Use Mustard Seeds Or Rai To Make Your Hair & Skin Healthier, Shinier

Besides using rai for cooking, utilise these seeds for many of your hair and skin woes.

Kishori Sud
mustard seeds beauty main

Almost all households in India have mustard seeds or rai at home which are used for tempering and preparing yummy dishes because of the amazing aroma and flavour they give. However, these seeds don't just add to the taste but also have many health benefits, household uses, beauty and hair benefits and uses to enhance hair growth, strengthen hair, slow down the signs ageing, treat colds, migraine and the list goes on. So scroll down to know what all a small packet or box of rai can do for you besides enhancing the flavour of your chutney and sambar.

Skin Benefits

Slow Down Ageing

Mustard seeds are rich in lutein and carotene. The presence of vitamin A, C and K make the seeds an excellent antioxidant which is very beneficial for the skin.

Natural Scrub

scrub seeds

You can use rai as a natural scrub by adding a rose essential oil or lavender oil to it. Apply it all over the face and neck and exfoliate in circular motions.

Hair Benefits

Hair Strengthening

Mustard seeds have vitamin A and E, omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids abd proteins and the combination of these make the seeds excellent for hair strengthening. The mask using them is said to be excellent for working on hair fall as well.

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A source rich in fatty acids, these seeds condition your hair and give your mane a good bounce and shine.

Hair Growth

The oil extracted from rai is well known for being a good source of vitamin A. The particular nutrient is great for promoting hair growth and stimulate the scalp for faster hair growth.

Health Benefits


migraine seeds

If you suffer from migraines then consuming mustard seeds would be a good idea. Rai has magnesium content in it which is excellent for those headaches. You can even add some of these seeds to your fish as this will also boost the presence of omega-3.

Dietary Fibre

Dietary fibers are a must for proper functioning of a body and mustard seeds are a good source for that. They improve digestion and improve the condition of our bowel movement. A good bowel movement is equivalent to having a better metabolism.

Blood Pressure

The presence of iron, magnesium, copper and selenium are said to be excellent in controlling blood pressure and also in treating menstrual cramps which can be very painful for most women.


These seeds induce heavy sweating which helps in breaking a fever. It boosts the release of toxins from the body and are very good for a cold as well.

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Back Pain

If you suffer from back pains often, then the extracts of these seeds will help you give relief from spasms.

Muscle pain


To relieve yourself from sore and stiff muscles, add some mustard seeds powder to the tub of water you want to relax in.



Sometimes we have jars and bottles which have a strong smell and we really need to get rid of it even after using a good dishwashing gel. So here is where the seeds step in. Make a paste of some seeds and add it to the jar and shake it well. Then pour it out and rinse. You will notice that the smell is gone.

How To Store The Seeds

  • Keep the seeds in a cool place.
  • Always seal them in a tight lid container.
  • Make sure the shelf is never moist.
  • Whole mustard seeds last a year and powdered ones last for 6 months.

Stay tuned to HerZindagi to know more benefits of all those seeds you thought were meant only for cooking.
