Meiosis ( the premise of amphimixis )

Meiosis ( the premise of amphimixis )

MEIOSIS: the premise OF copy Sexual reproduction;

Sexual reproduction wants a genetic contribution from two altogether totally different sex cells. Egg and sperm cells ar specialised sex cells remarked as gametes (Gr. gamete, wife; gametes, husband). In animals, a male cell (sperm) unites with a female cell (egg) throughout fertilization to form one cell remarked as a zygote (Gr. zygotos, yoked together).


The fusion of gametes is known as syngamy (Gr. gamos, marriage). The zygote is that the initial cell of the new animal. each of the two gametes contributes 1/2 the genetic knowledge to the zygote. to stay up a relentless vary of chromosomes among following generation, 

Corporeal cells;

Animals that reproduce sexually ought to manufacture gametes with the body vary of their customary body cells (called corporeal cells). All of the cells among the bodies of most animals, apart from egg , sperm , 2n of chromosomes. 

THE FIRST cellular division

Prophase I; 

Body substance folds and chromosomes acquire sight beneath a light-weight scientific instrument.Because a cell options a duplicate of every type of body from every original parent cell, it contains the diploid vary of chromosomes.

Homologous chromosomes;

Homologous chromosomes homologues) carry genes for constant traits, ar constant length, and have an analogous staining pattern, creating them recognizable as matching pairs. 


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