About Honey

It is a sweet food product that is collected by bees, stored and matured in pores of honeycomb after changing its composition in their body. Honey, which is a source of vitamins and minerals, has many benefits to the body, especially the immune system.


Content of Honey ;


Honey contains very strong antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties. Thanks to this feature, it heals or protects many diseases. Since honey does not contain bacteria, it has a natural antibiotic feature and is a very powerful antioxidant.


Honey is contain various sugars, especially glucose and fructose.

The color of honey changing  from water white to dark brown.

Taste and aroma changes according to origin of the types of plants collected by the bee.

All honey with no medicinal residue, no foreign matter and enzymes are accepted as high quality.

Regular consumption of honey is known to have many benefits; ;



  • It has strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties
  • It is a natural energy source,
  • It gives the skin beauty, strength and vitality to the hair.
  • Lowers cholesterol,
  • Heals prostate disease,
  • It heals psoriasis,
  • It  heals wounds and cuts,
  • It relieves muscle tiredness,
  • It relieves insomnia,
  • Beneficial for cough,
  • It heals diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, jaundice,

 Honey is very tasty and nutritious food product with all its properties.


The Story of Honey

Bees are engineers who build the symbolic hexagons of honey. Bees that transform the nutrients they gather from millions of flowers into flavors are miracles of nature. Do you know the indispensable energy source of our breakfasts, the production story of honey that protects us in cold winter days and supports our health? So how do they reach millions of flowers and deliver them to us?)


Starting Places : Factory Hive


You can think of the hives as Harniva's factory. Bees creating miracles first make their honeycombs. The honeycomb stage is a long and challenging process.


Honeycomb production consists of not only one bee reaching millions of flowers but also bees who work as team. The result of the bees working as a team is worth seeing. When the hexagons that make up the honeycomb join together in the middle, their joints will never be visible and there will be no shifts in the angles of the hexagons. Even the wall thickness of these honeycomb cells is the same and perfect. Bees build honeycombs to stock food, grow their larvae, or shelter.


Construction Phase


The most important thing for the honeycombs to be built firmly is wax. Bees secrete beeswax along their four pairs of glands under their bellies. They take the wax they secrete with the help of their legs through the glands.Bees become very crowded when making honeycomb, the reason for this is to provide sufficient temperature for wax. When enough temperature is provided, wax begins to be secreted. They produce thousands of hexagonal cells with the wax they produce, and combine the cells they produce to form honeycombs. They measure the width and thickness of the honeycomb cells thanks to their sensitive sensor hair, so that the shapes are perfect. Bees keep their honey in their honeycombs that worth seeing.


Storage and Production Steps


Although the flowers appeal to our eyes as the most beautiful ornaments of the nature that stands out with their visuals, they also attract our hardworking bees with their scents. They also contribute to the formation of honey thanks to the connection they set up with bees..Bees travel to millions of flowers and collect their nectar. They fill the nectar they collect from the flowers into their pouches. The worker bee releases the honey it brings to the bee in the hive. As soon as it leaves the nectars in the hive, it goes to collect materials again. The nectar thats been brought is taken by the bees that serve in the hive and carried to the honeycombs.


The working story of the female bee who built the nest


A worker bee, female bees perform many different tasks throughout their life cycle and collects nectar without getting tired and brings them to the hive. They clean themselves and set out for more nectar and never get tired of it. Bees visit flowers many times in order to produce 1 gram of honey. The amount of honey a bee collects during its lifetime is 1/12 of a teaspoon. It comes to the shelves as a result of very long and hard work. Moreover, bees making honey are very strong. They can fly by carrying nectar with a lot more weight than their own weight.


Maturing process and Final Result


After combs filled with honey, bees remove the excess water from honey and mature it with the air flow they generate by flapping their wings and pumping air to their hive from outside. After honey is matured, they seal the pores of honeycomb with their own bee wax. After process is finished, honeycombs are removed from frames and controlled by beekepers and harvested. Harvested honey is ready for consumption as its raw form or after it is straining process.

"The story that begins with the bee landing on a flower; miracle of nature, labor of thousands of bees ... Nature's gift to us is now on your tables …"


Recipe Of Honey

It contains various sugars, especially glucose and fructose. The color of honey varies from water white to dark brown. Its flavor and aroma varies according to the origin of plant species that bees get nectar from. All honey with no drug residue, no foreign matter and enzymes are accepted as high quality.


Honey Types

Flower Honey: It is the honey made by the bees from the nectars in plant flowers. Such as Geven, thyme, triangular, clover, citrus, linden, shrub, sunflower, cotton, acacia, lavender, shallow, tolerant, licorice, squash, carob, sardine, crazy, purée, sainfoin, mustard, parsley, oleaster, apple, loquat, sesame, ceremonial, hayberry, strawberry, eucalyptus honey and many more flower nectars…


Honey Dew Honey: Produced by bees by using secretions of an some insect living on different type of trees, such as pine, fir, juniper honey.


Quality Honey

We can only determine the quality measurement of the honey which has been collected by our miracle creatures for us, from the result of analysis in laboratories


The quality of honey depends on fraud and residue. All honey, unexposed or with no residue, is considered to be of good quality.


Factors that our beekeepers should pay attention to;


  • Medicines and antibiotics should not be used during the honey season.
  • Harvesting should be established in closed and clean places and avoiding the areas where agricultural spraying is practiced.
  • The sanitary of honey and packaging containers is a priority and should also be approved for health.
  • Honey should not be heated and its structure should not be changed.

Crystallization of Honey

The crystallization of honey is a natural process. It is a condition that appears in natural honey and is actually a sign that honey is under protection


Crystallization depends on the type of flowers collected by bees and the altitude they grow at. Honeys of high altitude flowers crystallize late while those at low altitudes may crystallize earlier


As you can consume crystallized honey, in order to liquefy it you can heat our jars in a 45 celcius degrees hot water, but remember that it should not be higher than 45 celcius degrees. If it is higher than 45 celcius degrees, its color will darken and important enzymes in our honey will be destroyed and one of the quality indicator HMF level will increase.


Main Causes of Crystallization;


  • Flower Type,
  • Air bubles in honey,
  • The amount of pollen and particles,
  • Humidity and temperature of storage area,
  • Type of packaging

Things to know

Our miracle creatures have been making honey for 20 million years.


  • Approximately 30 thousand bees collect nectar from 20 million flowers for 1 kg of honey.
  • Bees have to travel around the world 6 times to collect 1 kg of honey from the flowers.
  • Bees have a great importance in the fertilization of plants.
  • 13 kg of honey which has been found in a wooden box in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen in Egypt has not been spoiled for 3800 years.
  • The antibacterial property of honey was discovered by the Assyrians.
  • In the Second World War, honey was used to heal wounds due to its antibacterial effect.
  • Honey is used with 'apitherapy' method for the treatment of diseases.
  • Beekeeping has been used as an agricultural activity since the ancient times.
  • Honey, which contains fruit acids, purifies the skin and renews the cells with its essential elements. Manganese, magnesium and silicium are very ideal minerals for the skin. 
  • Honey is absolutely necessary for the physical development of children, and it is not suitable for children under 1 year of age.