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This woodland perennial looks similar to its close relative, Jack-in-the-pulpit, but is somewhat more uncommon. It has greenish-white flowers in May and clusters of red berries in fall and thrives in full or part shade and moist soils. It's great for woodland, rain, and shade gardens or naturalized areas and margins of ponds.


Caution: All parts are poisonous.


Height: 1-3’ tall and 1-1 ½’ wide


Sun: Full or part shade


Soil: Moist, rich preferred; tolerates dry


Wildlife Value: Birds, turtles and mammals eat the berries.


Has high resistance to deer.

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Green Dragon, Arisaema dracontium

Excluding Sales Tax
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  • Once we're certain we have good germination, we'll make these plants available for prepurchase.

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