
This tropical plant gives off summer vibes with bright flower and waxy, green foliage. Great for container gardens like patio pots and hanging baskets to create a summer jungle on a deck, patio, or balcony.

Light: Enjoys full sun. 8+ Hours is recommended.

Temperature: Grown best in average summer temperatures. Tolerates temperatures as low as 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but it is recommended to bring plant indoors, if possible, at around 40 degrees F.

Water: Water evenly through the Summer. These plants are drought tolerant surviving our summer heat.

Nutrients: Feed every 2 weeks with a high-phosphorus, bloom-enhancing fertilizer or bloom boosting fertilizer and mix with water. Read the directions on the label for details.

Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. Always select a container with drainage.

Container Design: This plant works well as a Filler/Thriller plant growing just over a foot tall and filling out about 2 feet. Use in container gardens with a trellis to help climb or in hanging baskets to hang over the edge. They can also be planted in the ground for the growing season.

Deadheading: No deadheading required. Blooms will naturally fade and fall off.

Happy Planting: Dipladenias are in the Mandevilla family producing very similar flowers with slightly different growing habits. The Dipladenia is a bushier plant producing tendrils that reach out and grow down unless helped with a trellis. Choose from pink, deep red, or coral pink blooms with lush, waxy, green foliage.