Every advancement in life is a product of adjustment. Adjustments requires commitment of your time, energy and resources to see and experience the results you desire to manifest in your life.

Adjustments refers to a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired result our outcome. It requires an ability to react successfully and satisfactorily to the demands of ones environment. A successful adjustment in life implies an ability to meet social and cultural expectation

Every advancement in life is a product of adjustment.


According to Australian Businessman, Peter J. Daniels, he said personal, corporate and national success depends on 3 things namely:

a. The times in which we live in. Men who have an understanding of the seasons and the actions to be taken in order to get full value. Goals must therefore be set relative to timeframes. Adjustments will be required as things change and the demands of the society is modified.

b. The service we are prepared to render. No man can succeed without giving something in return. He who will go up must give up something. Nations that are high on exports have a better economy that nations that are high on imports. The way exports improve the value of an economy so does giving. Men keen on success should learn how to design products and services for which they will get a reward for.

c. The price we are prepared to pay for the goal we seek to achieve. Winston Churchill has said that responsibility is the price for greatness. The man who will be great must be ready to commit himself to accountability and responsibility. No man gets a prize that has not cost him a dime. Greatness and success is at a cost to all the personal resources that an individual has. 

"The price of greatness is responsibility over each of your thoughts." - Sir Winston Churchill


The refusal to accommodate the required changes in life will lead to maladjustment. This means the inability to successfully and satisfactorily respond to the demand of ones environment. According to Alfred Adler (1914), maladjustment is "a categorical demand of the patients life plan that he should fail through the guilt of others and this be free from responsibility" He called this the "life lie of the neurotic" It is essential therefore to affirm that the man who will make advancement in life must be ready to take personal responsibility. Frank Goble in his book the Third Force, concludes that mans quest for mental health is related to his education for responsibility. 

"mans quest for mental health is related to his education for responsibility." - Frank Goble

The story is shared of Henry Viscardi Jr., a man who could have given up on life because of his physical condition. He was born with legs that terminated at mid-thigh. He used his lifetime to campaign for the inclusion of the physically handicapped in the labour force. His efforts at establishing a rehabilitation programme for disabled veterans during the Second World War got the attention of the longest serving first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, who urged him on to found the Abilities Inc. in 1952. The organization grew to the point that in 1991 after a successful merger with two other groups became the National Center for Disability Services. 

No one is to be held responsible for the outcomes of your life. The man who will not take responsibility will end up a liability. 


A successful adjustment program will demand a commitment to maximising time, setting clear targets and being tenacious in pursuit of the goals. The man that will advance in life must conquer procrastination, be a goal setter and a persistent person in realising his goals.

The adjustments that will lead to advancement in the domains of change and influence must be focused on personal choices, habits, attitude, relationships and network, goals and experiences


Oluwaseun Oludayo

Banking | Accounting & Finance Professional | Credit Analysis | WIMBIZ Associate


"Every advancement in life is a product of adjustment". This has stuck me with me for a very long time. Thanks for sharing!


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