The Meaning of the Name "Davian", and What Numerologists Think Of It

What does the name Davian mean?

What the name "Davian" means:

Davian Gender:
Davian is a unisex name
Davian Origin:
North America

The flexible name Davian is given to either boys or girls. The most agreed upon meaning of this neutral-gender or unisex name is "beloved".

The name Davian derives from North America. It is pronounced, \d(a)-vian\.

What numerology says about the name "Davian"

Aside from the above meaning, it's also possible to apply ancient numerology to further interpret the name Davian's inner meaning. The first-name Davian reduces using numerology to the very nurturing "single digit" number 6.

The number 6 in numerology is the number of emotional depth and deep feelings. This intensely emotive number represents supportive energies and a sincere caring for other people. Six represents a dedication to humanity and to the feelings of friends and family — and it is broadly linked to the ideas of sympathy, defending others and psychic healing.

Much like the protective number 6, the first-name Davian vibrates with numerological traits of fairness, romance and humanitarianism.

How to apply numerology to the name Davian

Wondering how we reached the name "Davian's" simplified core numerology number 6 in the above section? Here's an easy how-to on name numerology:

By using basic numerological reduction, we can assign numerical digits in the place of each letter in the name Davian — as shown below:

Letters in the name "Davian" Position in Alphabet Reduced Value

To further reduce the name Davian, we can add the reduced values from the table above. The final reduction is on the picture below:

meaning of the name Davian with numerology

It's important to note that using simple numerology to analyze a neutral-gender or unisex given-name like Davian is only a minor part of a complete numerology reading. For a full numerology name-interpretation, which uses a first-name, last-name and your birthday, use iFate's main numerology report feature.

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