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Is it Safe for Pilots to Take Photos from the Cockpit?

In recent years, many pilots have become social media stars with dedicated followings.
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For many travelers, snapping a photo through an airplane window and posting it to social media is a way to signal that vacation has officially begun. Oh, the envy of those back home. But when it comes to pilots in the pointiest end of the plane doing the exact same thing, people suddenly take a very different tone. After all, is it even safe for pilots to take photos and videos from the cockpit—or legal?

One airline says yes. British Airways is currently trialling "BASmart," a program that grants select pilots the operational permission to record photo and video material. Captures must be done during non-essential portions of the flight, in accordance with FAA, CAA, and other aviation body guidelines. (In layman's terms: no fiddling around during taxi, takeoff, approach, or landing phases of flight, or anything below 10,000 feet, when a "sterile" cockpit environment is required by aviation authority law.) This generally involves cameras being mounted, and captures timed, rather than snapped by hand. There have been no safety or security incidents thus far.

Taking pictures within the guidelines is safe, period.

“Safety is always our very highest priority," a British Airways spokesperson tells Condé Nast Traveler. "We would never permit anything to compromise the safety of any flight in any way. Many of our pilots enjoy sharing photos or videos from the cockpit via social media for fellow travel and aviation enthusiasts. They always comply with regulations concerning taking photos and ensure that their priority remains the safe operation of the flight.”

Though no commercial airline incidents or accidents have been blamed on pilots recording, some governing bodies are not as enthusiastic. In 2014, the FAA strengthened its stance on pilots using personal electronics, creating further guidelines and restrictions to curb the social media trend. The guidelines are so complex, however, that business news website Quartz needed a legal team just to create a visual explanation of "when" pilots can and cannot legally record materials from the flight deck, after the site's landmark "Pilots of Instagram" article came out in 2014. Needless to say, if an airline is allowing pilots to do so, it’s likely gone through a lot of red tape. One U.S.-based commercial pilot flying with a major airline noted that things are so regulated, it’s hardly an issue: “Between our employer and the FAA, we are so heavily monitored and scrutinized that any photos or videos outside the lines could get us fired. We’re always 100 percent focused on flight awareness whenever in an operating role. Taking pictures within the guidelines is safe, period."

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Despite its critics, the "pilot" program seems to have paid off for British Airways, which has had many of its pilots become social media stars with dedicated followings. (Finnair has also recently launched a similar program.) Posting images of incredible sunrises, sunsets, a glowing flight deck, cumulonimbus clouds, Dubai from above, the Northern Lights, or occasionally just photos documenting the sheer size of airplane tires, many pilots have gotten the public hooked, whether the governing bodies enjoy the extra eyeballs or not. On Instagram, accounts such as @the787dreamlife have garnered more than 20,000 fans, while on Twitter, @pilotseye, @jumbo747pilot, and @ladyspeedbird are fan favorites. There's no sign of the trend changing anytime soon, and many aviation enthusiasts, known affectionately as "avgeeks" enjoy the demystifying access to the goings on of the flight deck.

So is it actually safe? As with most hot button issues, it's all about execution, and standards being upheld—beyond just the legally written rules, that is. Travel expert Gary Leff, who runs, agrees. Leff was quick to point out that while pilots snapping photos from the cockpit is completely safe, instances of pilots taking lewd photographs or inviting, ahem, adult film actresses into the cockpit during flight has not done the idea any favors over the years. But, says Leff, a few bad actors shouldn't stymie a fascinating glimpse into the best view on any plane.

"Safety is paramount. But that's also why there's more than one person in the cockpit. Pilots get up to use the restroom. They take breaks to eat on longer flights. They chat with each other, and with other members of the crew," Leff points out. "In fact, you don't want them only looking down at the controls—you want them mentally fresh. So while there are stories of pilots doing silly things, and those never reflect well, they're human beings, and it's best to design processes around that rather than expecting them to behave robotically."

Will more airlines come forward with carefully monitored programs to nurture and regulate pilots' photo habits? Only time will tell. One thing is for certain: The pictures are catching on.