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Biographical/Historical Information

This poster presents factually sound but propagandistically weak information about the Young Plan (an American-led plan to lower German's reparation obligations after World War I). The poster raises the question of war guilt, as the Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP, or German Natioanl Party) had tried to oblige the Reich government to abrogate the war guilt article of the Versailles Treaty with their own referendum, the so-called Freiheitsgesetz or "Freedom Act" of 1929. This purely utopian "Freedom Act" is defeated by 323 votes to 82. Alfred Hugenberg, the owner of a large press and broadcasting company, was chairman of the German National Party since the fall of 1928 and had pushed for the Freedom Act referendum.

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Stresemanns Vermächtnis, Leo Baeck Institute, r (f) DD 232.5 A7 1963 [IV.4].