Fine Dictionary


Second day of creation: God separates the bodies of water in heaven and sea. In medallion with inscription a biblical text in Latin from Genesis 1, within rectangular frame.
Second day of creation: God separates the bodies of water in heaven and sea. In medallion with inscription a biblical text in Latin from Genesis 1, within rectangular frame.
  1. (n) Creation
    (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
  2. (n) creation
    the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult","the foundation of a new scientific society"
  3. (n) creation
    the human act of creating
  4. (n) creation
    an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
  5. (n) creation
    the event that occurred at the beginning of something "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure"
  6. (n) creation
    everything that exists anywhere "they study the evolution of the universe","the biggest tree in existence"
Check the Creation, the Crucifixion and other Biblical scenes
Check the Creation, the Crucifixion and other Biblical scenes
Two performances, both with an accompanying text in German. Above: the creation of Eve from Adam's rib by God. Below: the fall, Adam and Eve sitting by the tree of Good and Evil with the serpent in it. Eve has forbidden fruit in her hand.
Two performances, both with an accompanying text in German. Above: the creation of Eve from Adam's rib by God. Below: the fall, Adam and Eve sitting by the tree of Good and Evil with the serpent in it. Eve has forbidden fruit in her hand.
Third Day of Creation: God creates land and seed-producing plants and trees with fruit bearing seeds. The water retreats into rivers and the sea. In medallion with inscription a biblical text in Latin from Genesis 1 within rectangular frame.
Third Day of Creation: God creates land and seed-producing plants and trees with fruit bearing seeds. The water retreats into rivers and the sea. In medallion with inscription a biblical text in Latin from Genesis 1 within rectangular frame.
Fourth day of creation: God creates the sun, moon and stars, thus separating the light from the darkness. In medallion with inscription a biblical text in Latin from Genesis 1 within rectangular frame.
Fourth day of creation: God creates the sun, moon and stars, thus separating the light from the darkness. In medallion with inscription a biblical text in Latin from Genesis 1 within rectangular frame.
View of the stage and orchestra pit of the Opera-Comique. Four women in creations by Molyneux, Beer and Premet. A young man looks through opera glasses. Part of a page from the fashion magazine Art-Goût-Beauté (1920-1933).
View of the stage and orchestra pit of the Opera-Comique. Four women in creations by Molyneux, Beer and Premet. A young man looks through opera glasses. Part of a page from the fashion magazine Art-Goût-Beauté (1920-1933).
Two biblical allegories in an architectural setting. On the left the creation of Eve from a rib of Adam. On the right, the Fall: Adam and Eve stand by the tree of good and evil and take the apple from the serpent, which wraps itself around a skeleton. Skeleton and skulls refer to the mortality of man as a result of the violation of God's command. Diagonally behind them the personification of God's wrath, who also holds a skull in his hands. Above the scene on the right in the arch, a Bible verse in German. In the middle the tetragrammaton. Under both scenes a four-line verse in Low German and a four-line text in Latin. Numbers 1 and 2 from a reformational series about the sinfulness and justification of man.
Two biblical allegories in an architectural setting. On the left the creation of Eve from a rib of Adam. On the right, the Fall: Adam and Eve stand by the tree of good and evil and take the apple from the serpent, which wraps itself around a skeleton. Skeleton and skulls refer to the mortality of man as a result of the violation of God's command. Diagonally behind them the personification of God's wrath, who also holds a skull in his hands. Above the scene on the right in the arch, a Bible verse in German. In the middle the tetragrammaton. Under both scenes a four-line verse in Low German and a four-line text in Latin. Numbers 1 and 2 from a reformational series about the sinfulness and justification of man.
