981 Order Ostreida Family Ostreidae Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) Order Pectinida Family Pectinidae Chlamys albida (R. Arnold, 1906) Ch. behringiana (Middendorff, 1849) Ch. chosenica Kuroda, 1932 Ch. rubida (Hinds, 1845) Ch. farreri (Jones et Preston, 1904) Ch. swiftii (Bernardi, 1858) Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1856) Delectopecten randolphi (Dall, 1897) Family Anomiidae Pododesmus macrochisma (Deshayes, 1839) Family Limidae Limatula hyperborea Jensen, 1905 L. subauriculata (Montagu, 1808) L. vladivostokensis (Scarlato, 1955) Family Propeamussiidae Parvamussium alaskense (Dall, 1871) P. davidsoni (Dall, 1897) Order Carditida Family Astartidae Astarte elliptica (T. Brown, 1827) A. montagui (Dillwyn, 1817) A. borealis (Schumacher, 1817) A. ioani Filatova, 1957 A. esquimalti (W. Baird, 1863) A. vernicosa Dall, 1903 A. arctica (Gray, 1824) A. inaequilatera (Filatova in Scarlato, 1981) A. crenata (Gray, 1824) Family Carditidae Cyclocardia rjabininae (Scarlato, 1955) C. ferruginea (Clessin, 1888) C. isaotakii (Tiba, 1972) C. crassidens (Broderip et Sowerby I, 1829) C. crebricostata (Krause, 1885) C. ovata (Rjabinina, 1952) C. incisa (Dall, 1903) C. kurilensis Savizky, 1981 C. ripensis Popov et Scarlato, 1980 C. scarlatoi Savizky, 1981 Miodontiscus annakensis (Oinomikado, 1938) M. prolongatus (Carpenter, 1864) Order Lucinida Family Lucinidae Pillucina pisidium (Dunker, 1860) Family Thyasiridae Adontorhina filatovae (M. Ivanova et Moskaletz, 1984) Axinopsida subquadrata (A. Adams, 1862) Conchocele bisecta (Conrad, 1849) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + +? + + + +? + + +? + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 171 172 S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Mendicula ferruginosa (forbes, 1844) Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1803) Order Cardiida Family Cardiidae Clinocardium ciliatum (Fabricius, 1780) Cl. likharevi (Kafanov in Scarlato, 1981) Cl. nuttallii (Conrad, 1837) Cl. californiense (Deshayes, 1839) Serripes groenlandicus (Mohr, 1786) S. laperousii (Deshayes, 1839) Yagudinella notabilis (Sowerby III, 1915) Family Tellinidae Cadella lubrica (A.A. Gould, 1861) Macoma balthica (Linnaeus, 1758) M. calcarea (Gmelin, 1791) M. brota Dall, 1916 M. incongrua (Martens, 1865) M. contabulata (Deshayes, 1855) M. coani Kafanov et Lutaenko, 1999 M. torelli (Jensen, 1905) M. crassula (Deshayes, 1855) M. cuneipyga (Scarlato, 1981) M. golikovi Scarlato et Kafanov, 1988 M. lama Bartsch, 1929 M. loveni (Jensen, 1905) M. middendorffi Dall, 1884 M. moesta (Deshayes, 1855) M. scarlatoi Kafanov et Lutaenko, 1997 M. nipponica (Tokunaga, 1906) M. tokyoensis Makiyama, 1927 M. shiashkotanika (Scarlato, 1981) M. hokkaidoensis Amano et Lutaenko in Amano, Lutaenko et Matsubara, 1999 M. irus (Hanley, 1845) Macoma sp. (“brota” aucct.) Megangulus venulosus (Schrenck, 1861) M. zyonoensis (Hatai et Nisiyama, 1939) M. luteus (Wood, 1828) Family Psammobiidae Gari kazusensis (Yokoyama, 1922) Nuttallia petri (Bartsch, 1929) N. ezonis Kuroda et Habe in Habe, 1955 N. obscurata (Reeve, 1857) Family Semelidae Abrina scarlatoi Kamenev, 2004 Theora lubrica A.A. Gould, 1861 Family Trapezidae Trapezium liratum (Reeve, 1843) Family Kelliellidae Alveinus ojianus (Yokoyama, 1927) Family Vesicomyidae Archivesica ochotica Scarlato, 1981 Calyptogena pacifica Dall, 1891 C. rectimargo Scarlato, 1981 Vesicomya profundi Filatova, 1971 V. sergeevi Filatova, 1971 Waisiuconcha katsuae (Kuroda, 1952) Family Mactridae Mactra chinensis Philippi, 1846 M. quadrangularis Deshayes in Reeve, 1854 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? +? + +? + + + + +? +? + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +?  + + + + + + + + + + + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Mactromeris polynyma (Stimpson, 1860) Spisula sachalinensis (Schrenck, 1861) Raeta pulchella (Adams et Reeve, 1850) Family Ungulinidae Felaniella usta (A. A. Gould, 1861) F. ohtai Kase et Miyauchi in Kase, Miyauchi et Amano, 1996 Diplodonta semiasperoides Nomura, 1932 D. aleutica Dall, 1901 Family Veneridae Callista brevisiphonata (Carpenter, 1865) Saxidomus purpurata (Sowerby II, 1852) Protothaca adamsii (Reeve, 1863) P. euglypta (Sowerby III, 1914) P. staminea (Conrad, 1837) P. jedoensis (Lischke, 1874) Dosinia japonica (Reeve, 1850) D. penicillata (Reeve, 1850) Gomphina multifaria (Kong, Matsukuma et Lutaenko in Kong, Matsukuma, Hayashi, Takada et Li, 2012) Liocyma fluctuosum (A.A. Gould, 1841) Mercenaria stimpsoni (A.A. Gould, 1861) Ruditapes philippinarum (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) Irus ishibashianus Kuroda et Habe, 1952 Turtonia minuta (Fabricius, 1780) Family Lasaeidae Mysella planata (Krause, 1885) M. ventricosa Scarlato, 1981 M. aleutica (Dall, 1889) M. derjugini Gorbunov, 1952 M. gurjanovae Scarlato et Ivanova, 1974 Neaeromya compressa (Dall, 1899) Montacuta spitzbergensis Knipowitsch, 1901 Nipponomysella obesa Habe, 1960 Kellia japonica Pilsbry, 1895 K. suborbicularis (Montagu, 1803) K. kussakini Kamenev, 2004 Order Pholadida Family Pholadidae Barnea manilensis (Philippi, 1847) B. japonica (Yokoyama, 1920) Netastoma japonicum (Yokoyama, 1920) Penitella chishimana (Habe, 1955) P. gabbii (Tryon, 1863) Zirfaea pilsbryi Lowe, 1931 Family Teredinidae Bankia setacea (Tryon, 1863) Teredo navalis Linnaeus, 1758 Zachsia zenkewitschi Bulatoff et Rjabtschikoff, 1933 Family Myidae Cryptomya busoensis (Yokoyama, 1922) Mya japonica Jay, 1857 M. baxteri Coan et Scott, 1997 M. pseudoarenaria Schlesch, 1931 M. truncata Linnaeus, 1758 M. uzenensis Nomura et Zinbo, 1937 Family Corbulidae Anisocorbula venusta (A. A. Gould, 1861) Potamocorbula amurensis (Schrenck, 1861) Order Poromyida Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 173 174 S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Family Poromyidae Dermatomya tenuiconcha (Dall, 1913) Poromya castanea Habe, 1952 P. granuloderma granuloderma Scarlato, 1981 P. granuloderma ochotensis Scarlato, 1981 Family Cetoconchidae Cetoconcha japonica Habe, 1952 Family Cuspidariidae Cardiomya angusticauda Scarlato, 1972 C. gouldiana (Hinds, 1843) C. iturupica Scarlato, 1972 C. ochotensis Scarlato, 1972 C. pectinata (Carpenter, 1864) C. tosaensis (Kuroda, 1948) Cuspidaria arctica (M. Sars, 1859) Cuspidaria ascoldica Scarlato, 1972 C. glacialis (Sars, 1878) C. trosaetes Dall, 1925 C. obtusirostris Okutani, 1962 Cardiomya sp. 1 Cardiomya sp. 2 Bathyneaera filatovae (Scarlato, 1972) B. hadalis (Knudsen, 1970) Myonera paucistriata Dall, 1886 M. garretti Dall, 1908 Rhinoclama marmorea (Bernard, 1989) Family Protocuspidariidae Multitentacula amoena Krylova, 1995 Family Verticordiidae Policordia extenta V. Ivanova, 1977 P. laevigata V. Ivanova, 1977 P. maculata V. Ivanova, 1977 P. rectangulata V. Ivanova, 1977 P. ochotica Scarlato, 1981 Order Pandorida Family Pandoridae Pandora glacialis Leach, 1819 P. pulchella Yokoyama, 1926 P. wardiana A. Adams, 1860 Family Laternulidae Laternula marilina (Reeve, 1860) Family Lyonsiidae Entodesma navicula (A. Adams et Reeve, 1850) Lyonsia arenosa (Moller, 1842) L. nuculanoformis Scarlato in Volova et Scarlato, 1980 L. cucumerina M. Ivanova in Scarlato, 1981 L. gagarae Scarlato et Kafanov, 1988 L. vniroi Scarlato, 1981 Order Thraciida Family Thraciidae Thracia myopsis Moller, 1842 Th. septentrionalis Jeffreys, 1872 Th. kakumana (Yokoyama, 1927) Th. itoi Habe, 1961 Lampeia adamsi (MacGinitie, 1959) L. posteroresecta Kamenev et Nadtochy, 1998 L. triangular Kamenev et Nadtochy, 1998 Parvithracia lukini Kamenev, 2002 P. sirenkoi Kamenev, 2002 Japan Taxa +? + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + +? +? +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by D. L. Ivanov Order Gadilida Family Entalinidae Costentalina tuscarorae Chistikov, 1982 C. pacifica Chistikov, 1982 Family Gadilidae Cadulus sp. Polyschides sp. Siphonodentalium kikuchii Kuroda and Habe, 1952 Family Pulsellidae Pulsellum sp. Order Dentaliida Family Dentaliidae Antalis sp. Fissidentalium laterischismum Shikama and Habe, 1963 Fissidentalium sp. Striodentalium sp. Family Rhabdidae Rhabdus sp. Family incerta sedis Compressidens sp. CLASS MONOPLACOPHORA Compiled by D. L. Ivanov Order Monoplacophorida Family Neopilinidae Neopilina starobogatovi Ivanov and Moskalev, 2007 CLASS CEPHALOPODA Compiled by O. N. Katugin, G. A. Shevtsov Order Sepiida Family Sepiidae Sepia madokai Adam, 1939 Sepiella japonica Sasaki, 1929 Order Sepiolida Family Sepiolidae Rossia mollicella Sasaki, 1920 Rossia pacifica Berry, 1911 Sepiola birostrata Sasaki, 1918 Family Idiosepiidae Idiosepius paradoxus (Ortmann, 1888) Order Teuthida Family Loliginidae S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Family Periplomatidae Periploma aleuticum (Krause, 1885) Order Solenida Family Solenidae Solen krusensterni Schrenck, 1867 S. strictus A. A. Gould, 1861 Family Pharidae Siliqua alta (Broderip et Sowerby I, 1829) Order Hiatellida Family Hiatellidae Cyrtodaria kurriana Dunker, 1861 Hiatella arctica (Linnaeus, 1767) s.l. Panomya nipponica Nomura et Hatai, 1935 P. norvegica (Spengler, 1793) P. ampla Dall, 1898 P. priapus (Tilesius, 1820) Panopea japonica A. Adams, 1850 CLASS SCAPHOPODA + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + +?   +              + + + +? + + + + + + + + 175 Heterololigo bleekeri (Keferstein, 1866) Sepioteuthis lessoniana Ferussac in Lesson, 1830 Family Enoploteuthidae Abralia similis Okutani et Tsushiya, 1987 Abraliopsis felis McGowan et Okutani, 1968 Enoploteuthis chunii Ishikawa, 1914 Watasenia scintillans (Berry, 1911) Family Ancistrocheiridae Ancistrocheirus lesueurii (d’Orbigny in Ferrusac et d’Orbigny, 1842) Family Octopoteuthidae Octopoteuthis deletron Young 1972 O. rugosa Clarke, 1980 Taningia danae Joubin, 1931 Family Onychoteuthidae Moroteuthis loennbergii Ishikawa et Wakiya, 1914 M. robusta (Dall in Verrill, 1876) Onychoteuthis borealijaponica Okada, 1927 Family Gonatidae Berryteuthis magister (Berry, 1913) Boreoteuthis borealis (Sasaki, 1923) B. cf. makko (Okutani et Nemoto, 1964) Gonatus berryi Naef, 1923 G. kamtschaticus (Middendorff, 1849) G. madokai Kubodera et Okutani, 1977 G. onyx Young, 1972 G. pyros Young, 1972 G. tinro Nesis, 1972 G. sp. Gonatopsis japonicus Okiyama, 1969 G. octopedatus Sasaki, 1920 Okutania anonycha (Pearcy et Voss, 1963) Family Architeuthidae Architeuthis martensi (Hilgendorf, 1880) Architeuthis sp. Family Histioteuthidae Histioteuthis hoylei (Goodrich, 1896) H. meleagroteuthis (Chun, 1910) Family Ommastrephidae Eucleoteuthis luminosa (Sasaki, 1915) Ommastrephes bartramii (Lesueur, 1821) Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup, 1880 Family Thysanoteuthidae Thysanoteuthis rhombus Troschel, 1857 Family Chiroteuthidae Chiroteuthis calyx Young, 1972 Family Mastigoteuthidae Mastigoteuthis dentata Hoyle, 1904 M. pyrodes Young, 1972 Family Cranchiidae Cranchia scabra Leach, 1817 Galiteuthis phyllura Berry, 1911 Liocranchia reinhardti (Steenstrup, 1856) Taonius borealis (Nesis, 1972) Order Octopoda Family Opisthoteuthidae   + + Bering Okhotsk +  +** + ** + +** + + +  ** ** ** * ** + +**  + + +  + +   + + +  +  + + + + + + ** + + + + + + + +  +  + + + + +  + + + + +** +  +** + +** +** ** +** + + + + + + + + +  + +**  * + + + +** +** +** + +* +** + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + +? ** +** + +** +** the species occurs in the Pacific Ocean off the south Kuril Islands and in the Subarctic Frontal zone the species was encountered in the Subarctic Frontal zone southeast off the Kuril Islands 176 N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa Compiled by O. N. Zezina CLASS LINGULATA Order Lingulida Family Discinidae Pelagodiscus atlanticus (King, 1868) CLASS RHYNCHONELLATA Order Rhynchonellida Family Frieleiidae Frieleia halli Dall, 1895 Family Hemithirididae Hemithiris psittacea (Gmelin, 1790) Order Terebratulida Family Cancellothyrididae Terebratulina unguicula (Carpenter, 1864) T. crossei Davidson, 1882 T. kiiensis Dall et Pilsbry, 1891, var. heteroctena Zezina, 1970 Family Cnismatocentridae Cnismatocentrum sakhalinense Dall, 1908 C. parvum Zezina, 1970 Family Laqueidae Laqueus californianus (Koch, 1848) Glaciarcula spitzbergensis (Davidson, 1852) Family Terebrataliidae Terebratalia coreanica (Adams et Reeve, 1850) T. (Tisimania) tisimana (Nomura et Hatai, 1936) Coptothyris adamsi (Davidson, 1871)  S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Grimpoteuthis albatrossi (Sasaki, 1920) Opisthoteuthis californiana Berry, 1949 Family Bolitaenidae Eledonella pygmaea Verrill, 1884 Japetella diaphana Hoyle, 1885 Family Amphitretidae Amphitretus pelagicus Hoyle, 1885 Family Octopodidae Bathypolypus salebrosus (Sasaki, 1920) B. sponsalis (Fisher et Fisher, 1892) Benthoctopus hokkaidensis (Berry, 1921) B. leioderma (Berry, 1911) B. profundorum Robson, 1932 B. sibiricus Loyning, 1930 Graneledone boreopacifica Nesis, 1982 Octopus conispadiceus (Sasaki, 1917) O. dofleini (Wulker, 1910) O. fujitai (Sasaki, 1929) O. longispadiceus (Sasaki, 1917) O. ochotensis (Sasaki, 1920) O. tsugarensis (Sasaki, 1920) O. cf. yendoi (Sasaki, 1920) Family Ocythoidae Ocythoe tuberculata Rafinesque, 1814 Family Argonautidae Argonauta argo Linnaeus, 1758 A. nodosa Solander, 1786 Family Alloposidae Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861 PHYLUM BRACHIOPODA Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + +? +? + +? + + + + + + + + +? +? +* + * +? + + +? + + + + + +? + + + + + + + +? + + * * +* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The species was encountered in the Subarctic Frontal zone southeast off the Kuril Islands 177 + + + +  +  + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Family Tythothyrididae Tythothyris rosemarginata Zezina, 1979 Diestothyris frontalis (Middendorff, 1849) Simplicithyris kurilensis Zezina, 1976 PHYLUM PHORONIDA Japan Taxa + + Compiled by E. N. Temereva CLASS PHORONIDA Family Phoronidae Temereva, 2005 Phoronis ovalis Wright, 1856 P. muelleri Selys-Longchamps, 1903 P. hippocrepia Wright, 1856 P. psammophila Cori, 1889 P. svetlanae Temereva et Malakhov, 1999 P. ijimai Oka, 1897 Phoronopsis albomaculata Gilchrist, 1907 P. harmeri Pixell, 1912 PHYLUM BRYOZOA *20 + + + + + Compiled by N. V. Denisenko CLASS STENOLAEMATA Order Cyclostomata Family Diastoporidae Gregory, 1899 Genus Diplosolen Diplosolen intricarius (Smitt, 1872) D. obelia (Johnston, 1838) D. obelia arctica Waters, 1900 Genus Desmeplagioecia Desmeplagioecia pastiliformae Gontar, 2009 Family Oncousoeciidae Genus Oncousoecia Oncousoecia canadensis Osburn, 1933 O. diastoporides Norman,1869 O. polygonalis (Kluge, 1915) + Genus Paulina Paulina taylori Gontar, 2009 Family Tubuliporidae Genus Tubulipora Tubulipora duplicatocrenata Gontar, 2009 T. flabellaris (Fabricius, 1780) T. liliacea (Pallas, 1766) T. ventricosa Busk, 1875 Genus Idmidronea Idmidronea atlantica (Forbes, in Johnston, 1847) I. fenestrata Busk, 1859 + Family Plagioeciidae Genus Plagioecia *    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled on the basis of literature data (Androsova, 1958, 1965, 1971, 1977; Gontar, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1992, 2009; Griscenko, 2002; Grischenko with co–authors ( 1994, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2012); Kluge, 1952, 1961; Kubanin, 1975, 1977, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1992, Kuklinski et Taylor, 2006; Mawatari,1956; Nikulina, 2004; Okada, 1933), collections and archive of the ZIN RAS and personal identifications. Synonymy was checked with using information presented at website of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) ( and the webpage of International Bryozoological association ( According to the present study the fauna of bryozoans in the Russian waters of the Far Eastern Sea is not well studied. The fauna diversity of regarded systematic group is poorer then the Arctic Seas (Denisenko, 2011). Only 110 species were marked in the Russian waters of the Bering Sea, while the fauna diversity is 223 species in the whole basin of the Sea (Grischenko, 2002). Result of literature analyzing has shown that the most well studied area is Komandor, Kurile archipelago and Sakhalin Island where 273 bryozoan species are registered, although the fauna of the northern part of the area is richer that the southern area (Table1). In the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan was found more than 200 species but it seems it is not final figures due to sporadic study of the fauna in that area. 20 First records are marked by . Several species marked by  were noted only by Mawatari (1956). 