Jeff Krasno’s Post

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Co-Founder, CEO + Podcast Host at Commune; Co-Founder + Executive Chairman at Wanderlust; Author; Conscious Capitalist

Pratītyasamutpāda, commonly translated as dependent origination, or dependent arising, is a key doctrine in Buddhism. In short, everything is reliant on everything else. There is no boss. And nothing is absolute or fixed. Mutual arising is also a signature of the Tao, the course of nature, the fundamental operating system of the universe. In Japanese, this doctrine is known as Jiji muge - the interpenetration of all phenomenon. Between every thing-event (ji) and every other thing-event there is no (mu) barrier (ge). Both Eastern mysticism and modern physics share this common essence: the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events. This reality is reflected by the image of Indra’s Net, an infinite web which, at its junctures, holds crystalline drops of water that reflect every other drop.

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