Let’s Dig into Legal Data Analytics a Little Further, Shall We?

Let’s Dig into Legal Data Analytics a Little Further, Shall We?

Since I wrote Metrics, KPIs, Analytics: What do they mean for a legal department? in 2016, the field of legal operations in corporations has undergone significant evolution. Today, the nuances of data-driven decision-making in legal departments are more crucial than ever. While many are familiar with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), there's often uncertainty about their role compared to other metrics, such as those that may not hold significant importance to a GC or CEO, or how they differ from Key Result Indicators (KRIs), which reflect past performance like last year's legal spend.

The good news is that we can adopt proven best practices on how to measure and report results and performances from other business units like HR and Marketing, tailoring them to fit the unique needs of legal operations.

In this article, I'll provide a brief overview of some key concepts and terms, along with quick examples to illustrate what they mean and how they can be effectively utilized in the legal department world.

From Data to Strategic Insights

In recent decades, data in various industries, particularly in the legal sector, has become more and more important. It serves as the foundation for strategic insights, transforming into a structured hierarchy of metrics and indicators that guide management towards achieving business objectives. To visualize this, imagine an onion with layers representing the progression from raw data to insightful conclusions.

Some Essential Terms in Legal Data Analytics

  1. Data: are the raw material in a legal department, consists of unprocessed facts and figures, forming the basis for analysis and decision-making. Examples include litigation documents, case entries, and email correspondence, which collectively depict the department's operational reality.

  2. Metrics: are quantifiable measures derived from raw data. For instance, the number of contracts reviewed is a metric that aids in assessing the department's contract management workload.

  3. Indicators: are metrics refined to monitor and evaluate aspects of a legal department’s performance. The 'Client Satisfaction Index', for example, measures the quality of client relations and services.

  4. Result Indicators (RIs): reflect the outcomes of combined team efforts. An example is the 'Average Time Taken by Paralegals to Review Documents', which measures team efficiency.

  5. Key Result Indicators (KRIs): are summaries of outcome, KRIs provide a high-level view of the department's results. A common KRI is 'Legal Spend as a Percentage of Total Revenue', offering insight into financial management.

  6. Performance Indicators (PIs): are metrics tied to specific teams or functions. 'Number of Training Sessions Attended by Staff', for instance, indicates the department's investment in skill development.

  7. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): are action drivers, specifically tracking the efficiency and effectiveness of strategies within a legal department. 'Time to Draft Contract' is a KPI that gauges the speed of contract drafting processes.

  8. Reports: synthesize various metrics and indicators to present a comprehensive view of the legal department’s activities and outcomes. An 'Annual Legal Department Performance Report' might include a blend of KPIs, KRIs, and other metrics, often enhanced with visual aids for better understanding.

In the following diagram, the distinction between Result and Performance indicators is illustrated. As a rule of thumb, from all your Indicators, typically only 10% might be KRIs, 80% RIs & PIs, and 10% KPIs.

There is a lot to discuss. In case you are keen to delve further into these topics of data analytics in legal operations, you may want to check out my fresh from the oven book: Legal Operations KPIs. Your feedback and comments are most welcome!

I ordered your book and am looking forward to reading it! You have been in the data space for decades and the industry is grateful for your contributions in this space , Mori.

Christina Jackson

Legal Operations Leader | Attorney | Strategy, Optimization, Finance, IT & Innovation


"Not all data points carry the same weight." Absolutely! Also, not all data points are relevant at all levels within an organization; i.e. what is valuable to a manager for their immediate team is different than what the GC/CFO/CEO needs. Congratulations on publishing, I'm looking forward to reading it!

Joy Holley

AI Enthusiast, Attorney, Legal Operations Leader


Very helpful! Can’t wait to receive my book!

Vicky Oliveira

Data Analysis | Visualization | LegalOps | Legal Tech | Creative Thinker


Congratulations on the publishing of 'Legal Operations KPIs'! Mori, this article really highlights the importance of leveraging data in legal ops. Being a part of this project taught me everything I know about metrics and KPIs, knowledge that's proving invaluable. It's so fascinating how these concepts are tying into my growing interest in statistics. I'm currently channeling this into writing my first article, and I'm excited to bring these perspectives together. Looking forward to sharing it soon!

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