Somebody's Stenog by AE Hayward
Somebody's Stenog from Quebec newspaper La Presse. 

Alfred Earl Hayward is best known for 'Somebody's Stenog', a working girl strip about Cam O'Flage, a stenographer. Hayward began his career in the early 20th century and his early comics include the fantasy strip 'Pinheads' and the daily 'Padded Cell' panel. 'Somebody's Stenographer', later retitled to 'Somebody's Stenog', first appeared in 1916 and ran until 1941. He published in The New York World, owned by Joseph Pulitzer

Somebody's Stenog, by A. E. Hayward 1931

In its final years, the strip was drawn by Ray Thompson and Sam Nichols, who succeeded Hayward after his retirement in 1933. 'Somebody's Stenog' was ground-breaking as it was one of the first comics to depict an independent woman.

Somebody's Stenog, by A. E. Hayward 1931

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