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Spelling Fun in 2018

On Wednesday, September 19th, fifteen of our junior high students participated in the annual Argonia Junior High Local Spelling Bee. Participants included the following students: five 8th graders--  Brenna Booker, Abigail Harbin, Brady Roblin, Brooke Love, and Ryder Ragan; five 7th graders--   Destiny Davis, Maya Jones, Heidi McCurley, Dalton Morrison, and Taylor Viohl; and five 6th graders-- Grant Fisher, Lucas Griffith, Nelly Larson, Lakelyn Love, and Lincoln Warner.  The spelling bee went a total of ten rounds, until finally Heidi McCurley defeated Abigail Harbin to become Argonia’s spelling champion. 

Both Heidi and Abigail went on to the Sumner County Spelling Bee on October 10th, at the Wellington Middle School.  After lasting a couple rounds, the girls’ competitive run was cut shorter than they would have liked by leaving out a letter and misspelling the words “infinity” and “scratched.” They represented Argonia well and showed great Raider Pride during the competition!