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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Mad4Minis wrote:

I was very impressed by the finish on the model. Everything had been block sanded level. All the parts fit snug but not too tight. Detail lines that cross between parts match up flawlessly.

I cant wait to build it. Its sitting on a towel drying as I type this. Hopefully get it assembled later today.

Sounds like it is worth the long wait.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Ah, still waiting for those tanks to arrive, but I am basically in need of 'ardcoating the one tank and it is all done.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Love to see them when done.
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Soon, the Old Crow models will start to arrive, and then,,,MORE pictures!
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I am thinking I can make something like this with plasticard, tracks will be tedious though
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I have enough plastic to make the tracks as well.^^
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I hope so. Meanwhile my first box from Old Crow is still apparently sifting through customs.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Those would be cool to have for helping make the tank from scratch Vik, if you could send me a copy-scan? Pwease!?

The Old Crow is here! Just came sneaking in on a saturday afternoon! The 1st wave:
Claymore, I simply let the top sit on the lower half

Comparing to a Leman Russ Hull

Placed behind it, you can see how long it really is!

The Lancer heavy APC

Next to the Leman


The Dragoons are a bit bigger than I first thought so Salamander like beasts they shall be!



Each vehicle has it's wheels, turrets, weapon options and some have metal cast crew! Well worth the wait!

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Everything a vehicle needs!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/02 20:37:20

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Sure, I got them from http://www.oldcrowmodels.co.uk/ None are painted as yet that I have seen.

Lancer when done

Dragoon when done

Claymore when done

And the Sabre when built, they have it with the twin-linked Lascannons

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They have a lot of other models, and they have other mobility options, I chose tracked, they also have grav hover, and wheeled variants.,

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/02 20:55:03

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Viktor von Domm wrote:now i remeber... sweet models...and the tracked ones do seem to look way better than hoovering...dont think that would suit your armystyle...my favorite is still the go for chimera looking halftrcked dragoon...this is so sweet looking.... how is the scale of the shiped minis to the gw ones? are they usable?

look at the pics i posted next to the Leman Russ, and I think that you will have your answer my friend!

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It's Making me Orks's jellus!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/02 21:24:00

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Viktor von Domm wrote:well if orks get all jelly on the Ć¹mies then they stomp onna waaaaghh and loot like hell..^^

I would have to really "ramshackle the hell out of those beauties to make them "Orkified"
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I have to take pics of the Ork Trukk I made from scrap bits and sprues.
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Vik, I have to dig it out.

Flinty, That was why I got both, they are interesting to say the least. The Lancer I have found needs a plastic sheet to be added as a belly plate as the kit has the lower front and rear armored slopes.. Never. Makes it lighter, and I do not mind the work as it will be a flat plate with a smaller plate to be the "escape hatch"

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Ork Scrap and sprue trukk

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side shot

Da Uvah side

Da Enjun

Da Bakk, wit plenny of armah plates to hold da ladz up!

Da Gubbinz unner'neath

Orky Teknulogy at it's finest!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/04/02 23:06:30

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

LOL Vik! Of course it would look that way, Orks IMHO do not make neat paint jobs, and would simply slap on a lick of red to make it go faster! all my trucks are like this. I will have to one day make a thread devoted to the WAAAGH! Magnotz and his ladz!

The front tires are actually two 25mm bases glude together, add the Marine Rhino hatches, and then the spare treads and I got armored wheels! The trukk is mostly scrap parts, sheet plastic and sprues given a new life! I had chopped up Tau Ion cannons to make a longer mega Ion cannon for Apocalypose use 96" reach! and used the spare bits for the engine.

Yeah, BA was an Ork Mekboy at heart!
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Viktor von Domm wrote:lol BA Mekboy^^
just realized that too that you used the hatches for the wheels^^ nice idea to use bases too... and i can only encourage you to make a new thread about orkses^^ but better stay on top of your recent threads^^ i know where to many threads to work with may lead to^^

Yeah, I have some more stuff to do, and will be heading out as there is also the DnD game tonight

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necrondude89: Glad to hear it. There will be more now that the Old Crow kits are in!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/02 23:49:17

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Take care!
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Mad4: That does look sweet! I am amazed at how well they went together last night. Minutes to build a single tank, most are primed in black, that resin really takes to super glue like nothing I have seen before, I think he actually washes off the mold oil after they come out of the molds, as well as the de-burring, I just had a little bit of edge something to do on some of the models and they came out fine!

Shingouki: I agree with you.

Shrike: Yep.

Here are mine after construction, the weapons are the "Heavy Bolter" and the Multi-laser. I will retcon smoke launchers and other kit later.

With Valentina and Justinian out front.


Now to the side.

The Dragoons, one buttoned up, the other with the commander using binoculars.

Side view of Dragoon

Front view of the closed up one.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Well, I for one fell better about the guns as they are more realistic or true to scale than the GW ones, I mean the heavy bolters have a bigger than 37mm scale to them, and they are supposed to be like the cannons of the WWII-pre war era.