After the completion of creation in six days, God rests on the seventh day. Sitting on a cloud surrounded by angels, He blesses the seventh day. Below Him is the earth with the sea, the land and the animals, and Adam and Eve stand in the middle. At the bottom a Bible text in Latin from Gen. 2.
After the completion of creation in six days, God rests on the seventh day. Sitting on a cloud surrounded by angels, He blesses the seventh day. Below Him is the earth with the sea, the land and the animals, and Adam and Eve stand in the middle. At the bottom a Bible text in Latin from Gen. 2.
The creation of the copper serpent. To the right, Aaron and Moses stand next to the brass serpent mounted on a stake. Men, women, and children, who are bitten by poisonous snakes, look to the copper snake to stay alive. Below the picture the title in Latin and a reference to the Bible text in Num. 21. This print is part of an album.
The creation of the copper serpent. To the right, Aaron and Moses stand next to the brass serpent mounted on a stake. Men, women, and children, who are bitten by poisonous snakes, look to the copper snake to stay alive. Below the picture the title in Latin and a reference to the Bible text in Num. 21. This print is part of an album.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Adolf Hitler was one of the people that was responsible in the creation of the Volkswagen Beetle. He came up with the idea of producing a car that was cheap enough for the average German working man to afford.
  1. Creation
    That which is created; that which is produced or caused to exist, as the world or some original work of art or of the imagination; nature. "We know that the whole creation groaneth.", "A dagger of the mind, a false creation .", "Choice pictures and creations of curious art."
  2. Creation
    The act of constituting or investing with a new character; appointment; formation. "An Irish peer of recent creation ."
  3. Creation
    The act of creating or causing to exist. Specifically, the act of bringing the universe or this world into existence. "From the creation to the general doom.", "As when a new particle of matter dotn begin to exist, in rerum natura , which had before no being; and this we call creation ."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Over 175 million cubic yards of earth was removed for the creation of the Panama Canal
  1. (n) creation
    The act of creating or causing to exist; especially, the act of producing both the material and the form of that which is made; production from nothing; specifically, the original formation of the universe by the Deity.
  2. (n) creation
    The act of forming or constituting; a bringing into existence as a unit by combination of means or materials; coördination of parts or elements into a new entity: as, the creation of a character in a play.
  3. (n) creation
    That which is created; that which has been produced or caused to exist; a creature, or creatures collectively; specifically, the world; the universe.
  4. (n) creation
    An act or a product of artistic or mechanical invention; the product of thought or fancy: as, a creation of the brain; a dramatic creation.
  5. (n) creation
    The act of investing a person with a new character or function; appointment: as, the creation of peers in England.
  6. (n) creation
    The opinion or hypothesis that the variety of creation is perpetually increasing in consequence of the fact that the regularity of nature is not absolute or does not extend to all events.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Peter Batten was a deserter from the British Army at the time of the creation of the film. In the final weeks of production, he was arrested for desertion, and Paul Angelis had to finish voicing the part of George.
  1. (n) Creation
    the act of creating, esp. the universe: that which is created, the world, the universe
The art of creation is older than the art of killing.
Andrei Voznesensky
Cecil B. De Mille
Creation is a drug I can't do without.
Cecil B. De Mille
Gaston Bachelard
Man is a creation of desire, not a creation of need.
Gaston Bachelard
Man's ultimate destiny is to become one with the Divine Power which governs and sustains the creation and its creatures.
Alfred A. Montapert
Marquis De Sade
Destruction, hence, like creation, is one of Nature's mandates.
Marquis De Sade
Albert Schweitzer
Man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation.
Albert Schweitzer

