
Kelliopsis jozinae

Kelliopsis jozinae Van Aartsen & Carrozza, 1998

* Image is also available in higher resolution: 383452.jpg (1020x754 - 386 kb).

Author: Aartsen, van & Carrozza  

Determination author: Aartsen, van & Carrozza [Determination history and verification]

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Netherlands, Aartsen, J.J. van & Carrozza, F., 1997. On "Lasaea" pumila (S.V. Wood, 1851) and two new bivalves from European waters: Mancikellia diviae n.sp. And Kelliopsis jozinae, n.sp. (Bivalvia: Condylocardiidae and Montacutidae)

5 November 2019

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