
What Will You Tolerate? Pushback or Acceptance: What We Allow Shapes Our Lives, 3 Things to Never Tolerate

In a world where mistreatment, exploitation, and taking advantage of others have become distressingly common, it is crucial to examine the concept of tolerance and its impact on our lives. 

Tolerance refers to the level of acceptance or endurance we exhibit towards unfavorable circumstances or treatment. 

This article delves into the importance of being mindful of our tolerance levels, recognizing when they are being exploited, and the necessity of pushing back against such situations.

Table of Contents

The Culture Behind Tolerance

Society’s conditioning has a profound influence on our perception of tolerance.

From an early age, we are often taught to be polite, understanding, and accommodating-especially women.

While these values hold merit, they can be taken to an extreme, leading to individuals tolerating mistreatment and exploitation.

The subtle interweaving of beliefs that wear people down emotionally and psychologically has normalized a higher threshold for tolerating unfavorable circumstances.

What are you tolerating today?

Tolerate is the Key Word

When we tolerate mistreatment or being taken advantage of, we may inadvertently allow toxicity into our lives.

Continuously accepting situations that undermine our self-worth can erode our confidence, self-esteem, and mental well-being.

Over time, this can lead to a sense of powerlessness, contributing to a cycle of exploitation and unhappiness.

Is Society wearing you down deliberately?

The Frog in Water...

As societal beliefs become deeply ingrained, the level of tolerance people exhibit often increases.

This dangerous phenomenon occurs for various reasons, including the fear of standing out, the belief that enduring hardship is noble, or even survival instincts in dire circumstances.

Unfortunately, this escalating tolerance level can trap individuals in a never-ending cycle of mistreatment, preventing personal growth and stifling opportunities for change.

Things to Never Tolerate

In a society that is built on exploitation, pushing back on the following understandably is easier said than done. 

Abuse and Mistreatment

It is essential to draw a clear line when it comes to abuse and mistreatment in any form. This includes physical, emotional, or verbal abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and any behavior that undermines our well-being and self-worth.

Tolerating such treatment not only perpetuates the cycle of abuse but also erodes our self-esteem and hampers our ability to lead a fulfilling life.

Discrimination and Injustice

We should never tolerate discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic.

Discrimination undermines the principles of equality and fairness, and tolerating it perpetuates harmful biases and prejudices.

It is our responsibility to stand up against discrimination and injustice, both in our personal lives and in society at large, and to actively work towards creating an inclusive and equitable world.

Exploitation and Manipulation

Tolerance should never extend to situations where we are being taken advantage of or manipulated for someone else’s gain.

Whether it’s in personal relationships, the workplace, or any other aspect of life, we should be vigilant against exploitation and manipulation.

This includes situations where our talents, time, or resources are consistently exploited without fair compensation or situations where our boundaries are consistently violated for someone else’s benefit.

Recognizing and refusing to tolerate such exploitation empowers us to prioritize our well-being and maintain healthy boundaries.

Let's Keep it Real

Pushback on these issues is not easy… and in some situations it can go against societal norms and expectations…

Societal Norms

Society often conditions individuals to conform to certain beliefs and behaviors.

We are raised with the idea that being accommodating, polite, and tolerant is virtuous.

This conditioning creates immense social pressure to conform and avoid rocking the boat.

Deviating from societal norms can result in criticism, ostracization, or even retribution, making it difficult for individuals to push back against these norms.


Pushing back against societal norms requires courage and a willingness to face potential consequences.

Speaking out against mistreatment or exploitation may invite backlash from those who benefit from the status quo.

Fear of losing relationships, job security, or being labeled as troublemakers often prevents individuals from challenging the norms they perceive as unjust.

Personal Beliefs

Society’s ingrained beliefs become deeply internalized, shaping our perception of what is acceptable and expected.

Over time, individuals may unknowingly adopt these beliefs as their own, making it harder to recognize when their tolerance is being exploited (hmmm…).

Breaking free from these internalized beliefs requires self-reflection, awareness, and a willingness to question the status quo.

Related: Is the Patriarchy Removing Independent Thought?

Societal Grooming

Societal norms are deeply rooted in culture and traditions, making them challenging to dismantle.

Cultural conditioning plays a significant role in shaping beliefs, values, and behaviors, making it harder to challenge long-standing practices.

However, cultural change is possible through education, awareness, and fostering critical thinking.

Isolation for Non-Compliance

Challenging societal norms can be an isolating experience, especially if one lacks a support system that encourages and validates their concerns.

Without support, individuals may doubt their own convictions and hesitate to push back.

Having a network of like-minded individuals, friends, or organizations that provide support and affirmation can make the process of pushing back against societal norms less daunting.

Overcoming these challenges requires a conscious effort to examine and question societal norms.

It involves embracing the discomfort of standing up against injustice, advocating for change, and challenging the narratives.

By doing so, individuals can create a ripple effect that inspires others to question, challenge, and redefine societal norms, leading to a more just and inclusive society.


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