178 Plagioecia sarniensis (Norman, 1864) Genus Desmatelesia Desmatelesia repens Gontar, 2009 Genus Mesenteripora Mesenteripora meandrina (S. Wood, 1844)21 Family Cerioporidae Genus Heteroporade Heteropora japonica Androsova, 1965 H. urupae Gontar, 2009 Genus Klugenotus Klugenotus capitonia (Androsova, 1965) K. tuberculata (Androsova, 1965) Genus Borgella Borgella pustulosa asiaticus Androsova, 1965 B. tumulosa Kluge, 1952 Genus Tetrocycloecia Tetrocycloecia pelliculata (Waters, 1879) Family Annectocymidae Genus Entalophoroecia Entalophoroecia capitata Robertson, 190022 Family Crisiidae Genus Crisiella Crisiella chirpoiensis Gontar, 2009 Genus Crisia Crisia cornuta (Linnaeus, 1758) C. denticulata (Lamarck, 1816) C. eburnea (Linnaeus, 1758) C. eburneodenticulata Smitt ms in Busk, 1875 Crisia sp. Genus Filicrisia Filicrisia franciscana (Robertson, 1910) F. geniculata (Milne-Edwards, 1838) Family Lichenoporidae Genus Lichenopora Lichenopora crassiuscula Smitt, 1867 L. mediterranea de Blainville, 183423 L. nevianii Borg, 1944 Genus Patinella Patinella radiata (Audouin, 1826) P. verrucaria (Fabricius, 1780) Genus Disporella Disporella buski (Harmer, 1915) D. buskiana (Canu et Bassler, 1928) Disporella sp. Family Fascigeridae Genus Fasciculiporoides Fasciculiporoides americana (d'Orbigny, 1842) Cyclostomatida incertae sedis Genus Rodinopora Rodinopora magnifica Taylor & Grischenko, 1999 Densipora (?) sp.25 CLASS GYMNOLAEMATA Order Ctenostomata Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + +24 + + + 21 The species was noted by Kluge (1961) Species was noted by Grischenko (2002), but it was not found in WoRM database and at webpage. 23 Species was noted by Lindberg (1959) and Kluge (1961) 24 Species was noted by Kubanin (1998), but at at webpage it marked for the Gulf of Mexico in Atlantic. 25 Androsova, 1965 22 179 26 27 Kubanin, 1998 Kubanin, 1975, 1977 180 + + + + + + + +   + + + + Bering + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Family Alcyonidiidae Genus Alcyonidium Alcyonidium disciforme Smitt, 1872 A. erectum Andersson, 1902 A. gelatinosum (Linnaeus, 1767)=Alcyonidium diaphanum (Hudson, 1778) A. hirsutum (Fleming, 1828) A. mamillatum Alder,1857 A. mytili Dalyell, 1847 A. polyoum (Hassall, 1841) A. pachydermatum Denisenko, 1996 A. vermiculare Okada, 1925 A. nanum Silén, 194226 Family Flustrellidridae Genus Flustrellidra Flustrellidra cervicornis (Robertson, 1900) F. corniculata (Smitt,1872) F. gigantea (Silén, 1947) F. hispida (O. Fabricius, 1780) F. kurilensis (Mawatari, 1953) F. vegae (Silén, 1947) Family Vesiculariidae Genus Bowerbankia Bowerbankia arctica Busk, 1880 B. composita Kluge, 1952 B. imbricata (Adams, 1798) B. gracilis Leidy, 1855 B. medullaris Mawatari, 1972 Genus Amathia Amathia rudis Kubanin, 1992 Family Walkeriidae Genus Walkeria Walkeria properens Kubanin, 1992 Family Mimosellidae Genus Mimosella Mimosella radicata Kubanin, 1992 Order Cheilostomata Suborder Scrupariina Family Aeteidae Genus Aetea Aetea anguina (Linnaeus, 1758) A. truncata (Landsborough, 1852) Family Eucrateidae Genus Eucratea Eucratea loricata (Linnaeus,1758) E. loricata cornuta (Osburn, 1932) E. arctica (Kluge in Dejugin, 1915) Suborder Malacostegina Family Membraniporidae Genus Membranipora Membranipora serrilamella Osburn, 1950 M. savartii (Audouin, 1826) Family Electridae Genus Electra Electra pilosa ? (Linnaeus, 1768)27 E. tenella (Hincks, 1880) Genus Gontarella Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +6 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gontarella gigantea Grischenko, Taylor et Mawatari, 2002 Genus Conopeum Conopeum reticulum (Linnaeus, 1767) C. seurati Canu, 1928 C. tubigerum Osburn, 1940 Genus Einhornia Einhornia arctica (Borg, 1931) E. crustulenta (Pallas, 1766) Genus Pyripora Pyripora catenularia (Fleming, 1828) Family Calloporidae Genus Callopora Callopora corniculifera (Hincks, 1882) C. craticula (Alder,1857) C. decidua Dick & Ross, 1988 C. horridoidea Androsova, 1958 C. klugei Androsova, 1958 C. lamellata Androsova, 1958 C. lineata (Linnaeus, 1767) C. longispinosa Androsova, 1958 C. minuscula (Hincks, 1882) C. nuda Dick et Ross, 1988 C. obesa Kluge, 1952 C. weslawski Kuklinski et Taylor, 2006 C. sarae Grischenko, Dick et Mawatari, 2007 Genus Cauloramphus Cauloramphus cymbaeformis (Hincks, 1877) C. disjuntctus (Canu et Basler, 1929) C. echinus (Hincks, 1882) C. pseudospeniferum Androsova, 1958 C. spiniferum (Johnston, 1832) C. intermedius Kluge, 1962 C. magnus Dick et Ross, 1988 Cauloramphus sp. Genus Tegella Tegella retroversa (Kluge 1952) T. magnipora Osburn, 1950 T. anguloavicularis Kluge, 1952 T. aquilirostris (O'Donoghue & O'Donoghue, 1923) T. arctica (D'Orbigny,1850) T. armifera (Hincks, 1880) T. horrida (Hincks, 1880) T. horrida (Hincks, 1880) T. inermis (Kluge, 1952) T. japonica (Canu et Bassler, 1929) T. unicornis (Fleming, 1828) Genus Crassimarginatella Crassimarginatella kumatae (Okada, 1923) Crassimarginatella sp. Genus Bidenkapia Bidenkapia spitsbergensis (Bidenkap, 1897) Genus Septentriopora Septentriopora denisenkoae Kuklinski et Taylor, 2006 S. nigrans (Hincks, 1882) Genus Amphiblestrum Amphiblestrum solidum (Packard, 1863) Genus Rhamphonotus Rhamphonotus minax (Busk, 1860) Genus Doryporella +  + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + 181 182 + + + + + +  Bering + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Doryporella alcicornis (O'Donoghue & O'Donoghue, 1923) D. armata Gontar, 1993 D. smirnovi Grischenko, Taylor et Mawatari, 2004 D. spatulifera (Smitt, 1868) Genus Ellisina Ellisina marginulata Gontar, 1993 Genus Reusselina Reusselina arctica (Osburn, 1950) Genus Micropora Micropora coriacea (Johnston, 1847) Family Flustridae Fleming, 1828 Genus Flustra Flustra anguloavicularis Kluge, 1961 F. foliacea (Linnaeus, 1758) Genus Carbasea Carbasea carbasea (Ellis et Solander, 1886) C. mawatari Gontar, 1993 C. nordenskjoldi Kluge, 1929 Genus Serratiflustra Serratiflustra serrulata (Busk, 1880) Genus Securiflustra Securiflustra securifrons (Pallas, 1766) Genus Terminoflustra Terminoflustra kurilensis (Kluge, 1955) Terminoflustra membranaceotruncata (Smitt, 1868) Genus Hincksina Hincksina amploavicularia Gontar, 1982 H. longiavicularis Gontar, 1882 H. onychocelloides Mawatari, 1956 H. pallida (Hincks, 1884) Genus Klugeflustra Klugeflustra kishikaensis (Okada, 1918) Family Bugulidae Genus Bugula Bugula californica Robertson, 1905 B. neritina (Linnaeus, 1758) B. nana Androsova, 1977 B. pacifica Robertson, 1905 B. turrita (Desor, 1848) Genus Caulibugula Caulibugula aspinosa Mawatari, 1956 Genus Dendrobeania Dendrobeania quadridentata (Loven, 1834) D. curvirostrata (Robertson, 1905) D. exilis (Hincks, 1882) D. fessa Kluge, 1955 D. flustroides (Packard, 1863) D. fruticosa (Packard, 1863) D. klugei Androsova, 1958 D. kurilensis (Okada, 1933) D. levinseni (Kluge, 1924)Bugula D. lichenoides (Robertson, 1900) D. murrayana (Johnston, 1847) D. ortmanni Androsova, 1958 D. pseudolevinseni Kluge, 1952 D. pseudomurrayana Kluge, 1955 D. tenuis Kluge, 1955 Genus Semibugula Semibugula birulai Kluge, 1929 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Genus Kinetoskias Kinetoskias beringi Kluge, 1953 K. mitsukurii Yanagi et Okada, 1918 Genus Bicellarina Bicellarina alderi (Busk, 1859) Genus Corynoporella Corynoporella tenuis Hincks, 1888 Family Beaniidae Canu & Bassler, 1927 Genus Beania Beania columbiana O'Donoghue, 1923 B. mirabilis Johnston, 1840 B.multispinosa Gontar, 1993 B. pseudocolumbiana Gontar, 1993 B. vegae Silén, 1941 Beania sp. Family Candidae Genus Caberea Caberea boryi (Audouin, 1826) 28 C. ellisi Fleming, 1780 C. lata Busk, 1852 Genus Notoplites Notoplites gostilovskajae Gontar, 1993 Genus Scrupocellaria Scrupocellaria orientalis Kluge, 1955 S. paenulata Norman, 1903 S. arctica (Busk, 1855) (S. elongata Smitt, 1868)? S. scabra (Van Beneden, 1848) Genus Tricellaria Tricellaria beringia (Kluge, 1952) T. gracilis (Van Beneden, 1848) T. gracilis inermis Kluge, 1952 T. occidentalis (Trask, 1857) T. ternata (Ellis et Solander, 1786) T. erecta (Robertson, 1900) T. unyoi (Okada, 1918) Genus Bugulopsis Bugulopsis peachi (Busk, 1851) B. peachi beringia Kluge, 1955 Family Microporidae Gray, 1848 Genus Microporina Microporina articulata (Fabricius, 1821) Microporina? borealis (Busk, 1855)29 M. ivanovi Gontar, 1993 M. okadai Silen, 1941 Suborder Ascoporina Family Cribrilinidae Genus Cribrilina Cribrilina annulata (Fabricius, 1780) C. spitzbergensis Norman, 1903 Genus Reginella Reginella furcata (Hincks, 1882) Genus Jullienula Jullienula hippocrepis possjeti (Androsova, 1971) Genus Figularia Figularia ? multipora (Sakakura, 1935)30 28 29 30 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + +   ? +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Kubanin, 1975, 1985, 1998 Species noted by Kluge (1961) were not found in WoRMS database and on website Lyrula multipora (Sakakura, 1935) in Gontar, 1992 183 184 Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. + N.M. Kuril Command Ids Genus Klugerella Klugerella aragoi (Audouin, 1826) Genus Membraniporella Membraniporella (?) solida Kluge, 1955 Membraniporella sp. aff. aragoi (Audouin, 1826) Genus Hayamiellina Hayamiellina constans Grischenko & Gordon, 2004 Family Hippothoidae Genus Hippothoa Hippothoa divaricata arctica Kluge, 1906 H. expansa Dawson, 1859 H. mawatarii Dick et Ross, 1988 Genus Celleporella Celleporella hyalina (Linnaeus, 1767) C. reflexa Dick & Ross, 1988 Family Lepraliellidae Genus Lepraliella Lepraliella contiqua (Smitt, 1868) Genus Desmacystis Desmacystis sandalia (Robertson, 1900) D. sandalia concinna Gontar, 1982 Genus Rhamphostomella Rhamphostomella alutacea Gontar, 1992 Rh. bilaminata (Hincks, 1968) Rh. costata Lorenz, 1886 Rh. cristata Hincks, 1889 Rh. curvirostrata O'Donoghue, 1923 Rh. hincksi Nordgaard, 1906 Rh. ovata (Smitt, 1868) Rh. peristomata Gontar, 1992 Rh. plicata (Smitt, 1868) Rh. radiatula (Hincks, 1877) Rh. scabra (Fabricius, 1780) Rh. scarba orientalis (Kluge, 1961) Rh. sibirica Kluge, 1952 Rh. spinigera (Lorenz, 1886) Family Porellidae Genus Porella Porella acutirostris Smitt, 1868 P. alba Nordgaard, 1906 P. belli (Dawson, 1859) P. columbiana O'Donoghue et O'Donoghue, 1923 P. compressa (Sowerby, 1806) P. concinna (Busk, 1854) P. immersa Mawatari, 1956 P. kluge Gontar, 1982 P. kurilensis Mawatari, 1956 P. marukawai Okada, 1918 P. minuta (Norman, 1869) P. minuta orientalis Kluge, 1955 P. mucronata Mawatari, 1956 P. obesa Waters, 1900 P. tumida Kluge, 1955 P. variabilis Androsova, 1958 Porella sp. Genus Cystisella Cystisella beringia (Kluge, 1929) C. fragilis (Levinsen, 1914) C. saccata Busk, 1856 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Genus Palmiskenea Palmiskenia bicornis (Busk, 1859) Family Exochellidae Bassler, 1935 Genus Escharoides Escharoides jacksonii (Waters, 1900) Genus Exochella Exochella areolata Okada et Mawatari, 1937 Family Escharellidae Levinsen, 1909 Genus Escharella Escharella djumphnae (Kluge, 1929) E. immersa (Fleming, 1828) E. ventricosa (Hassall, 1842) E. klugei Hayward, 1984 Escharella sp. Genus Hemicyclopora Hemicyclopora emucronata (Smitt, 1872) Family Umbonulidae Genus Umbonula Umbonula patens (Smitt, 1868) Genus Ragionula Ragionula rosacea (Busk,1856) Genus Posterula Posterula sarsi (Smitt, 1868) P. tatarica (Androsova, 1958) Genus Arctonula Arctonula arctica (M. Sars, 1851) A. kunashiri (Gontar, 1982) Genus Oshurkovia Oshurkovia kamtschatica Grischenko & Mawatari, 2005 Family Hincksiporidae Genus Hincksipora Hincksipora spinulifera armata Androsova, 1958 Family Smittiniidae Genus Smittina Smittina bella (Busk, 1860) S. androsovae Gontar, 1979 S. beringia Kluge, 1952 S. kobjakovae Androsova, 1958 S. kussakini Gontar, 1993 S. licharelae Gontar, 1979 S. majuscula (Smitt, 1868) S. minuscula (Smitt, 1868) S. mucronata (Smitt, 1868) S. pseudocompressa Androsova, 1958 S. pulchra Androsova, 1958 S. smitti (Kirchenpauer, 1874) S. subcordata Gontar, 1993 S. thompsoni Kluge, 1955 S. tuberosa Kluge, 1952 S. ushakovi Androsova, 1958 Genus Parasmittina Parasmittina bidentata (Androsova, 1958) P. jeffreysii (Norman, 1903) P. jeffreysii avicularissima Gontar, 1982 P. macroavicularia (Androsova, 1958) P. trispinosa (Johnson, 1838) Genus Phylactella Phylactella pacifica O'Donoghue, 1923 Family Bitectiporidae Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + +   + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 185 186 + + + + + + + + + + + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Genus Schizomavella Schizomavella auriculata (Hassall, 1842) S. auriculata orientalis Androsova et Gontar, 1982 S. lineata (Nordgaard, 1896) S. ortmanni (Kluge, 1908) S. perspicua Gontar, 1982 S. porifera (Smitt, 1868) Genus Hippoporina Hippoporina dentata Gontar, 1992 H. harmsworthi (Waters, 1900) H. incisa (Busk, 1884) H. perforata (Okada et Mawatari, 1937) H. lata (Androsova, 1958) H. minor (Androsova, 1958) H. pertusa (Esper, 1796) H. propinqua (Smitt, 1868) H. reticulatopunctata (Hincks, 1877) H. ussowi (Kluge, 1908) H. vulgaris Dick & Ross, 1988 Genus Metroperiella Metroperiella montferrandii (Audouin, 1826) M. argentea (Hincks, 1884) M. operculata (Mawatari, 1956) M. acuta (Ortmann, 1890) Family Watersiporidae Genus Watersipora Watersipora aterrima (Ortmann, 1890) W. coarctata Androsova, 1958 W. ordinata (O'Donoghue, 1926) W. typica Okada & Mawatari, 1937 Family Schizoporellidae Genus Schizoporella Schizoporella incerta Kluge, 1929 S. stelloperforata Kluge, 1961 S. unicornis (Johnston in Wood, 1844) S. japonica Ortmann, 1890 Genus Schizobrachiella Schizobrachiella perforata (Kluge, 1952) Sch. lasarevae (Gontar, 1979) Sch. stylifera (Levinsen, 1887) Family Stomachetosellidae Genus Stomachetosella Stomachaetosella incerta (Kluge, 1929) S. limbata (Lorenz, 1886) S. porosa (Androsova , 1958) S. cruenta (Busk, 1854) S. hincksi Powell, 1968 S. magniporata (Nordgaard, 1906) S. sienna Dick et Ross, 1988 S. sinuosa (Busk, 1860) S. tuberculata Androsova, 1958 S. pachystega (Kluge, 1929) Genus Fatkullina Fatkullina paradoxa Grischenko, Gordon & Taylor, 1998 Genus Pachyegis Pachyegis groenlandica Norman, 1894 P. producta (Packard, 1863) P. princeps Norman, 1903 Genus Pacificincola Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + Pacifincola insculpta (Hincks, 1883) P. perforata (Okada et Mawatari, 1937) Family Myriaporidae Genus Myriapora Myriapora coarctata (M.Sars, 1863) M. orientalis (Kluge, 1929) M. subgracilis (D' Orbigny, 1852) M. subgracilis variabilis (Androsova, 1958) Genus Myriozoella Myriozoella crustacea (Smitt, 1868) M. plana (Dowson, 1868) Myriozoella sp. Family Hippopodinidae Genus Hippopodina Hippopodina bilamellata Gontar, 1993 Family Escharinidae Genus Escharina Escharina guttosinuata Gontar, 1993 Family Cryptosulidae Genus Cryptosula Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll, 1803) C. reticulata (Okada, 1929) C. zavjalovensis Kubanin, 1976 Genus Harmeria Harmeria scutulata (Busk, 1855) Family Cheiloporinidae Genus Cheiloporina Cheilopora praelucida (Hincks, 1888) Ch. sincera (Smitt, 1867) Family Microporellidae Genus Microporella Microporella arctica Norman, 1903 M. californica Busk, 1856 M. ciliata (Pallas, 1766) M. echinata Androsova, 1958 M. klugei Kuklinski et Taylor, 2008 M. neocribroides Dick & Ross, 1988 M. pulchra Androsova, 1958 M. vibraculifera Hincks, 1883 Microporella sp. M. trigonellata Suwa et Mawatari, 1998 Genus Fenestrulina Fenestrulina malusii (Audouin, 1811) Family Lacernidae Genus Arthropoma Arthropoma inarmata Gontar, 1993 Family Celleporidae Genus Celleporina Celleporina costazii Audouin, 1826 C. incrassata (Lamarck, 1856) C. irregulatum (Okada , 1923)31 C. nordenskjoldi (Kluge, 1929) C. robertsoniae (Canu & Bassler, 1923) C. ventricosa Lorenz, 1886 Genus Turbicellepora Turbicellepora nodulosa (Lorenz, 1886) Genus Buffonellaria 31 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + After A. Kubanin, 1997 187  + Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering Buffonellaria biaperta (Smitt, 1873) Family Phidoloporidae Genus Phidolopora Phidolopora elongata (Smitt, 1866) Genus Schizoretepora Schizoretepora imperati tumescens (Ortmann, 1890) Family Hippoporidridae Genus Hippoporidra Hippoporidra daedata Gontar, 1982 H. orientalis (Gontar, 1982) H. triculenta Dick et Ross, 1978 Genus Hippoporella Hippoporella fastigiatoavicularia Kluge, 1952 H. hippopus (Smitt, 1868) H. kurilensis Gontar, 1979 H. multiavicularia Androsova, 1958 H. parva Androsova, 1958 Family Eurystomellidae Genus Integripelta Integripelta bilabiata (Hincks, 1884)32 Family Lanceoporidae Genus Calyptotheca Calyptotheca pellucida (Ortmann, 1890) S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cheilostomatida incertae sedis Genus Lepralia Lepralia ushakovi Gontar, 1979 PHYLUM CHAETOGNATHA + Compiled by A. P. Kasatkina CLASS SAGITTOIDEA Subclass Sagittiones Order Aphragmosagittiformes Family Sagittidae Subfamily Sagittinae Ferosagita ferox (Doncaster, 1903) F. robusta (Doncaster, 1903) F. paulula Kassatkina, 1982 F. cristallina Kassatkina 1995 F. curtа Kassatkina 2010 F. longа Kassatkina 2010 Omittosagitta longicauda (Galzow, 1909) O. japonica (Galzow, 1909) O. orientalis (Molchanov, 1909) O. alvarinoe Kassatkina, 1971 O. galzowi Kassatkina, 1982 O. porrecta porrecta