Taxon profile


Pelseneeria Koehler & Vaney, 1908

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Mollusca - mollusks »  class Gastropoda - gastropods »  order Littorinimorpha »  family Eulimidae

Scientific synonyms

Venustilifer Powell, 1939

Included taxa

Number of records: 15

species Pelseneeria abyssorum E. A. A. Locard, 1897
species Pelseneeria bountyensis A. W. B. Powell, 1933
species Pelseneeria brunneus R. Tate, 1888
species Pelseneeria castanea W. H. Dall, 1925
species Pelseneeria media Koehler & Vaney, 1908

Pelseneeria media

species Pelseneeria minor Koehler & Vaney, 1908

Pelseneeria minor

species Pelseneeria occidentalis W. H. Dall, 1871
species Pelseneeria profunda Koehler & Vaney, 1908
species Pelseneeria secundus A. W. B. Powell, 1940

Pelseneeria secundus

species Pelseneeria sibogae (M.M. Schepman & H.F. Nierstrasz, 1909)

Pelseneeria sibogae

species Pelseneeria stimpsoni Verrill, 1872
species Pelseneeria striata Ph. Bouchet & A. Warén, 1986

Pelseneeria striata

species Pelseneeria stylifera Turton, 1825

Pelseneeria stylifera

species Pelseneeria toxopneustesicola T. Habe, 1989
species Pelseneeria yamamotoi T. Habe, 1952

Links and literature

EN The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera [1052874]

Rees, T. (compiler): The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera [] [as Pelseneeria Koehler & Vaney, 1908]
Data retrieved on: 30 November 2019

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