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BoneView® AI Software Immediately Available on Ferrum Health’s AI Platform for United States Healthcare Providers


Ferrum Platform Integrates Gleamer’s AI to Improve Accuracy of Diagnosis for Bone X-rays 

Ferrum Health, a leader in healthcare artificial intelligence solutions, announces that Gleamer’s BoneView® AI software is now available on Ferrum’s AI Hub platform. BoneView was developed to leverage AI in radiology to aid healthcare specialists in diagnosing fractures and traumatic injuries on X-rays.

BoneView is a recent addition to Ferrum’s healthcare AI Hub, which offers a revolutionary and sophisticated infrastructure with user-friendly tools to manage a suite of AI algorithms. The AI Hub enhances and upgrades existing technology to provide access to AI capabilities that transform patient care.

“Our platform provides practical technologies that streamline the collection of and access to data to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and workflow,” said Pelu Tran, co-founder of Ferrum Health. “It targets the greatest pain points health systems experience, allowing the use of AI at enterprise scale.”

The addition of Gleamer's BoneView will aid radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, emergency physicians, family physicians, and physician assistants alike. BoneView detects fractures in X-ray images and submits them to radiologists for final validation, providing healthcare professionals with a safe, reliable, time-saving, and user-friendly tool.

This x-ray shows a single true-positive fracture of the right femoral neck (arrows). AI detected this fracture. One senior and one junior radiologist, two emergency department physicians, one physician assistant, three rheumatologists, and one family medicine physician missed the fracture.

BoneView AI detected this femoral neck fracture.

“Although femoral neck fractures are often caught by clinicians, in a busy clinical workflow with several images to read, these fractures can be missed,” said Tran. “This is the importance of AI – it can serve as a second read on every scan and vastly improve health equity for all patients.”

Another recent study demonstrated that BoneView helps detect and localize fractures over the entire appendicular skeleton, rib cage, thoracic and lumbar spine, improving sensitivity and specificity while reducing reading time.

“BoneView can change everything about the way X-ray reading is done today,” said Christian Allouche, CEO and co-founder of GLEAMER. “In the value-based U.S. health care system, providers tell us they want to improve the radiographic diagnostic process, which accounts for a huge part of their workload, and optimize patient management. We are proud to offer clinicians and patients BoneView AI on Ferrum’s platform for this state-of-the-art advancement in radiology and patient care.”

Since the initial launch of Ferrum’s AI Hubs, the company continues to make the platform’s evolution a priority. Ferrum has identified and integrated multiple AI healthcare applications from around the world that are working toward this same vision of a higher quality and a safer patient journey.

“We have recognized an explosion in the use of these applications, and the success of our AI Hub has allowed us to expand and broaden our platform and impact,” said Tran. “We are no longer focused on one or two solutions at a time. We now have the ability to implement broad system changes for important conditions like lung cancer, breast health, cardiac health, and more.”

Learn more about the use of BoneView AI at your health system. 


BoneView, our first clinical AI application, has become a global bone trauma X-ray interpretation standard, recognized for its scientific excellence. It pinpoints fractures, effusions, dislocations, and bone lesions efficiently. Recognized for its scientific rigor with publications in top-tier peer-reviewed journals, its clinical study won the prestigious 2022 Alexander Margulis Award for scientific excellence.

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Boneview V2