Kassatkina, 1982 O. p. ochotensis Kassatkina, 1982 O. b. baculata Kassatkina, 1982 O. b. starkiana Kassatkina, 1982 O. littoralis Kassatkina, 1982 O. l. tsusimica Kassatkina, 1982 O. diaphana Kassatkina, 1995 O. bacilaris Kassatkina, 1995 Parasagitta elegans (Verrill, 1873) P. arctica (Aurivillius, 1896) P. melanognatha (Molchanov, 1907) P. brevicauda Kassatkina, 1971 P. septicoela Kassatkina, 1971 32 Lepralia bilabiata in Gontar, 1979 188 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + P. liturata Kassatkina, 1973 P. maculata Kassatkina, 1973 Sagitta bipunctata Quoy & Gaimard, 1827 S. bedoti Beraneck, 1895 S. pulchra Doncaster, 1903 S. nagae Alvariño, 1967 S. modesta Kassatkina, 1971 S. nutana Kassatkina, 1982 S. kussakini Kassatkina, 1997 S. sсeptrum Kassatkina 2007 S. sublica Kassatkina, 2008 S. glacialis glacialis Molchanov, 1907 Aidanosagitta neglecta Aida, 1897 A. regularis (Aida 1897) A. coreana (Molchanov 1907) A. crassa (Tokioka, 1938) A. naikaiensis (Tokioka 1939) A. tumida (Tokioka 1939) A. delicata (Tokioka 1939) A. firmula Kassatkina 1971 A. scarlatoi Kassatkina 1971 A. golicovi Kassatkina 1971 A. macilenta Kassatkina 1971 A. modica Kassatkina 1971 A. lepida Kassatkina et Selivanova 2003 A. venusta Kassatkina et Selivanova, 2003 A. acus Kassatkina et Selivanova, 2004 A. murex Kassatkina et Selivanova, 2004 A. bella Kassatkina et Selivanova, 2004 A. pilum Kassatkina et Selivanova, 2003 A. candida Kassatkina, 2007 A. acinacis Kassatkina, 2007 A. subulata Kassatkina, 2007 A. oblonga Kassatkina, 2007 A. acinacis Kassatkina, 2007 Leptosagitta uschakovi Kassatkina, 1973 L. collariata Kassatkina, 1973 L. nudata Kassatkina, 1973 L. acicula Kassatkina et Panteleyeva, 2001 L. pogodini Kassatkina et Panteleyeva, 2001 L. eris Kassatkina et Selivanova 2003 L. alba Kassatkina et Selivanova 2003 L. exigua Kassatkina et Sergeev, 2004 L. icis Kassatkina et Sergeev, 2004 L. ocis Kassatkina et Sergeev, 2004 L. latyshevi Kassatkina, 2008 L. kiyashkoi Kassatkina, 2008 L. magna Kassatkina, 2008 L. pauca Kassatkina, 2008 L. laxoradiata Kassatkina et Selivanova 2011 L. nitida Kassatkina et Selivanova 2011 Mesosagitta minima (Grassi,1881) M. decipiens (Fowler, 1905) M. exilis Kassatkina, 1971 M. slunini Kassatkina еt Panteleyeva 2001 M. formosa Kassatkina et Selivanova 2003 M. velox Kassatkina et Selivanova 2003 Oligoradiata mitis Kassatkina, 1971 O. pellucida Kassatkina et Selivanova 2003 + + + + + + + + Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 189 O. entis Kassatkina et Sergeev, 2004 Vitreosagitta vitrea Kassatkina 2010 Pseudomesosagitta mirus Kassatkina et Stolyarova, 2010 Caecosagitta macrocephala (Fowler, 1905) Ca. takasii Kassatkina, 2003 Ca. caeca Kassatkina, 2003 Bathysagitta scaphicephala Kassatkina, 2003 Solidosagitta zetesios (Fowler, 1905) Subfamily Flaccisagittinae Flaccisagitta hexaptera (d'Orbigny, 1843). F. inflata (Grassi, 1881) F. pulchella Kassatkina, 1982 Pseudosagitta lyra (Krohn, 1853) P. maxima (Conant, 1896) P. scrippsae (Alvariño, 1962) Accedosagitta minuta Kassatkina 1971 Abosagitta taeniata Kassatkina, 2006 Ab. grata Kassatkina, 2006 Ab. rasilis Kassatkina, 2006 Ab. macra Kassatkina, 2006 Subclass Eukrohniones Order Biphragmoeukrohniformes Family Tokiokaispadellidae Aberrospadella verruculosa Kassatkina 1971 Family Heterokrohniidae Heterokrohnia mirabilis Ritter-Zahony 1911 Family Protoeukrohniidae P. macrophtalma Kassatkina, 2003 Family Eukrohniidae Eukrohnia hamata (Mobius 1875) E. fowleri Ritter-Zahony, 1909 E. kitoui Kuroda, 1981 E. geptneri Kassatkina, 2001 Pseudeukrohnia ilyichovi Kassatkina, 1998 Ps. barchatovi Kassatkina, 2001 Ps. lamutica Kassatkina, 2001 Ps. fimbria Kassatkina, 2001 Ps. nesmeyanovi Kassatkina, 2003 Ps. dolabra Kassatkina, 2001 Ps. flagroformes Kassatkina, 2001 Ps. pilus Kassatkina, 2002 Ps. macrocauda Kassatkina, 2002 Ps. gracilis Kassatkina, 2002 Ps. curticauda Kassatkina, 2002 Ps. dolona Kassatkina, 2002 Ps. breviata Kassatkina, 2003 Ps. slabinski Kassatkina, 2002 Ps. beringi Kassatkina, 2003 Ps. aculeata Kassatkina, 2003 Ps. speciosa Kassatkina, 2003 Ps. lata Kassatkina, 2003 Ps. evenkia Kassatkina & Stolyarova 2006 Ps. leviseta Kassatkina, 1982 Praeukrohnia fidicula (Kassatkina, 1998 Pr. expolitus (Kassatkina, 1998). Pr. aleutica (Kassatkina, 2002)  before 1990 from 1990  190 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* +* +* + + +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +* +** +** +** +** +** +** + +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** +** Pr. pseudohamata (Kassatkina, 2002) Pr. fidus Kassatkina & Stolyarova 2006 Pr. ensata Kassatkina & Stolyarova 2006 Paraeukrohnia absurda Kassatkina & Stolyarova, 2006 Family Krohnittellidae Protokrohnittella serratochaeta Kassatkina, 2003 Family Krohnittidae Krohnitta subtilis (Grassi, 1881) Kr. pacifica (Aida, 1897) Family Pterosagittidae Pterosagitta draco (Krohn, 1853) Subclass Spadelliones Family Spadellidae Spadella cephaloptera (Busch 1851) Sp. angulata Tokioka 1951 PHYLUM ENTOPROCTA Compiled by A. O. Borisanova33 CLASS ENTOPROCTA Order Coloniales Family Barentsiidae Barentsia conferta Wasson, 1997 B. discreta (Busk, 1886) B. gracilis (M. Sars, 1835) B. matsushimana Toriumi, 1951 Pseudopedicellina mutabilis Toriumi, 1951 PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA CLASS CRINOIDEA Compiled by A. V. Smirnov Order Comatulida Suborder Comatulidina Family Antedonidae Thaumatometra tenuis (A. H. Clark, 1907) Heliometra glacialis maxima (A. H. Clark, 1907) Florometra asperrima (A. H. Clark, 1907) Family Zenometridae Psathyrometra fragilis (A. H. Clark, 1907) Suborder Bourguetocrinina Family Bathycrinidae Bathycrinus complanatus A.H. Clark, 1907 B. volubilis Mironov, 2000 Order Hyocrinida Family Hyocrinidae Feracrinus aculeatus Mironov et Sorokina, 1998 CLASS ASTEROIDEA Compiled by A. V. Smirnov Order Paxillosida Family Astropectinidae Dipsacaster anoplus Fisher, 1910 D. borealis Fisher, 1910 Leptychaster (Leptychaster) anomalus Fisher, 1906 L. (L.) arcticus microplax Djakonov, 1950 L. (L.) propinquus Fisher, 1910 L. (Parastropecten) inermis Ludwig, 1905 Trophodiscus almus Fisher, 1917 T. uber Djakonov, 1926 Psilaster pectinatus (Fisher, 1905)  33 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa +** +** +** +** +** +** +** + + + + + +  +    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + +  + + + + + + +  + + from 1990 Compiled on the basis of the author’s own data. 191 192 + + + + Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. N.M. Kuril Command Ids Thrissacanthias bispinosus Djakonov, 1950 Family Luidiidae Luidia (Luidia) quinaria amurensis Döderlein, 1920 Family Ctenodiscidae Sladen, 1889 Ctenodiscus crispatus (Retzius, 1805) Family Porcellanasteridae Sladen, 1883 Abyssaster tara (Wood-Mason et Alcock, 1891) Eremicaster crassus (Sladen, 1883) E. pacificus (Ludwig, 1905) E. vicinus (Ludwig, 1905) Styracaster longispinus Belyaev et Moskalev, 1986 S. paucispinis Ludwig, 1907 Order Notomyotida Family Benthopectinidae Benthopecten claviger occidentalis Baranova, 1955 B. rhopalophorus Djakonov, 1950 Cheiraster (Luidiaster) dawsoni dawsoni (Verrill, 1880) C. (L.) dawsoni ochotensis (Djakonov, 1952) C. (L.) tuberculatus (Djakonov, 1929) Nearchaster (Nearchaster) pedicellaris vagans Djakonov, 1950 N. (N.) variabilis geminus Djakonov, 1950 Family Pseudarchasteridae Gephyreaster swifti (Fisher, 1905) Pseudarchaster alascensis Fisher, 1905 P. ornatus Djakonov, 1950 Order Valvatida Family Asterinidae Asterina pectinifera (Müller et Trosche, 1842) Family Goniasteridae Forbes, 1841 Ceramaster arcticus (Verrill, 1909) C. japonicus (Sladen, 1889) C. productus Djakonov, 1950 C. stellatus Djakonov, 1950 Cladaster validus Fisher, 1910 Hippasteria colossa Djakonov, 1950 H. derjugini Djakonov, 1950 H. kurilensis Fisher, 1905 H. leiopelta Fisher, 1910 H. mammifera Djakonov, 1950 H. pedicellaris Djakonov, 1950 H. spinosa spinosa Verrill, 1909 H. spinosa armata Fisher, 1911 Hippasteria sp. Mediaster tenellus Fisher, 1905 Family Solasteridae Solaster endeca (Linnaeus, 1771) S. dawsoni Verrill, 1880 S. haliplous Djakonov, 1958 S. intermedius Hayashi, 1939 S. pacificus Djakonov, 1938 S. paxillatus Sladen, 1889 S. stimpsoni Verrill, 1880 Crossaster papposus (Linnaeus, 1767) C. borealis borealis Fisher, 1906 C. borealis ochotensis Djakonov, 1950 C. diamesus (Djakonov, 1932) C. japonicas (Fisher, 1911) Lophaster furcilliger Fisher, 1905 Order Velatida Japan Taxa +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + +  + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +   + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Family Korethrasteridae Peribolaster biserialis Fisher, 1905 Family Pterasteridae Pteraster militaris (O.F. Müller, 1776) P. educator Djakonov, 1958 P. hymenasteroides Djakonov, 1958 P. ifurus Golotsvan, 1998 P. marsippus Fisher, 1910 P. minutus Djakonov, 1958 P. octaster Verrill, 1909 P. ornatus Al. Smirnov, 1982 P. pulvillus (M. Sars, 1861) P. solitarius Djakonov, 1958 P. temnochiton Fisher, 1910 P. tesselatus Ives, 1888 P. texius Golotsvan, 1998 Amembranaster dimidatius Golotsvan, 1998 Diplopteraster multipes multipes (M. Sars, 1866) Hymenaster perissonotus Fisher, 1910 H. quadrispinosus Fisher, 1905 Order Spinulosida Family Echinasteridae Aleutihenricia beringiana (Djakonov, 1950) A. derjugini (Djakonov, 1950) A. irregularis (Hayashi, 1940) A. reticulata (Hayashi, 1940) Henricia ambigua Djakonov, 1958 H. aniva Djakonov, 1958 H. arctica Verrill, 1914 H. aspera aspera Fisher, 1906 H. aspera robusta Djakonov, 1949 H. densispina (Sladen, 1878) H. dyscrita Fisher, 1911 H. elegans Djakonov, 1950 H. granulifera Djakonov, 1958 H. hayashii Djakonov, 1961 H. imitatrix Djakonov, 1961 H. inexpectata Djakonov, 1961 H. kurilensis Djakonov, 1958 H. leviuscula leviuscula (Stimpson, 1857) H. longispina longispina Fisher, 1910 H. ochotensis Djakonov, 1950 H. orientalis Djakonov, 1950 H. pacifica Hayashi, 1940 H. peudoleviuscula Djakonov, 1958 H. reniosa asiatica Djakonov, 1961 H. sachalinica Djakonov, 1958 H. singularis Djakonov, 1961 H. spiculifera Fisher, 1911 H. tacita Djakonov, 1958 H. tumida Verrill, 1914 Order Brisingida Family Brisingidae Hymenodiscus beringiana (Korovchinsky, 1967) H. ochotensis (Djakonov, 1950) Family Freyellidae Freyella haxactis Baranova, 1957 F. kurilokamchatica Korovchinsky, 1976 F. loricata Korovchinsky et Galkin, 1984 Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 193 Astrocles actinodetus Fisher, 1917 A. djakonovi Gruzov, 1964 Order Forcipulatida Family Pedicellasteridae Pedicellaster eximius Djakonov, 1949 P. indistinctus Djakonov, 1950 P. magister magister Fisher, 1923 P. magister ochotensis Djakonov, 1950 P. orientalis Fisher, 1928 Family Zoroasteridae Myxoderma sacculatum (Fisher, 1905) Family Asteriidae Asterias amurensis Lütken, 1871 A. argonauta Djakonov, 1950 A. microdiscus Djakonov, 1950 A. rathbuni rathbuni (Verrill, 1909) A. rathbuni crassispinis Djakonov, 1950 A. rollestoni Bell, 1881 Aphelasterias japonica (Bell, 1881) Distolasterias elegans Djakonov, 1931 D. nippon (Döderlein, 1902) Evasterias troscheli (Stimpson, 1862) E. derjugini (Djakonov, 1938) E. echinosoma Fisher, 1926 E. retifera Djakonov, 1938 Leptasterias (Leptasterias) arctica arctica (Murdoch, 1885) L. (L.) djakonovi Baranova et Karpenko, 1979 L. (L.) fisheri fisheri Djakonov, 1929 L. (L.) fisheri meridionalis Djakonov, 1938 L. (L.) hirsuta Djakonov, 1938 L. (L.) hylodes reticulata Djakonov, 1938 L. (L.) insolens Djakonov, 1938 L. (L.) orientalis orientalis Djakonov, 1929 L. (L.) orientalis japonica Djakonov, 1938 L. (L.) subarctica Djakonov, 1938 L. (Eoleptasterias) ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) L. (E.) derbeki derbeki Djakonov, 1938 L. (E.) derbeki tatarica, Djakonov, 1938 L. (E.) granulata Djakonov, 1938 L. (E.) kussakini Baranova, 1962 L. (E.) similispinis (H.L. Clark, 1908) L. (E.) squamulata Djakonov, 1938 L. (E.) vinogradovi Djakonov, 1938 L. (Nesasterias) stolocantha Fisher, 1930 L. (Endogenasterias) groenlandica (Steenstrup, 1857) L. (Hexasterias) polaris acervata (Stimpson, 1862) L. (H.) polaris ushakovi Djakonov, 1938 L. (H.) alaskensis alaskensis (Verrill, 1909) L. (H.) alaskensis asiatica Fisher, 1930 L. (H.) calcigera Baranova et Karpenko, 1979 L. (H.) camtchatica (Brandt, 1835) L. (H.) coei shantarica Djakonov, 1938 L. (H.) dispar Verrill, 1914 L. (H.) hexactis hexactis (Stimpson, 1862) L. (H.) hexactis occidentalis Djakonov, 1938 L. (H.) leptodoma Fisher, 1930 L. (H.) polymorpha Djakonov, 1938 L. (H.) schmidti Djakonov, 1938 Lethasterias nanimensis beringiana Djakonov, 1931 194 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids Bering + + + S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. L. nanimensis chelifera (Verrill, 1914) L. fusca Djakonov, 1931 Plazaster borealis (Uchida, 1938) Stephanasterias albula (Stimpson, 1853) Family Pycnopodiidae Lysastrosoma anthosticta Fisher, 1922 CLASS OPHIUROIDEA Compiled by I. S. Smirnov and A.V. Smirnov Order Euryalida Family Trichasteridae Asteronyx loveni Müller et Troschel, 1842 A. niger Djakonov, 1954 Family Gorgonocephalidae Astrochele laevis H.L. Clark, 1911 Gorgonocephalus caryi (Lyman, 1860) Astrocladus coniferus (Döderlein, 1902) Order Ophiurida Family Ophiacanthidae Ophiolimna bairdi (Lyman, 1883) O. papillata (H. L. Clark, 1911) O. pseudopapillata Djakonov, 1961 Ophiophthalmus normani (Lyman, 1879) O. cataleimmoidus (H. L. Clark, 1911) Ophiacantha bidentata (Retzius, 1805) O. adiaphora H. L. Clark, 1911 O. trachybactra H. L. Clark, 1911 O. bathybia H. L. Clark, 1911 O. trachyacantha Djakonov, 1954 O. nutrix Baranova, 1954 O. aquilonia Djakonov, 1961 O. omoplata H. L. Clark, 1911 O. decaactis Belyaev et Litvinova, 1976 Ophiacanthella acontophora (H. L. Clark, 1911) Ophiosemnotes tylota tuberculata Djakonov, 1954 O. pachybactra (Clark, 1911) O. brevispina (Clark, 1911) Ophiolebes asaphes Clark, 1911 O. brachygnatha Clark, 1911 O. vivipara Djakonov, 1949 Family Ophiactidae Ophiopholis aculeata (Linnaeus, 1767) O. pilosa Djakonov, 1954 O. mirabilis (Duncan, 1879) Family Amphiuridae Amphiacantha derjugini Djakonov, 1949 Ophiomonas bathybia Djakonov, 1952 Amphioplus macraspis (H. L. Clark, 1911) Amphiodia craterodmeta H. L. Clark, 1911 A. cyclaspis (Djakonov, 1935) A. euryaspis H. L. Clark, 1911 A. periercta H. L. Clark, 1911 A. fissa (Lütken, 1869) Amphipholis pugetana (Lyman, 1861) A. kochii Lütken, 1872 Amphiura tumulosa Djakonov, 1954 A. ushakovi Djakonov, 1954 Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* + +* +* + + + + + + + + + + + + + ? + + + + + ? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* + deep 195  deep 196 + Bering Okhotsk + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. A. inepta Djakonov, 1954 A. beringiana Baranova, 1954 A. carchara H. L. Clark, 1911 A. carchara ochotensis Djakonov, 1952 A. sundevalli (Müller et Troschel, 1842) A. psilopora H. L. Clark, 1911 A. retusa Djakonov, 1954 A. triaina Djakonov, 1954 A. lepidevaspis Djakonov, 1935 Family Ophiuridae Abyssura brevibrachia Belyaev et Litvinova, 1976 Astrophiura chariplax Baranova, 1954 Anthophiura axiologa H. L. Clark, 1911 Ophiocten sericeum (Forbes, 1852) Ophioplintus madseni (Belyaev et Litvinova, 1976) Stegophiura nodosa (Lütken, 1854) S. stuwitzii (Lütken, 1857) S. brachyactis (H. L. Clark, 1911) S. carinata Djakonov, 1954 Amphiophiura pachyplax Djakonov, 1954 A. ponderosa (Lyman, 1878) A. megapoma (H. L. Clark, 1911) Ophiura sarsii (Lütken, 1855) O. sarsii f. vadicola Djakonov, 1954 O. zebra Djakonov, 1954 O. leptoctenia H. L. Clark, 1911 O. quadrispina H. L. Clark, 1911 O. bathybia H. L. Clark, 1911 O. luetkini (Lyman, 1860) O. kindbergi (Ljungman, 1866) O. maculata (Lüdwig, 1886) O. irrorata (Lyman, 1878) O. gagara Djakonov, 1949 O. cryptolepis claripeltata Djakonov, 1954 Perlophiura profundissima Belyaev et Litvinova, 1972 Ophiopenia tetracantha H.L. Clark, 1911 O. vicina Djakonov, 1935 Ophioleuce oxycraspedon Baranova, 1954 CLASS ECHINOIDEA Compiled by A. V. Smirnov Subclass Cidaroidea Order Cidaroida Family Ctenocidaridae Aporocidaris fragilis A. Agassiz et H. L. Clark, 1907 Subclass Euechinoidea Order Camarodonta Family Temnopleuridae Temnopleurus reevesii (Gray, 1855) Family Strongylocentrotidae Mesocentrotus nudus (A. Agassiz, 1863) Pseudocentrotus depressus (A. Agassiz, 1863) Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O. F. Müller, 1776) S. intermedius (A. Agassiz, 1863) S. pallidus (G. O. Sars, 1871) S. polyacanthus A. Agassiz et H. L. Clark, 1907 Order Stomopneustoida Japan Taxa + +* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* + +* +* + + + + + + + + + +* +? