Active Birth Class


Preparing your body for birth with positions and relaxation techniques

2 hour group session

$180 for a couple

“Contact us if you are looking for a private session either at the comfort of your own home or at our Centre.”


(Complimentary if you have attended our Childbirth Preparation and Private Childbirth Preparation course*. Contact our office to book your class date)

Active Birth group class is a practice-oriented class which complements the Childbirth Preparation course at Mother & Child. The Active Birth group session helps women prepare themselves and their body for labour, during pregnancy. You learn breathing and relaxation techniques and positions to adopt during labour. It also gives your birth companion, the practical tools to support you during the 1st and 2nd stages of labour and during birth.

Active Birth is a proactive preparation which enables women to feel confident in their body’s natural ability to birth a baby.

Course date

* This group class is held once a month or more frequently during peak demand

Recommended Start date

The preference is to do the Active Birth class in the 3rd trimester between the 28th to 36th weeks


2 hour session


  • Active Birth class facilitated by an experienced Midwife or Childbirth Educator.


  • Yes, the breathing techniques and positions learnt during the Active Birth class can be beneficial if you decide to have an epidural. The breathing techniques are also very beneficial during and after a Cesarean birth.

  • Yes. Active Birth is a perfect complement to our antenatal Childbirth Preparation Course. You learn & practice, breathing and relaxation techniques and positions to adopt during labour. It also gives your birth companion, the practical tools to support you during the 1st and 2nd stages of labour and during birth.

    The preference is to do the Active Birth class in the 3rd trimester between the 28th to 36th weeks as the techniques you learn will be beneficial in late pregnancy.

  • Yes, we offer Private Active Birth classes if you prefer at our centre or your home. Please contact our office to discuss your individual needs.

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