Windows Tip: Cascade, Tile, Stack, or Side-by-Side Windows from Taskbar


There is a window management feature that has been right there on the Taskbar for a very long time and yet I haven’t noticed until lately. If you have lots of windows open and would like to have a peek what’s on those application windows. Other than snapping, minimizing, maximizing, or moving them around, there is a better way.

Simply right-click on the Taskbar and choose one of three window management options, Cascading windows, Show windows stacked, or Show windows side by side.

Window Management Option from Taskbar - Windows Tip: Cascade, Tile, Stack, or Side-by-Side Windows from Taskbar

Cascading windows arranges all your open window in a cascade mode, allowing you to see all their title bars at once.

Cascading windows taskbar 600x288 - Windows Tip: Cascade, Tile, Stack, or Side-by-Side Windows from Taskbar

Show windows stacked option lets you arrange your windows stacked vertically on top of each other. It works great on a display in vertical mode but isn’t very helpful for typical wide-screen display.

Show windows stacked on Taskbar 600x323 - Windows Tip: Cascade, Tile, Stack, or Side-by-Side Windows from Taskbar

Show windows side by side option is more interesting. It allows you to have Windows automatically arrange all your open windows side-by-side with each other, very useful for multitasking on large, wide screen monitors.

Show windows side by side on taskbar 600x321 - Windows Tip: Cascade, Tile, Stack, or Side-by-Side Windows from Taskbar

After you choose one of these three options, you will also see an “Undo” option from the same right-click context menu to revert the layout back to the way it was.

Window Management Option undo option - Windows Tip: Cascade, Tile, Stack, or Side-by-Side Windows from Taskbar

Note #1 – these window management options only work on the open windows. Any minimized windows will remain minimized and will not show in any of these three layouts.

Note #2 – make sure you undo one option before choosing another one. The “undo” option only reverse one step back. Let’s say you selected “Show windows stacked” and switch it to Side-by-Side right after. You won’t be able to go back to the way it was before all your open windows stacked. You will have to end up restoring them manually.

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  1. What do you do when you accidentally get the application windows stuck in side-by-side sizes? How do you reset? Don’t tell me Windows 7 doesn’t remember windows sizes and positions. They wouldn’t be stuck, if that were the case. There is a way, but I’ve forgotten and can’t find the answer searching the Internet

  2. my task bar does not have the opions to stack side by side options. there is some preference setting I can not find.


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