Balambiga R’s Post

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Student/Shining Perfusionist/Design Thinker/Creativity

Hi Guys This Article Is About PLEURA #snsinstitutions #snsdesignthinkers #snsdesignthinking PLEURA The pleura is a double-layered membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the chest cavity. It consists of two parts: the visceral pleura, which covers the surface of the lungs, and the parietal pleura, which lines the inside of the chest wall. The pleura helps create a lubricated space, the pleural cavity, that allows the lungs to expand and contract during breathing while minimizing friction between the lung and chest wall. The pleura, the double-layered membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the chest cavity, has a limited blood supply and is sparsely innervated by nerves. 1. Blood Supply: The pleura receives its blood supply from small vessels that branch off from larger blood vessels in the chest wall, diaphragm, and mediastinum. The blood supply is primarily responsible for nourishing the pleural tissues. 2. Nerve Supply: The pleura is innervated by somatic and autonomic nerves. Somatic nerves (intercostal and phrenic nerves) provide sensory input, enabling the perception of pain, pressure, or touch in the pleural area. The autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary functions and influences changes in pleural blood flow and smooth muscle tone. While the pleura does have some sensory nerve endings, it is relatively insensitive to pain. However, inflammation or irritation of the pleura can lead to pleuritic chest pain.

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