“Promotability Profile”

“Promotability Profile”

Do you deserve a Promotion?

To get that raise or that next promotion, you need to look like you deserve it.

So, what are “the powers that be” looking at (About You)?

 They will definitely want to know that you have the technical skills to do the job. They will also want to know that you can learn new skills quickly and accurately. So much for the technical side of your qualifications.

 Now for the “People Skills” side of your qualifications.

·        Do you play nicely with others?

·        Do people trust and respect you?

·        Will other follow your lead?

·        Do people come to you for advice, help or guidance?

·        Are you non-judgmental, fair, consistent and mature?

·        Are you a person of integrity?

·        Can you develop and motivate other people?

·        Are you perceived as a Leader or a follower?

·        What do you think about yourself (Confidence, Self-Esteem)

·        What are you goals, objectives and time-frames?

·        Are you flexible and willing to change?

·        Would your peers be supportive of your promotion?

 You already have the technical skills to do the job because you have the job already.

 90% of your Promotability hinges on how well you work with others (People Skills).

To be promotable, these are some personal hard questions you might want to ask yourself. You will be able to improve in some of these areas all by yourself, however, a Business Behavioral Psychology Coach will help you move forward faster in an organized practical manor without missing any critical steps. Your Coach will help you face some of the tough questions that we tend to avoid just because we don’t want to analyze ourselves.

 Let me help you explore and improve your “Promotability Profile”.

 Douglas Jones 506-386-5868 douglas@douglas-jones.ca


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