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Compiled by A. V. Smirnov Order Synaptida Family Myriotrochidae Myriotrochus mitsukurii Ohshima, 1915 M. rinkii Steenstrup, 1851 Prototrochus zenkevitchi zenkevitchi (Belyaev, 1970) P. kurilensis (Belyaev, 1970) P. minutus (Östergren, 1905) Siniotrochus spiculifer Belyaev et Mironov, 1981 Family Chiridotidae Chiridota discolor Eschscholtz, 1829 Ch. ochotensis Saveljeva, 1941 Ch. orientalis Al. Smirnov, 1981 Ch. tauiensis Saveljeva, 1941 Paradota sp. Scoliorhapis lindbergi (Djakonov in Djakonov, Baranova et Saveljeva, 1958) Taeniogyrinae gen. sp. Taeniogyrus inexspectatus (Al. Smirnov, 1989) Family Synaptidae Rynkatorpa duodactyla (H.L. Clark, 1908) Oestergrenia sp. Order Elasipodida Family Laetmogonidae Pannychia moseleyi virgulifera Ohshima, 1915 Family Elpidiidae Elpidia birsteini Belyaev, 1971 E. hanseni hanseni Belyaev, 1971 E. kurilensis Baranova et Belyaev in Belyaev, 1971 E. longicirrata Belyaev, 1971 E. minutissima Belyaev, 1971 Amperima naresi (Théel, 1882) Ellipinion papillosum (Théel, 1879) Kolga kamchatica Rogacheva, 2012 + + + + + + + Bering + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Family Glyptocidaridae Glyptocidaris crenularis A. Agassiz, 1863 Order Clypeasteroida Family Echinarachniidae Echinarachnius parma (Lamarck, 1816) Family Scutellidae Scaphechinus mirabilis A. Agassiz, 1864 S. brykovi Budin, 1983 S. griseus Mortensen, 1927 Family Taiwanasteridae Marginoproctus djakonovi Budin, 1980 Marginoproctus sp. Order Holasteroida Family Urechinidae Urechinus naresianus A. Agassiz, 1879 Cystechinus loveni A. Agassiz, 1898 Family Pourtalesiidae Pourtalesia beringiana Baranova, 1955 Order Spatangoida Family Aeropsidae Aeropsis fulva (A. Agassiz, 1898) Family Schizasteridae Brisaster latifrons (A. Agassiz, 1898) Family Loveniidae Echinocardium sp. CLASS HOLOTHUROIDEA Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 197 Peniagone dubia (Djakonov et Saveljeva in Djakonov, Baranova et Saveljeva, 1958) P. incerta (Théel, 1882) P. purpurea (Théel, 1882) Psychroplanes rigida (Théel, 1882) Scotoplanes hanseni Gebruk, 1983 S. kurilensis Gebruk, 1983 S. theeli Ohshima, 1915 Family Psychropotidae Benthodytes incerta Ludwig, 1893 Psychropotes longicauda Théel, 1882 Order Aspidochirotida Family Synallactidae Synallactes chuni Augustin, 1908 S. nozawai Mitsukuri, 1912 Bathyplotes moseleyi (Théel, 1886) Paelopatides solea Baranova, 1955 Pseudostichopus mollis Théel, 1886 P. papillatus (Djakonov, 1952) P. profundi Djakonov, 1952 Family Stiсhopodidae Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867) Order Dendrochirotida Family Sclerodactylidae Eupentacta fraudatrix (Djakonov et Baranova in Djakonov, Baranova et Saveljeva, 1958) E. pseudoquinquesemita Deichmann, 1938 Family Thyonidae Allothyone longicauda (Östergren, 1898) Pentamera calcigera Stimpson, 1851 Family Cucumariidae Cucumaria anivaensis Levin, 2004 C. conicospermum Levin et Stepanov, 2002 C. djakonovi Baranova, 1980 C. fusiformis Levin, 2006 C. insperata Djakonov et Baranova in Djakonov, Baranova et Saveljeva, 1958 C. japonica Semper, 1868 C. levini Stepanov et Pilganchuk, 2002 C. obscura Levin, 2006 C. okhotensis Levin et Stepanov in Levin, 2003 C. savelijevae Baranova, 1980 C. vegae Théel, 1886 Apseudocnus albus Levin, 2006 Pseudocnus fallax (Ludwig, 1875) P. koreaensis (Östergren, 1898) P. lamperti (Ohshima, 1915) P. pusillus (Ludwig, 1886) Staurocucumis abyssorum (Théel, 1886) Stereoderma diligens Djakonov et Baranova, in Djakonov, Baranova et Saveljeva, 1958 S. imbricata (Ohshima, 1915) Leptopentacta sachalinica Djakonov, 1958 Ocnus glacialis (Ljungman, 1879) Family Psolidae Psolus phantapus (Strussenfelt, 1765) P. chitonoides chitonoides H. L. Clark, 1901 P. chitonoides ochotensis Saveljeva, 1941 P. eximius Saveljeva, 1941 198 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bering + N.M. Kuril Command Ids + Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. P. fabricii (Düben et Koren, 1846) P. japonicus Östergren, 1898 P. peronii Bell, 1883 P. squamatus (O. F. Müller, 1776) Psolidium djakonovi Baranova, 1977 Psolidae gen. sp. Family Ypsilothuriidae Ypsilothuria bitentaculata (Ludwig, 1893) Family Thyonidiidae Ekmania barthii (Troschel, 1846) E. cylindricus (Ohshima, 1915) Thyonidium diomedae (Ohshima, 1915) Th. kurilensis (Levin, 1984) Order Molpadiida Family Molpadiidae Molpadia orientale Saveljeva, 1933 M. musculus Risso, 1826 M. roretzii Marenzeller von, 1881 Molpadia sp. Family Caudinidae Paracaudina ransonnetti (Marenzeller von, 1881) Family Eupyrgidae Eupyrgus pacificus Östergren, 1905 Order Gephyrothuriida Family Gephyrothuriidae Hadalothuria sp. PHYLUM HEMICHORDATA Compiled by O. V. Ezhova34 CLASS ENTEROPNEUSTA Order Enteropneusta Family Ptychoderidae (Spengel, 1893) Balanogossus proterogonius (Belichov, 1928) Family Harrimaniidae (Spengel, 1901) Saccoglossus mereschkowskii (Wagner, 1885) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PHYLUM CHORDATA Compiled by V. N. Romanov CLASS ASCIDIACEA Order Aplousobranchia Lahille, 1886 Family Didemnidae Didemnum albidum (Verrill,1871) D. beringense Romanov, 1977 D. caudiculatum Romanov, 1989 D. extensum Romanov, 1989 D. filiforme Romanov, 1989 D. gemmiparum Romanov, 1989 D. grande (Herdman, 1886) D. immundum Romanov, 1974 D. kurilense Romanov, 1989 D. idemnum megaductus Romanov, 1974 D. minispirale Romanov, 1989 D. moseleyi (Herdman, 1886) D. papillatum Romanov, 1989 D. pseudobiglans Romanov, 1989 D. risirense Nishikava, 1990 D. sachalinense Romanov, 1989 D. translucidum Tokioka, 1953 34 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The list was compiled on the basis of literature data. 199 D. transparentum Romanov, 1977 D. trispirale (Romanov, 1977) D. vermiforme Romanov, 1989 Diplosoma listerianum (Milne Edwards, 1841) D. lukini Romanov, 1989 D. siphonale Romanov, 1977 Leptoclinides spiculatum Romanov, 1989 L. faeroensis Bjerkan, 1905 L. macrotestis Romanov, 1977 Lissoclinum aureum Verrill, 1871 Polysyncraton adenale Romanov, 1977 P. asperum Romanov, 1989 P. crassum Redikorzev, 1913 P. fadeevi Romanov, 1989 P. kashenkoi Romanov, 1989 P. krylatkae Romanov, 1974 P. paramushiri Romanov, 1989 P. tokiokai Romanov, 1989 Trididemnum tenerum (Verrill, 1871) T. vostoki Romanov, 1989 Family Holozoidae Distaplia dubia Oka, 1927 Pseudoplacentela smirnovi Sanamyan, 1993 Family Placentelidae Placentela crystalline Redikorzev, 1913 Family Polyclinidae Aplidiopsis helenae Redikorzev, 1927 A. pannosum (Ritter, 1899) Aplidium confuscum Sanamyan, 2000 A. disiphonium (Beniaminson, 1975) A. dubium (Ritter, 1899) A. fragile (Redikorzev, 1927) A. glabrum (Verrill, 1871) A. kurilense Beniaminson, 1974 A. lebedi Sanamyan, 1998 A. oculatum Beniaminson, 1974 A. pannosum (Ritter,1899) A. pliciferum (Redikorzev, 1927) A. polybunum (Redikorzev, 1927) A. sagamiense (Tokioka, 1967) A. soldatovi (Redikorzev, 1937) A. spitzbergense Hartmeyer, 1903 A. tenuicaudatum (Beniaminson, 1974) A. translucidum (Ritter, 1901) A. vinogradovae (Beniaminson, 1974) Macrenteron ritteri Redikorzev, 1927 Neodictyon shumshu Sanamyan, 1998 Synoicum clavatum (Oka, 1927) S. cymosum Redikorzev, 1927 S. derjugini Redikorzev, 1927 S. ynoicum irregulare Ritter, 1899 S. jordani (Ritter,1899) S. parvum Redikorzev, 1927 S. pellucens Redikorzev, 1927 S. sabuliferum Redikorzev, 1937 S. solidum Redikorzev, 1937 S. turgens Phipps, 1774 Family Ritterellidae Ritterella tamarae Sanamyan, 1998 200 Bering Okhotsk N.M. Kuril Command Ids S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Order Phlebobranchia Family Agneziidae Adagnesia pacifica Sanamyan & Sanamyan, 1998 Agnesia orthenteron Redikorzev, 1941 Family Ascidiidae Ascidia callosa Stimpson, 1852 A. clementa Ritter, 1907 Family Cionidae Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1767) Family Corellidae Chelyosoma inaequale Redikorzev, 1913 Ch. macleayanum Broderip & Soverbdy, 1830 Ch. orientale Redikorzev, 1941 Family Octacnemidae Benthascidia michaelseni Ritter, 1907 Situla galeata Monniot & Monniot, 1991 Family Perophoridae Perophora annectens Ritter. 1893 Order Stolidobrachia Family Molgulidae Eugyua glutinans (Moeller, 1842) Molgula eobia Redikorzev, 1941 M. griffitsii (MacLeay, 1825) M. lapidifera Redikorzev, 1941 M. primitive Redikorzev, 1941 M. redikorzevi Oka, 1914 M. regularis Ritter, 1907 M. retortiformis Verrill, 1871 M. tzetlini Sanamyan, 1993 Pareugyrioides dalli (Ritter 1913) Rhizomolgula globularis (Pallas, 1766) Family Pyuridae Boltenia echinata (Linnaeus, 1767) B. ovifera (Linnaeus, 1767) Bathypera ovoida (Ritter, 1907) Culeolus nadejdi Sanamyan, 1992 C. tenius Vinogradova, 1970 C. uschakovi Redikorzev, 1941 Halocynthia aurantium aurantium (Pallas,1787) H. roretzi (Drashe, 1884) Hartmeyeria triangularis Ritter, 1913 Family Styelidae Botryllus magnus Ritter, 1901 B. schlosseri (Pallas, 1766) B. tuberatus Ritter & Forsyth, 1917 Botrylloides violaceum Oka, 1927 Cnemidocarpa clara (Hartmeyer, 1906) C. finmarkiensis, Kiaer, 1893 C. ochotense Sanamyan, 1992 C. rhizopus (Redikorzev, 1907) Dendrodoa aggregata (Rathke, 1806) D. lineata (Traustedt, 1880) D. pulchella (Verrill, 1871) Kukenthalia borealis (Gottschald, 1894) Pelonaia corrugata Forbes & Goodsir, 1841 Polycarpa divisa (Ostroumov & Pavlenko, 1911) Stryela clava Herdman, 1811 S. clavata (Pallas, 1774) S. coriacea (Alder & Hancock, 1848) Bering N.M. Kuril Command Ids Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 201 35 List of Larvacea compiled on data from World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). 202 + + Bering Okhotsk S.E.Sakh. S.Kuril. + + N.M. Kuril Command Ids S. macrenteron Ritter, 1913 S. maculata Sanamyan, 1992 S. rustica Linnaeus, 1767 S. sigma Hartmeyer, 1906 S. truncata Ritter, 1901 Syncarpa corticiformis Beniaminson, 1975 S. oviformis Redikorzev, 1913 CLASS LARVACEA (=APPENDICULARIA) 35 Order Copelata Family Fritillariidae Lohmann, 1915 Subfamily Appendiculariinae Seeliger, 1895 Appendicularia sicula Fol, 18974 Subfamily Fritillariinae Seeliger, 1895 Fritillaria aberrans Lohmann, 1896 F. arafoera Tokioka, 1956 F. fraudax Lohmann, 1896 F. gracilis Lohmann, 1896 F. haplostoma Fol, 1872 F. megachile Fol, 1872 F. pacifica Tokioka, 1958 F. tenella Lohmann, 1896 F. venusta Lohman, 1896 Tectillaria fertilis (Lohmann, 1896) T. taeniogona (Tokioka, 1957) Family Kowalevskiidae Lahille, 1888 Kowalevskia tenuis Fol, 1872 Family Oikopleuridae Lohmann, 1915 Subfamily Bathochordaeinae Lohmann, 1915 Bathochordaeus charon Chun, 1900 B. stygius Garstang, 1937 Subfamily Oikopleurinae Lohmann, 1896 Tribe Alabiata Fenaux, 1993 Pelagopleura gracilis (Lohmann, 1914) P. verticalis (Lohmann, 1914) Tribe Labiata Fenaux, 1993 Folia gracilis Lohmann, 1892 F. mediterranea (Lohmann, 1899) Megalocercus abyssorum Chun, 1887 M. huxleyi in Ritter & Ritter Byxbee, 1905 Oikopleura (Coecaria) fusiformis Fol, 1872 O. (Coecaria) gracilis Lohmann, 1896 O. (Coecaria) intermedia Lohmann, 1896 O.(Coecaria) longicauda (Vogt, 1854) O. (Vexillaria) albicans (Leuckart, 1853) O. (Vexillaria) cophocerca (Gegenbaur, 1855) O. (Vexillaria) dioica Fol, 1872 O. (Vexillaria) labradoriensis Lohmann, 1892 O. (Vexillaria) parva Lohmann, 1896 O. (Vexillaria) rufescens Fol, 1872 O. (Vexillaria) vanhoeffeni Lohman, 1896 Stegosoma magnum (Langerhans, 1880) Japan Taxa + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + REFERENCES Phylum Sarcomastigophora Class Granuloreticulosa Annin V. K. 1999. Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Upper Lithoral of Kunashiri Island // Oceanologiya, Vol. 39, № 2. P. 241-247. Annin V. K. 2000. Recent Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages in the Possiet Bay (Japan Sea) and Environments // Oceanologiya. Vol. 40. № 6. P. 881-889. Basov I. A., Khusid T. A. 1983. Biomass of Benthic Foraminifera in Sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk // Oceanologiya. Vol. 23. №. 4. 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History of investigations and current state of knowledge of bryozoan species diversity in the Bering Sea // Annals of bryozoology: aspects of the history of research on bryozoans. P. N. W. Jackson, M. E. Spencer Jones (Ed). Dublin: Baldoyle Colour Books. P. 97–116. Grischenko A. V., Taylor P. D., Mawatari S. F. 2004. Doriporella smirnovi sp. nov. (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) and its impact on Phylogeny and Classification Zool. Sci. Vol. 21. P. 327–332. Kluge G. A. 1952. Bryozoans (Bryozoa) of the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Straight // P. V. Ushakov (Ed.) The Far north–eastern part of the USSR. M.-L.: Publisher Ac. of Sci. of the USSR. Vol. 2. P. 138-168. Kluge G. A. 1961. Bryozoans species list (Bryozoa) of the Far East seas // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Vol. 7. P.118–143. Kubanin A. A. 1976. Bryozoans of tidal zone of the Zavjalov island (Okhotsk Sea) // Biologiya Morya. Vol. 2. № 1. P. 30-35. 228 Kubanin A. A. 1977. Bryozoans of the order Сheilostomata of the Great Peter Bay of the Japanise Sea // Fouling in the Japanise and Okhotsl Seas. Vladivostok: Ussue of DVNC of the Ac. Sci. of the USSR. P. 108-136. Kubanin A. A. 1977. New alien species of the Japanese sea – bryozoan Conopeum tubigerum (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 56. № 2. P. 313-315. Kubanin A. A. 1977. Species composition of bryozoans in fouling communities of the various regeme of navigation // Biologiya Morya. № 6. P. 63–67 Kubanin A. A. 1981. Species composition of marine bryozoans in fouling // Resnichenko O. G., Starostin I. V. (eds). Fouling and bio–corrosion in water. M.: Nauka. P. 18–39. Kubanin A. A. 1992. New species of bryozoans (Gymnolaemata, Ctenostomata) of the Japanese Sea // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 71, № 10. P. 19–31. Kuklinski P., Taylor P. D. 2006. A new genus and some cryptic species of Arctic and boreal calloporid cheilostome bryozoans // Journal of the Mar. Biol. Assoc. of the U. K. Vol. 86 (5). P. 1035-1046. Mawatari S. 1956. Cheilostomatous Bryozoa from the Kurile Islands and the neighbouring districts // Pacific Sci. Vol. 10(20). P. 113–135 Nikulina E. A. 2004. Bryozoans in fouling // Pavlov D. S. (Ed) Catalogue of fouling fauna in the World Ocean. Part 1. Ussued by KMK scientific publications, M.: 54-119. Okada Y. 1933. On a collection of Bryozoa from the Northern Kurile Expedition // Biogeog. Soc. Japan. Bul. Vol. 4 (3). P. 213-216. Taylor P. D., Grischenko A. V. 1999. Rodinopora gen. nov. and the taxonomy of fungiform cyclostomw bryozoans // Species diversity Vol. 4. P. 9–33. Phylum Chaetognatha Alvarino A. 1961. Two new Chaetognaths from the Pacific. Pac. Sci. № 15(1). P. 67-77. Alvarino A. 1962.Two new Pacific Chaetognaths. Their distribution and relationship to allied species. Bull. Scripps Inst. Ocean. Univ. Calif. № 8 (1). P. 1-47. Alvarino A. 1964. Bathymetric distribution of chaetognaths // Pacif. Sci. № 8(1). P. 64 - 82. Alvarino A. 1965. 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A new species of arrowworms (Pseudoeukrohnia, Chaetognatha) from the western Bering Sea and northwestern Pacific Ocean // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 28, № 2. P. 77-86. Kassatkina A. P. 2003a. Finding of new species of the genus Caecosagitta in the southwestern Bering Sea and the revision of Sagitta macrocephala s. lato (Chaetognatha) // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 29, № 4 P. 216-223. Kassatkina A. P. 2003b. New genera and species of arrowworms of the order Phragmophora (Chaetognatha) // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 29, № 1. P. 1-11. Kassatkina A. P., Sergeev A. F. 2004. New species of arrowworms (Chaetognatha) from Chazhma Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 30, № 6. P. 379-386. Kassatkina A. P. 2006. The find of new species of finless Sagittids (Sagittidae, Chaetognatha) in the northwestern Sea of Japan // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 32, № 6. P. 415-420 Kassatkina A. P. 2007. New species Аidanosagitta from north-west part of the Sea of Japan // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 33, № 4. P. 272-277. Kassatkina A. P. 2007. Review of the genera of the family Sagittidae with separation of a new subfamily and description of a new species of the genus Sagitta from the Sea of Japan (Chaetognatha) // Zoosystematica Rossica. Vol. 16. № 2. P. 157-162. Kassatkina A.P. 2008. New species of the genus Sagitta sensu str. (Chaetognatha) from the Sea of Japan with the original methods of the coloring and dissection technique // Zoosystematica Rossica. Vol. 17, № 1. С. 3-6. Kassatkina A.P. 2010.Taxonomic composition and keys for identification of Ferosagitta Kassatkina, 1971 (Chaetognatha) with description of two new species from the northwest sea of Japan // Biologiya Morya, Vol. 36. № 2. P. 93-97. Kitou M. 1967. Distribution of Eukrohnia hamata (Chaetognatha) in the western north Pacific // Inf. Bull. Plankt. Japan. Commemo. No. of Dr. Matsue Y. P. 91-96. Kotori M. 1976. The biology of chaetognatha in the Bering Sea snd the North Pacific Ocean with emphasis on Sagitta elegans // Memor. aculty Fish. Hokkaido University. Vol. 23. № 2. 