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. creatio,: cf. F. cration,. See, Create

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. creāre, -ātum; Gr. krain-ein, to fulfil.

Usage in the news

Nothing in creation , they say, was left to chance.

New sketches from a company have proposed the creation of a floating cemetery.

Remembering Interlochen news and events from the past and 50 years ago in the creation of Interlochen Arts Academy.

I was so proud of this crocheted creation and felt like it was such a special gift to give to my aunt and uncle for my cousin.

Clay's Corner – Crock Pot Creations for the Super Bowl.

Leona Park, 97, avid maker of cross-stitch creations.

Carolyn North / Amy Walker Japan In The Beginning: Creation Myths from Around the World Findhorn Press 0:07:31 (MP3 ).

Since opening the restaurant in fall of 2011, Shemtov has been serving up gourmet creations made with ingredients from local fishermen and farmers, and he and the staff have even been cultivating a small vegetable garden out back.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Republicans pushed an election-year tax cut for nearly every employer in the country through the House on Thursday, ignoring a White House veto threat as they cast themselves as champions of small business and job creation.

Nervous System's designers ready one of their ornate creations for printing.

African designers presented their creations during the 10th annual Dakar Fashion Week in the Senegal capital.

Figure 1 shows the DAW 's output signal being sent through a pair of class-A preamps, and then to a mastering deck for adding final tweaks and getting the product ready for Red Book creation.

The chart below, which I update monthly, shows net job creation since the beginning of 2008.

My usual monthly jobs chart is below: since the economy needs about 90,000 new jobs just to keep up with population growth, I subtract 90,000 from the raw jobs figures to show net new job creation.

Forget President Obama vs Mitt Romney and their trite discussions of health care, job creation and the plight of the middle class.

Usage in scientific papers

C2s . lq (ξ ) and lq (ξ )∗ are called the q-creation and respectively the q-annihilation operator determined by ξ .
Random unitaries in non-commutative tori, and an asymptotic model for q-circular systems

In turn, the coherent excitation of both: tr and lb macrodeformons and macroconvertons in the same volume means creation of superdeformons.
Hierarchic Models of Turbulence, Superfluidity and Superconductivity

Porrati, “Pair Creation of Open Strings in an Electric Field”, Phys.
Space-Time Noncommutative Field Theories And Unitarity

Q = (q, Qz ) and ωQ are the phonon wave vector and the dispersion law, Eex (q) is the 2D dispersion law for the spin-excitons, λ(Q) is the constant which couples the pro jected spin density of the electrons and phonon creation operator in the electron-phonon part of the second-quantized Hamiltonian.
Comment on "Spin relaxation in quantum Hall systems"

We have presented an agent-based approach to self-reconfiguration for modular robots that results in the creation of “emergent” structures with the desired functionality.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots

Usage in literature

In this there lies between him and the animal creation an impassable gulf. "Autobiography of Frank G. Allen, Minister of the Gospel" by Frank G. Allen

First, that we have here creation in the strict sense of the word, though it be limited to the organism. "Essay on the Creative Imagination" by Th. Ribot

This is what we commonly designate as omnipotence and creation. "The Sense of Beauty" by George Santayana

Probably he did "believe" more than his daring, arbitrary "creations" would lead us to suppose. "Visions and Revisions" by John Cowper Powys

Of each of the creation days it is written, up to the last, 'There was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day. "Holy in Christ" by Andrew Murray

The study of processes has gone hand in hand with the creation of divine beings who are supposed to manifest themselves in the processes. "Introduction to the History of Religions" by Crawford Howell Toy

He excommunicated Cain and drove him into such agonies of soul that the space of the whole creation seemed too narrow to contain him. "Commentary on Genesis, Vol. II" by Martin Luther

The greatest creation of all, the temper of the new force, was not so much a creation as a discovery. "The War in the Air; Vol. 1" by Walter Raleigh

The folkways, therefore, are not creations of human purpose and wit. "Introduction to the Science of Sociology" by Robert E. Park

Strictly speaking, it is not a Creation myth at all. "The Astronomy of the Bible" by E. Walter Maunder

Usage in poetry
Point for the great descants
Of starry disputants;
Of creation.
Out of ill Thou bringest good,
And, though little understood,
To Creation's gratitude—
Thou guidest;
Creation's harder, better part
Now occupies his hand:
I marvel not the mother's heart
Not yet could understand.
But when the impious hand of man
Plucked, the forbidden tree,
Rebellion, through creation ran,
Like electricity.
"The scourings of creation,
Of every sin and station,
The men who've known damnation,
Are picked to lead the way."
Are these weird and mystic voices
But creations of the brain?
Only in illusive fancy
Must I hear their tones again?