The Leman Russ Battle cannon is so much bigger than a 120mm as it is claimed to be. (You can slide a 1/35ths cale 120 barrel into the Battle cannon with room to spare, making it seem more like a 250mm cannon!)

Yep, he is the AdMech adviser to Mikhail.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Mad4Minis wrote:Shaso...I too was amazed at the model. I like that half track...may have to add one to my collection. Possibly the AA Sabre version as well.

Yeah amazing stuff. Jez just told me he got fresh metal weapons in from his supplier, and that the Sabres and claymore should be shipping by Monday. The Dragoon makes for a good transport for a 5-man team and Salamander scout like vehicle.

Meanwhile, these amazing models in black primer, beware the black vehicles that arrive in the night!

Night lancer, day lancer.

Side shot of the Dragoon with commander out.

emphasizes the recon role of the model.

Buttoned up version

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Viktor von Domm wrote:did you on purpose not attach at this stage the details you surley will add? like backpacks and shovels and such thing?
to me the look atm a bit flat but i know for sure this wont stay that way for long as with paint and details you will bring them up to a treat!
will there be too camonetting? seeing as how cool it worked out last time?

I can always scrape the primer from the spots the extra stuff will be stowed on these babies, and I do like the panel details and am debating camo netting, maybe for the Halftracks, they are supposed to be recon units after all.

Claymore front.

Like night and day eh?

Less crazy an angle

A tiny bit closer

Side by side

without the flash used.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Yep, I have a large collection of vehicles alone! Like a national military, only smaller!^^

Yeah, they are nicely crafted aren't they?
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Special report: Khadrovian Tech use
From; Interrogator Tillman
To: Inquisitor Armingast
Subject; Possible cracking of Xenos tech
Thought for the Day: "Burn the Heretic! Kill The Mutant! Purge the Unclean!"

M'lord judging by the associated pict capture in this report, I am having trouble telling if it is just a tremor shaking the camera or the use of technology from the Tau. They did in their recent history break from ties to the xenos species, and I will investigate further into this as they may have been slightly tainted by the desire to use a xenos techno-sorcery to protect their transports from long range fire. How they could have possibly cracked the tech I am at a loss to say, our own Admechs have not yet figured out how the bulk of their wargear works much less make their own.

Your humble servant as always.
End Transmission.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/05 09:35:00

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Viktor von Domm wrote:lol....

by the way... didnĀ“t realized it the first time when you psted day and night...but did you prime the one black and the other white? or am i just dense?^^

Vik: Glad you like the little report. That is the raw, unprimed natural state of the models when pulled from the box

Chromedog: Correct! Old Crow sends out like that. No oily residue either I noted to my delight. Superglue bonded the pieces as if they were welded steel!

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Review, the weapons(Cannon barrels) and the commander are metal. The vehicles are the speckled resin.

So, these are the models unprimed/unpainted as of yet

Now primed.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/04/05 22:30:40

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Now to see how well this serves as a Chimers style vehicle, the hatches even can show where 5 can shot from, three single hatches, and a 2man hatch!
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I will be working on them some more tomorrow, and I will show the back hatch is like the side ones on the Lancers. I am thinking it folds out some to allow entry. I will see if I have any hand rails left.I may have to drill, and make metal ones instead.

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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Yeah Chromedog, if you apply the rules from the codex to it, a tank is a tank no matter what it looks like.
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Yep, at my local store, they accept the "Counts as" rules. if you do use the chimera rules for the Lancer/Claymore, they can sort of deal with the turrets, just make it a new mark of the damn thing.

The Dragoons are Salamanders with a Autocanon and targetter/auspex system and HK missile.

Sabre with the BIG gun can be the basic Leman Russ or the Vanquisher version. That is how my game area would see it.
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Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Cool deal about getting us pics Chromedog.

Shane the young 'uns can't understand. A small amount of the folks were also critical of the Old Crow stuff.

Ah, RT days, when stacks opf books were buildings or mountains of you tossed a sheet over them. OR raid the train sets for trees and buildings etc.! Make it yourself tanks, or grab some WWI/WWII kits and have fun!

Some days the camera is so fussy! Lancer with bitz added.


Vik asked for rear hatch for the troops to embark/disembark the Claymore, I added the Dragoon as well.

Claymore alone

Dragoon Half-track with head-lights and Aquilla added

Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I once got shouted at ina GW store in Philly years ago, I had minis for my army that were not strictly GW but they were still saying use whatever minis on the market for the look you wanted for your army. This one fool yelled about it, and me and my friends left, never to return as he was an example of a bad trend of how the game would be looked upon by those who could not get outside the box.
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

Hi SebastianSynn. Yeah, but we were not looking for a bad time, which that shrill conformity freak was going to do, he was a store worker, and well, there plenty of other things to do that day.

And I know about the scadian way of seeking period perfection.

Oh yeah, the only army that can get away with almost murder is the Orks.
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