95-183. Kotori M., Hara A. 1972. On the Chaetognatha in the Bering Sea, with special reference to a new record of Sagitta scrippsae // Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan. Vol. 19. P. 5-12. Kuroda K. 1981. A new Chaetognatha, Eukrohnia kitoui, n. sp., from the entrance to Tokio Bay // Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. Vol. 26. № 1/3. P. 176-185. Molchanov L. A. 1907a. Die Chaetognathen des Zoolo-gischen Museums der Kaiser Academic der Wissen-shaften in St.-Petersbourg // Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St.-Petersbourg. Bd. 12. S. 203-212. Molchanov L. A. 1907b. Ein Beitrag zur Klassification der Chaetognathen // Zool. Anz. Leipzig. Bd. 31. S. 220-222. Muravjeva O. E. 1980. Distribution and history life of Parasagitta septicoela in the northern Tartar Strait. Fisheries researches of the moderate waters of Pacific Ocean. Vladivostok: TINRO. P. 34-39. [in Russian with summary in English] Tokioka T. 1959. Observations on the taxonomy and distribution of Chaetognaths of the North Pacific // Publ. Seto Marin. Biol. Lab. Vol. 7, № 3. P. 349-456. Tokioka T. 1965c. Chaetognatha // Ilustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan. Tokio. Vol. 3. P. 83-87. Tokioka Т. 1938.A new Chaetognatha (Sagitta crassa sp.n.) from the Ise Bay // Zool. Mag. Vol. 50. № 6. P. 349-352. Tokioka Т. 1939. Three new Chaetognatha from Japanese Waters // Mem. Marin. Obs. Kobe. Vol. 7. № 1. P. 129-139. Tokioka Т. 1940.The Chaetognathen fauna of the waters of Western Japan // Rec. Oceanogr. Works in Japan. Vol. 12. № 1. P. 1-22. Phylum Entoprocta Toriumi M. 1951. Some Entoprocts found in Matsushima bay // Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser. 4 (Biol.), Vol. 19, № 1. P. 17-22. 230 Wasson K. 1997. Systematic revision of colonial kamptozoans (Entoprocta) of the Pacific coast of North America // Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. 121, № 1. P. 1-63. Phylum Echinodermata Baranova Z. I. 1955. New species and subspecies of echinoderms (Echinodermata) from the Bering Sea // Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR. Vol. 18. P. 334-342. [In Russian.] Baranova Z. I. 1957. Echinoderms of the Bering Sea // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 4. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 149-266. [In Russian.] Baranova Z. I. 1962. Echinoderms of the Kuril Islands // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 8. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 347-363. [In Russian.] Baranova Z. I. 1971. Echinoderms from the Possjet Bay of the Sea of Japan // Issledovaniya Fauny Morei. Baranova Z. I. (Ed). Fauna and flora of the Possjet Bay of the Sea of Japan. Hydrobiological investigation by means of diving method. Leningrand: Publishing House “Nauka”, L. Branch. Vol. 8(16). P. 242-264. [In Russian.] Djakonov A. M. 1933. Echinoderms of the northern seas // Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR. 8. L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. 166 p. Djakonov A. M. 1938a. The Echinodermata of the Siaukhu Bay (Japan Sea) // Lindberg G. U. (Ed). Reports of ther Japan Sea Hydrobiological Expedition of the Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1934. Part 1. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 425-498. [In Russian, English summary]. Djakonov A. M. 1949. Keys to the echinoderms of the Far-Eastern Seas of the USSR // Bulletin of the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. Vol. 30. 133 p. [In Russian.] Djakonov A. M. 1952a. Abyssal echinoderms from the waters near Kamchatka // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 3. Ushakov P. V., Brodsky K. A. (Eds.). Deep-water fauna of the North-West Pacific. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 116-130. [In Russian.] Djakonov A. M. 1958a. News of the echinoderms (Echinodermata) fauna of the South-West Coast of the Sakhalin collected by the expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1946 // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 5. Lindberg G. U. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Kuril-Sakhalin Marine Complex Expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography in 1947-1949. 1. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 260-270. [In Russian.] Djakonov A.M. 1958b. Echinoderms (Echinodermata), except holothurians collected by the KurilSakhalin Expedition in 1947-1949 // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 5. Lindberg G. U. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Kuril-Sakhalin Marine Complex Expedition of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography in 1947-1949. 1. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 271-357. [In Russian.] Lambert P., Austin W. C. 2007. Brittle stars, sea urchins and feather stars of British Columbia, Southereast Alaska and Puget Sound. Victoria: Royal British Columbia Museum. 150 p. Ludwig H. 1886. Echinodermen des Beringmeeres // Zoologische Jarbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere. Bd 1. S. 275-296, Tafl. 6. Ohshima H. 1933. Echinoid and Holothurians from the North Kuriles // Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan. Vol. 4, № 3. P. 228-236. (In Japan with brief English summary). Smirnov A. V. 1982. Echinoderm fauna of the Aniva Bay of the Okhotsk Sea // Kussakin O. G., Kafanov A. I. (Eds.). Proceedings of the XIV Pacific Science Congress (Khabarovsk, August 1979). Section "Marine Biology". Issue 4. Fauna and Hydrobiology of the shelf zones of the Pacific Ocean. Vladivostok: Institute of Marine Biology, Far-East Science Center Academy of Sciences of the USSR. P. 112-117 [In Russian with brief English summary]. 231 Ushakov P. V. 1953. Fauna of the Okhotsk Sea and its living conditions. USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. 460 p. (Echinodermata, determinated by A. M. Djakonov, p. 275-302). [In Russian.] Class Crinoidea Belyaev G. M. 1969. Sea lilies and feather stars (Crinoidea) // Zenkevich L. A. (Ed). The Pacific Ocean. Biology of the Pacific Ocean. Book II. The deep-sea bottom fauna. Pleuston. M.: Publishing House “Nauka”. P. 99-101. Clark A. H. 1907. Description of new species of recent unstalked crinoids from the North Pacific Ocean // Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Vol. 33. P. 69-84. Clark A. H. 1937. The Crinoids of the Okhotsk and Japan Seas. Explorations des Mers de l’URSS. Fasc. 23. P. 217-230. [In Russian and English]. Mironov A. N. 2000. New taxa of stalked crinoids from the suborder Bourgueticrinina (Echinodrmata, Crinoidea) // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 79, № 6. P. 712-728. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Mironov A. N. 2008. Stalked crinoids of the family Bathycrinidae (Echinodermata) from the eastern Pacific // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol. 5, № 2. P. 133-153. Mironov A. N., Sorokina O. A. 1998. Three new genera of stalked crinoids of the family Hyocrinidae (Echinodermata, Crinoidea) // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 79, № 4. P. 404-416. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Oji Tatsuo. 1990. Crinoidea // Echinoderms from continental shelf and slope around Japan. Vol. 1. Tokyo: Japan Fisheries Resource conservation association. P. 23-33. Class Asteroidea Baranova Z. I., Karpenko V. V. 1979. Two new species of sea stars from the area of Kuril Islands // Kusakin J. G. (Ed.). Biology of the shelf of Kuril Island. M.: Nauka Publishers. P. 267-273. [In Russian.] Belyaev G. M. 1969. Sea stars (Asteroidea) // Zenkevich L. A. (Ed). The Pacific Ocean. Biology of the Pacific Ocean. Book II. The deep-sea bottom fauna. Pleuston. M.: Publishing House “Nauka”. P. 109-115. Belyaev G. M. 1982. The systematic position of the multirayed sea star from the sublittoral zone of the Moneron Island // Biologiya Morya. Vol. 8, № 6. P. 29-33. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Belyaev G. M. 1985. Abyssal starfishes of the genera Eremicaster and Abyssaster (Porcellanasteridae): composition and distribution // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 64, № 6. P. 865-876. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Belyaev G. M., Moskalev L. I. 1986. Starfishes of the genus Styracaster (Porcellanasteridae). 1. S. longispinus sp. n. from the group of long-armed species // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 65, № 5. P. 771-779. (In Russian with brief English summary). Belyaev G. M., Moskalev L. I. 1986. Starfishes of the genus Styracaster (Porcellanasteridae). 2. New and rare short-armed species // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 65, № 6. P. 867-877. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Beljaev G. M., Moskalev L. I. 1986. Starfishes of the genus Styracaster (Porcellanasteridae). 3. Generic composition, geographical and vertical distribution // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 65, № 7. P. 1015-1023. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Clark R. N., Jewett S. C. 2010. A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago // Zootaxa. № 2571. P. 1-36. Döderlein L. 1920. Die Asteriden der Siboga-Expeditie. II. Die Gattung Luidia und ihre Stammesgeschichte // Siboga-Expeditie. Monographie 46b (Livr. 88). S. 193-293, Tafl. 18-20. 232 Djakonov A. M. 1938b. Monographische Bearbeitung der Asteriden des westlichen Nordpazifik. 1. Die Gattung Leptasterias Fisher // Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR. Vol. 4, livr. 5. S. 749-914, Tafl. 1-20. (In German (p. 760-914) with Russian introduction and keys]. Djakonov A. M. 1950a. Sea stars (Asteroidea) of the USSR Seas. – Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translation // Published pursuant to an agreement with the Smithsonian Institution and the National Sciences Foundation, Washington, D. C. I-VI, 183 p. Djakonov A. M. 1950b. Deep-sea component in the sea stars fauna of the Sea of Okhotsk // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 2. Ushakov P. V., Schmidt P. Yu. (Eds.). Materials on the fauna of Far-Eastern Seas collected by the expeditions of the State Hydrological Institute and the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography in 1932-1935. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 26-57. [In Russian.] Djakonov A. M. 1950c. Monographic essay of the sea stars of the North-West Pacific // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 2. Ushakov P. V., Schmidt P. Yu. (Eds.). Materials on the fauna of Far-Eastern Seas collected by the expeditions of the State Hydrological Institute and the Pacific Scientific Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography in 1932-1935. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 58-139. [In Russian.] Djakonov A. M. 1952b. Descriptions of new species and subspecies of the sea stars (Asteroidea) from the Far-Eastern Seas // Trudy Zoologicheskogo Institute SSSR. T. 12. P. 408-414. [In Russian.] Djakonov A. M. 1961. Review of the species of sea stars of the genus Henricia from North-West Pacific // Issledovaniya Dalnevostochnykh Morei SSSR. Issue 7. M., L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher. P. 28-46, pls. 1-22. [In Russian.] Fisher W. K. 1911. Asteroidea of the North pacific and adjacent waters. Part 1. Phanerozonia and Spinulosa // Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Vol. 76. Pt. 1. 419 p., 122 pls. Fisher W. K. 1928. Asteroidea of the North pacific and adjacent waters. Part 2. Forcipulata (Part) // Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Vol. 76. Pt. 2. 245 p., 81 pls. Fisher W. K. 1930. Asteroidea of the North pacific and adjacent waters. Part 3. Forcipulata (Concluded) // Bulletin of the United States National Museum. Vol. 76. Pt. 3. 356 p., 93 pls. Golotsvan E. V. 1998. New genus and species of starfishes from Pterasteridae (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) family in the Kurilo-Kamchattskii Trench // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 77, № 10. P. 1152-1157. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Goto S. 1914. A descriptive monograph of Japanese Asteroidea. I. Archasteridae, Benthopectinidae, Porcellanasteridae, Luidiidae, Pentagonasteridae, Oreasteridae, Gymnasteridae, Asterinidae // Journal of the College of Sciences Imperial University of Tokyo. Vol. 29, art. 1. 808 p., 19 pls. Gruzov E. N. 1964. A new deep water starfish Astrocles djakonovi sp. n. (Brisingidae) from the Okhotsk Sea // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 43, № 4. P. 1394-1396. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Hayashi R. 1940. Contributions to the classification of sea-stars of Japan. I. Spinulosa // Journal of the Faculty of Sciences Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. VI. Zoology. Vol. 7, № 3. P. 107-204, pls. 7-13. Hayashi R. 1943. Contributions to the classification of the sea-stars of Japan. II. Forcipulata, with the note on the relationships between the skeletal structure and respiratory organs of the seastars // Journal of the Faculty of Sciences Hokkaido Imperial University. Ser. VI. Zoology. Vol. 8, № 3. P. 133-281, pls. 12-22. Karpenko V. V. 1979. Sea star of the upper sublittoral of Kuril Islands // Kusakin J. G. (Ed.). Biology of the shelf of Kuril Island. M.: Nauka Publishers. P. 249-266. [In Russian.] Korovchinsky N. M. 1976. New data on the deep-sea seastars (Asteroidea Brisingidae) from the North-Western Pacific // Trudy Instituta Oceanologii AN SSSR. Vol. 99. Filatova Z. I. (Ed.). Deep sea bottom fauna of the Pacific Ocean. M.: Publishing House “Nauka”. P. 165-177. [In Russian with brief English summary]. 233 Korovchinsky N. M., Galkin S. V. 1984. New data on the fauna of starfishes of the genus Freyella (Brisingidae) // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 63, № 8. P. 1205-1215. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Lambert Ph. 2000. Sea stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound. Vancouver, Toronto: UBCPress. 186 p. Smirnov A. V. 1982. Species Pteraster obscurus (Perrier, 1891) and P. octaster Verrill, 1909 (Asteroidea: Pterasteridae) // Issledovaniya Fauny Morei. Vol. 8(16). Korotkevitch V. S. (Ed.). Marine invertebrates of coastal biocenoses of the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. L.: Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR. P. 102-113 [In Russian.] Class Ophiuroidea Baranova Z. I., Kuntsevich Z. V. 1969. Brittle stars (Ophiuroidea) // Zenkevich L. A. (Ed). The Pacific Ocean. Biology of the Pacific Ocean. V.ook II. The deep-sea bottom fauna. Pleuston. M.: Publishing House “Nauka”. P. 115-124. [In Russian.] Clark H. L. 1911. North Pacific Ophiurans in the collection of the U.S. National Museum. № 75. 302 p. Djakonov A. M. 1954. Brittle Stars [Ophiuroidea] of the Seas of the U.S.S.R // Opredelitely po Faune SSSR, Vol. 55. 136 p. [In Russian.] Litvinova N. M., Smirnov I. S. 1981. To knowledge of genus Astrophiura (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea) // Zoological Zhurnal. Vol. 60, Issue 4. P. 626-629. [In Russian.] Class Echinoidea Baranova Z. I. 1982. Occurrence of the sea-urchin of the tropical family Temnopleuridae off the Paramushir Island // Issledovaniya Fauny Morei. Vol. 8 (16). Korotkevitch V. S. (Ed.). Marine invertebrates of coastal biocenoses of the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. L.: Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR. P. 114-118 [In Russian with brief English summary]. Bazhin A. G., Stepanov V. G. 2012. Sea urchins fam. Strongylocentrotidae of seas of Russia. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: KamchatNIRO. 196 p. [In Russian.] Belyaev G. M. 1969. 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P. 326-367. [In Russian]. Belyaev G. M., Mironov A. N. 1981. Some new deep-sea species of the Myriotrochidae (Holothurioidea) from the Northern and South-Western Parts of the Pacific Ocean // Trudy Instituta Oceannologii AN SSSR. Vol. 115. Filatova Z. I. (Ed.). Deep sea bottom fauna of the Pacific Ocean. M.: Publishing House “Nauka”. P. 163-173.[In Russian with brief English summary]. Belyaev G. M., Mironov A. N. 1982. The holothurians of the family Myriotrochidae (Apoda): composition, distribution, and origin // Trudy Instituta Oceannologii AN SSSR. Vol. 117. Kuznetsov A. P., Vinogradova N. G. (Eds.). Investigations of the deep-sea bottom fauna. M.: Publishing House “Nauka”. P. 81-120. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Belyaev G. M., Vinogradov M. E. 1969. A new pelagic holothurian (Elasipoda, Psychropotidae) from the abyssal of the Kurilo-Kamchatka Trench // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 48, № 5. P. 709-716. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Britten M. 1907. 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CXCII-CXCIX. 236 Rogacheva A. 2012. Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Kolga (Elpidiidae: Holothuroidea: Echinodermata) // Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Vol. 92, № 5. P. 1183-1193. Savelijeva T. S. 1933. Zur Kenntnis der Holothurienfauna des Japanischen und Ochotskischen Meeres // Issledovaniya Morei. Fasc. 19. P. 37-58. [In Russian with German summary p. 54-58]. Saveljeva T. S. 1941. II. Zur Holothurienfauna der Meere der ferner ostens der UdSSR // Issledovaniya Morei SSSR. Issue 1. P. 73-103. [In Russian with German summary p. 99-103]. Smirnov A. V. 1981. Chiridota orientalis (Apoda, Chiridotidae), a new species of sea cucumbers from the Far East Seas of the USSR // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 60, № 1. P. 78-83. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Smirnov A. V. 1983. Rynkatorpa duodactyla (Apoda, Synaptidae), a sea cucumber from the North Pacific new for the fauna of the USSR // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 62, № 1. P. 72-82. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Smirnov A. V. 1989. A new species of holothurians Trochodota inexpectata (Synaptida, Chiridotidae) from the Simushir Island (Kuril Islands) // Zool. Zhurnal, Vol. 68, № 6. P. 156-160. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Smirnov A. V. 1995. On a Psolus species in Kraternaya Bight (Ushishir Island, the Kurile Islands) // Biologiya Morya. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 83-84. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Stepanov V. G. 2005. Morphological differences among five species of Far Eastern holothurians of the genera Cucumaria (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) // Varnavskaya N. V. (Ed.). Population genetics and Systematics of hydrobionts. Proceedings KamchatNIRO. Vol. 1. PetropavlovskKamchatsky: KamchatNIRO. P. 386-395. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Stepanov V. G., Morozov T. B. 2013. Holothurians of the genus Molpadia (Molpadiida: Molpadidae) from the shelf of Kamchatka and Kurile islands // Biologiya Morya. (In press). Vol. 39. [In Russian with brief English summary]. Stepanov V. G., Panina E. G. 2012. Distribution, size composition and some morphological characteristics of the Prototrochus minutus (Östergren, 1905) (Apodida: Myriotrochina: Myriotrochidae) from western part of the Sea of Japan // Tokranov A. N. (Ed.). Conservation of biodiversity of Kamchatka and coastal waters. Materials of XIII international scientific conference Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, November 14-15, 2012. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Kamchatpress. P. 292-297. [In Russian.] Stepanov V. G., Panina E. G., Bazhin A. G. 2012. Distribution, size-weight composition and fishery stock of sea cucumber Cucumaria okhotensis Levin et Stepanov, 2003 (Dendrochirotida: Cucumariidae: Cucumariinae) in South-West coast of Kamchatka // AllRussian scientific conference devoted to the 80th anniversary of the FSUE "KamchatNIRO" (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 26-27 September 2012). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: KamchatNIRO. P. 224-229. [In Russian.] Stepanov V. 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Vol. 14, Pt. 34, 290 p., 16 pls., map. 237 Phylum Hemichordata Hyman L.H. 1959. The Invertebrates: Smaller Coelomate Groups. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Vol. 5. 153 p. Van der Horst C.J. 1939. Hemichordata // Bronns H.G. Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. – Leipzig: Leipzig. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H. 397 p. Phylum Hemichordata Romanov V. N. 1989. Colonial ascidians of the family Didemnidae from the of the USSR and adjacent waters // Fauna of USSR. New series, № 138. Tunicates, 1(1): Ascidians, 225 p. [In Russian with English summary and diagnoses]. Sanamyan K. E. 1993. Ascidians from the North-Western Pacific region. 2. Molgulidae // Ophelia. Vol. 38, № 2. P. 127-135. Sanamyan K. E. 1996. Ascidians from the North-Western Pacific region. 3. Pyuridae // Ophelia. Vol. 45, № 3. P. 199-209. Sanamyan K. E. 1998a. Ascidians from the North-Western Pacific region. 4. Polyclinidae and Placentelidae // Ophelia. Vol. 48, № 2. P. 103-135. Sanamyan K. E., Sanamyan N. P. 1998b. Some deep-water ascidians from the NW Pacific (Tunicata; Ascidiacea) // Zoosystematica Rossica. Vol. 7. P. 210-214. Sanamyan K. E. 2000a. Tree related Alpidium species from the Southern Kurile Islands (Ascidiacea: Polyclinidae) // Zoosystematica Rossica. Vol. 8(2). P. 211-216. Sanamyan K. E. 2000b. Ascidians from the North-Western Pacific region. 7. Styelidae // Ophelia. Vol. 53, № 1. P. 67-78. Van Name W. 1945. The North and South American ascidians. // Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Vol. 84. 476 p. 238 INDEX “Acteocina”, 166 «Coryphella», 168 Aartsenia, 165 Abarenicola, 70 Aberrospadella, 190 Abietinaria, 41 Abludomelita, 132 Abralia, 176 Abraliopsis, 176 Abrina, 172 Abylopsis, 44 Abyssaster, 192 Abyssocladia, 35 Abyssocomitas, 163 Abyssocythereis, 98 Abyssoniscus, 142 Abyssotrophon, 157 Abyssura, 196 Acanthascus, 37 Acanthephyra, 116 Acanthochitona, 149 Acanthocope, 144 Acanthocythereis, 98 Acanthodesmia, 28 Acanthodoris, 167 Acanthometra, 24 Acanthonotozoma, 123 Acanthopalpus, 81 Acanthosphaera, 25 Acanthostepheia, 132 Acartia, 83 Accalathura, 141 Accedomoera, 135 Accedosagitta, 190 Aceroides, 132 Acetabulastoma, 109 Acharax, 169 Achatobonellia, 78 Achelia, 79 Achramorpha, 32 Acidostoma, 124 Acila, 169 Acirsa, 156 Aclymene, 70 Acmostomum, 49 Acrobotrys, 28 Acrocalanus, 84 Acrocirrus, 69 Acrorhynchides, 49 Acrosphaera, 25 Acryptolaria, 40 Actinernus, 46 Actinomma, 25 Actinostola, 47 Adagnesia, 201 Adalaria, 167 Adercotryma, 18 Admete, 162 Admetella, 60 Admirandus, 54 Adoncholaimus, 54 Adontorhina, 171 Adula, 170 Aega, 145 Aegiochus, 145 Aenigmabonus, 151 Aenigmastyletus, 168 Aeolidia, 168 Aeropsis, 197 Aetea, 180 Aetideopsis, 85 Aetideus, 85 Aforia, 163 Agathotanais, 141 Agaue, 81 Aglaiocypris, 93 Aglantha, 43 Aglaophamus, 64 Aglaophenia, 42 Agnesia, 201 Aidanosagitta, 189 Ainudrilus, 77 Akessoniella, 76 Akiodoris, 167 Aktedrilus, 77 Alabaminella, 23 Alacia, 115 Alaurina, 49 Alcyonidium, 180 Alderia, 167 Alderiopsis, 167 Aleutihenricia, 193 Alitta, 63 Allaxius, 119 Allogromia, 16 Allorchestes, 127 Allothyone, 198 Alpheus, 116 Altiverruca, 92 Alvania, 154 Alveinus, 172 Alveolophragmium, 18 Amage, 72 Amagopsis, 72 Amallothrix, 87 Amamibalcis, 156 Amathia, 180 Amathillopsis, 123 Amauropsis, 153 Amblyops, 122 Amblyopsoides, 122 Amblyosyllis, 62 Ambunguipes, 89 Ameira, 88 Amembranaster, 193 Amenophia, 91 Americhelidium, 132 Amicula, 149 Amigdoscalpellum, 91 Ammobaculites, 18 Ammodiscus, 17 Ammofrondicularia, 17 Ammoglobigerina, 18 Ammolagena, 17 Ammonia, 24 Ammonicera, 165 Ammothea, 79 Ammothella, 80 Ammotium, 18 Amonardia, 90 Ampelisca, 124 Amperima, 197 Ampharete, 72 Amphiacantha, 195 Amphianthus, 47 Amphiascoides, 90 Amphiascopsis, 90 Amphiascus, 90 Amphibalanus, 92 Amphiblestrum, 181 Amphicraspedum, 25 Amphicteis, 72 Amphiglena, 74 Amphilectus, 35 Amphilochus, 124 Amphimonhystera, 56 Amphiodia, 195 Amphiophiura, 196 Amphioplus, 195 Amphipholis, 195 Amphiporus, 53 Amphirrhopalum, 25 Amphisbetia, 40 Amphisiella, 31 Amphitretus, 177 Amphitrite, 73 239 Amphiura, 195 Amphorina, 168 Ampithoe, 124 Anadara, 170 Anarthroclada, 42 Anarthruropsis, 141 Anatanais, 141 Anatoma, 150 Anatylus, 125 Anchinothria, 65 Anchistrocheles, 93 Ancistrocheirus, 176 Ancistrolepis, 158 Ancula, 167 Andaniexis, 136 Anelassorhychus, 78 Angulicytherura, 103 Angulogerina, 22 Anigsteinia, 30 Anisocorbula, 173 Anisogammarus, 128 Annandaleum, 91 Annenkovia, 69 Anobothrus, 72 Anomalocantha, 25 Anomalosipho, 160 Anonyx, 138 Anoplodactylus, 80 Anoplostoma, 53 Ansola, 154 Antalis, 175 Antarctonemertes, 52 Antarcturus, 146 Antho, 36 Anthocyrtidium, 28 Anthomastus, 45 Anthophiura, 196 Anticoma, 53 Anticyathus, 56 Antillesoma, 79 Antiplanes, 163 Anuropus, 145 Aonides, 66 Aora, 124 Aoroides, 124 Apanthura, 141 Aphelasterias, 194 Aphelochaeta, 68 Apherusa, 125 Aphrocallistes, 37 Aphrodita, 59 Apionsoma, 79 Apistobranchus, 67 Aplidiopsis, 200 Aplidium, 200 Aplysia, 167 240 Aplysinopsis, 33 Apocorophium, 126 Apohyale, 129 Apoprionospio, 66 Aporocidaris, 196 Apostichopus, 198 Appendicularia, 202 Apseudes, 141 Apseudocnus, 198 Aquilonaria, 153 Arabella, 66 Arachnocorallium, 26 Arachnocorys, 27 Araeolaimus, 56 Arca, 170 Archaeomysis, 121 Archaeoscina, 122 Archiconchoecemma, 114 Archiconchoecetta, 114 Archiconchoecia, 114 Archiconchoecilla, 114 Archiconchoecissa, 114 Archidoris, 167 Archimerismus, 17 Archiscenium, 26 Archisenia, 90 Architeuthis, 176 Archivesica, 172 Archypolycope, 114 Arcoscalpellum, 91 Arcteobia, 60 Arctolembos, 124 Arctomelon, 158 Arctonemertes, 52 Arctonoe, 60 Arctonoella, 60 Arctonula, 185 Arctostoma, 109 Arctotanais, 141 Arcturus, 147 Arenicola, 70 Arenopontia, 90 Arenosetella, 89 Areopaguristes, 119 Argeia, 145 Argilloecia, 92 Argis, 116 Argissa, 125 Argonauta, 177 Arhynchite, 78 Ariadnaria, 152 Aricidea, 68 Arietellus, 82 Aristias, 125 Armadilloniscus, 146 Armandia, 69 Armatus, 152 Armina, 168 Arrhinopsis, 132 Arrhis, 132 Artacama, 73 Artemisina, 36 Arthrophryxus, 145 Arthropoma, 187 Artobotrys, 28 Artostrobium, 28 Artostrobus, 27 Arvella, 170 Asabellides, 72 Asbestopluma, 35 Ascidia, 201 Asclerocheilus, 69 Ascorhynchus, 80 Aspelta, 58 Asperspina, 167 Aspidarachna, 144 Aspidisca, 30 Aspidoconcha, 108 Assiminea, 154 Astacolus, 20 Astarte, 171 Asterias, 194 Asterina, 192 Asteronemertes, 53 Asteronyx, 195 Asterophila, 156 Asthelys, 150 Astrochele, 195 Astrocladus, 195 Astrocles, 193 Astrolabia, 42 Astrononion, 23 Astrophiura, 196 Astrorhiza, 16 Astyra, 137 Astyris, 162 Asychis, 70 Athelges, 145 Atlantiella, 18 Atolla, 44 Atylus, 125 Augaptilus, 82 Aulacofusus, 160 Aulactinia, 47 Aularia, 29 Aulosaccus, 38 Aulospongus, 36 Aurelia, 44 Aurila, 99 Australimoosella, 98 Austroniscus, 144 Austrophyllum, 58 Autolytus, 62 Autonoe, 124 Axinella, 34 Axinopsida, 171 Axionice, 73 Axiothella, 70 Axonolaimus, 56 Azygocypridina, 113 Baeonectes, 144 Baffinia, 73 Baffinicythere, 99 Baicalellia, 49 Bairdoppilata, 93 Balanogossus, 199 Balanus, 92 Bankia, 173 Barentsia, 191 Bargmannia, 44 Barnea, 173 Baseodiscus, 50 Batheuchaeta, 85 Bathochordaeus, 202 Bathocyroe, 48 Bathropyramis, 28 Bathyancistrolepis, 158 Bathybuccinum, 158 Bathycalanus, 84 Bathyconchoecia, 114 Bathycopea, 145 Bathycrinus, 191 Bathyditrupa, 75 Bathydorus, 38 Bathyeliasona, 60 Bathyfauvelia, 60 Bathyglycinde, 62 Bathygnathia, 146 Bathyhololepidella, 60 Bathykurila, 60 Bathyleberis, 113 Bathymedon, 132 Bathyneaera, 174 Bathypathes, 48 Bathypera, 201 Bathyplotes, 198 Bathypolypus, 177 Bathysagitta, 190 Bathysiphon, 16 Bathyspinula, 169 Bathyvermilia, 75 Bathyvitiazia, 60 Batillaria, 152 Batillipes, 79 Bayerius, 160 Beania, 183 Bela, 163 Belbolla, 54 Benteuphausia, 116 Benthascidia, 201 Benthastelena, 151 Bentheogennema, 116 Benthoctopus, 177 Benthodytes, 198 Benthomangelia, 163 Benthopecten, 192 Beringbdella, 78 Beringius, 158 Beroe, 48 Berryteuthis, 176 Berthella, 167 Betaeus, 116 Betamorpha, 144 Biancolina, 125 Bicellarina, 183 Bicornucythere, 98 Bidenkapia, 181 Biemna, 35 Bigenerina, 19 Birsteinia, 76 Birsteiniamysis, 121 Birulia, 117 Bispira, 74 Blepharisma, 30 Boccardia, 66 Boccardiella, 66 Bodotria, 140 Boeckosimus, 130 Bogasonia, 166 Bolinopsis, 48 Bolivina, 21 Bolocera, 47 Boltenia, 201 Bonneviella, 43 Bonus, 152 Bopyroides, 145 Boreoacanthomysis, 122 Boreoberthella, 167 Boreochiton, 149 Boreocingula, 154 Boreohydra, 39 Boreomysis, 121 Boreoscala, 156 Boreostoma, 109 Boreoteuthis, 176 Boreotrophon, 157 Borgella, 179 Borgertella, 29 Botrylloides, 201 Botryllus, 201 Botrynema, 43 Botryocampe, 28 Botryocyrtis, 28 Botryopyle, 28 Botryostrobus, 28 Bougainvillia, 38 Bourdonia, 145 Bowerbankia, 180 Brachionus, 57 Brachydiastylis, 139 Brada, 69 Bradya, 89 Bradyagaue, 81 Bradyidius, 85 Branchiomaldane, 70 Brisaster, 197 Brunneostoma, 110 Bryocamptus, 88 Bubocorophium, 130 Buccella, 23 Buccinosphaera, 25 Buccinum, 159 Budnikopleustes, 135 Buffonellaria, 187 Bugula, 182 Bugulopsis, 183 Bulbus, 153 Buliminella, 22 Bulimmina, 22 Bushiella, 75 Buskiella, 69 Byblis, 124 Bylgides, 60 Bythoceratina, 93 Bythotiara, 39 Caberea, 183 Cabira, 63 Cadella, 172 Cadlina, 167 Cadulus, 175 Caecianiropsis, 142 Caecijaera, 142 Caecognathia, 146 Caecosagitta, 190 Caecum, 154 Caesaromysis, 121 Calanus, 84 Calathura, 141 Calcigorgia, 45 Calliloncha, 160 Callimitra, 26 Callinera, 50 Calliopius, 125 Callista, 173 Callistocythere, 97 Callopora, 181 Calocalanus, 84 Calocarides, 119 Calycidoris, 167 Calycopsis, 39 241 Calyptogena, 172 Calyptotheca, 188 Calyptronema, 54 Calyptrophora, 45 Campanularia, 43 Campylaspis, 140 Canalifera, 24 Candacia, 83 Candeina, 21 Candelabrum, 39 Capitella, 70 Capnea, 47 Caprella, 125 Caprogammarus, 126 Carbasea, 182 Carcinonemertes, 53 Cardiomya, 174 Carinina, 50 Carinoma, 50 Carpocanium, 28 Cartilagovelutina, 155 Caryophyllia, 46 Cassidulina, 22 Cassidulinoides, 22 Catablema, 38 Catriona, 168 Caudofoveatus, 150 Caulibugula, 182 Caulleriella, 68 Caulophacus, 38 Cauloramphus, 181 Cecina, 155 Ceinina, 126 Cellana, 150 Celleporella, 184 Celleporina, 187 Celtia, 98 Cenogenus, 65 Cenosphaera, 25 Centraugaptilus, 82 Centromedon, 130 Centropages, 83 Cephalophanes, 86 Cephalothrix, 50 Ceramaster, 192 Cerapus, 130 Ceratobulimina, 21 Ceratocephale, 63 Ceratocyrtis, 27 Ceratoisis, 45 Ceratomysis, 121 Ceratospyris, 28 Ceratostoma, 157 Cerberilla, 168 Cercops, 126 Cerebratulus, 50 242 Cerianthus, 46 Cerithiopsida, 156 Cerithiopsis, 156 Cetoconcha, 174 Chaenea, 31 Chaetarcturus, 146 Chaetoderma, 149 Chaetopterus, 68 Chaetosyllis, 62 Chaetozone, 68 Challengeron, 29 Charisea, 47 Charybdis, 120 Cheilonereis, 63 Cheiloporina, 187 Cheiraster, 192 Cheirimedeia, 126 Cheliplana, 49 Chelyosoma, 201 Chemnitsia, 165 Chevroderma, 149 Chilostomella, 23 Chilostomellina, 23 Chionoecetes, 120 Chiridiella, 85 Chiridius, 85 Chiridota, 197 Chirimia, 70 Chirona, 92 Chiroteuthis, 176 Chitinipoma, 75 Chlamydorhynchus, 49 Chlamylla, 168 Chlamys, 171 Choanolaimus, 55 Chondrocladia, 35 Chone, 74 Chromadora, 55 Chromadorina, 55 Chromaspirina, 56 Chromopleustes, 135 Chrysallida, 165 Chrysaora, 44 Chrysopetalum, 61 Chthamalus, 92 Chuneola, 122 Chuniphyes, 44 Cibicidea, 23 Cibicidella, 23 Cibicides, 23 Cicerina, 49 Ciliatotropis, 153 Ciliatovelutina, 155 Cilifera, 155 Ciliofaurea, 30 Cilunculus, 80 Cincturorhynchus, 49 Cingulina, 165 Ciona, 201 Circeis, 75 Circodiscus, 25 Circoporus, 29 Circspathis, 29 Cirratulus, 68 Cirriformia, 68 Cirrophorus, 68 Cirsotrema, 156 Cladaster, 192 Cladocarpus, 42 Cladococcus, 25 Cladocroce, 34 Cladonema, 39 Cladopathes, 48 Cladorhiza, 35 Cladoscenium, 26 Clathria, 36 Clathrina, 32 Clathrocyclas, 28 Clathromitra, 26 Clausocalanus, 85 Clausophyes, 44 Clavadoce, 58 Clavularia, 45 Cleantiella, 147 Cleantioides, 147 Cleonardo, 128 Cletocamptus, 88 Cletodes, 88 Cliamenella, 146 Clinocardium, 172 Clinopegma, 158 Cliona, 33 Clione, 167 Clitellio, 77 Cluthia, 97 Clymaldane, 70 Clymenella, 70 Clymenura, 70 Clytia, 43 Cnemidocarpa, 201 Cnidopus, 47 Cnismatocentrum, 177 Cobanocythere, 100 Cobbia, 56 Cocculina, 152 Coelocantha, 29 Coelospaera, 36 Coleps, 32 Colga, 167 Collarenemertes, 51 Collosphaera, 24 Colomastix, 126 Colossendeis, 80 Colurella, 58 Colus, 160 Comitas, 163 Compressidens, 175 Conchocele, 171 Conchoderma, 91 Conchoecetta, 115 Conchoecia, 114 Conchoecilla, 115 Conchoecissa, 115 Condylostoma, 30 Conopeum, 181 Convoluta, 48 Copidognathus, 81 Coptothyris, 177 Coquimba, 99 Corallimorphus, 46 Corneobuccinum, 160 Cornucalanus, 87 Cornucoquimba, 99 Cornulum, 35 Cornuspira, 19 Cornuspiroides, 19 Cornutella, 27 Corycaeus, 87 Corynoporella, 183 Cosmocalanus, 84 Cossura, 68 Costaria, 162 Costentalina, 175 Cottobdella, 78 Coxicerberus, 146 Cranchia, 176 Crangon, 116 Crangonobdella, 78 Craniella, 37 Craspedacusta, 43 Crassicorophium, 126 Crassimarginatella, 181 Crassispira, 163 Crassonemertes, 51 Crassostrea, 171 Crella, 36 Crellomima, 36 Crenella, 170 Crenomytilus, 170 Crepidula, 152 Crepipatella, 152 Cribrilina, 183 Cribrinopsis, 47 Cribroelphidium, 24 Cribrostomoides, 17 Crisia, 179 Crisiella, 179 Crithionina, 16 Crossaster, 192 Crossota, 43 Crucigera, 75 Cruciloculina, 19 Cruranthura, 141 Crypthelia, 39 Cryptobranchia, 150 Cryptochiton, 149 Cryptocope, 141 Cryptogemma, 163 Cryptomya, 173 Cryptonatica, 153 Cryptopharynx, 29 Cryptospongia, 33 Cryptosula, 187 Crystallophrisson, 150 Crystallophyes, 44 Ctenocalanus, 85 Ctenodiscus, 192 Ctenoscina, 123 Cucumaria, 198 Culeolus, 201 Cumella, 140 Cuneata, 17 Curtitoma, 163 Cuspidaria, 174 Cuthona, 168 Cuthonella, 168 Cyanea, 44 Cycladophora, 27 Cyclammina, 18 Cyclocardia, 171 Cyclopina, 88 Cylichna, 166 Cylichnatys, 166 Cylindroleberis, 113 Cylindrostoma, 49 Cymodoce, 146 Cypasis, 26 Cyphocaris, 127 Cyproniscidae, 145 Cyrtodaria, 175 Cyrtolagena, 27 Cystechinus, 197 Cystisella, 184 Cytharella, 164 Cythere, 96 Cytheretta, 99 Cytherois, 108 Cytheromorpha, 102 Cytheropteron, 106 Cytherura, 