Learn to let your ideas in



To begin with, lets define what this crazy but really important term is;

it is a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. in the layman dictionary, an idea can be a means of solution to a particular situation.

Either of which you chose to link yourself to, you should always know the human race survives the horrible and offensive moments life has to offer through ideas.


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Idea and Thought are two words that are often confused when it comes to their meanings and connotations. Idea refers to a plan or a process that occurs in the mind in relation to the completion of a work or duty. Thought on the other hand is a mental process that keeps on going in the mind unabated. This is the main difference between the two words idea and thought.

Thought paves the way for an idea. This is the truth. Thoughts should combine to form an idea. In other words an idea is formed by the combination of thoughts about a particular problem. Hence you can say that the thought is a subset of idea. Observe the two sentences

1. The thought occurred in my mind.

2. An idea arose in my mind.

do you see the difference? Okay you are ready to go keep reading.


Oh Yes! they're are worth the time. I'll speak for myself it is always worth my time.

Let me narrate with a practical example about myself.

To begin with I am always that guy who let his thoughts take to the wonderlands seeing the starts through the troubles the ideas has to offer right up till the very end. Of course all in my head LOL

Yes that's how extreme i can go giving my ideas the attention they need.

there was this day i was struggling with insomnia at night trying to get some sleep but my thoughts won't just let me be due to an idea i once had, I was literally fighting this very though and finally it got to a point where i gave in to it and i started "thinking about the though"🥰 taking myself out of the real world and placing my very self in the imaginary "thoughta-Land" and i was entirely surprised with what my conclusion was. It turned out it would be a million dollar idea to entrepreneurs willing to buy great ideas from #thinkers like myself although i haven't sold any yet but believe me it is worth giving attention to.

My desire as a thinker and a humorous ideologist is to be able to accomplish my ideas/thoughts and make them realistic to help the world in many ways be it in the #fashion world, #Technology world, #Movies or #security You should know the very air you breathe is a creative idea from the creator himself. Create yours today.

Start learning how to build your thoughts to ignite that beautiful subset called #Idea to provide great improvements to your life and businesses. Maybe you are a chef, a Business personnel, a movie director, an actor, a musician, a web designer/developer, an AI incline genius, a police officer, an adventurer what ever you are interested in just open your mind towards having those positive thoughts today.


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You can always counteract your own ideas in order to have the best of them always ask the WH questions and try to have many options. questions like

1: Who is my audience with this idea/though

2: which age range will my idea/though benefit or not

3: Where exactly will i begin

4: What are my success and failure percentages (pros and cons too)

5: Why is your idea/thought so unique and mind blowing to both you, your investors and your consumers.

Put all these points into play and debate with yourself and come to a final conclusion

Note: ideas are not built in a day thoughts are built in a day but ideas grow after several days, months or years of editing, failure and success. so even if you feel discouraged let the idea be give it 2 days 1 month and revisit it you would be surprise how mature you'd become in handling your own idea.

Jaime Saldarriaga, Ph.D.

Owner at Hydrology and Water Resource Science/Energy and Natural Resources/Climate/Utilities Regulation/Global Issues/Research/Mentoring.




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