5 traits of flexible-ness

5 traits of flexible-ness

In the pursuit of a stable and, I dare to say, proud-to-feel self and professional being, I haven't held an outstanding position in any company yet, but I've had my share of continuous responsibility and it keeps accumulating in this road to whatever it is the thing I want to achieve.

While blowing my own trumpet about any analytical skills I may possess is not at all the point of this piece, I can begin to answer the why of this article talking about the useless talent of being a professional procrastinator. Just like Tim Urban I may even deserve my own Ted Talk to yak about how to waste time obsessing about a number of things that don't matter at all while completely ignoring responsibility. BUT, due to recent events that gladly connected the brain waves of my thoughts to actual facts, I've stumbled across an overlooked gift one can have naturally or that one can obtain through experience, which I believe is my case.

Flexibility. An almost poetical word depending on the context on where it's used. According to Merriam Webster, this is:

Characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements

One can be stiff and stubborn but neither of these will be of any use unless you have to defend your point of view, and even so, one's ability to bend even in the most extreme situations will make you resilient. You see... being flexible goes hand in hand with being humble and can in fact evolve from trait to expertise.

Without any further blah blah introductory paragraphs, here's five things I've learned about flexibility in the workplace that also apply to everything else:

  • Being flexible does not mean in any case that you are submissive.
  • There's always something to do even if it's not entitled to you.
  • Flexibility is a set of behaviors that trigger in different circumstances.
  • Being flexible also means being open minded and willingly.
  • Bottom line, flexibility is having a positive attitude towards change.

I'd even venture to ask you to share your thoughts with me. Comment this article and let's interchange some insights. Have you ever been a constantly changing individual? I know I have been.


Change means knowledge and open mind mess, how we adapt to an specific change is crucial for what comes out of it. I've always thinked of myself as a changing individual and while it can be a little unstable I think it's ok to live like that, it's all part of knowing yourself.

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