104 Dacrydium, 170 Dactylamblyops, 121 Dactylopleustes, 135 Dactylopusia, 88 Daishakacythere, 99 Danielssenia, 90 Daptonema, 56 Darcythompsonia, 89 Decachela, 80 Decollidrillia, 163 Deeveyoecia, 115 Deflexilodes, 133 Deiratonotus, 120 Delectopecten, 171 Dendoricella, 36 Dendrobeania, 182 Dendrodoa, 201 Dendronotus, 168 Dendropathypathes, 48 Dendrophyllia, 46 Dentalina, 20 Derjugiana, 130 Derjuginella, 165 Dermatomya, 174 Dermaturus, 119 Deshayesiella, 148 Desmacella, 35 Desmacystis, 184 Desmatelesia, 179 Desmeplagioecia, 178 Desmosoma, 141 Detonella, 146 Deuterammina, 18 Dexamine, 127 Diaphana, 166 Diarthrodes, 88 Diasterope, 113 Diastylis, 139 Diastylopsis, 139 Diatomovora, 48 Diaulula, 167 Dichromadora, 55 Dictyocoryne, 26 Dictyophimus, 27 Didemnum, 199 Didinium, 31 Didymocyrtis, 26 Diestothyris, 178 Diffalaba, 152 Dimelissa, 27 Dimophyes, 44 Dimorphostylis, 139 Dinophilus, 76 Diogenes, 119 Diopatra, 65 Diophrys, 31 Diosaccus, 90 Diplocirrus, 69 Diplodonta, 173 Diplopteraster, 193 243 Diplosolen, 178 Diplosoma, 200 Dipolydora, 66 Dipsacaster, 191 Dipylissa, 26 Dirona, 168 Disacanthomysis, 122 Discocephalus, 30 Discoconchoecia, 115 Disconectes, 144 Discorbis, 23 Discorsopagurus, 119 Disporella, 179 Disseta, 82 Distaplia, 200 Distolasterias, 194 Dodecaceria, 68 Dogielinoides, 127 Dogielinotus, 127 Dolerocypria, 93 Dolichacantha, 35 Dolichobdella, 78 Dolicholaimus, 54 Doridunculus, 167 Dorvillea, 65 Dorylaimopsis, 56 Doryporella, 181 Dosima, 91 Dosinia, 173 Doto, 168 Drilonereis, 66 Druppatractus, 25 Dryodora, 48 Dulichia, 127 Dumetum, 27 Duplacrorhynchus, 49 Dynoides, 146 Dyopedos, 128 Dysidea, 33 Dysponetus, 62 Dysteria, 32 Echinarachnius, 197 Echinocardium, 197 Echinolaophonte, 89 Echinophilus, 110 Echinostylinos, 37 Echinozone, 144 Echiurus, 78 Ectinosoma, 89 Ectopleura, 39 Edwardsia, 46 Eggerella, 18 Ehrenbergina, 22 Einhornia, 181 Ekmania, 199 Ekpectocythere, 106 244 Elaphognathia, 146 Elasmopus, 132 Elassochirus, 119 Electra, 180 Eledonella, 177 Ellipinion, 197 Ellisina, 182 Elofsonella, 99 Elphidiella, 24 Elphidium, 24 Elpidia, 197 Elthusa, 145 Embrionalia, 156 Empleconia, 171 Emplectonema, 52 Empoulsenia, 113 Encentrum, 58 Enchytraeus, 77 Enhydrosoma, 88 Enipo, 60 Enneaphormis, 26 Enoploides, 55 Enoplolaimus, 55 Enoploteuthis, 176 Enoplus, 54 Entalophoroecia, 179 Entocolax, 156 Entodesma, 174 Eobrolgus, 134 Eochelidium, 133 Eogammarus, 128 Eohaustorius, 129 Eoscaphander, 166 Epacanthion, 55 Eperetmus, 43 Epheria, 153 Epiactis, 47 Epiclintes, 31 Epigamia, 62 Epilabidocera, 83 Epimeria, 128 Epiparactis, 47 Epistominella, 23 Epizoanthus, 48 Eponides, 22 Eranno, 65 Eratidus, 18 Ercolania, 167 Eremicaster, 192 Erginus, 150 Ericthonius, 130 Erimacrus, 120 Eriocheir, 120 Errinopora, 39 Escharella, 185 Escharina, 187 Escharoides, 185 Esosyrinx, 21 Esperiopsis, 35 Eteone, 58 Eualus, 117 Euaugaptilus, 82 Eubonellia, 78 Eucalanus, 84 Eucamptocerca, 32 Eucecryphalus, 27 Euchaeta, 86 Euchirella, 85 Euchitonia, 25 Euchone, 74 Euchromadora, 55 Eucleoteuthis, 176 Euclymene, 70 Euconchoecia, 114 Eucopia, 121 Eucranta, 60 Eucratea, 180 Eucyrtidium, 27 Eucythere, 98 Eucytherura, 106 Eudactylopus, 91 Eudendrium, 39 Eudistylia, 74 Eudorella, 139 Eudorellopsis, 139 Eugerda, 142 Eugyua, 201 Eukrohnia, 190 Eulalia, 58 Eumetula, 156 Eumida, 58 Eunephthea, 45 Eunice, 65 Eunoe, 60 Eupelte, 90 Eupentacta, 198 Euphausia, 116 Euphilomedes, 113 Euphrosyne, 65 Euphysa, 39 Euphysetta, 29 Euplectella, 37 Euplexaura, 45 Euplokamis, 48 Euplotes, 31 Eupolycope, 114 Eupolymnia, 73 Eupyrgus, 199 Eurete, 37 Euristomina, 54 Eurycope, 144 Eurycyde, 80 Eurytemora, 83 Eurythenes, 128 Eusergestes, 116 Eusirella, 128 Eusirogenes, 128 Eusirus, 128 Eusyllis, 62 Eutonina, 40 Evasterias, 194 Exacanthomysis, 122 Excirolana, 145 Exochella, 185 Exogone, 62 Expina, 141 Eyakia, 134 Fabrea, 30 Fabricia, 74 Fabriciola, 74 Fabulosus, 40 Falcidens, 150 Falsicingula, 154 Falsilandrumius, 87 Falsobuntonia, 98 Farrania, 85 Farrea, 37 Fasciculiporoides, 179 Fatkullina, 186 Fauveliopsis, 69 Favulina, 21 Felaniella, 173 Felia, 114 Fenestrulina, 187 Feracrinus, 191 Ferosagita, 188 Figularia, 183 Filellum, 40 Filicrisia, 179 Finmarchinella, 99 Fissidentalium, 175 Fissurina, 21 Flabehlersia, 69 Flabellicytherois, 109 Flabelligera, 69 Flaccisagitta, 190 Flaviocingula, 155 Florometra, 191 Flustra, 182 Flustrella, 25 Flustrellidra, 180 Folia, 202 Forcepia, 36 Fortimesus, 142 Fotolaimus, 54 Freyella, 193 Frieleia, 177 Frigidoalvania, 154 Fritillaria, 202 Frontonia, 32 Fulgurofusus, 158 Fungiacyathus, 46 Furssenkoina, 22 Furukawaia, 156 Fusitriton, 155 Gaetanus, 85 Gaetice, 120 Galatheanthemum, 47 Galathowenia, 71 Galiteuthis, 176 Gamagyangnella, 97 Gammaracanthus, 129 Gammarinema, 56 Gammaropsis, 134 Gammarus, 129 Gari, 172 Garveia, 38 Gastropteron, 166 Gattyana, 60 Gaudichaudius, 60 Gaussicia, 115 Gaussicuma, 140 Geeopsis, 91 Geleia, 29 Gemelliclinus, 49 Geodia, 33 Gephyreaster, 192 Geryonia, 43 Gesaia, 72 Gigantocypris, 113 Gilia, 44 Gitanopsis, 124 Glabratella, 23 Glaciarcula, 177 Glandulina, 21 Glauconema, 32 Glebocarcinus, 120 Globigerina, 21 Globigerinoides, 21 Globobulimina, 20, 22 Globocassidulina, 22 Globoquadrina, 21 Globorotalia, 21 Globotextularia, 18 Globulina, 20 Glomospira, 17 Glossaulax, 153 Glycera, 62 Glycinde, 62 Glycymeris, 170 Glyphanostomum, 72 Glyptocidaris, 197 Gnathia, 146 Gnorimosphaeroma, 146 Golfingia, 79 Gomphina, 173 Gonatopsis, 176 Gonatus, 176 Goniada, 62 Goniodoridella, 167 Gonionchus, 56 Gonionemus, 43 Gononemertes, 53 Gonothyraea, 43 Gontarella, 180 Gordiospira, 19 Gorgonocephalus, 195 Grammaria, 40 Grandidierella, 124 Grandifoxus, 134 Graneledone, 177 Grania, 77 Granotoma, 164 Grantessa, 33 Grantia, 32 Graphonema, 55 Grimpoteuthis, 176 Grubeopolynoe, 60 Guernea, 127 Guitarra, 35 Guttulina, 20 Gymnobela, 165 Gymnogonos, 39 Gyptis, 63 Gyratrix, 49 Gyroidinoides, 23 Habevolutopsius, 162 Hadalothuria, 199 Halacarellus, 81 Halalaimus, 55 Halcampa, 46 Halcampoides, 46 Halecium, 42 Halectinosoma, 89 Halice, 133 Halichoanolaimus, 55 Halichondria, 34 Haliclona, 34 Haliclystus, 44 Halicreas, 43 Halicyclops, 87 Haliotis, 151 Haliphron, 177 Haliplanella, 47 Halipteris, 45 Halirages, 125 Halisarca, 33 Halisiphonia, 40 Halitholus, 39 Haloconcha, 153 245 Halocynthia, 201 Halocypretta, 114 Halocypria, 114 Halocypris, 114 Haloptilus, 82 Halosydna, 60 Hamatoscalpellum, 91 Hanaiborchella, 97 Hanleyella, 148 Hansenomysis, 121 Hapalogaster, 119 Haplomesus, 142 Haploniscus, 142 Haploops, 124 Haplophragmoides, 17 Haplosyllis, 62 Hardametopa, 136 Harmeria, 187 Harmothoe, 60 Harpacticella, 89 Harpacticus, 89 Harpinia, 134 Harpiniopsis, 134 Hartmeyeria, 201 Haustorioides, 127 Hayamiellina, 184 Haynesina, 23 Hebefustis, 144 Hebella, 40 Hediste, 63 Helice, 120 Helicoprorodon, 31 Heliodiscus, 26 Heliometra, 191 Hemiacanthomysis, 122 Hemiarthrus, 145 Hemicyclopora, 185 Hemicythere, 99 Hemicytherura, 104 Hemigellius, 34 Hemigrapsus, 120 Hemilamprops, 139 Hemiparacytheridea, 106 Hemipenaeus, 116 Hemipodia, 62 Henricia, 193 Heptabrachia, 76 Heptacarpus, 117 Heptacyclus, 78 Hermadionella, 61 Hermaea, 167 Hermilepidonotus, 61 Hermissenda, 168 Hesperibalanus, 92 Hesperonoe, 61 Heterochone, 37 246 Heterocyprideis, 98 Heterolaophonte, 89 Heterololigo, 175 Heteromastus, 70 Heteronymphon, 80 Heteropia, 33 Heteroporade, 179 Heteroptilus, 82 Heterorhabdus, 82 Heterostylites, 82 Heterotanais, 140 Heterotyara, 39 Hexaconthium, 25 Hiatella, 175 Himatina, 168 Hincksina, 182 Hincksipora, 185 Hinumanemertes, 51 Hippasteria, 192 Hippocrepina, 16 Hippocrepinella, 16 Hippomedon, 130 Hippopodina, 187 Hippoporella, 188 Hippoporidra, 188 Hippoporina, 186 Hirondellea, 128 Histiobalantium, 32 Histioteuthis, 176 Hoeglundina, 21 Holascus, 37 Holmesiella, 121 Holophrya, 32 Holophryxus, 145 Holotelson, 146 Homalopoma, 152 Homaxinella, 34 Hormosina, 17 Howeina, 104 Hubrechtella, 50 Huntemannia, 89 Huxleya, 169 Hyala, 155 Hyalascus, 38 Hyale, 129 Hyalonema, 37 Hyalopomatus, 75 Hyas, 120 Hybocodon, 39 Hyboscolex, 69 Hydractinia, 38 Hydrallmania, 42 Hydrocoryne, 39 Hydroides, 75 Hydroniscus, 142 Hymedesmia, 36 Hymenancora, 36 Hymenaster, 193 Hymeniacidon, 34 Hymeniastrum, 26 Hymenodiscus, 193 Hymenodora, 116 Hyperamblyops, 121 Hyperammina, 17 Hyperia, 123 Hyperiopsis, 129 Hyperoche, 123 Hypodontolaimus, 55 Ianiropsis, 142 Ichthyoxenus, 145 Idanthyrsus, 71 Idiosepius, 175 Idmidronea, 178 Idotea, 147 Igene, 113 Ijimaiella, 37 Ikeda, 78 Ikedella, 78 Ilyarachna, 144 Ilyphagus, 69 Imaclava, 163 Incisocalliope, 135 Inflatella, 36 Integripelta, 188 Inusitatomysis, 122 Iolaea, 165 Iophon, 35 Iotroata, 36 Iphinopsis, 163 Iphiplateia, 134 Iridia, 16 Irus, 173 Isaea, 129 Ischnochiton, 148 Ischnomesus, 142 Ischyrocerus, 129 Ishizakiella, 97 Islandiella, 22 Isochaetides, 77 Isocirrus, 70 Isodiametra, 48 Isodictya, 34 Isotealia, 47 Itaipusa, 49 Jaculella, 16, 17 Jadammina, 18 Janiralata, 143 Janirella, 142 Janua, 75 Japelion, 160 Japetella, 177 Japonacteon, 165 Jaschnovia, 86 Jasmineira, 74 Jaspis, 33 Jassa, 130 Javania, 46 Jeffreysina, 165 Joeropsis, 143 Johnnealella, 100 Jonesia, 94 Joubinella, 135 Jullienula, 183 Juroecia, 115 Juvenichiton, 149 Kamaka, 130 Kangarina, 107 Karreriella, 19 Kellia, 173 Kentrophoros, 30 Kentrophyllum, 31 Keratella, 57 Kerguelenia, 130 Kinetoskias, 182 Kirkpatrickia, 36 Kliopsyllus, 90 Klugeflustra, 182 Klugenotus, 179 Klugerella, 183 Kobayashiina, 107 Kolga, 197 Kollerua, 88 Kophobelemnon, 45 Koroga, 138 Kotoracythere, 106 Kovalevia, 30 Kowalevskia, 202 Krithe, 98 Krohnia, 59 Krohnitta, 191 Kuiperiana, 102 Kukenthalia, 201 Kurilabyssia, 152 Kurilocythere, 94 Kurilohadalia, 163 Labidocera, 83 Labidochirus, 119 Labrospira, 18 Lacrymaria, 31 Lacunitunica, 153 Lacydonia, 59 Laetmonice, 59 Lafoea, 40 Lafoeina, 40 Lagena, 20 Lagenammina, 16 Laimella, 56 Lamellisabella, 77 Lampeia, 174 Lampromitra, 27 Lamprops, 139 Lanassa, 73 Lanceola, 122 Landrumius, 87 Laomedea, 43 Laonice, 66 Laonome, 74 Laophonte, 89 Laothoes, 125 Laperousecythere, 100 Laphania, 73 Laqueus, 177 Larcopyle, 26 Larcospira, 26 Laryngosigma, 21 Laternula, 174 Latisipho, 160 Latreutes, 117 Latrunculia, 34 Laubieriopsis, 69 Lauratonema, 54 Leaena, 73 Lebbeus, 117 Lecythorhynchus, 80 Ledellina, 169 Ledovitia, 54 Leimia, 88 Leitoscoloplos, 66 Lensia, 44 Leostyletus, 168 Lepas, 91 Lepeta, 150 Lepidastenia, 61 Lepidepecreum, 131 Lepidonotus, 61 Lepidozona, 148 Lepralia, 188 Lepraliella, 184 Leptamphopus, 125 Leptanthura, 141 Leptastacus, 90 Leptasterias, 194 Leptocaris, 89 Leptochiton, 148 Leptoclinides, 200 Leptocythere, 97 Leptognathia, 140 Leptolaimidae, 56 Leptolaimus, 56 Leptopentacta, 198 Leptopenus, 46 Leptoplana, 49 Leptosagitta, 189 Leptosomatum, 54 Leptostylis, 139 Leptychaster, 191 Leucandra, 33 Leucon, 139 Leucopsila, 32 Leucosolenia, 33 Leucothoe, 130 Levinsenia, 68 Levocytherura, 104 Lichenopora, 179 Ligia, 146 Lillipathes, 48 Lilljeborgia, 130 Limacina, 167 Limalepeta, 150 Limatula, 171 Limneria, 155 Limnocletodes, 88 Limnoria, 145 Limnotrachelobdella, 78 Limopsis, 171 Lindia, 58 Lineolaria, 40 Lineus, 50 Liocranchia, 176 Liocyma, 173 Liostomia, 165 Lipmanella, 28 Liponema, 47 Lirella, 29 Liriope, 43 Liriopsis, 145 Lirularia, 151 Lischkeia, 151 Lissoclinum, 200 Lissodendoryx, 36 Listriolobus, 78 Lithamphora, 28 Litharachnium, 28 Lithelius, 26 Lithodes, 120 Lithomelissa, 27 Lithopera, 28 Lithoscalpellum, 91 Litonotus, 31 Litophytum, 45 Littorina, 153 Lobatula, 23 Lobosocytheropteron, 107 Lohmanella, 81 Longipedia, 90 Lopadorhynchus, 59 Lophaster, 192 Lophomastix, 119 Lophophaena, 27 Lophospyris, 28 247 Lophothrix, 87 Loricoecia, 115 Lottia, 150 Loxocauda, 102 Loxoconcha, 102 Loxoconchidea, 103 Loxocorniculum, 103 Loxophyllum, 31 Loy, 168 Lucicutia, 82 Lucidestea, 154 Lucifer, 116 Luidia, 192 Lumbricillus, 77 Lumbriclymene, 71 Lumbriclymenella, 71 Lumbrineris, 65 Lunatia, 153 Lychnocanium, 28 Lyonsia, 174 Lysastrosoma, 195 Lysilla, 73 Lysippe, 72 Lysmata, 117 Macellicephala, 61 Macellicephaloides, 61 Macoma, 172 Macrenteron, 200 Macrocypris, 92 Macrostylis, 143 Mactra, 172 Mactromeris, 172 Maera, 132 Magelona, 68 Makrokylindrus, 139 Malacobdella, 51 Malacoceros, 66 Maldane, 71 Maldanella, 71 Malletia, 169 Manania, 45 Mangeliidae, 165 Marenzelleria, 67 Maresearsia, 44 Margarites, 151 Marginoproctus, 197 Marionina, 77 Marispelodera, 57 Marrus, 43 Marsenina, 155 Marsipella, 16 Marsipohydra, 43 Mastigoteuthis, 176 Maupasia, 59 Mecynocera, 84 Mediaster, 192 248 Mediomastus, 70 Megabalanus, 92 Megacalanus, 84 Megadesmolaimus, 56 Megaloascos, 49 Megalocercus, 202 Megamoera, 132 Megangulus, 172 Megayoldia, 169 Melaenis, 61 Melanella, 156 Melanochlamys, 166 Melinna, 72 Melinnampharete, 72 Melinnopsis, 72 Melita, 132 Melitoides, 132 Melonanchora, 36 Melphidippa, 132 Membranipora, 180 Membraniporella, 184 Mendicula, 171 Menesto, 165 Menigrates, 138 Mercenaria, 173 Mertensia, 48 Mesacanthion, 55 Mesenteripora, 179 Mesocalanus, 84 Mesocentrotus, 196 Mesochra, 88 Mesocrangon, 116 Mesodinium, 31 Mesogammarus, 132 Mesolamprops, 139 Mesometopa, 136 Mesosagitta, 189 Mesosignum, 143 Mesotheristus, 56 Metacaprella, 126 Metachromadora, 56 Metaconchoecia, 115 Metacyclocaris, 126 Metalaimus, 56 Metalinhomoeus, 56 Metaparoncholaimus, 54 Metapolycope, 114 Metasphaerolaimus, 56 Metasychys, 71 Meterythrops, 121 Meteusiroides, 128 Metoncholaimus, 54 Metopa, 136 Metopella, 137 Metopelloides, 137 Metridia, 83 Metridium, 47 Metroperiella, 186 Micichiton, 149 Microarthridion, 91 Microcalanus, 85 Microclymene, 71 Microconchoecia, 115 Microcythere, 101 Microcytherura, 97 Microglyphis, 165 Microloxoconcha, 97 Micronephthys, 64 Microphasma, 122 Microphthalmus, 63 Micropleustes, 135 Micropolycope, 114 Micropora, 182 Microporella, 187 Microporina, 183 Microprotus, 144 Microsetella, 89 Microspio, 67 Microthambema, 145 Micrura, 50 Micrurimorpha, 51 Miliolinella, 19 Milliammina, 17 Mimocalanus, 84 Mimonecteola, 122 Mimonectes, 123 Mimosella, 180 Minuspio, 67 Miodontiscus, 171 Mirabilicoxa, 142 Mirostylochus, 49 Mitrella, 162 Mitrocalpis, 27 Mixtocalanus, 87 Mizuhopecten, 171 Modeereia, 40 Modiolus, 170 Moelleria, 152 Mohnia, 160 Mohrensternia, 154 Molgula, 201 Mollicia, 115 Molpadia, 199 Molpadicola, 156 Monacilla, 84 Monanchora, 36 Moneuplotes, 31 Monocaulus, 39 Monocorophium, 127 Monoculodes, 133 Monoculopsis, 133 Monoporeia, 136 Monoposthia, 55 Monopylephorus, 77 Montacuta, 173 Mopalia, 149 Moroteuthis, 176 Mothocya, 145 Moyanus, 72 Muelleroecia, 115 Muggiaea, 44 Multipeniata, 49 Multitentacula, 174 Munidopsis, 119 Munna, 143 Munneurycope, 144 Munnopsis, 144 Munnopsoides, 144 Munnopsurus, 144 Munseyella, 106 Murrayina, 98 Musculista, 170 Musculus, 170 Mya, 173 Mycale, 34 Myonera, 174 Myrianida, 62 Myriapora, 187 Myriochele, 71 Myriotrochus, 197 Myriozoella, 187 Mysella, 173 Mysidella, 122 Mysis, 122 Mysta, 58 Mystides, 59 Mytilus, 170 Myxichella, 36 Myxicola, 74 Myxilla, 37 Myxoderma, 194 Naineris, 66 Nais, 77 Najna, 127 Namanereis, 63 Nanichiton, 149 Nannocalanus, 84 Nannocythere, 103 Nannoniscoides, 144 Nannopus, 89 Nassarius, 162 Naumovia, 42 Nausithoe, 44 Neaeromya, 173 Neancistrolepis, 158 Neanthes, 64 Nearchaster, 192 Neastacilla, 147 Nebalia, 115 Nectochaeta, 61 Nectodamas, 44 Nectoneanthes, 64 Nectonemertes, 51 Neesia, 52 Neilonella, 169 Nellobia, 78 Nematomenia, 150 Nemertellina, 53 Nemopsis, 38 Neoamphitrite, 73 Neoarmaueria, 51 Neoberingius, 158 Neoboccardia, 67 Neocalanus, 84 Neochromadora, 55 Neocladia, 35 Neocrangon, 117 Neocytherideis, 98 Neodexiospira, 75 Neodictyon, 200 Neoemplectonema, 52 Neognathophausia, 121 Neognathorhynchus, 49 Neohalcampa, 46 Neohaustator, 152 Neohela, 138 Neoiphinoe, 153 Neoleanira, 61 Neoleprea, 73 Neomenia, 150 Neomysis, 122 Neonesidea, 93 Neopilina, 175 Neopleustes, 135 Neosabellaria, 71 Neosemantis, 27 Neotachidius, 91 Neotanais, 141 Neoturris, 38 Nephasoma, 79 Nephthys, 64 Neptunea, 160 Nereimyra, 63 Nereiphylla, 59 Nereis, 64 Nerilla, 76 Netastoma, 173 Newtoniellidae, 156 Nicippe, 133 Nicolea, 73 Nicomache, 71 Nicon, 64 Nihonotrypaea, 119 Nipponacmaea, 150 Nipponnemertes, 51 Nipponocythere, 103 Nipponomicrura, 51 Nipponomysella, 173 Nipponotrophon, 157 Nirokra, 88 Niveotectura, 150 Nodobythere, 94 Nodulina, 17 Nodulotrophon, 157 Nonion, 23 Nonionella, 23 Nonionellina, 23 Normanella, 90 Normanicythere, 100 Notholca, 58 Nothria, 65 Notomastus, 70 Notophyllum, 59 Notoplites, 183 Notoproctus, 71 Notoseila, 156 Notostomum, 78 Nucella, 158 Nucula, 169 Nuculana, 169 Nudibranchus, 168 Nuditheca, 42 Nuttallia, 172 Nymphon, 80 Obelia, 43 Obesostoma, 110 Obesotoma, 164 Obtusella, 154 Oceanactis, 47 Oceanobdella, 78 Ocenebra, 157 Ochetostoma, 78 Ocnus, 198 Octopoteuthis, 176 Octopus, 177 Octopyle, 26 Ocythoe, 177 Odius, 132 Odontophora, 56 Odontosyllis, 62 Odostomia, 165 Oedignathus, 119 Oenopota, 164 Oenopotella, 164 Oerstedia, 52 Oestergrenia, 197 Oikopleura, 202 Oithona, 88 Okenia, 168 Okutania, 176 249 Oligobrachia, 76 Oligomeria, 151 Oligoradiata, 189 Olivella, 158 Omittosagitta, 188 Ommastrephes, 176 Oncaea, 88 Onchidiopsis, 155 Onchidoris, 168 Onchimira, 167 Onchocalanus, 87 Oncholaimium, 54 Oncholaimus, 54 Oncousoecia, 178 Oneppus, 49 Onisimus, 138 Onoba, 154 Onuphis, 65 Onychocamptus, 89 Onychostenhelia, 90 Onychoteuthis, 176 Oolina, 20 Opercularella, 40 Ophelia, 69 Ophelina, 70 Ophiacantha, 195 Ophiacanthella, 195 Ophiocten, 196 Ophiodiscus, 47 Ophiolebes, 195 Ophioleuce, 196 Ophiolimna, 195 Ophiomonas, 195 Ophiopenia, 196 Ophiopholis, 195 Ophiophthalmus, 195 Ophioplintus, 196 Ophiosemnotes, 195 Ophiura, 196 Ophryotrocha, 66 Opisa, 133 Opisthoteuthis, 177 Oratosquilla, 115 Orbinia, 66 Orbiniella, 66 Orchestia, 137 Orchomene, 131 Orchomenella, 131 Oregonia, 121 Oridorsalis, 23 Orientobdella, 78 Orientobythere, 94 Oriopsis, 74 Orthoconchoecia, 114 Orthopagurus, 119 Orthopyxis, 43 250 Orzeliscus, 79 Oscarella, 38 Oshurkovia, 185 Ossiania, 166 Ostreobdella, 78 Otocelis, 48 Otopsis, 63 Ototyphlonemertes, 51 Oulactis, 47 Ovicides, 53 Oviferochilus, 94 Owenia, 71 Oxistomina, 55 Oxydromus, 63 Oxyonchus, 54 Oxyposthia, 48 Oxytricha, 31 Pachycheles, 119 Pachyegis, 186 Pachynus, 133 Pachyptilus, 82 Pacificincola, 186 Pacifoculodes, 133 Paedophorus, 156 Paelopatides, 198 Paguristes, 119 Pagurus, 119 Paiwa, 72 Palaemon, 118 Paleonotus, 61 Palio, 167 Palladia, 49 Palmenella, 97 Palmiskenea, 184 Palmoconcha, 103 Palusleptocythere, 97 Pandalina, 118 Pandalopsis, 118 Pandora, 174 Panduripharinx, 55 Panetela, 144 Pannychia, 197 Panomya, 175 Panopea, 175 Pantachogon, 43 Papilionella, 40 Papyriscala, 156 Paracalanus, 84 Paracalliactis, 47 Paracalliloncha, 161 Paracalliopiella, 125 Paracallisoma, 136 Paracallisomopsis, 136 Paracanthomysis, 122 Paracanthonchus, 55 Paracassidulina, 22 Paracaudina, 199 Paracerapus, 130 Paracomesoma, 56 Paraconchoecia, 115 Paracoryphella, 168 Paracrangon, 117 Paracrenhydrosoma, 88 Paracteocina, 166 Paracyphocaris, 126 Paracyprideis, 98 Paracythere, 102 Paracytherois, 111 Paracytheroma, 97 Paradactylopodia, 88 Paradesmosoma, 142 Paradexamine, 127 Paradexiospira, 76 Paradialichone, 75 Paradicranophorus, 58 Paradiopatra, 65 Paradiophrys, 31 Paradorippe, 120 Paradota, 197 Paradoxostoma, 110 Paradromia, 120 Paraedwardsia, 46 Paraeukrohnia, 191 Parafissurina, 21 Paragorgia, 45 Parahalosydna, 61 Paraheterorhabdus, 82 Parajassa, 130 Paralaophonte, 89 Paraleptastacus, 90 Paraleptostylis, 139 Paralicella, 124 Paralithodes, 120 Parallorchestes, 129 Paralomis, 120 Paramblyops, 122 Parametopa, 137 Parametopella, 137 Paramoera, 136 Paramollicia, 115 Paramonohystera, 56 Paramphiascella, 90 Paramphithoe, 128 Paranais, 77 Paranaitis, 59 Paranarthrura, 141 Parandania, 136 Paranemertes, 52 Paranthura, 141 Parantipathes, 48 Paraonychocamptus, 89 Parapagurus, 119 Paraphoxus, 134 Paraphronima, 123 Parapinnanema, 55 Parapleustes, 135 Parapolycopissa, 114 Parapseudione, 145 Pararotalia, 24 Parasabella, 75 Parasagitta, 188 Parascaphocalanus, 87 Paraschizorhynchoides, 49 Parascolaimus, 56 Parasmittina, 185 Paraspathidium, 32 Parasphaerosyllis, 62 Paraspirotropis, 164 Parastenhelia, 90 Parasterope, 113 Paratanais, 140 Parathalestris, 91 Paratigriopus, 89 Paratrochammina, 18 Paratryphosites, 131 Paratya, 116 Paratyphlotanais, 141 Parayoldiella, 169 Pardalisca, 133 Parduczia, 29 Parerythrops, 121 Pareucalanus, 84 Pareuchaeta, 86 Pareugyrioides, 201 Pareurystheus, 127 Pareusirogenes, 128 Parhyale, 129 Parodontophora, 56 Paroediceros, 133 Paroithona, 88 Paronesimus, 131 Parthenina, 165 Parvamussium, 171 Parvaplustrum, 165 Parvithracia, 174 Parvocythere, 102 Pasiphaea, 118 Patellina, 19 Patinella, 179 Paulina, 178 Pavelius, 73 Pavlovskeola, 140 Peachia, 46 Pectinaria, 72 Pectinodrilus, 77 Pectocythere, 106 Pedicellaster, 194 Pelagobia, 59 Pelagodiscus, 177 Pelagonemertes, 51 Pelagopleura, 202 Pelodera, 57 Pelonaia, 201 Pelosina, 16 Penares, 33 Peniagone, 198 Penitella, 173 Pennatula, 46 Pentamera, 198 Pentatheca, 42 Pentias, 147 Pentidotea, 147 Penzancia, 57 Peramphithoe, 124 Pereionotus, 134 Peribolaster, 193 Peridium, 27 Periphylla, 44 Periploma, 175 Peripyramis, 28 Peritromus, 30 Perlophiura, 196 Perophora, 201 Petalophthalmus, 121 Petaloproctus, 71 Petalosarsia, 139 Phacelophora, 44 Phalacrophorus, 59 Phanoderma, 55 Phascolion, 79 Phascolosoma, 79 Phasianema, 165 Phelliactis, 47 Pherusa, 69 Phialina, 31 Phidolopora, 188 Philine, 166 Philinopsis, 166 Philomedes, 113 Philyra, 80 Pholoe, 61 Phonorhynchus, 49 Phorbas, 36 Phormacantha, 26 Phoronis, 178 Phoronopsis, 178 Phorticium, 26 Photis, 134 Phoxichilidium, 81 Phronima, 123 Phrosina, 123 Phyalella, 40 Phylactella, 185 Phyllobdellina, 78 Phyllochaetopterus, 68 Phyllodoce, 59 Pilargis, 63 Pileolaria, 76 Piliscus, 155 Pillucina, 171 Pilonidal, 26 Pilulina, 16 Pinnaxodes, 121 Pinnixa, 121 Pionosyllis, 62 Pisione, 63 Pisoides, 120 Pista, 73 Placentela, 200 Placida, 167 Placiphorella, 149 Plagiacantha, 26 Plagioecia, 178 Plagiostomum, 49 Plakina, 38 Planispirinoides, 19 Planoscalpellum, 91 Platorchestia, 137 Platybdella, 78 Platymicrocythere, 101 Platynereis, 64 Plazaster, 195 Plectacatha, 26 Plegmosphaera, 25 Plesiopenaeus, 116 Pleurobrachia, 48 Pleurobranchaea, 167 Pleurogonium, 145 Pleuromamma, 83 Pleuronema, 32 Pleuroprion, 147 Pleusirus, 135 Pleustes, 135 Pleustoides, 135 Pleustomesus, 135 Pleusymtes, 135 Plicibuccinum, 160 Plicifusus, 161 Plicisyrinx, 163 Plotocnide, 39 Plumarella, 45 Plumularia, 42 Podocorynoides, 38 Pododesmus, 171 Poecillastra, 33 Poecilochaetus, 68 Policordia, 174 Pollicipes, 91 Polybrachia, 77 Polycarpa, 201 251 Polycheria, 127 Polycirrus, 74 Polycope, 113 Polycopetta, 114 Polycopiella, 114 Polycopissa, 114 Polycopsis, 114 Polycystis, 49 Polydora, 67 Polygastrophora, 54 Polygordius, 76 Polymastia, 33 Polymorphina, 20 Polyopis, 46 Polyorchis, 40 Polyplumaria, 43 Polyschides, 175 Polysolenia, 25 Polysyncraton, 200 Pontocrates, 133 Pontocypris, 92 Pontocythere, 98 Pontogeneia, 136 Pontonema, 54 Pontoporeia, 136 Pontostoma, 111 Porcellio, 146 Porella, 184 Poromya, 174 Porosoratalia, 24 Porroecia, 115 Porterius, 170 Portlandia, 170 Portunus, 120 Poseidonemertes, 51 Posterula, 185 Potamethus, 75 Potamilla, 75 Potamocorbula, 173 Pourtalesia, 197 Praephiline, 166 Praxillella, 71 Praxillura, 71 Primno, 123 Primnoa, 45 Prinassus, 127 Prionospio, 67 Priscillina, 136 Proales, 58 Proameira, 88 Proarmaueria, 51 Probalaenanemertes, 51 Proceraea, 62 Proceroecia, 115 Proclea, 74 Prodiaphana, 166 252 Prognathorhynchus, 49 Prolanceola, 122 Prolaphystiopsis, 130 Proloy, 168 Propebela, 164 Propilidium, 150 Propontocypris, 93 Proschizorhynchella, 49 Proscina, 123 Prostenothoe, 137 Protelphidium, 23 Proteoconcha, 100 Protetrastemma, 53 Protis, 76 Protoariciella, 66 Protocystis, 29 Protodrilus, 76 Protogastrostyla, 31 Protohydra, 39 Protohyperiopsis, 129 Protokrohnittella, 191 Protolatiremus, 90 Protoleodora, 76 Protomedeia, 127 Protomystides, 59 Protopelagonemertes, 51 Protoscenium, 26 Protoschista, 17 Protothaca, 173 Prototrachelocerca, 30 Prototrochus, 197 Protula, 76 Psammatodendron, 16 Psammocythere, 96 Psammonyx, 131 Psammosphaera, 16 Psathyrometra, 191 Pseudarchaster, 192 Pseudeuchaeta, 86 Pseudeukrohnia, 190 Pseudharpinia, 134 Pseudione, 145 Pseudo, 136 Pseudoamallothrix, 87 Pseudobradya, 89 Pseudocella, 54 Pseudocentrotus, 196 Pseudocercops, 126 Pseudoceros, 49 Pseudochirella, 86 Pseudocnus, 198 Pseudocubus, 26 Pseudocythere, 94 Pseudodiaptomus, 83 Pseudodictyophimus, 27 Pseudohaplogonaria, 48 Pseudokeronopsis, 31 Pseudoliomesus, 158 Pseudomesosagitta, 190 Pseudomesus, 142 Pseudomma, 122 Pseudoncholaimus, 54 Pseudonodosinella, 17 Pseudononion, 23 Pseudonychocamptus, 90 Pseudopallene, 80 Pseudopedicellina, 191 Pseudoplacentela, 200 Pseudopolinices, 154 Pseudopolycope, 113 Pseudopolydora, 67 Pseudopolymorphina, 20 Pseudopotamilla, 75 Pseudorchestoidea, 137 Pseudoscalibregma, 69 Pseudosphyrapus, 140 Pseudosteineria, 57 Pseudostichopus, 198 Pseudosuberites, 34 Pseudotanais, 141 Psilaster, 191 Psolidium, 199 Psolus, 198 Psychroplanes, 198 Psychropotes, 198 Pteraster, 193 Pterobdellina, 78 Pterocanium, 28 Pterocirrus, 59 Pterocorys, 28 Pterocyrtidium, 28 Pteroloxa, 103 Pterosagitta, 191 Pteroscenium, 26 Ptychatractus, 158 Ptychodactis, 46 Ptychogastria, 43 Ptycholaimellus, 55 Puchinia, 87 Pugettia, 120 Pullenia, 23 Pulsellum, 175 Punctulum, 154 Puncturella, 151 Pusilina, 154 Pycnogonum, 81 Pycnosomia, 80 Pygospio, 67 Pyrgo, 19 Pyrgoella, 20 Pyripora, 181 Pyrulofusus, 162 Quasitetrastemma, 53 Quequenia, 52 Quinqueloculina, 19 Rabilimis, 100 Racovitzanus, 87 Radicipes, 45 Radiella, 33 Raeta, 173 Ragionula, 185 Ramosia, 44 Rapana, 158 Raspailia, 36 Rathkea, 38 Recurvoides, 18 Redekea, 112 Reginella, 183 Remanella, 29 Reophax, 17 Repmanina, 17 Retibythere, 94 Retifusus, 161 Retimohnia, 162 Retusa, 166 Retusophiline, 166 Reusselina, 182 Reussella, 22 Rhabdammina, 16 Rhabdodemania, 55 Rhabdus, 175 Rhachotropis, 128 Rhamphonotus, 181 Rhamphostomella, 184 Rhincalanus, 84 Rhinoclama, 174 Rhips, 55 Rhisostoma, 44 Rhizammina, 16 Rhizaxinella, 34 Rhizocaulus, 43 Rhizodrilus, 77 Rhizogeton, 38 Rhizomolgula, 201 Rhizoplegma, 25 Rhizopsammia, 46 Rhizorhagium, 38 Rhodine, 71 Rhodopetala, 150 Rhombognathus, 81 Rhopilema, 44 Rhynchothalestris, 90 Rhynocrangon, 117 Richtersia, 55 Rifcus, 131 Rimacytheropteron, 108 Ringicula, 165 Ringiculoides, 165 Rissoella, 165 Ritterella, 200 Robaia, 169 Robertgurney, 90 Robertina, 21 Robertinoides, 21 Robertsonia, 90 Robertsonites, 98 Robustaurila, 100 Rocinela, 145 Rodinopora, 179 Rosacea, 44 Rosalina, 23 Rosalinda, 40 Rossia, 175 Rostanga, 167 Rostrocythere, 94 Rotaliammina, 18 Roundstonia, 103 Ruditapes, 173 Runcinida, 166 Rynkatorpa, 197 Sabatieria, 56 Saccocirrus, 76 Saccoglossus, 199 Sacconemertopsis, 52 Saccorhiza, 17 Saccospyris, 28 Saduria, 147 Sagartiogeton, 47 Sagitella, 59 Sagitta, 189 Sagittifera, 48 Saida, 97 Sakaina, 121 Sakuraeolis, 168 Salvatoria, 62 Samacar, 170 Samytha, 73 Samythella, 73 Sanderia, 44 Sarsia, 39 Sarsicytheridea, 98 Sasamocochlis, 156 Saxidomus, 173 Scabrotrophon, 157 Scalibregma, 69 Scanorhynchus, 49 Scaphechinus, 197 Scaphocalanus, 87 Scelidotoma, 151 Sceneopsis, 153 Schedopontocypris, 93 Schistocomus, 73 Schistomeringos, 66 Schisturella, 131 Schizobrachiella, 186 Schizobranchia, 75 Schizodiscus, 25 Schizomavella, 185 Schizopathes, 48 Schizopera, 90 Schizoplax, 149 Schizoporella, 186 Schizoretepora, 188 Schizotricha, 42 Scina, 123 Scionella, 74 Scissurella, 150 Sclerochilus, 94 Scleroconcha, 113 Sclerocrangon, 117 Scolecithricella, 87 Scolecithrix, 87 Scolelepis, 67 Scoletoma, 65 Scoliorhapis, 197 Scoloplos, 66 Scotoplanea, 198 Scottocalanus, 87 Scottolana, 88 Scrupocellaria, 183 Sculptolithodes, 120 Scutellidium, 91 Scyphidium, 38 Scypholanceola, 122 Securiflustra, 182 Seguenzia, 150 Seison, 57 Semibalanus, 92 Semibugula, 182 Semicytherura, 104 Semisuberites, 35 Sepia, 175 Sepiella, 175 Sepiola, 175 Sepioteuthis, 176 Septentriopora, 181 Septifer, 170 Serpula, 76 Serratiflustra, 182 Serripes, 172 Sertularella, 40 Sertularia, 41 Sestrostoma, 120 Sethoconus, 28 Sethophormis, 26 Setia, 154 Setigloma, 169 Shoemakeroides, 135 Siboglinum, 76 Sideractis, 46 253 Sigalion, 61 Sigambra, 63 Sige, 59 Siliqua, 175 Simplicithyris, 178 Siniotrochus, 197 Sinocalanus, 83 Sinocytheridea, 98 Siphocampe, 28 Siphonaperta, 19 Siphonodentalium, 175 Situla, 201 Smittina, 185 Socarnes, 131 Socarnoides, 131 Solamen, 170 Solanderia, 40 Solariella, 151 Solaster, 192 Solemya, 169 Solen, 175 Solidosagitta, 190 Sonatsa, 71 Spadella, 191 Spathodrema, 149 Sphaerodoridium, 64 Sphaerodoropsis, 64 Sphaerodorum, 64 Sphaerolaimus, 56 Sphaeronectes, 44 Sphaerosyllis, 63 Sphaerotylus, 34 Spilophorella, 55 Spinileberis, 97 Spinocalanus, 84 Spinoscina, 123 Spinther, 64 Spinulogammarus, 129 Spio, 67 Spiochaetopterus, 68 Spiophanes, 67 Spirema, 26 Spirillina, 19 Spirinia, 56 Spirobrachia, 77 Spirocytis, 28 Spiromoelleria, 152 Spirontocaris, 118 Spiroplectammina, 18 Spirosperma, 77 Spirostrombidium, 31 Spisula, 173 Spongaster, 26 Spongionella, 33 Spongioradsia, 149 Spongocore, 26 254 Spongodiscus, 25 Spongosphaera, 25 Spongotrochus, 25 Spongurus, 26 Staninforthia, 22 Staurocucumis, 198 Stegocephalus, 136 Stegolaria, 40 Stegophiura, 196 Stegopoma, 40 Stegosoma, 202 Steineria, 57 Stelletta, 33 Stelodoryx, 37 Stenhelia, 90 Stenocaris, 88 Stenoscyphus, 45 Stenosemus, 148 Stenothoides, 137 Stenothyra, 155 Stenotis, 153 Stenula, 137 Stephanasterias, 195 Stephanauge, 47 Stephos, 87 Stereoderma, 198 Sternaspis, 72 Stichopylium, 27 Stiliger, 167 Stilipes, 137 Stilomysis, 122 Stomachetosella, 186 Stomphia, 47 Streblacantha, 26 Streblosoma, 74 Striodentalium, 175 Strombidium, 31 Strongylocentrotus, 196 Strongylura, 141 Stryela, 201 Stschapovella, 74 Stylaster, 39 Stylatractus, 25 Stylochlamidium, 25 Stylocordyla, 34 Stylodictya, 25 Stylomesus, 142 Stylosphaera, 25 Styptosphaera, 25 Styracaster, 192 Suavodrillia, 163 Suberites, 34 Subeucalanus, 84 Swainocythere, 103 Sycon, 33 Symola, 165 Sympagella, 38 Symplectoscyphus, 41 Symsagittifera, 48 Synallactes, 198 Synandwakia, 47 Syncarpa, 202 Synchaeta, 58 Syneurycope, 144 Synidotea, 148 Synoicum, 200 Synonchiella, 55 Syrrhoe, 137 Sсhizocythere, 97 Tachidius, 91 Tachyrhynchus, 152 Taeniogyrus, 197 Talacalanus, 87 Tanais, 141 Tanaopsis, 141 Taningia, 176 Taonius, 176 Taranis, 165 Technitella, 16 Tecticeps, 146 Tectillaria, 202 Tedania, 37 Tegastes, 91 Tegella, 181 Tegula, 152 Teinostoma, 155 Telmessus, 120 Temnopleurus, 196 Temora, 83 Temorites, 84 Tenebrincola, 158 Tenellia, 168 Tenonia, 61 Tenuileda, 169 Teraterythrops, 121 Terebella, 74 Terebellides, 73 Terebratalia, 177 Terebratulina, 177 Teredo, 173 Terminoflustra, 182 Terrestricythere, 93 Terschellingia, 56 Tessarabrachion, 116 Testudinalia, 150 Testudinella, 57 Tethya, 34 Tethygeneia, 136 Tetilla, 37 Tetraphormis, 26 Tetraplecta, 26 Tetrapoma, 40 Tetrapyle, 26 Tetrastemma, 52 Tetrocycloecia, 179 Textularia, 19 Thalassarachna, 82 Thalassema, 78 Thalassoplanes, 162 Thalestris, 91 Thaumatometra, 191 Thaumatoscyphus, 45 Thelepus, 74 Themisto, 123 Theocalyptra, 28 Theocory, 28 Theocorythium, 28 Theora, 172 Theristus, 57 Tholosina, 16 Tholospira, 26 Tholospyris, 28 Thoonchus, 54 Thorlaksonius, 135 Thouarella, 45 Thracia, 174 Thrissacanthias, 191 Thuiaria, 41 Thyasira, 172 Thyonicola, 156 Thyonidium, 199 Thysanobuccinum, 160 Thysanocardia, 79 Thysanoessa, 116 Thysanopoda, 116 Thysanoteuthis, 176 Tigriopus, 89 Tima, 40 Timarete, 68 Tiphotrocha, 18 Tiron, 137 Tisbe, 91 Tisimania, 177 Tmetonyx, 138 Tochuina, 168 Todarodes, 176 Toledonia, 166 Tomopteris, 59 Tonicella, 149 Topsentia, 34 Toracophelia, 70 Torellia, 153 Tortanus, 84 Tortus, 52 Tracheloraphis, 30 Trachelostyla, 31 Trachelotractus, 31 Trachelоcerca, 30 Trapezium, 172 Traskorchestia, 137 Travisia, 70 Travisiopsis, 59 Trianguloscalpellum, 91 Tricellaria, 183 Triceraspyris, 29 Trichamatina, 153 Trichobranchus, 73 Trichocerca, 58 Trichopeltarion, 120 Trichotropis, 153 Tricolocapsa, 28 Tridentella, 146 Trididemnum, 200 Trileptium, 55 Triloculina, 20 Trinchesia, 168 Trinorchestia, 137 Triopha, 167 Tripodiscium, 27 Trisulcus, 27 Tritella, 126 Tritodynamia, 120 Tritonia, 168 Trochammina, 18 Trochamminopsis, 18 Trochamminulla, 18 Trochochaeta, 67 Trophodiscus, 191 Trophonopsis, 157 Trypanosyllis, 63 Tryphosella, 131 Tubificoides, 77 Tubulanus, 50 Tubularia, 39 Tubulipora, 178 Tulpa, 43 Turbicellepora, 187 Turritellopsis, 165 Turritopsis, 38 Turritropis, 153 Turrivolutopsius, 162 Turtonia, 173 Tuscaretta, 29 Tuscaroria, 165 Tycnodora, 55 Tylorrynchus, 64 Tylos, 146 Tylotiella, 163 Typhlamphiascus, 90 Typhloscolex, 59 Typhlotanais, 140 Typosyllis, 63 Tythothyris, 178 Umbellula, 45 Umbonium, 152 Umbonula, 185 Unciola, 138 Undeuchaeta, 86 Undinella, 87 Undinula, 84 Upogebia, 118 Urashimea, 40 Urechinus, 197 Urechis, 78 Uronema, 32 Uronychia, 31 Urostrongylum, 31 Urothoe, 138 Urticina, 47 Uschakoviella, 128 Utelga, 49 Uvigerina, 22 Valdiviella, 86 Valvulineria, 22 Vanhoeffenella, 16 Vanhoeffenura, 144 Vargula, 113 Vaunthompsonia, 140 Vayssierea, 167 Vejdovskya, 49 Velutella, 156 Velutina, 156 Verneuilinulla, 18 Vesicomya, 172 Vibilia, 123 Vilasina, 170 Violacytherois, 109 Virgularia, 45 Viriola, 156 Viscosia, 55 Vitjasiella, 94 Vitjaziana, 138 Vitjazinella, 165 Vitjazioecia, 115 Vitreosagitta, 190 Vogtia, 44 Volutharpa, 160 Volutomitra, 158 Volutopsius, 162 Volvobrachia, 77 Volvulella, 166 Vonimetopa, 137 Voragonema, 43 Vorticeros, 49 Vosmaeropsis, 33 Vulcanella, 33 Vulvulina, 18 Waisiuconcha, 172 Walkeria, 180 Watasenia, 176 255 Watersipora, 186 Weberia, 61 Wecomedon, 131 Weltnerium, 92 Westwoodilla, 133 Weyprechtia, 125 Wigginsia, 36 Wimvadocus, 132 Wimveria, 42 Xanthocalanus, 87 Xenacanthomysis, 122 256 Xestoleberis, 108 Xiphichilus, 111 Xostylus, 145 Xyala, 57 Yagudinella, 172 Yezocythere, 100 Yokoyamaia, 166 Yoldia, 170 Yoldiella, 170 Ypsilothuria, 199 Zabythocypris, 93 Zachsia, 173 Zanclea, 40 Zaus, 89 Zenkevitchiana, 77 Zenkevitchiella, 84 Zeuxo, 141 Zirfaea, 173 Zygocircus, 29 Zygonemertes, 52 Zygophylax, 40 щ х ч х И я е а е а и ч х , . 75 (83) е е е а и -и а е с и с е и ес и с и а АН а 2013 . е а Т. 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